Research Article February 05, 2025
Banana Peels as an Alternative Livestock Nutritional Source: Chemical Composition and Meta-analysis
Anna De Angelis*
ARTOAJ is a dynamic journal for publishing research reports, short communications, Critical Reviews in Agricultural Economics and Farm Management, Agronomy, Forestry, Animal Science, Food Technology, Soil Science, Home Economics, Agricultural Extension, Rural development, Environmental Biology and Agricultural Engineering. The goal of the journal is to publish articles on new and emerging fields and concepts for providing future directions to promote agricultural research globally. It is a unique journal covering all the disciplines of crop sciences online notepad, animal sciences, fishery sciences, forestry sciences and natural resources management sciences, to stimulate interest in inter-disciplinary research. The journal will catalyze policy development on issues impacting rational agricultural growth and development globally.
Anna De Angelis*
Botir Usmonov and Sarvar Rejabov*
Ouerghi Khadija, Zgallai Hatem*, Bedoussac Laurent, Justes Eric and Bahri Haythem
Adel M Ghanem*, Khalid N Alrwis, Mohammad H Alqunaibet, Mohamad Alnafissa, Othman S Alnashwan, Abdul Aziz M Alduwais, Yosef A Alamri, Sattam F Almadrra and Sharafeldin B Alaagib
Adel M Ghanem*, Khalid N Alrwis, Mohammad H Alqunaibet, Mohamad Alnafissa, Othman S.Alnashwan, Abdul Aziz M Alduwais, Sattam F Almadrra and Sharafeldin B Alaagib
Hui-Ju Chang & Hsin-Mei Ku*
A K Indoria*, Munna Lal, K Srinivas, K L Sharma, K Sammi Reddy, S Kundu, G Pratibha, V K Singh, Brajendra Parmar, S Suvana, G P Pandurang, M Prabhakar, Manisha and K V Rao
Andrew Manu*, Vincent Kodjo A, Thomas JL, Ama Twumasi D and Amisu Mohammed