Robotics & Automation Engineering Journal

The Robotics & Automation Engineering Journal is an Open Access, international peer reviewed online journal which is providing a platform to researchers, scientists, engineers and professionals throughout the world to publish the latest creations, future challenges and exciting applications of intelligent and self-ruling robots. RAEJ is aiming to push the bounds of robotics into a new aspect, in which motion and skills play equally important roles. The term Robotic automation refers to the automation of industrial and clerical processes using robots, of various forms. Robotic automation software refers to a class of software products used in that latter, clerical, context. Robotic process automation is the application of technology that allows employees in a company to configure computer software or a robot to capture and illustrate existing applications for processing a transaction, managing data, provoke responses and communicating with other digital systems.

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Research Article February 20, 2024

Optimal Location of UPFC and Voltage Stability Analysis in IEEE- 14 Bus Network using CPF Technique and PSAT Software

Bedel Giscard Onana Essama*, Jacquie Therese Ngo Bisse, Joseph Koko Koko, Jacques Atangana, Salomé Ndjakomo Essiane and Jean Gaston Tamba

DOI: 10.19080/RAEJ.2024.05.555674


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