Honorable Editors
Alireza Heidari
California South University
USA View Profile
Nadeem A Kizilbash
Northern Border University
Saudi Arabia View Profile
Faisal Qatnan Alenezi
PAAET, College of Technological Studies
Kuwait View Profile
Renewable Energy (Photovoltaic Systems, Wind Turbines, etc.); Generation, Operation and Control; Transmission and Distribution; Protection & Relays; Harmonic Analysis & Stability; Electrical Measurements and Instrumentations; Linear Systems Analysis and Control; Power Electronics; Advanced Electronics; Impact & Applications of Nanotechnology
Ridha Gharbi
Kuwait Oil Company
Kuwait View Profile
Nanotechnology Application; Fluid Flow in Porous Media; Reservoir Management, Reservoir Simulation; Production Optimization; Enhanced Oil Recovery; Application of Nanotechnology for improving hydrocarbon recovery, and Artificial Intelligence
Hani Tabba
Qatar University
Qatar View Profile
Synthesis and Reactions of Hetrocyclic Compounds; Synthesis of Organic Compounds of Biological and Pharmaceutical Interest; Organic Electrochemistry & Cyclic Voltammetry/ Electrochemical Studies; Ionic Liquids and Polymer Chemistry; Chemistry of Petroporphyrins; Pro-Drug Synthesis & Green Chemistry
I am an Organic Chemistry professor (citizen of USA) with extensive experience in teaching, research, and academic administration in addition to expertise in accrediation , quality assurance and strategic planning of academic institutions.
Kristina Olson Pupek
Lake Superior State University
USA View Profile
Vladimir Mitkin
University of Virginia
USA View Profile
Mechanics of Fluids; Gases and Plasma; Nano-particles; Experimental and analytical study of waves and vortices in stratified and/or rotating liquids; High speed gas flows including shock waves; Aerobreakup; Drops; jets; Complex fluids; Rheology; Multi-phase flows
Guanghui Han
BGI Americas Corporation
USA View Profile
Protein therapeutics characterization,Biomarkers discovery,Mass Spectrometry Center
My current work is focusing on developing novel methods and platforms for protein therapeutics characterization, and further provide high quality Mass Spec data for customers via state-of-the-art Mass Spectrometers. Previously, I have worked on characterizing therapeutic antibodies, bispecific antibodies, PEG-Fab conjugates, antibody-drug conjugates (ADCs), protein-ligand interaction, MHC complex and membrane protein complexes. Also have developed techniques and methods for biomarkers discovery of cancer and diabetes by LC-MSMS based protein post-translational modification (phosphorylation and O-GlcNAcylation) analysis at both large-scale proteome level and individual protein level.
Max Cary
Akron University
USA View Profile
Arts and Sciences; Biological Sciences; Biology; Microbiology; Biochemistry
Susan E Senogles
University of Tennessee Health Science Center
USA View Profile
Yingxu Wang
Stanford University
USA View Profile
Contemporary disciplines of Intelligence Science, Robotics, Knowledge science, Computer Science, Information Science, Brain Science, System Science, Software Science, Data Science, Neuroinformatics, Cognitive Linguistics, Computational Intelligence, and Engineering Systems
Yingxu Wang is professor of computational intelligence, cognitive systems, brain science, software science, and denotational mathematics. He is the founding President of International Institute of Cognitive Informatics and Cognitive Computing (ICIC). He is Fellows of BCS, ICIC and WIF, P.Eng of Canada, and Senior Members of IEEE and ACM. He has held visiting professor positions at Oxford University (1995), Stanford University (2008 | 2016), UC Berkeley (2008), and MIT (2012), respectively. He received a PhD in Computer Science from the Nottingham Trent University, UK, in 1998 and has been a full professor since 1994. He is the founder and steering committee chair of the annual IEEE International Conference on Cognitive Informatics and Cognitive Computing since 2002.
Abbas Amini
Western Sydney University
Australia View Profile
Engineering drawings; Mechanicals systems; Vibration; PBL: Project-Based Learning; Ethics and engineering practices; Finite element analysis; Computer aided design
Proficient in: Nano-bio-tech; 15 years experience in teaching and research; 8 years experience in industry as an engineer; Member of Work Health and Safety Committee, Western Sydney University (WSU); Registered Member of Graduate Supervisory Board, School of Engineering, WSU Australian Postdoctoral and Senior Research Fellow for 6 years; Published journal papers, including 11 papers in Nature journal
Michael Klages
University of Gothenburg
Sweden View Profile
Deep Sea technology (ROV, AUV, Lander, moorings), deep-sea observatory technology; Factors controlling deep-sea benthic biodiversity (role of physical disturbance, gradient formation); The role of necrophagous amphipods in deep-sea food webs; Polar ecology; Applied Sciences; Marine Technologies
Luiz Pereira
University of Aveiro
Portugal View Profile
Nanostructures; Nanomodelling and Nanofabrication; Development and electro-optical characterization of Organic Light Emitting Diodes (OLEDs) for general and decorative lighting and Organic Photovoltaics (OPVs) for low cost applications; large area organic devices (OLEDs and OPVs) for architectural and mobile (including wearable) applications; Devices and Sensors
Draga Toncheva
University in Sofia
Bulgaria View Profile
Medical Genetics; Molecular Genetics; Genomic Medicine; Human Genetics; Genetics; Biology
Vladimir V.Lukov
Southern Federal University
Russia View Profile
Magnetic studies to 4K, single crystal anisotropy, electron spin resonance spectroscopy, optical and EXAFS spectroscopy, paramagnetic NMR studies.
From 1964 till 1974 Lukov studied at the Rostov Secondary School of General Education №72 and finished the course with a gold medal. In 1974 he entered the Rostov State University, Department of Chemistry and graduated from this Department in 1979. He got the diploma with honours according to which he was qualified as a teacher of Chemistry. In 1979 he took the post graduate course at the department of the Physical and Colloid Chemistry of the Rostov State University and in 1983 he defended the dissertation. Lukov was conferred the degree of Ph.D in physical and inorganic chemistry. From 1983 till 1985 he worked as a researcher at the Rostov State University, since 1986 he have been working as a teacher of Physical Chemistry at the same University. In 2000 he defended the doctoral dissertation titled " Magnetochemistry of mono-, bi- and threenuclear transition metal complexes with hydrazone ligands ". Lukov was conferred the degree of Doctor of Science in Chemistry. Current Appointment – Full Professor, Chair of the Physical and Colloid Chemistry of the Southern Federal University (former Rostov State University).
korkmaz belliturk
Namık Kemal University
Turkey View Profile
Soil Productivity, Soil Reclamation, Plant Nutrition, Soil and Water Pollution, Fertilization, Soil Ecology, Compost and Vermicompost.
He graduated from Trakya University, Faculty of Agriculture, and Department of Soil Science in 1996 as head of the department. At the same year, he both started to M.S. in institute of natural and applied sciences in Trakya University and started to work as research assistant in Trakya University, Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Soil Science. He assumed title “MSc Engineer” in 1998 and “Ph.D” in 2004. He worked as research assistant in Trakya University, Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Soil Science between 1996 and 2007. He is still working as Assistant Professor in Namık Kemal University, Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition since 2007.
Hasan Murat Aksoy
Ondokuz Mayis University
Turkey View Profile
Plant Bacterial Diseases; The determination and control of plant bacterial diseases; Identification of plant bacterial diseases agents, and Biological control of plant diseases and pests; Biological Control
Ram Chander Sihag
CCS Haryana Agricultural University
India View Profile
Ecologist educator researcher Apiculturist Environmental biologist Distinguished Teacher Education Manager and Administrator
Prof. (Dr.) Ram Chander Sihag is a distinguished teacher and educationist of International reputation. He did his Graduation in Biology, Masters’ degree in Zoology and Doctorate degree in Apiculture / Environmental Biology. From November 1979 to January 2012, he had been on the faculty of CCS Haryana Agricultural University, Hisar in different capacities as Assistant Scientist, Honey bees (1979-1988); Associate Professor & Research Leader, Beekeeping (1988-1995); Professor, Apiculture/ Environmental Biology (1995-2012); Head, Department of Zoology & (1997-2000, 2011-12) and Dean, College of Basic Sciences & Humanities (2001-2006) and now an Independent Researcher and Extension Worker (Bees and Beekeeping) since February 2012 .
Gopal Dixit
Centre of Research in Ethnobotany
India View Profile
Effect of fertilizer factory wastes on biological and root-knot disease parameters in different cultivars of Tomato and other vegetables. The suitability and efficacy of certain concentrations of fertilizer wastes has been evaluated both at lab and field trials to establish non- chemical practices for root-knot disease caused by Nematodes.
Dr Gopal Dixit is working as Head of Botany department and Centre of Research in Ethnobotany in Upadhi PG College (MJP Rohilkhand University), Pilibhit, India. He is mentoring and teaching Botany & Environmental Science from last 25 years and guiding students in the completion of their projects/ dissertations. He is actively engaged in research activities specially on Plant Physiology, Pathology, Biochemistry and Ecology n Environment etc. along with Ethnobotany of Indo- Nepal sub Himalayan terai region of Rohilkhand division of UP state of India. He has published more than 50 research papers in peer reviewed and indexed journals of National and International repute. He is serving as Associate Editor, Editorial board member, reviewer in various journals. Dr Dixit is performing challenging responsibilities as a Chairman of the International Board of Ethnomedicobotany and also as Faculty in the World Academy of Medical Sciences (WAMS). He is a founder President of an NGO “ Environment Conservation Organisation “( ECO)
Ram Chander Sihag
CCS Haryana Agricultural University
India View Profile
Ecologist educator researcher Apiculturist Environmental biologist Distinguished Teacher Education Manager and Administrator
Prof. (Dr.) Ram Chander Sihag is a distinguished teacher and educationist of International reputation. He did his Graduation in Biology, Masters’ degree in Zoology and Doctorate degree in Apiculture / Environmental Biology. From November 1979 to January 2012, he had been on the faculty of CCS Haryana Agricultural University, Hisar in different capacities as Assistant Scientist, Honey bees (1979-1988); Associate Professor & Research Leader, Beekeeping (1988-1995); Professor, Apiculture/ Environmental Biology (1995-2012); Head, Department of Zoology & (1997-2000, 2011-12) and Dean, College of Basic Sciences & Humanities (2001-2006) and now an Independent Researcher and Extension Worker (Bees and Beekeeping) since February 2012 .
Associate Editors
Viet Phuong Pham
Sungkyunkwan University
Chi-Yi Tsai
TamKang University
Chien-Kuo Han
Asia University
National Taiwan University
Ching-Yen Tsai
Institute of Molecular Biology, Academia Sinica
Su-Yi Tsai
National Taiwan University
He Liu
Jiangnan University
Jian Zhang
Shanghai Jiao Tong University
Waseem Ghazi Alshanti
University of Jordan
Sushil Kumar
Oregon Health and Science University
Dafang Wang
Delta State University
Guanfeng Liu
University of Southern Queensland
Henrique de Amorim Almeida
University of Aveiro
Alessio Ishizaka
University of Portsmouth
Isaac Boateng
University of Portsmouth
Ilaria Cacciotti
University of Rome
Pavol Hvizdos
Slovak Academy of Sciences
Mohamed Ragoubi
Université de Lorraine
Birendra Adhikari
University of Alberta
Salhi Nasrine
Kasdi University Merbah Ouargla Laboratory of Saharan Bio-resources
Vimal Kishor Singh
Delhi Technological University
Adeel Ahmed Siddiqui
Dow University of Health Sciences
Mona Saad Ali Zaki
National Research Center
Faheem Shahzad Baloch
Abant Izzet Baysal University