Volume 1 Issue 4

Mini Review Published In: January, 2019
A LGBTQ+ Patient Approach: Challenges and Possibilities in the Palliative Care Logic
Mateus Aparecido de Faria* and Gislaine Alves de Souza

DOI: 10.19080/PMCIJ.2019.01.555566

Research Article Published In: January, 2019
Nursing Interventions in Terminal Ill Patients. How Much do we Care?
Hortensia Castañeda Hidalgo*, Dolores E Hernández Herrera, Esbeidy Vega Infante, Ángeles H Moreno Llanos, and Angélica López Pastrana

DOI: 10.19080/PMCIJ.2019.01.555567

Opinion Published In: January, 2019
Toward the Post-Mortem Care: A Necessary Turn Around
Giovanni Gurgel Aciole*

DOI: 10.19080/PMCIJ.2019.01.555568

Research Article Published In: January, 2019
Temporal and Spatial Patterns of Tuberculosis Mortality in Ceará
Dalila Augusto Peres1, Monica Cardoso Façanha2 and Antônio Brasil Viana Junior3

DOI: 10.19080/PMCIJ.2019.01.555569

Mini Review Published In: January, 2019
About Care, Palliative and Integrative Care and the Quality of Presence: Selfcare, Empathy and Trust
Anna Alice Amorim Mendes*

DOI: 10.19080/PMCIJ.2019.01.555570


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