Juniper Publishers Reprinted Article

Use of Cortically Fixed at Once Implants for the Treatment of Atrophic and Extr...

Published: February, 2018

Pages: 8

Dentist and patient have limited treatment options for management of extremely atrophic jaws. The Cortically Fixed at Once implant system was developed to meet challenges in...

Protein – Protein Interactions and Protein Folding as Therapeutic Targets

Published: February, 2018

Pages: 6

The process of protein folding to native protein was one of the most peculiar processes which is ravelled by many of the anti microbial agents and genetically altered cells and...

Channels and Transmitters Involved in Trigeminal Nociception

Published: February, 2018

Pages: 6

The understanding of pain and its underlying pathophysiology remains an active research area. We aim to review the most recent insights in molecular pathways involved in nocicepti...

The Advantages of Being Multi-Disciplinary

Published: February, 2018

Pages: 4

When I started my path in college toward a career, I chose physics as my field of study. After 4 ½ years, I received my B.S. degree in physics. After graduating, I...

A Novel Approach to Developing in Vitro Culture Method for Enhancing Anti-Cance...

Published: January, 2018

Pages: 3

Cell therapies using adult stem cells have been shown to be efficacious in many diseases that cannot be treated effectively by conventional treatment methods and are widely ...

Advanced Uterine Cervix Squamous Cell Carcinoma in 17 Year Old Adolescent -Case ...

Published: January, 2018

Pages: 8

Introduction: Cervical cancer is the third most frequent tumor in the female population worldwide and fourth cause of death of women from cancer in Brazil. Natural history of cerv...

Corneal Remodeling to Correct Presbyopia: Mechanism of A Shape-Changing Corneal ...

Published: January, 2018

Pages: 6

Presbyopia is the inability to focus on near objects which physiologically manifests around 40 years of age due to reduction in elasticity of the crystalline lens causing a reduc...

Tryptophan Depletion Bioreactor, a New Cancer Therapy

Published: December, 2017

Pages: 6

The cancer therapeutic strategies known to date are not adequate for all cancer patients. Most of them are followed by a high rate of side effects and complications. The L-tr...

Optimizing the Extraction of Procyanidins Oligomers through Decamer

Published: December, 2017

Pages: 10

The extraction of procyanidins from a food is influenced by food matrix, extraction solvent, sample particle size, sample to solvent ratio, as well as other factors. Many of ...

Magnesium Sulfate: A Versatile Anesthetic Adjuvant

Published: December, 2017

Pages: 7

Magnesium sulfate has long been used to prevent seizures in parturients with preeclampsia. Additionally, it has been used in patients with status asthmaticus or...

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