A tumor Associated Antigen (TAA) was isolated from Non Small Cell Lung (NSCL) cancer and named TLP, by Tarro [1]. The immune is to chemical analysis reveale...
Historian Heiko Stoff has recently sketched a fascinating controversy in the 1950’s on chemical risk assessment [1]. Two renowned scientists in the Farbstoffkommission (Dye Commi...
Graduate programs in Engineering have immediate applications for the fields of Agricultural Engineering and Technology, but they also are relevant to Rural Development, Agricultura...
Bacteria’s are the primitive form of the organisms that evolved millions of years ago and still, exist in our society. Like other animals, bacteria’s have the power of sensing ...
The word ‘cancer’ is of Latin derivation and means crab. By the turn of the 20th Century organized medicine had come to the conclusion that it was not a matter of whether infec...
A possibility of effective therapeutic action on biological objects of intensive physical and chemical factors jointly with biologically active substances in ultra-low doses and wi...
Novel approaches in cancer therapy have emerged in recent years. It is well-established that tumors tend to have a different antigenicity than normal cells, thereby triggering an i...
In contrast to episodic migraine, chronic migraine tends to be associated with a multitude of medical and psychiatric comorbidities. If they are taken into consideration, it is gen...
New data obtained in the past five years have significantly increased our understanding of sound propagation within the heads of dolphins. Results of Au et al. [1] reinforce the no...
We report two cases of false positive results regarding Dual test for first trimester non invasive diagnosis of chromosomopaties, describing how different paths may be present even...