Juniper Publishers Reprinted Article

Patients’ Awareness and Perception towards Dental Implants: A Survey Among Out...

Published: December, 2017

Pages: 10

The objectives: To determine and identify patients knowledge, potential barriers and to compare between gender, socio-economic status and level of education regarding dental implan...

Management and Treatment of Glioblastoma

Published: December, 2017

Pages: 22

Glioblastoma (also known as glioblastoma multiform) is the most common primary brain tumor in adults. It remains an unmet need in oncology. Complementing an earlier discussion of p...

The Effect of Drought on Phytochemical active Compounds Content in Chamomile and...

Published: December, 2017

Pages: 12

The effect of drought stress conditions on the phytochemical compounds content of German chamomile (Matricaia chamomilla L.), common yarrow and summer berries yarrow (Achillea mil...

Screening and Diagnosis of Gestational Diabetes Mellitus

Published: November, 2017

Pages: 8

Pregnancy is a diabetogenic state manifested by insulin resistance and hyperinsulinemia. The resistance stems from the placental secretion of diabetogenic hormones, incl...

Mast Cell Infiltration and Leukotriene Receptor Expression in Colorectal Adenoma...

Published: October, 2017

Pages: 8

The prevention of the malignant tumor is thought to be early detection, because the mechanism that tumor cells result, and progresses has not been yet made clear. We have already ...

Neuromuscular Scoliosis: Current Concepts on Surgical Care

Published: October, 2017

Pages: 6

Scoliosis is a common deformity in many types of neuromuscular disease. The orthopaedic surgeon is often the first physician who is required to diagnose and treat a young patient w...

Computational Modeling Studies of the LRRK2 Protein in the Mechanism of Parkins...

Published: September, 2017

Pages: 10

Parkinson’s disease is a disorder of the nervous system, affecting movement. The most common gene mutation is said to be in the Leucine- rich repeat kinase 2 (LRRK2) gene, which...

Not Just Folk Medicine: Myofascial Cupping in the Tech Age!

Published: September, 2017

Pages: 6

You saw it on the Olympian swimmers in the 2016 Games, on Michael Phelps, on the backs of actresses sashaying down the red carpet, including Gwyneth Paltrow, Jessica Simpson, Victo...

Tumor Liberated Protein (TLP)

Published: August, 2017

Pages: 6

A tumor Associated Antigen (TAA) was isolated from Non Small Cell Lung (NSCL) cancer and named TLP, by Tarro [1]. The immune is to chemical analysis reveale...

The Importance of Dose-Time-Response Relationships for Hazard Identification and...

Published: August, 2017

Pages: 8

Historian Heiko Stoff has recently sketched a fascinating controversy in the 1950’s on chemical risk assessment [1]. Two renowned scientists in the Farbstoffkommission (Dye Commi...

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