
Prof. Dr. Maia Akhalkatsi

Prof. Dr. Maia Akhalkatsi is a full professor of the faculty: School of Natural Sciences and Engineering, Ilia State University (ISU); Council Member of School Natural Sciences and Engineering and Head of Department of Plant Genetic Resources, Institute of Botany, ISU. She was graduated from Faculty of Biology of the Tbilisi State University in 1981. PhD thesis in botany: "The ultrastructure of trichomes of Urticaceae family members” defended from Komarov Botanical Institute (St. Petersburg, Russia) in 1986. She worked as a researcher at the National Academy of Sciences of Georgia in the Institute of Botany since 1985 and she is head of department of Plant Genetic Resources since 2002. In 1997, graduated the certificate course as postdoctoral researcher in International Research and Exchanges Board (IREX), Portland University, Portland, Oregon, USA. Since 2015 she is a council member of School Natural Sciences and Engineering and founder of Botanical Society of Georgia.

Honorable Editors

Edward L Kick

North Carolina State University
USA View Profile

Research Interest:
Agricultural and Resource Economics, Ecology of Food and Nutrition, Social Science Research


Roger A Williams

The Ohio State University
USA View Profile

Research Interest:


Han Bao

Michigan State University
USA View Profile

Research Interest:


Randy Davis

KD Yellow Rose Ecological and Watershed Services
USA View Profile

Research Interest:


OP Perera

USA View Profile

Research Interest:


Vadood Mousavi

Agrochemicals & Plant Protection Professional
USA View Profile

Research Interest:


Walid Nosir

Zagazig University
USA View Profile

Research Interest:


Christopher Robin Bryant

University of Guelph
Canada View Profile

Research Interest:
Agriculture in and around cities and metropolitan centers; Community development; Land use planning; Strategic development planning for communities, Organizations and agriculture; Resilience building for communities exposed to flooding and climate variability; Adaptation of agriculture and tourism development to climate change and variability

Christopher Bryant has a PhD from the London School of Economics and Political Science (1970) and has been Professor at the Universities of Waterloo (1970-1990) and Montréal (1990 to 2014) and is currently Adjunct Professor, School of Environmental Design and Rural Development, University of Guelph (2012 onwards), and he is also Adjunct Professor, Geography Department, University of Montreal (2014 onwards).

Adalat Khan

Canada View Profile

Research Interest:


Mohamed Abdel Hameid Abdein

Northern Border University
Saudi Arabia View Profile

Research Interest:
Plant Genetics, Genetic Engineering, Molecular Biology, Quantitative Genetics, Gene expression, Genetic Diversity, Plant breeding, Plant tissue culture, Plant breeding for disease resistance, Environmental stress


Tarek Kapiel

Al Baha University
Saudi Arabia View Profile

Research Interest:
Plant Biotechnology; Plant Molecular Biology; Plant Tissue Culture; Plant Tissue Culture and Genetic Transformation; Plant Molecular Genetics; plant genetics; Plant Breeding; Cytogenetics; Genetic Variation; Phylogenetic; Low Cost of Plant Tissue Culture Technique; Botany; Biology; Biotechnology; Bioinformatics; Molecular Biology; Ecology; Chemistry; Biodiversity; Conservation Biology; Climate Change; Biochemistry; Environmental Science; Evolutionary Biology; Sustainable Development; Microbiolog

Dr. Tarek Kapiel is currently working as Assistant Professor, of Plant Biotechnology at Biology Department, Faculty of Sciences and Arts, Al-Baha University, KSA; and Division of Cytology and Genetics, Department of Botany, Faculty of Science, Cairo University (on leave). He holds a Bachelor of Science from the Department of Botany in 1986, Faculty of Science, Cairo University and he received a Master degree in Genetic Engineering and plant tissue culture from the Division of Cytology and Genetics, Department of Botany, Faculty of Science, Cairo University, in 1986. He received his Ph.D. degree in the field of Genetic Engineering, Plant Tissue Culture and Biotechnology, in 2004 in collaboration with the Institute for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology at the University of Menoufia and Clemson University, SC, USA. He was working as Visiting Scientist at the Faculty of Life Sciences and Forestry, Department of Horticulture, Clemson University, South Carolina and then later worked as a Visiting Professor at the same institution. He worked as Scientific Advisor and Mentor at Governor School of Science and Mathematics, South Carolina, U.S. He also served as a consultant of Southern Sun Microsystems Research Company. He represented the Academy of Scientific Research and Ministry of Higher Education in many International forums, such as the Jordanian-Egyptian joint Synchrotron, and the granting of the European Union and the Organization World Intellectual Property Organization. He attended many specialized training courses and he is a member of several associations and scientific bodies, and participated in several national scientific projects.

Farid Sabra

Qassium University
Saudi Arabia View Profile

Research Interest:


Suhad Abu Mweis

The Hashemite Univeristy
Jordan View Profile

Research Interest:


Basem Aljoumani

Technical University Berlin
Germany View Profile

Research Interest:
Monitoring water flow and solute transport by sensor techniques and modeling those using stochastic and deterministic methods with the objective of optimizing scheduling irrigation and keep the soil in good condition in terms of salinity and fertility

Basem Aljoumani as a Research Scientist awarded a Postdoctoral researcher funded by Alexander von Humboldt foundation in the Technische Universität Berlin, Department of Applied Geosciences, Hydrogeology Research Group, Gremany. The title of his project is “Soil water and salt distribution in irrigated arid area: modeling soil water and solute transport in El Gouna field conditions”, he hold a Bachelor in soil science from Damascus University, Syria, a Diploma in Agro-Food Marketing from Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Zaragoza (IAMZ), Spain, a MAS in agricultural and environmental economics from Universidad Politecnica de Valencia, Spain, a doctorate in soil and water management from Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya, Spain.

Zina Flagella

University of Foggia
Italy View Profile

Research Interest:
Influence of genotype, environment and management on cropphysiology, yield and quality of herbaceouscrops. The following topics are object of special focus: - Influence of abiotic stress on cereal technological quality and protein composition evaluated by a proteomic approach; - Nitrogen and water use efficiency in cereals - Environmental stress physiology in herbaceouscrops - Influence of genotype, environment and management on healthy quality and antioxidant activity of cereals and pseudocereals

Zina Flagella is full Professor of Agronomy and Herbaceous crops at the Department of Agricultural, Food and Environmental Sciences (SAFE), University of FOGGIA – Italy. She is also coordinator of the master degree in "Food Science and Human nutrition" and member of the academic Senate of her University, Member of the European networks: “Expert working group (EWG) on “Durum genomics and breeding”; EWG on “Improving wheat quality for processing and health”; EWG on “Adaptation of Wheat to abiotic stress”. She is Reviewer of PRIN and FIRB projects of the Ministry of University MIUR, Reviewer of a Chilean government program for funding research (CONICYT) and for NKFIH, the main organization in Hungary for funding basic research. Since 2000 she was involved in 19 peer review research projects of the ministry of University MIUR and of the Ministry of Agriculture MIPAAF, being research leader in 11 of them. She is member of the Editorial board of “Italian Journal of Agronomy”, Member of the Steering committee of the “Italian Society for Agronomy” SIA, for two electoral mandates (2008- 2009 and 2010-2011). She is author of 144 publications on peer reviewed journals, books and proceedings. She is reviewer for many international peer reviewed indexed journals. She was/is member of the following scientific societies: SIA (Italian Society of Agronomy), ESA (European Society of Agronomy), ASA (American Society of Agronomy), SIFV (Italian Society of Plant Physiology), ACC (American Association of Cereal Chemistry), AISTEC (Italian Society of Cereal Technology), SINU (Italian Society for Human Nutrition). She is head of the teaching committee of the PhD Course “Innovation management of agri food systems in the Mediterranean region” and member of the professors committee of the Ph.D. course “Food quality and human nutrition”. Since 1998-1999 she held 40 courses at the different bachelor and master degrees of the Agricultural Faculty. Now she holds the master degree courses of “Crop Physiology”, "Quality of crop production" and “Nutritional and health quality of crop production”.

George D Broufas

Democritus University of Thrace
Greece View Profile

Research Interest:
Crop Protection; Agricultural Sciences; Acarology


Maia Akhalkatsi

Ilia State University
Georgia View Profile

Research Interest:
Domestication of cultivars; Crop wild relatives; Plant genetic resources; Plant conservation; Biodiversity

Maia Akhalkatsi is a full professor of the faculty: School of Natural Sciences and Engineering, Ilia State University (ISU); Council Member of School Natural Sciences and Engineering and Head of Department of Plant Genetic Resources, Institute of Botany, ISU. She was graduated from Faculty of Biology of the Tbilisi State University in 1981. PhD thesis in botany: "The ultrastructure of trichomes of Urticaceae family members” defended from Komarov Botanical Institute (St. Petersburg, Russia) in 1986. She worked as a researcher at the National Academy of Sciences of Georgia in the Institute of Botany since 1985 and she is head of department of Plant Genetic Resources since 2002. Chairman of NGO Georgian Society of Nature Explorers Orchis” (GSNE) in 1997-2011. In 1997, graduated the certificate course as postdoctoral researcher in International Research and Exchanges Board (IREX), Portland University, Portland, Oregon, USA. Alexander von Humboldt Foundation Fellowship in 1997-1999, Heinrich Heine University, Düsseldorf, Germany. Since 1997 she is a member of the Botanical Society of the United States and Germany. In 2006 defended Doctor of Biological Science thesis “Structural and functional aspects of plant reproductive strategies" at the Institute of Zoology, National Academy of Sciences of Georgia. The major lines of research: plant anatomy, morphology and reproduction, biodiversity, plant genetic resources, etc. She published 95 research papers. In Ilia State University works since 2006. Since 2015 she is a council member of School Natural Sciences and Engineering and founder of Botanical Society of Georgia.

Elena Rakosy

Babes Bolyai University
Romania View Profile

Research Interest:


Atef Nassar

Ain Shams University
Egypt View Profile

Research Interest:
Modern irrigation and drainage systems,Crop water consumptive use, Water, Soil and Plant relationships,Developing irrigation systems to conserve water in arid land agriculture


Mohamed Fathy Salem

University of Sadat City
Egypt View Profile

Research Interest:
He is interested in Supplier Quality Assurance, Fermentation Technology, Food Mycology, Food Safety Management of Dairy Products, Food Safety Management of Fish and Fishery products, and Food Safety Management of Meat and Meat product.

Mohamed Fathy Salem is a university lecturer and consultant of Plant pathology, and Organic Farming. He had his Ph.D. in plant pathology and biotechnology. He has a good knowledge and experience in International Plant Protection Convention. He has a good experience in multicultural institutions in Egypt and Switzerland. He is doing his scientific research in Biodynamic agriculture, organic agriculture, biopesticides that are work in accord with the protection and the sustainable development of the Mediterranean region based on a legal framework (the Barcelona Convention and its Protocols), biofertilizers, bioremediation, biofumigation, environmental assessment, environmental monitoring and observing, environmental policy research, scientific Programme management, composting. He is working in the Methyl Bromide new alternatives i.e. Soil Solarisation, Soil Solarisation in Orchards, Nematode Resistant Cultivars, Hydroponics and soil-less system, Grafting, Compost, Biofumigation for controlling agricultural pests and reduce the emissions of methyl bromide, and mushroom biotechnology. He has a strong ability to conduct his research in the subject matter like fungal biotechnology, microbiology, organic agricultural, biodiversity, composting, mushroom biotechnology, biopesticides and biofertilizers. He is a group leader for more than 18 postgraduate students (Ph.D. and M.Sc). He has the capability to provide a leadership to assessment teams in the field of organic farming and solving practical problems that arise in this field. He has a good experience in African agriculture through multiple collaborations with different partners in Africa, like IITA in Nigeria, Kenya and Ghana. He is interested in food security and knowledge of food safety that provides a basis for the development of intervention strategies at all staged between production and consumption, with the aim of preventing food borne diseases. These strategies include inspection by government agencies which he is take part in and educational campaigns directed at food handlers, process operators and people preparing food. The points of intervention vary in accordance with the nature of the food chain in different countries including my country Egypt. In Egypt, for instance, a significant proportion of the food consumed is purchased from street vendors. Finally, he has fifteen years of relevant experience in agricultural or rural development in developing and African countries.

Ayman MH Esh

Sugar Crops Research Institute
Egypt View Profile

Research Interest:
Plant-pathogen Interactions and Plant-endophytic Bacteria Interaction; Developing Detection and Identification methods (economic, fast and accurate) for Soilborne and Airborne Pathogens of Sugarcane and Sugar Beet; Studying the Genetic Diversity between the Isolates of the same Pathogen using Morphological and Physiological and Molecular Techniques; Control of Plant Diseases caused by Soilborne and Airborne Pathogens.

Ayman MH Esh is a Head of Plant Pathology and Entomology Research Department, Sugar Crops Research Institute (SCRI). He received his B.A. (1986), M.Sc., (1992), and Ph.D. (2000) in plant pathology from the University of Zagazig, Egypt. In 1994 he became an assistant researcher in the department of sugar crops pest and pathology research, Sugar Crops Research Institute, Research Center, Giza, Egypt, then Researcher in 2000, Associate Professor of research 2006 and Professor of research (2010). In 2011 he became head of the department. Through the years he also received a second PhD in molecular biology and genetic engineering from the Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology Research Institute, Sagat University, Egypt (2013). He also received a higher diploma degree in laser applications in biotechnology and agriculture from The National Institute of Laser Enhanced Sciences (NILES), Cairo University (2007). He received so many national and international training programs, Postdoctor and visiting scholar concerning sugar crops pathology and detection of plant pathogens, molecular biology and bioinformatics. He also worked on many international projects as a post doctor and as a CoPI. Dr. Esh Lab. focused on research topics and studies on the host - pathogen interaction and on finding and identifying molecular markers for sugar crops, diseases espacially sugarcane as well as the molecular identification of pathogen races. On the other hand, the lab also focusing on the use of the endophytic and phyllosphere organisms in improving plant growth and controlling diseases. He demonstrated extraordinary efforts in helping and training agricultural engineers and supervisors of agricultural growers to raise the level of awareness and develop profound knowledge in controlling sugar beet and sugarcane diseases and pests to increase the level of production also, training many of the trainees from the middle east universities in molecular biology and biotechnology. He has also published has 35 publications. In addition to successful research he is a very productive writer, He co-authored 3 books on special topics in global disease of sugar beet, and sugar cane as well as his last chapter on molecular Markers and Phytopathology. He is also active in collaborative research. He is a reviewer and editor in a number of national and international scientific Journals.

Nagdy F Abdel Baky

Mansoura University
Egypt View Profile

Research Interest:


Ibrahim Draz

Plant Pathology Research Institute
Egypt View Profile

Research Interest:


Bakenaz A Zeidan

Tanta University
Egypt View Profile

Research Interest:
Groundwater and solute transport; Seismic and stability analysis of reservoir dams; Finite Element modeling in porous media; Rivers & lakes restoration; Nile River hydro-politics

Bakenaz A Zeidan is a professor of Water Resources and Head of Irrigation and Hydraulics Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Tanta University. Currently, she is a visiting Scholar at civil and environmental engineering department, UC Berkeley, USA. She teaches both undergraduate and graduate civil engineering students; courses related to water engineering, and numerical modeling. She has more than 50 international published papers covering scientific research and high education reform, on farm water management, Nile water conflict, seepage, groundwater quality modeling, FEM simulation, seismic dam design and analysis. She participates in more than 80 scientific events. She supervises more than 25 MSc and PhD dissertations. Active member of NGWA, ICOLD, USSD and many other scientific organizations. Peer reviewer for international water journals. Board editorial member for many international water and agriculture journals. Focal Point of Tanta University for ministry of irrigation and water resources-Egypt. Board member in Egyptian wing of Delta Alliance in Foundation Delta Alliance International. Founder of Tanta University Water Research and Technology Centre TUWRTC. Volunteer based part time- Coordinator of Engineering Syndicate in El-Gharbiya Branch. Volunteer- Board Member of the National Supreme Committee for Election.

Yahya Eid

Kafrelsheikh University
Egypt View Profile

Research Interest:
Animal science; Biochemistry; Nutritional biochemistry; Physiology; Biotechnology; Research & development; Scientific consultants

Yahya Eid got his Ph.D. (2003, biochemical science and biotechnology) from faculty of agriculture, Kagoshima University- Japan. He was worked as visiting professor and researcher in Italy and Japan. Currently he is full professor in the department of poultry production, Faculty of Agriculture, Kafrelsheikh University, Egypt. He is member in the scientific council of Kafrelsheikh University; beside he is acting as vice president of the world poultry science association - Egypt branch. He was elected as president of Mediterranean poultry network of world poultry science association (WPSA) (2012-2014). He is working under the major research theme “biochemical and biotechnological approaches to enhance poultry production for better human health and safer environment” and has more than 50 publications.

Ahmed Elkazzaz

National Research Centre
Egypt View Profile

Research Interest:
Microbial genetics; Plant cell and tissue culture; Gene isolation; Gene transfer; Biotic; Abiotic stresses

Ahmed Elkazzaz is emeritus Professor from 2013 in the Department of Plant Biotechnology. He was appointed as head of the department for a period of 2005-2008. He supervises MSs and PhDs students. He is a researcher and deputy major and a member of the 17 projects, a founding member of the Egyptian Society for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology, A member of the promotions committee of Biological Sciences and Biochemistry and a member of “Safety and Occupational Health Committee Participation in the 5 international conferences and in 13 conferences locally. He got a certificate of appreciation from National Research Center for discrimination in the research outputs from the year 2009. He has participated in some visits and in scientific missions outside Egypt. He participated in seminars and courses training and teaching. He has attended a training course in gene transformation at ICGEB in India. His Post Doctorate studies in Poland awarded from UNESCO. He is a reviewer of some international scientific journals. He is a reviewer of some local and internal projects and of some masters and doctoral degrees. He has Published 53 researches in fields of Microbial Genetics, plant cell and tissue culture, gene isolation and gene transfer and biotic and abiotic stresses.

Dimitris Tsaltas

Cyprus University of Technology
Cyprus View Profile

Research Interest:


Endrit Kullaj

Agricultural University of Tirana
Albania View Profile

Research Interest:
Environmental Physiology and Pre-Breeding of Horticultural Crops; Sustainability in areas of Stress Physiology; Biocontrol; Genetic Resources and Policies.

Endrit Kullaj is a lecturer and senior consultant in horticulture technology, including the herb sector. Beside his intensive research career authoring more than 100 publications and coordination/participation in about 25 international research projects, he has served as a consultant in many sustainable development projects by GIZ, ADA, WB, USAID, UNDP, SNV, and has offered his expertizes to ERM, EON, European Consultants, etc. In particular, he has been working with GIZ, ADA and UNDP for the establishment of marketing cooperatives of medicinal plant collectors in remote mountainous areas, implementing best practices and organic systems. His free-lance involvement in the last 12 years as inspector for organic products for two German large certification bodies has enabled him to closely monitor the quality system of large exporters of medicinal and aromatic plants in Albania and Kosovo. Furthermore, as part of his teaching and research, he has supported the fruit tree sector in Albania with implementation of fruit production and storage technologies, in particular the post � harvest and processing.

Frank Veroustraete

University of Antwerp
Belgium View Profile

Research Interest:


El Rasheed Salim

Ministry of Industry
Sudan View Profile

Research Interest:


Eltighani Elamin

Agricultural Economics & Policy Research Center
Sudan View Profile

Research Interest:


Cuneyt Bagdatli

Nevsehir Haci Bektas Veli University
Turkey View Profile

Research Interest:
Irrigation and Irrigation Systems in Agriculture, Watershed Management, Global Climate Change and Hydrology, The Management of Water and Soil Resources, The Use of Remote Sensing and Geography Information Systems (GIS) in Agriculture, Agricultural Water Quality and GIS modelling, Heavy metal pollution in soil and water, Fitoremediation, The System Management in Automatic Irrigation

M. Cuneyt Bagdatli is working in Nevsehir Haci Bektas Veli University? Faculty of Engineering and Architecture, Department of Biosystem Engineering in Turkey since 2014. He completed Ph.D. level in Biosystem Engineering area of Namik Kemal University and M.S. Level in Selcuk University, Department of Agricultural Structures and Irrigation in Turkey. He worked as a research assistant in Namik Kemal University, Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Biosystem Engineering (2008-2013). He served as project head and researcher in 18 projects supported by Universities. He is having 70 articles in Journals and Syposium, Conference on Irrigation, Hdrology, Climate Change, Hydrology, Watershed Management, Water quality, Remote sensing and GIS mapping, The system management in automatic irrigation, fertilization, pesticide and greenhouse. Heavy metal pollution in water and soil.

Farhad Mirzaei

Animal Science Research Institute of Iran
Iran View Profile

Research Interest:
Animal Production, Livestock production, Dairy farming systems, Rural Development, Animal husbandry production


Dheyaa yousuf

Ministry of Science & Technology
Iraq View Profile

Research Interest:
Plant breeding (cereals, and sunflower); Crop production and management; Bio diversity and Genetic resources; Genotype - environment interaction

Dheyaa B Yousuf was born in Nenava, Iraq on 2 Feb.1959. He graduated from Al-Jumhowria High School in baghdad, Iraq 1977, and from the University of Mousel with a Bachelor of agricultural Science in Field Crops Department in June 1981. He serves in the Iraqi Army during 1981-1985. He awarded the Masters of Science degree in field crops department, College of Agriculture at the University of Baghdad in 1987. In March 1988 he was one of the Faculty of Agriculture staff as an assistant researcher and researcher in 1991. He worked as a junior plant breeder. He developed the 1st variety of corn in Iraq for spring cultivation in 1994. Then he completed his Ph.D. study during 1994-1997 with excellent degree in plant breeding (corn breeding). Three years later of his education, he awarded a visiting scientist for CIMMYT for 3 months during February-May 2000. He worked as a consultant and then project manager in the Research Center of Industerial crops during 1995-2003. He came on active duty in 2006 as a Head of Center of Plant Breeding & Genetics and still today. Following, he was an active membership in the National Committee of Registration and Release of Plant Variety in Iraq (2007-2012) and the National Committee of Plant Genetic Resources in Iraq (2008-2013). In 2008, he worked as a senior breeder for sunflower using cytoplasmic male sterility with the Ministry of Agriculture during 2008-2012. Al-Marmooka International Company for Machines, Equipment and Agricultural Supplies, Iraq was invited him to be a consultant during 2011- up to date. He have deduced and/ or developed 2 dent corn, 2 popcorn varieties, 2 bread wheat and 2 durum wheat cultivars, 1 triticale cultivars which are released for wide cultivation in Iraq and have registered 2 sunflower hybrids as a senior breeder. Whereas, he have contributed in deducing and developing 3 bread wheat cultivars, 1 triticale cultivar and 1 mutant cotton variety. However, 2 patents submitted during 2016. He is the national coordinator for ARASIA project (RAS5048, during 2007-2012).

Yalcin Kaya

Trakya University
Turkey View Profile

Research Interest:
Sunflower; Oil crops; Plant breeding; Hybrid seed production; Broomrape; Crop improvement

Yalcin Kaya started to work in Turkish Ministry of Agriculture in 1990 at the extension service of Aksaray as Field Crops Specialist. He appointed to Trakya Agricultural Research Institute-Edirne in 1994, he worked in National Sunflower Project 1994-98. He made M Sc in University of Nebraska – Lincoln US in 1996-1998, and Ph D in Trakya University in 1999-2001 on sunflower breeding. In December 1998, he became National Sunflower Project Leader and National Sunflower Research Coordinator. He worked as deputy Director in institute 10 years. He made Post Doctorate on sunflower molecular Breeding in USDA Sunflower Research Unit at Fargo, ND in US in 2004. He became Associated Professor in June 2011. After leaving from institute, he appointed to Trakya University in December 2013 as Associated Professor. In 2014 April, he became the director of Plant Breeding Research Center in Trakya University. In May 2014, he became the Head of Department of Genetics and Bioengineering at Engineering Faculty at Trakya University. At national level, he was founder and former President of Turkish Plant Breeders Association. In May 2014, he became President of Turkish Plant Breeders Union. At International level, he is serving now as the president of International Sunflower Association and board member of Black Sea Biotechnology Association in Sofia, Bulgaria. He is also the research coordinator of FAO Sunflower Network from 2010 to present. He has organized many plant breeding, statistical analysis and experimental designs, and five International conferences and symposium. He has served in scientific committee of many international symposiums and conferences until today. He serves also as editor and referee of some scientific journals and attended many congresses, conferences and meetings as invited speakers. He published more than 160 papers in scientific journals, writing book chapters, etc…

Korkmaz Belliturk

Namik Kemal University
Turkey View Profile

Research Interest:
Soil productivity; Plant nutrition; Soil and water pollution; Fertilization; Soil ecology; Compost and vermicompost

Korkmaz Belliturk was graduated from Trakya University, Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Soil Science in 1996 as top student of the department. At the same year, he both started to MS in institute of natural and applied sciences in Trakya University and work as research assistant in Trakya University, Department of Soil Science. He worked as research assistant in the same department between 1996 and 2007. He is working as Assistant Professor in Namık Kemal University, Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition since 2007. And then, he was assigned to lecture for one week each within the context of Erasmus teaching staff mobility at Trakia Democritus University in Greece in 2011 and at University of Technology and Life Sciences in Poland in 2013. He was assigned for 3 months between 11 July and 11 October at “the University of Vermont” in Vermont-USA to take a part in a project called “use of soil earthworms in agriculture”. He served as project head and researcher in 16 projects supported by Tübitak, Trakya University, Namık Kemal University, Bilecik Seyh Edebali University and Bozok University Scientific Research Projects Units. He have 85 articles on soil science, soil ecology, plant nutrition, soil fertility, soil chemistry, soil-water pollution, ecologic agriculture, soil earthworms and fertilization topics as research articles and papers presented in domestic and abroad scientific meetings. Also, 8 of them are the articles published in international periodicals cited by international science indexes (SCI). He won 12 months research scholarship at “The University of Vermont” in Vermont-USA for the second term of 2013 in the context of Tubitak 2219 International Postdoctoral Research Scholarship Program.

John Omueti

University of Ibadan
Nigeria View Profile

Research Interest:
Soil mineralogy; Soil minerals; Methods of identification and determination of soil minerals; Chemical and mineralogical characterization of soils; Geochemistry of fluorine in soils; Pedology; Soil chemistry; Sorption processes in the soil; Neutralizing soil acidity; Soil organic matter; Environmental soil chemistry; Organic waste management, Compost; Organic agriculture

John Ajayi Omueti received the B. Sc degree in 1972 from the University of Ibadan, Department of Agronomy as the best student (Soil Science Option). Following his brilliant performance, he was given Staff Development Award and Ford Foundation Fellowship. In January, 1973 he proceeded to the University of Illinois, Urbana, USA where he obtained his M.S. and Ph.D degrees in 1974 and 1976 respectively in Soil Mineralogy / Chemistry. He returned to the University of Ibadan, Nigeria to start his teaching career. He progressed from Lecturer Grade 2 through the professional ranks to the grade of full Professor in 1991. He rose to become Head of Department, 1993-1996 and member of the University Governing Council, 1993-1998. He has been a member of the University Senate from 1991-till present. His Scientific Contributions to knowledge are documented in over 100 Research Paper Publications. He has trained 15 Ph.D and 70 M.S. Students, some of whom have themselves become Professors and have risen to be Deputy Vice-Chancellors, Deans and Directors in academia and Research Institutes throughout the world. He is a member of several Professional Associations and currently he is serving as a member of the Board of Trustee of one of them-- Nigerian Organic Agriculture Network (NOAN) from 2009 -till present. He was a former Assistant Editor, 1987-1994 of Nigerian Journal of Soil Science. He also served as a member of the Editorial Board of Agriculture and Forestry Bulletin of the Faculty of Agriculture & Forestry, University of Ibadan, 1987-1989. He was a member of the Editorial Board for the Proceedings of National Conference on Water Pollution, 1981-1983. He is a reviewer in a number of National and International Agricultural and Soil Science Journals. In 2005, he was inducted a Fellow of the Institute of Human and Natural Resources, FHNR. In 2010, he received two additional honorary Fellow awards, FSSSN from Soil Science Society of Nigeria and FIIA from the Institute of Industrial Administration of Nigeria.

Mathews Mathunny

Rubber Research Institute of India
India View Profile

Research Interest:
Urban agriculture; Assessment of soil quality for plant productivity; Water management; Soil survey & classification; Soil fertility study; Kinetics of soil chemical process; Carbon inventory methods; Geotherapy; Simulation & Modelling

PerielathuMathunny Mathews, Former Agriculture Research Services scientist of Indian Council of Agricultural Research was born on May 30, 1963 in New Delhi, India. He was later shifted to a Boarding school in the beautiful mountains of Nilgiris. Later he trying to understand complex soil physics differential equations he found Johann Strauss waltz, polkas and quadrilles very rejuvenating. He visited Northern Africa seven times and spent some time talking to great Agronomists Dr Peter Huxley (oxford) and Dr Paul Fanning (USA) who would invite and generate interest in Mathews to study Agriculture. Going around the experimental fields in Sahara desert with scientists, driving interior into deserts and seeing various kinds of vegetables and orchards filled Mathews with wonder how barren soils can feed a hungry nation. He was amazed at the sight of Libyan oasis which watered the camels and harboured various kinds’ varieties of dates, peaches olives and pomegranates which the smiling Bedouins consumed for time immemorial. He was received his BSC degree in 1983. He won national scholarship and joined MSc programme in the same university. Rock Phosphate was an important mined product imported into India. So he was asked by his mentor to make the product useful by skipping the reaction with sulphuric acid because sulphur was also an expensive product and less available in the country. His research proved that when the rock is powdered and mixed with slurry from dairy farm, it can replace industrially manufactured and expensive superphosphate almost fully in neutral and acid soils. He was joined for Ph.D. programme in 1986. Almost a year left to finish PhD, Late Dr Malcolm E Sumner from USA visited Punjab Agricultural University and imparted his “Diagnostic and recommendation Integrated System” a revolutionary thinking that helped to manage fertilizer requirement of the crops anywhere in the world. His visit was followed by the coming of Late Dr Willard L Lindsay from Colorado State University, USA. These mentors were the best perhaps the world has ever known who gave Mathews deeper understanding of soil sciences. While he was working on his PhD thesis he recalls his telephonic calls with Late Dr Stanley Arthur Barber who was a leading exponent on mechanistic nutrient uptake model. Later Dr Barber sent a letter of appreciation and mentioned his inability to consider him for a faculty position in Purdue University, temporarily due to lack of funds. He came back to his native place of Kerala, now he with Rubber Research Institute of India. He is interested in Guayule agriculture and planning multilocation trials in arid and semi-arid regions of the world. He is interested in scientists who work in Guayule across the globe. He is concerned about growing deforestation and loss of biodiversity in the tropics. He hopes to run errands to spread the message of this wonder plant making successful recovery of the wastelands. He strongly supports gender equality, poverty alleviation, rural employment and international development. That’s the reason he seeks to propagate the ideologies of United Nation System.


University of Horticultural Sciences
India View Profile

Research Interest:
Crop improvement in cereals; Oilseeds pulses and horticultural crops and mulberry; Dryland agriculture and horticulture; Genetics and cytogenetics and biotechnology of all agricultural crops; Indirect selection through non-parametric approach; Fog damage and resistance breeding in crops; Resistance to rodents and birds in crops

Dr.B.G.Prakash did his Ph.D in Genetics and Plant Breeding from UAS, Bangalore in 1991. Presently, he is working as Professor at College of Horticulture, Mysuru and University Head for Crop Improvement and Biotechnology Division for University of Horticultural Sciences, Bagalkot (Karnataka, India). He has guided three M.Sc.(Hort.) students with concentrating on postgraduate, undergraduate teaching and also research. He has handled six research projects mainly with conservation of Crop Diversity. He has received many awards and honors. He has more than seventy research papers to his credit including International papers. He is presently a Member of Editorial Board of Current Research-ARIC, Hissar, India, Journal of Plant Science and Molecular Breeding-Herbert, London and also acting as an Office bearer-Indian Society of Plant Breeders, TNAU, Coimbatore, India. He is presently acting as a member for RAC for CSGRC, Hosur, India. He has reviewed many articles for various National and International journals such as Journals of SABRAO and International Germplasm Newsletter. He has worked in many fields such as Crop Improvement in Horticultural, Agricultural and Mulberry crops: Rodent resistance in rice field; Rice ratooning; Report of Fog damage mode for first time in agricultural crops: Indirect selection using AAV for first time in mulberry and groundnut. He has released two varieties in Horse gram viz., GPM-6, BJPL-1 and one variety in sunflower and he was collaborator for release of other three varieties in Groundnut, Sunflower and Foxtail millet crops. Further he has developed eight technologies in agriculture.

Bharati C Mirajkar

University of Agricultural Sciences
India View Profile

Research Interest:


Robert Thangjam

Mizoram University
India View Profile

Research Interest:
Plant biotechnology; Plant molecular biology; Plant tissue culture; Natural products of plants; Transgenic plants


Gopal Nagarajan

University of Madras
India View Profile

Research Interest:
Plant Pathology, Plant Molecular Biology, Transgenic plants, Characterization of secondary metabolite and Enzyme, Host Pathogen interaction, Electron Microscopy


Rakhal Samui

Agricultural University
India View Profile

Research Interest:


Joseph George Ray

Mahatma Gandhi University
India View Profile

Research Interest:


Tapash Dasgupta

University of Calcutta
India View Profile

Research Interest:


Faruque Hossain

American International University
Bangladesh View Profile

Research Interest:
Much of his experience focused on researching the use of Climate change and Food security; Soil C dynamics and Accounting stroages; Environmental contamination and Remediation; Nutrient cycling; Budgets and management in different farming and Cropping systems; Soil survey; Classification; Mapping and reporting to improve the environmental and agricultural production on Canadian and tropical countries ecosystems

Faruque Hossain is currently the Professor, Department of Operations Management, American International University - Bangladesh. Prior to this position, he was Cropping System Scientist and Country Manager of the CIMMYT-Mexico-USAID in Bangladesh, Environmental Program Coordinator of Health Canada, Environmental Scientist of Natural Resources Canada, Soil Scientist of Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Research Associate of Rothamsted-Research, UK, Faculty and Research Associate of Dhaka University. He has more than twenty five years of research, teaching and project management experience in environmental and agricultural development in soil, water and plant biomass eco-systems. He obtained his Doctorate Degree in Soil, Water and Environmental Sciences from Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine, University of London, UK under the British Government Scholarship. He also obtained his BSc (Honors) and MSc (Thesis Group) Degree from University of Dhaka (Dept of Soil, Water and Environmental Science) in 1987 and 1988, respectively and secured First Class First Position. He is a reviewer of minimum fifteen international refereed journal publications and an internal reviewer at the Natural Resources Canada and National Science Foundation of USA. Editor in Charge, Canadian Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Research. Associate Editor, Advances in Plants and Agriculture Research. He is affiliated with more than seven professional organizations in United Kingdom, USA and Canada. He published more than 50 scientific articles in Elsevier and Canadian journals and written more than 15 books/reports for the various governmental and non-governmental organizations. His scientific publication was included four times in the list of Top 25 Hottest Articles within the Journals (Elsevier, Science Direct, Website: http://top25.sciencedirect.com. Journal of Field Crops Research, Apr-Jun 2005, 12th place and Journal of Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, Oct-Dec 2005, 22nd place; Jan-Mar 2006, 3rd place; Apr-Jun 2006, 18th place; Jul-Sep 2006 20th place. In 2006, he received Merit Award from Earth Science Sector Natural Resources Canada for exceptional achievement in the Arctic land use change and greenhouse gas monitoring and accounting project. In May 2014, he received prestigious STEM Gold medallion by Coppin State University, Baltimore, Maryland, USA for the best research contribution in 2nd International Symposium on Sustainable Science, Technology, Human Health and Environment for a Global Society.

Tariq Mukhtar

Pir Mehr Ali Shah Arid Agriculture University
Pakistan View Profile

Research Interest:
My interests are in applied and basic research in Plant Pathology. My basic research efforts are on the identification of plant pathogenic fungi, bacteria and nematodes by using conventional, biochemical and molecular approaches. My applied interests have focused on managing diseases of various crops particularly vegetables using Integrated Management Practices by using numerous disease management practices including resistance, cultural practices, and chemical and non-chemical methods of disease control.

Tariq Mukhtar got B.Sc. Hons., M. Sc. Hons. and Ph. D. degrees in Plant Pathology. Then he did Post Doctorate from University of Reading, UK. He served Plant Protection Department for 15 years and rendered consultancy services to farmers. During this period he have also been associated with Pest Warning/Pest Forecasting of major insect pests and diseases and assured quality of pesticides. Since 2006, he served the University in the capacity of Assistant Professor, Associate Professor and Professor. He has involved in teaching post graduate courses and supervising M. Phil and Ph. D. students. He has produced many M. Phil. and Ph. D. students. He have completed and running many research projects funded by renowned funding agencies. He have participated and presented research papers in scores of international and national conferences. He has published about 85 papers in renowned national and international journals. He is serving different journals as editor, associate and section editor. He is life member of eight learned academic societies. He have served and serving as technical advisor (Plant Pathology) in selection boards of various research organizations and universities. He is a permanent member Academic Council of the university, Faculty Board and Board of Studies of different Departments of Plant Pathology in various universities.

Bipin Bihari Mishra

Haremaya University
Ethiopia View Profile

Research Interest:
Pedology & Geomorphology; Land use planning; Soil classification; Photopedogenesis; Soil based Climate Change Mitigation & Flood Management

Bipin Bihari Mishra as Professor in Pedology at Haremaya University in Ethiopia having long experience in Soil Science/ Land Use Planning vis-a-vis Natural Resource Management as well as Soil-based Mitigation option of global climate change. He have developed a new chapter in soil science “Photopedogenesis” and proposed the “Indian System of Soil Classification” besides some aspects of mitigation of climate change. He worked as visiting soil scientist under World Bank Project in Ethiopia (2001-05). In his home country, he worked under Rajendra Agricultural University, Pusa (Bihar) as well as Bihar Agricultural University, Sabour as Assistant Professor, Associate Professor and University Professor in soil science until 30th June, 2016. He worked as founder Registrar in a newly created Bihar Agricultural University, Sabour. He also served as Chairman, Department of Soil Science & Agricultural Chemistry as well as Chief Soil Survey Officer and Associate Dean-cum-Principal, Bihar Agricultural College, Sabour. Then, he is appointed in Haremaya University, Ethiopia on the post of Professor (Pedology). With his higher research at the Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi for Ph.D. programme, he underwent for system analysis of soil/land following nuclear techniques and remote sensing and trust on my excellence to contribute to sustaining the earth. Additionally, he is the Chair Person of a Task Group for “Universal Soil Classification” under the International Union of Soil Science. Besides, he is also the National Editor of “The Soils of India” under World Soils Book Series, which is being published shortly by Springer Switzerland in 2017.

Associate Editors

Beilei Wu

Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, China

Francisca Castilla Polo

University of Jaén

Sarada Krishnan

University of Colorado, USA

Edwin Suarez

Sackett Potatoes, USA

Ratna Karan

University of Florida, USA

Sami Z Akasheh

University of Nebraska-Lincoln, USA

Guihua Chen

University of Maryland, USA

Tharindu Weeraratne

The University of Texas, USA

Shu Li

Penn State University, USA

Patricio cid

The Pennsylvania State University, USA

Marc Redmile Gordon

University of Bristol, UK

Abbas Amini

Western Sydney University, Australia

Iacopo Golasi

Sapienza University of Rome, Italy

Gregg Evans

Autonomous university of Aguascalientes, Mexico

Ionel Bondoc

University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Iaş, Romania

Abeer M Mousa

Atomic Energy Authority, Egypt

Atef Nassar

Damanhour Univerisity, Egypt

Wahid Awad

Cairo University, Egypt

Naceur Mhamdi

University of Carthage, Tunisia

Kaveh Ostad-Ali-Askari

Islamic Azad University, Iran

Dhia Hussain Jassim

University of AL-Qadissiya, Iraq

Hossein Kazemi

Gorgan University of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, Iran

Sedat Karadavut

Trakya University, Turkey

Sezer Sahin

Gaziosmanpasa University, Turkey

Ayhan Tozluoglu

Duzce University, Turkey

Jafar Ullah

South Asian University, Bangladesh

Kephas Indangasi

Trade and International Development, Kenya

Mohamed Ali Abd El Satar Ali

Field Crops Research Institute

Darshan T Dharajiya

Ganpat University, India

Sandeep Sharma

CSIR-Central Salt & Marine Chemicals Research Institute, India

Bhaskara Phaneendra

National Bureau of Soil Survey and Land Utilisation Planning, India

Puspendu Dutta

Uttar Banga Krishi Viswavidyalaya, India

Sunila Kumari

Centre for Agri Solutions and Technology, India

Abhay Pandey

National Plant Quarantine Station, India

Chitranjan Sharma

The National Academy of Sciences, India

Jiban Shrestha

Nepal Agricultural Research Council, Nepal

Shahid Iqbal

The University of Agriculture, Peshawar, Pakistan


The University of Agriculture Peshawar, Pakistan


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Prof. Dr. Maia Akhalkatsi

Prof. Dr. Maia Akhalkatsi

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