Oceanography & Fisheries Open Access Journal
Oceanography and Fisheries Open Access journal (OFOAJ) is a peer reviewed, premium quality journal that aims to showcase advanced research in the field of Oceanography and Fishery science and all the related areas. Oceanography is the study of marine ecosystems, including the biological, chemical and physical aspects while Fisheries deals with several aspects of marine biology as well as limnology, fish population dynamics, conservation and several related subjects. OFOAJ publishes a wide variety of articles like research papers, review papers, case reports and short communication in all the concerned areas.
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- Marine biology
- Marine conservation
- Marine Physics
- Marine Microbiology
- Marine Technology
- Aquaculture
- Seafood technology
- Marine ecology
- Fish biology and ecology
- Chemical oceanography
- Marine laws
- Limnology
- Commercial fish farming
- Wild fisheries
- Fishery management
- Coral reef ecology and conservation
- Marine mammals
- Genetics and evolution
- Biogeochemistry
- Aquatic toxicology
- Shellfish assessment
- Coastal Science
- Ectotooxicology
- Harmful Algae & Red Tides
- Volcanoes
- Carbon Cycle
- Ocean Acidification
- Hurricanes
- Earthquakes
- Ocean Circulation
- Polar Research
- Fukushima Radiation
- Beach Closures
- Oil Spills
- Ocean Observatories
- Moorings & Buoys
- Underwater Vehicles