Honorable Editors

Ahmed Mousa Elkalla

Al-Azhar and King Faisal Universities
Saudi Arabia View Profile

Research Interest:


Mahmoud Helmy Mohamed Abd-Allah Belal

Damanhour University
Egypt View Profile

Research Interest:


Jiang Qiting

Nanjing Medical University
China View Profile

Research Interest:


Janusz Jankowski

University Hospitals of Morecambe Bay NHS Foundation Trust, Kendal
England View Profile

Research Interest:

Leadership:Head of Department, Leicester; Co-Director, Oxford; Vice-Dean, Plymouth; PVC, Central Lancashire. Board Roles: Chief Executive Officer; Treasurer; Executive Director; N.E.D.; Policy Adviser; National Chairs. Career Ethos:Described as capable, warm and collegiate especially in evolving diverse Knowledge Partnerships with Education/Research Creators, Public/Student Consumers and Policy/Oversight Custodians.

Daifallah M Razeeni Al Mutairi

University of Essex
Saudi Arabia View Profile

Research Interest:


Francesco Pierconti

Catholic University of Sacred Heart
Italy View Profile

Research Interest:


CUC Anton An

Czech Technical University Prague
Europe View Profile

Research Interest:


Fulvio Mammarella

Universita degli studi di Roma La Sapienza
Italy View Profile

Research Interest:
Audiology, Hearing device, Hearing aid, Vertigo, Dizziness, Tnnitus

Fulvio Mammarella was born in Rome . He has studied medicine in University La Sapienza and got specialization degree ( certificate of completion of training ) in Audiology at the same center . He complete his study in hearing with a master in hearing implant device in University La Sapienza – Sant’Andrea and a second graduation in audiologist in University Tor Vergata .

Ozgur Karcioglu

Istanbul Education and Research Hospital
Turkey View Profile

Research Interest:
Resuscitation, Advanced life support, Pain management, Airway emergencies, Disaster medicine, Trauma and Toxicology

I was born in Aydin, Turkey, in 1969. I was graduated from Ege University Medical School in 1993. In 1994, I started my residency in Dokuz Eylul University Medical School, Department of Emergency Medicine.I conducted research on the “Role of end-tidal CO2 monitoring in patients intubated and resuscitated in the emergency department” as my thesis for specialty graduation in 1998.I have been working as a faculty member since September 1998 in Dokuz Eylul University Medical School, Dept. of Emergency Medicine. I have gained docentship title in October, 2004. In the meantime, I completed the Fellowship Program in International Emergency Medicine Pennsylvania State niversity, Dept. of Emergency Medicine, Hershey, PA in June-August 2005. I have served as the chairman of the department in DEU between April 2005 and September 2007. I have been in charge of the ED of Istanbul Bakirkoy Research and Training Hospital for the Turkish Ministry of Health between 2007 and 2009. I have served as a faculty member in Acıbadem University Medical School, Dept. of Emergency Medicine between 2009-15. In the meantime (2011), I have also participated in the refreshment work for the Joint Commission International (JCI) certification in the Acibadem Bakirkoy Hospital. At the end of 2015 I started serving in the Dept. of Emergency Medicine, Istanbul Education and Research Hospital, Fatih, Istanbul.I have served as a founder and a board member of The Emergency Medical Association of Turkey between 2007 and 2009, and also member of The American College of Emergency Physicians, National Association of Trauma and Emergency Surgery, Association of Emergency Physicians, The European Society of Emergency Medicine-EuSEM. I have full command of spoken and written English. 112 articles of mine were published or accepted in international peer-reviewed journals and 61 in national ones. I have contributed in three books as editor, and authored fourteen chapters, besides three translation. I have given lectures and joined in educational activities in various symposia and seminars. I have also contributed in a total of 76 abstract presentations in scientific congresses and meetings. I’m serving as a member of The Editorial Board or associate editor of some Turkish journals as well as in The Journal of Trauma and Emergency Surgery, The World Clinics Journal of Medical Sciences and The World Clinics Journal of Pediatrics, WebMedCentral Emergency Medicine Speciality Editor (http://www.webmedcentral.com/wmc_editors), Emergency Medicine - Open Journal Editorial Board Member, Western Journal of Emergency Medicine (Reviewer), Human and Experimental Toxicology (Reviewer), Journal of Emergency Medicine and Intensive Care (Editorial Board Member), and International Scholarly Research Notices- Emergency Medicine (Editorial Board Member). Twenty-two research projects have been conducted as specialty graduation thesis in our department under my supervision so far. I have also been serving as a member of the Commission for the Fifth- and sixth-year Medical Students’ Curriculum and the Committee for Active Medical Education. I have worked as the associate director of the eight-week training program of ‘Management of Trauma Victims’ embedded in “Task-based learning” sessions in fifth-year pre-graduate medical curriculum. I also serve as an instructor of the American Heart Association-based Basic and Advanced Cardiac Life Support Course. I was awarded with a “Fellowship of Emergency Medicine Association of Turkey” (FEMAT) in 2017. My book project entitled ‘Trauma Surgery’ is going on currently.

Richard John Nichol

University of The Free State
South Africa View Profile

Research Interest:


Gowhar Ahmad

SN Medical college
India View Profile

Research Interest:
Special Interest in Squint and Ptosis Surgery R O P Screening Oculoplaty and Neurophthalmology


Lazaro Robaina Ruiz

University of Cambridge
Spain View Profile

Research Interest:
Spinal surgery; Hand surgery; Foot surgery, Hip and knee arthroplasties

Robaina Ruíz Lázaro, is an orthopedic surgeon with areas of specialization in Spinal Surgery, Surgery of the hand and upper limbs; Arthroplasty of hip and knee; Arthroscopy of knee and shoulder; Foot surgery. In 1989: Graduate of Medicine degree from the University Hospital "Calixto García", University of Havana, Cuba with qualifications on salient. In 1995: Graduated Specialist in 1st Traumatology and Orthopedics of the Orthopedic Teaching Hospital "Frank País", University of Havana, Cuba, excellent qualifications. In 1995: Training in hand surgery and micro surgery in "Calixto Garcia" University Hospitals and in "Carlos J Finlay." University of Havana, Cuba. In 1995-2000: He worked as a Specialist in the surgery of the hand and upper limb in the Surgery Unit at the hand of the Orthopedic Teaching Hospital "Fructuoso Rodríguez", University of Havana, Cuba. In 2000: Performs Felow of 6 months, in Thorn Surgery in Hospital "Hermanos Amejeiras"; In addition to Diplomate (3 months) International Clinic "Cira García", (January to April 2005), Havana, Cuba. In 2001 - 2008: Worked as Specialist of Traumatology and Orthopedics and Leader of the Service of spine, thorax and pelvis of the Orthopedic Teaching Hospital "Fructuoso Rodríguez". University of Havana, Cuba. 2002 - 2008: He works as a collaborating spinal surgeon at the "Cira García" International Clinic in Havana, Cuba. In 2003-2008: Opposition of Teaching Professor Principal Instructor of Orthopedics and Traumatology of the Faculty of Medical Sciences of Havana, "Dr Calixto García", University of Havana; Rectoral Resolution # 939/03. In 2004: Opposition of 2nd Degree Specialist in Orthopedics and Traumatology, International Orthopedic Scientific Complex "Frank Pais". University of Havana. Outstanding Qualification. In 2009-2012: He worked as a specialist physician Assistant at the NGO "Infancia Sin Fronteras" in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic and Haiti. Specialist doctor of the Haitian children affected by the earthquake of 2010 transferred to Santo Domingo, Coordination of the specialized assistance with the University Hospital "Dr. Darío Contreras" in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic. In 2013 - 2016: Worked as a 2nd grade specialist in Traumatology and Orthopedics at the "Abel Gilbert Pontón" Specialty Hospital and Specialist in Traumatology and Orthopedics at the Guayaquil Arquidiosis Network of Medical Offices (REDIMA), Ecuador. In 2014 - 2016: I work as head of the Traumatology and Orthopedics Service of the "Dr. Abel Gilbert Pontón" Specialties Hospital and Specialist in Traumatology and Orthopedics of the Ecuadorian Society Pro rehabilitation of cripples in Guayaquil, Ecuador. (SERLI), fellow in Knee and Shoulder Artroscopy course in Miami Orthopedics & Sports Medicine Institute and the S.U.M Artroscopy Learning Center. Baptist Health South Coral Gables, Florida, July 2015- January 2016. In 2016: Defends PhD Holistc Osteopathy in Cambridge International University, Cum laude. In 2013-Current: Active member of A.O Spine and Biologic Orthopedic Society. He has published numerous scientific articles in national and international magazines. He is presently working as a specialist doctor in Centro Integral Private Hospital, Malaga, Spain.

John E Nathan

University of Alabama
USA View Profile

Research Interest:
Pharmacological; Non-Pharmacological Management of Challenging behavior of Children

Nathan received his DDS from Northwestern University in 1975 and completed a one year General Practice Residency at the V.A. Hospital in Chicago in 1976. He completed the three-year Residency Program in Pediatric Dentistry and M.DentSc degree from the University of Connecticut in 1979. He served as Assistant Professor of Pediatric Dentistry from 1979-86 and as Postgraduate Program Director at the University of Illinois from 1983-86, while serving as Visiting Assistant Professor, Depts. of Pediatrics and Surgery at Rush University Medical College from 1979-87. He is a Diplomate, American Board of Pediatric Dentistry, Fellow and Master, the American Society of Dentistry for Children, Fellow, American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry; he served as Consultant to the American Board of Pediatric Dentistry and Site Review consultant for the Council on Dental Accreditation. Nathan currently serves as Adjunct Professor, Depts. of Pediatric Dentistry, University of Alabama, Birmingham, and Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland. He also serves as Clinical Associate Professor, Dept. of Otolaryngology, Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine; Nathan currently serves on the editorial board of four journals and is Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Pediatrics and Neonatal, Nursing and the Journal of Otolaryngology and Rhinology. He is attending house staff at Childrens Memorial Hospital/Robert and Ann Lurie Childrens Hospital of Chicago since 1990. Nathan has been engaged in private practice limited to pediatric dentistry in Oak Brook and St. Charles, IL since 1986. He serves as a national expert, lecturer and spokesperson for the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry on child behavioral guidance and the pharmacological management of challenging pediatric dental patients. He is extensively published in this arena.

Adnan Catovic

School of Dental Medicine University of Zagreb
Europe View Profile

Research Interest:
Fixed prosthodontics and Implantology; Biomechanics of teeth and prosthetic appliances; Dental care for Elderly; Ergonomics in Dentistry

Adnan Ćatović is a specialist and primarius in Prosthodontics. He is full Professor of Fixed Prosthodontics and Geriatric Dentistry at the School of Dentistry, University of Zagreb and Dental Clinic University Hospital Centre in Zagreb, Croatia. He is a regular member of the Croatian Academy of Medical Sciences, graduated from the School of Dental Medicine in Zagreb 1977. He was research assistant at the Department of Fixed Prosthodontics, Faculty of Dentistry in Zagreb, university lecturer and research associate in 1987. He was an Associate Professor and senior research associate in 1995. and Full Professor and scientific advisor in 1999, Head of the Department of Fixed Prosthodontics, Faculty of Dentistry, University of Zagrebu from 1999 to 2001. He was Head of the Department of Fixed Prosthodontics, School of Medicine, Study of Dental Medicine,University of Rijeka from 2001 to 2003. Now he is the Head of the Geriatric Dentistry at the School of Dental Medicine University of Zagreb and Head of the Polyclinic of Dental Clinic University Hospital Center Zagreb. He was a lecturer at numerous scientific and professional conferences and has published over 150 scientific papers .He was a leader and principal investigator of the scientific project "Teeth, materials and prosthetics appliances in adolescent and geriatric population” author of two textbooks in Fixed prosthodontics and Geriatric dentistry and co author in textbook Geriatrics .He is a regular member of the Croatian Academy of Medical Sciences, editorial board Journal Medix, Croatian Society for Prosthetic Dentistry, Croatian Medical Association, European Prosthodontic Association (EPA) and the European College of Gerodontology (ECG). He is a member of several Editorial boards of the Journals in Dental Medicine.

Ricardo Jesus Monreal Gonzalez

Centro Medico MEDEX
South America View Profile

Research Interest:
Trauma, congenital and others acquired medical conditions involving: Shoulder; Elbow; Wrist; Hand; Microsurgery; Brachial plexus and Peripheral Nerves

Ricardo Monreal is a practicing orthopedic Surgeon surgeon with areas of expertise in Hand/Upper Extremity Surgery and Microsurgery. He earned his degree of Doctor of Medicine (MD) in August 1983 at the High Institute of Medical Sciences of Havana.In 1988 he completed his internship and post-graduation in Orthopedic Surgery at Calixto Garcia Teaching Hospital at Havana, Cuba. He has been involved in teaching and research. From 1983 to 2009served as professor of Orthopedics and Traumatology at the High Institute of Medical Sciences of Havana. In 2002, he obtained a PhD degree from the High Institute of Medical Sciences of Havana for his work in Surgical Treatment of Brachial Plexus. He has published over 40 peer-reviewed scientific papers, both nationally and internationally. He is a regular reviewer of the International Orthopaedics. In 2009, he joined to the America Board of Surgical Assistants. Later, in 2011 he moved to Lima, Peru where he played different roles, first as Director of the institute of Orthopedics and Traumatology at the Clínicas Maison de Santé (2011-2016) and currently, since 2016 Orthopedic Surgeon at the Centro Médico MEDEX.

Mauro Nunez Ramos

Universidad Ciencias Medicas
Central America View Profile

Research Interest:
Articles Medical Education, Pelvic and Acetabulum, Hip, Knee, Trauma, Arthroscopy, Hip and Knee Replacement, External Fixation, Cartilage Treatment


Mohamed Maher

Queen Elizabeth Hospital
UK View Profile

Research Interest:
Surgery; Plastic surgery; Wound healing; Skin oncology; Limb/extremity trauma; Hand surgery

Mohamed Maher was graduated from the Faculty of Medicine Ain Shams University in Cairo, Egypt in 2002; a leading medical school. He finished his foundation training in the landmark Ain Shams University Teaching Hospitals (ASUH), which is a nation wide tertiary care center. He always had a passion for surgery, and managed to secure a post in the plastic surgery department at ASUH as a registrar, which is a diverse department covering all disciplines of plastic surgery. Scholastically he completed a Masters Degree in surgery. Since then he has worked in different tertiary centers in the Middle East. In 2010 he became a member of the Royal college of Physicians and Surgeon of Glasgow. In 2012 he further pursued his career by working in the UK where he had worked in different units, the last of which the well renowned Queen Elizabeth Medical Center in Birmingham. He had managed to achieve specialty examinations in plastic surgery, whereby he had become a Fellow of the European Board of Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons, and a Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons England (Plastic Surgery). He had quite a diverse and extensive training with different flavors from many parts of the world.

James Vali Harmon

University of Minnesota
USA View Profile

Research Interest:
Experimental Stem Cell Transplantation; Islet Allograft Transplantation; Advances in Hepatobiliary and Minimally Invasive Surgery; Patient Blood Transfusion Management; Surgical Education

James V. Harmon is a practicing General surgeon with areas of expertise in Acute and Critical Care surgery and islet transplantation. He actively conducts clinical and preclinical research in islet transplantation for Type 1 diabetes, patient blood transfusion management, hepatobiliary and minimally invasive surgery, and surgical education. He earned his Medical Degree from Mayo Medical School and holds certificates in Anatomic and Clinical Pathology, General Surgery, Organ Transplantation, and Critical Care. In 2012, Dr. Harmon was granted the PhD degree from the University of Minnesota for his work in stem cell mobilization, collection, and transplantation as a platform for experimental living donor - haplotype identical islet transplantation in the Rhesus macaque. Dr. Harmon was awarded the Top Doctor honor by the Minneapolis-St.PaulMagazine in 2013-2017 and the Leonard Tow Faculty Humanism in Medicine Award in 2017 in recognition of his superior devotion and achievement as a teacher, advisor, and educational leader. As a professor of Human Anatomy and General surgery at the University of Minnesota Medical School, Dr. Harmon has earned the Distinguished Teaching Award in 2010, 2011, 2015. With aims to educate future medical and surgical leaders, Dr. Harmon serves as the faculty advisor for the Surgical Interest Group and the Undergraduate Surgical Interest Group at the University of Minnesota; he is also the Co-Director of the SimPORTAL Simulation Center, where he actively participates in interdisciplinary medical education research.

Damian Gomez Hernandez

University Hospital Madrid Torrelodones
Spain View Profile

Research Interest:
Surgery of the hand; Surgery of the wrist and elbow, and Microsurgery

Damián Gómez Hernández is a Specialist in Orthopedic and Traumatology Surgery, specialized in Hand Surgery and Microsurgery, which aims to get patients to recover their normal lifestyle. He is specialized in the treatment of all pathologies related to injuries of the hand, wrist, forearm and elbow. He is also an integral part of the Orthopedic and Traumatology Surgery Service of the Madrid Torrelodones University Hospital belonging to the HM Hospitals Group and to the Surgery Service of the Nisa Pardo Aravaca Hospital.

Gouda Mohamed El Hussiny Ellabban

University of Birmingham
UK View Profile

Research Interest:
Laparoscopic Surgery; General Surgery; Hepatobiliary Surgery; Liver Transplant

Gouda Ellabban is currently Professor of Surgery. His PhD is from the University of Birmingham UK in Hepatobiliary Surgery. He previously served as Head of the Emergency medicine Department at Suez Canal University Hospital. Ellabban brings experiences from various fields such as Hepatobiliary Surgery, Laparoscopic Surgery and Emergency medicine. In his capacity in Hepatobiliary Surgery, he served as a head of Laparoscopic Unit. He served as a member in a major international project funded by the European Commission in Medical Informatics. Throughout his career, Ellabban has published many research studies in international journals and conferences. Part of his professional service is reviewing manuscripts and proposals for international journals with high impact factors, in addition to coordinating many conferences of Surgery and Laparoscopy. His main research interests are Hepatobiliary and Laparoscopic Surgery. His work at the SCU Hospital involves teaching undergraduate and postgraduate students and training postgraduates on operative maneuversGouda Ellabban is currently Professor of Surgery. His PhD is from the University of Birmingham UK in Hepatobiliary Surgery. He previously served as Head of the Emergency medicine Department at Suez Canal University Hospital. Ellabban brings experiences from various fields such as Hepatobiliary Surgery, Laparoscopic Surgery and Emergency medicine. In his capacity in Hepatobiliary Surgery, he served as a head of Laparoscopic Unit. He served as a member in a major international project funded by the European Commission in Medical Informatics. Throughout his career, Ellabban has published many research studies in international journals and conferences. Part of his professional service is reviewing manuscripts and proposals for international journals with high impact factors, in addition to coordinating many conferences of Surgery and Laparoscopy. His main research interests are Hepatobiliary and Laparoscopic Surgery. His work at the SCU Hospital involves teaching undergraduate and postgraduate students and training postgraduates on operative maneuvers.

Angel Yordanov

University Hospital Dr. Georgi Stranski View Profile

Research Interest:
Operative gynecology; Minimal Invasive surgery; Oncological Surgery

Yordanov A D has completed his graduation from Medical University-Sofia, Bulgaria in 2003. Since 2004 he has been working in Clinic of Gynecologic Oncology, University Hospital “Dr.Georgi Stranski”-Pleven, Bulgaria. In 2009, he became a Specialist in Obstetrics in Gynecology . He also works as an Assistant in Medical University-Pleven. In 2017, he defended his dissertation, "Sentinel lymph node biopsy in patients with endometrial carcinoma”. He has several publications in various magazines on different topics and 3 oral presentations in international congress.

Costas Karabatsas

Technological Educational Institute of Athens
Greece View Profile

Research Interest:
Corneal diseases; Corneal transplantation; Keratoconus; Refractive Surgery; Clinical trials; Glaucoma.

Dr Costas Karabatsas MD, DMed(Bristol), MRCOphth, FEBO, FRCS(Ed)Ophth is an Assistant Professor of Ophthalmology with the Department of Biomedical Sciences (Optics & Optometry), University of western Attica (UNIWA), Athens, Greece. He is also a practicing Consultant Eye Surgeon, specializing in cornea, refractive and glaucoma surgery. He gained his Ophthalmology training and his clinical corneal fellowship in the UK, at the Department of Ophthalmology, Bristol Eye Hospital, where he has also served as a Clinical Lecturer. He was awarded a Doctorate title (Doctor of Medicine, DMed Higher Degree) from the University of Bristol, for his thesis on management of post-keratoplasty astigmatism with the use of computerized topography. He subsequently completed a refractive surgery-LASIK mini Fellowship with the University of Crete, Greece. He has served (1999-2007) as Ass. Professor at the Department of Ophthalmology, Larissa University Hospital, Greece, and Head of the Anterior Segment Surgery, Cornea Transplant and Glaucoma Unit. In addition to his clinical role, he is active in research and teaching activities. He has authored over 60 peer-reviewed scientific papers, chapters and books. He has delivered more than 300 lectures, both nationally and internationally. He is a member of AAO, ASCRS, ESCRS and EGS, and also an active member of the Executive Board of the Greek College of Ophthalmology, the Hellenic Eye Bank Demokritus, as well as the General Secretary of the Hellenic Cornea Society. He is on the editorial boards of several national and international ophthalmic journals and has acted as reviewer for several peer-reviewed journals.

Edith A Zang

Weill Cornell Medicine
USA View Profile

Research Interest:
Designing and analyzing Phase I through III clinical trials; Epidemiological investigations; Basic research studies

Edith A. Zang is Senior Statistician, Principle Investigator and Professor with 30+ years of statistical consulting and teaching experience in the pharmaceutical industry and in non-profit academic research. She is highly effective in explaining statistical principles to non-statisticians, with excellent written and oral communication skills. She is also expert in designing and analyzing Phase I through III clinical trials, epidemiological investigations, and basic research studies. She is proficient in the application of traditional and novel statistical methods. She is principal author and co-author of more than 100 publications in professional journals

Lorelle N Michelson

Saint Barnabas Hospital
USA View Profile

Research Interest:
Cosmetic Surgery; Rhinoplasty

Lorelle N. Michelson completed her Plastic Surgical residency at Albany Medical Center Hospital in 1982. She then served a cosmetic surgery fellowship at Manhattan Eye, Ear and Throat Hospital, an affiliate of New York University Medical Center. Michelson began practice in 1982 at The University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey/New Jersey Medical School, where she is a Clinical Associate Professor. Board-certified in Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, she began private practice in 1984 in Clifton, New Jersey and she now maintains offices in both Fort Lee and Denville, New Jersey. Michelson was the head of The Division of Plastic Surgery at Passaic Beth Israel Hospital from 1989 to 1995. She is presently Chairperson of the Department of Plastic Surgery at Chilton Medical Center and is also on staff at Saint Barnabas Hospital, Saint Clares Hospitals, University Hospital, and many other New Jersey hospitals. Michelsons primary experience lies in the area of cosmetic surgery. She has a special interest in Rhinoplasty and has contributed to the literature on this subject as well as other topics in medicine. She is Past President of The New York Regional Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Inc. and is active in The New Jersey Medical Womens Association, serving as its treasurer for two consecutive years. Michelson hosts several seminars yearly, including an Image Forum/Charity Brunch.

Uretz J Oliphant

University of Illinois
USA View Profile

Research Interest:
Critical Care; Laparoscopic Surgery; Bariatric Surgery; Robotics; Trauma Surgery; Acute Care Surgery.

Uretz J. Oliphant serves as Head of the Department of Surgery and is a Clinical Professor of Surgery and Medicine. His medical and research interests focus on Critical Care, laparoscopic surgery, bariatric surgery, robotics, trauma surgery and acute care surgery. Oliphant earned a B.A. from Boston University in 1976, and an M.D. from the University of Minnesota in 1983. His internship and residency were in General Surgery at the University of Chicago and the University of Illinois Metropolitan Group Hospitals in Chicago, respectively. He is certified by the American Board of General Surgery, and is certified as an ATLS course director and ATLS state faculty. In 1992 Oliphant joined the staff of Carle Foundation Hospital in Urbana, Illinois, and became Head of the Department of Surgery in 1994. Oliphant was selected as the recipient of the 2009 College of Medicine Special Recognition Award and its 2009 Clinical Teaching Excellence Award. In 2008 he received the College of Medicine Innovation in Education Award and was named Physician of the Year by the Carle Foundation Hospital medical staff. Oliphant’s teaching accomplishments have been numerous and consistent, having been voted to receive the Golden Apple Teaching Award by medical students and residents on five occasions. Oliphant is a Fellow of the International College of Surgeons, the American College of Surgeons, and the American Society of Abdominal Surgeons. He is the past President of the Illinois Surgical Society, past Head of the Division of Trauma Surgery and Department of General Surgery at Carle as well as the past President for the International College of Surgeons.

Simon Bramhall

University of Birmingham Medical School
UK View Profile

Research Interest:
General and Upper GI consultant surgeon

Simon Bramhall, qualified in 1988 and following his House Officer posts he commenced his surgical training. He undertook a period of academic research in molecular aspects of pancreatic cancer which led to the award of Doctorate of Medicine. Following this he was appointed as a lecturer in surgery by the University of Birmingham and during this time he continued his academic work raising significant sums of money to fund his research while supervising junior colleagues during their own higher degrees. He was appointed as a consultant liver transplant and HPB surgeon on Birmingham Liver Unit in 2002. He continued in this post carrying out liver transplantation and major HPB resections until 2014. During this period he was involved in clinical academic research, National, Regional and hospital committee work and innovated and developed all aspects of his clinical work. He subsequently moved to the County Hospital where he practices as a general and upper GI consultant surgeon. He has continued to develop his academic interests along with teaching.

Ali Cyrus Banan

University of South Carolina
USA View Profile

Research Interest:
Discovery research; Development; Pre-clinical evaluation; Clinical development across multiple therapeutic; Healthcare areas

Ali (Cyrus) Banan is University Distinguished Professor of Medicine & Physiology, Executive Vice President, Education, Research and Medical Affairs. He is also Executive Dean, University Medical School and Affiliated Hospitals, Executive Director of Translational Medicine Research and Scholarship and also Senior Vice President, Research & Economic Development. He was accomplished and seasoned executive with more than 20 years of highly successful research and education experience in the academia and industry, in particular academic higher education and scholarship and also accomplished researcher, teacher and administrator in higher education, he came to Windsor University after serving 4 years as Executive Director of Research and Senior Vice President for Emerge at the University of South Carolina Greenville, with previous stints as Chief Science Officer and Senior Vice President Research & Economic Development or Global Head of Research at Emerge, Abbott and Rush University at Chicago. He served on over 50 professional committees and over 100 national and international organizations, volunteer boards, government/public health councils, industry, and academia. He secured well over $350 million of research and education funding from various sources, including private industry, government (NIH, HHS, CDC, DARPA), and venture capital nationally and globally. He maintained leadership responsibility for all aspects of academic and research affairs at the University, including: Colleges and Campuses; University Library; Graduate School; Undergraduate Studies; Institutional Research and Sponsored Programs; Academic budgets; Strategic Planning for Academic and Research Affairs; Board Reporting and Liaison; Board of Trustees reporting and staffing of Academic Affairs Committee; Innovation and Entrepreneurial Initiatives; Strategic Hiring Initiatives, in partnership with the Office of Research; Performance and Performance Metrics; Enrollment Management, Admissions & Records, Financial Aid; Accreditation; Institutes and Centers; Institutional Technology; Academic Legislative and Government Liaison; Quality Enhancement Reviews; Quality Enhancement Program; International Programs; Distance learning; and varied other responsibilities. Constitutionally, second in leadership responsibility for University after President. He also maintained the leadership responsibility for all aspects of faculty work-life at the University, including: Promotion and Tenure; Faculty Evaluation; Faculty Senate; Faculty Assignments; Implementation of Collective Bargaining Agreement for Faculty; Faculty Development, including new faculty orientation; Faculty Awards and Recognition; Professional education; Orientation; Faculty dispute resolutions; Accrediting Agency reporting on faculty credentials, competence, governance, academic freedom; Member of the University Executive Cabinet; Oversight of new curricular program development and approval, and related communication with Board of Trustees and accreditation agencies. Oversight of student academic grievance hearings; and other responsibilities. He led global research and education teams key in the discovery research, development, pre-clinical evaluation, and clinical development across multiple therapeutic and healthcare areas. His research and scholarship activities included creating strategic Road Maps / Long Range Plans (LRP) and strategic research and educational initiatives, technology/executive management, operations, finances, innovation, scientific/education affairs, licensing, business development, partnerships, communications, legal (IP/ intellectual property), and regulatory affairs. He created and managed also several highly successful Global R&D programs, including most recently a $7.8 Billion Business Unit, by setting new or innovative research directions, visions, and strategies. He also progressed and achieved several innovative healthcare products for the R&D pipelines; worth an estimated $1.8 billion. He is renowned scientist and academician on the International and National stages. He was a tenured, Professor and Director of Digestive Diseases Research and Education at RUSH University of Chicago as well as Professor and Exec. Director at University of South Carolina School of Medicine, Greenville while being the Chief Science Officer and Senior Vice President Research & Economic Development at Emerge. He is a recognized global expert in basic, clinical, and translational medicine research and scholarship areas, in particular immune/autoimmune and inflammatory disorders as well as a seasoned executive who has achieved tremendous success by leveraging innovation during his hybrid academic and industry career. He was the founding Head of the Departmental Research and Education at RUSH Chicago Medical School in Illinois, and Founding Head of the University Wide Research and Education at the USC Medical School Greenville South Carolina. He built the fastest growing digestive diseases inflammation research and education program in the United States while at RUSH Chicago Medical School (US News & World Report ranking of organization: 26th in the Nation in 2006 vs. unranked in 1999). Served at Rush in a number of administrative roles and was central in the development of a research development park allowing for successful partnerships between the university and industry; one of the first successful examples of this unique academic/industry partnership in the Nation to enhance both research and scholarship programs. He established a novel, integrated basic science discovery research, translational medicine research, and clinical science research and education programs on the national stage at USC Medical School Greenville. In particular, established an innovative holistic approach to research using translational medicine research, cell and molecular medicine, comparative research, and implementation sciences known as the health integration research. At USC Greenville, he was the third-highest ranking administrator, providing academic leadership for the university’s campus, research centers and institutes, while overseeing related academic education and research support services, and responsibility for curriculum, academic and research planning. He also led the large University Wide research and education related organization, infrastructure and support, including research discovery and translational medicine programs, institute for advancement of healthcare (IAHC), other national research programs (institute for translational oncology and immunology research, “iTOR”, bioengineering research institute, “CUBEInc.”), sponsored programs office, research development corporation (RDC, academia-industry partnerships), human subject protection office, and clinical trials office. He also led the efforts for development of a novel integrated Research and Educational Program for one of the first new University medical schools in the country in 40 years. USCSOM recently received full accreditation by the LCME. Dr. Banan accepted the position of executive administrator for Research and Academic Development for the Greenville Health System and was appointed Executive Director for Research and Education for the USC School of Medicine Greenville where he also led the research and educational program development and the Offices of Educational and Research Affairs. He originated and authored a new University Wide Research and Education Vision or Road Map (5 to 10 year long range plans) and attendant key Strategic Initiatives for successful, rapid expansion of University Wide Research and Education programs. In particular, substantially expanded the innovation, caliber, and national prominence of our new University Wide Research and Education programs, including successfully securing large institutional and new funding sources of approximately $150 Million over 3 years (NIH, HHS, CDC, DARPA, Duke Foundation, and private industry among others) for rapid expansion of Research and Scholarship programs. At Windsor University, he is the second-highest ranking officer of the university, providing academic leadership for the university’s colleges, campuses, research institutes, while overseeing academic support services and student services, and responsibility for curriculum, academic planning, faculty appointments, faculty development and promotion, and tenure decisions among many other responsibilities. Also, at Abbott and Baxter, he also led global Discovery Research and Development Units for not only personalized healthcare/diagnostics research, but also for pharmaceuticals in multiple therapeutic areas, such as inflammation and immunology and oncology (among others) where oversaw the development of small molecule and biologic portfolio as well as attendant personalized healthcare strategies and technologies from idea to research through to clinical Proof of Concept and then launch. Overall, he is a highly seasoned researcher and academic educator with proven track-record of successfully leading innovative Academic Research and Education programs, nationally and globally. He is an Author of 300+ peer-reviewed research publications, book chapters and abstract presentations as well as invited national and international presentations; and inventor of several worldwide patents.

Hesham Al Khateeb

King Hamad University Hospital
Bahrain View Profile

Research Interest:
Complex lower limb trauma; Sports and exercise medicine and revision lower limb arthroplasty

Hesham Al-Khateeb is a Trauma and Orthopaedic Consultant Surgeon practicing at King Hamad University Hospital in Bahrain. He completed his training in London, UK from 2003-2013 on the Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital, Stanmore rotation and completed an AO Trauma fellowship at Harborview Hospital in Seattle and an Adult Reconstruction Fellowship at the University of Western in London Ontario. He specialize in complex lower limb trauma, sports and exercise medicine and revision lower limb arthroplasty

Wael Fouad Hussein Nassar

6th Of October University Hospital
Egypt View Profile

Research Interest:
Novel diagnostic and therapeutic modalities of AKI, CKD and DM. Particular interest in the role of MSCs and its secretory vesicles to build up a cell free, off-shelf drug, to treat cells rather than organs

Wael Nassar is a professor of internal medicine, kidney transplant unit at the October Six University hospitals and Sahel Teaching Hospital in Cairo, Egypt. He received two years of training in kidney transplantation in Heidelbeg University in Germany. He received his MD degree from faculty of medicine, Cairo University before eventually becoming supervising doctor at the General Organization of Teaching Hospitals and Institutes of Egypt in 2000. After his twenty five-year’s career, he was accepted as a consultant in his specialty. In addition to teaching, he is a regular contributor to the Egyptian Society of Nephrology and transplantation (ESNT). His recent publications are concentrating on the role of MSCs in the treatment of AKI and CKD.He recently collaborated on a research program with the City of Hope (COH) institute, California, USA (Professor Dr. Fouad Kandeel and Professor Dr. Bart Roep) investigating the therapeutic and diagnostic role of MSCs derived extracellular vesicles in T1D.

Angel Molina Leon

Universitario Virgen Del Rosell
Spain View Profile

Research Interest:
Obstructive Sleep Apnoea, SRAVAS,Narcolepsy, Restless legs syndrome Nightmares, Night terrors, Nocturnal epilepsy.

From August 1, 2001 to December 31, 2002, a period of assistance and training in the unit of Emergency of Internal Medicine of the Hospital Virgen de la Salud, with the accomplishment of 120 guards of Internal Medicine. During the first year, a first rotation of six months as established by the MIR program by the Neurology, then three months in Neuropediatrics and a third phase of three months in Psychiatry all in the Hospital Virgen de la Salud of Toledo. The last three years, entirely dedicated to the Clinical Neurophysiology Service of the Hospital Toledo, located in the National Hospital of Paraplegics (Toledo) except the rotation of three times by the Sleep Unit In Hospital Clínico de San Carlos in Madrid by Dr. Isabel Villalibre and another period of two months in the Epilepsy Surgery Unit at Kings College Hospital in London by Dr. Gonzalo Alarcón Palomo. He performed during January 2002 until JULY 2005 (3 years) of training period in Pathology Unit Of Sleep in the Clinical Neurophysiology Service of the Toledo Hospital Complex with the evaluation Clinic of patients with diverse pathology, especially: Obstructive sleep apnea syndrome, SARS, Narcolepsy, Restless legs syndrome, Night terrors, Nightmares, Night epilepsy, 95 patients with chronic insomnia (Research project), hypersomnia (2 publications), clinical evaluation of more than 500 patients per year and 150 polysomnographies per night per year (technical realization, recording and analysis). Manage in the technical realization and analysis of Sensitive and motor conductions, as well as the realization of the Electromyography.

Ashish Sinha

Ealing & St Marks Hospital London North West Hospitals
UK View Profile

Research Interest:
Colorectal cancer, familial cancer syndromes, emergency general surgery and minimally invasive surgery

Ashish Sinha cherish his career in General Surgery with a subspecialist interest in coloproctology. He is a Consultant Colorectal Surgeon undertaking laparoscopic colorectal resections and providing a comprehensive emergency general surgery service. He is mentored to develop robotic colorectal services at his trust. He is a keen endoscopist and is working towards accreditation as a screening colonoscopist. He function well both as team member and team leader in multi-disciplinary settings and feel this is fundamental for the transparent and effective care of both emergency and elective patients. He is a keen advocate of innovations within surgery and am interested in establishing novel technologies like robotic, endoscopic and transluminal surgery and its potential application within my subspecialty. He had continued with my academic interest in inherited colorectal cancers and liaises closely with the Polyposis Registry at St Mark’s Hospital. He enjoys teaching and is committed to hands on training for surgical trainees.

Myron Bodman

Kent State University
USA View Profile

Research Interest:
Laser Therapy for Onychomycosis; Lower Extremity Dermoscopy; Foot Disorders

Myron Bodman graduated from Cleveland State University with a Bachelor of Science Degree. He attended the Ohio College of Podiatric Medicine and obtained his Doctor of Podiatric Medicine. Finishing his podiatric medicine and surgical residency, he opened practice in his home town of Fairview Park in 1978. He is currently an Associate Professor at the Kent State University College of Podiatric Medicine teaching lower extremity dermatology.

Hany Atalah

Mercer University school of Medicine
USA View Profile

Research Interest:
Teaching and training surgeons; Other healthcare providers in Robotic and minimal Invasive surgery

Hany Atalah, is the director of Robotic and Minimally Invasive Surgery at Navicent Health systems and Mercer University school of Medicine. Have completed over 5,000 Robotic procedures in US and worldwide. He earned his medical degree at the University of Alexandria School of Medicine1993. He remained at the University of Alexandria to complete his residency and fellowship in the Department of General Surgery and Pediatric Surgery. In 1999 he started his Minimal Invasive surgery carrier in Baltimore, MD where her was appointed as Instructor of Minimal Invasive surgery training various Residents from the Johns Hopkins Hospital, and other Community hospitals in Baltimore, MD (1999-2008). Then he was appointed as Clinical lecturer and co director for residency program training for Robotic surgery and Minimally Invasive surgery Department of Urology University of Florida, College of Medicine 2008-2010. He has authored several peer-reviewed manuscripts, abstracts (over 44) and book chapters (Atlas or Robotic Surgery) and has received an Audi-Visual award for the topic Robotic Surgery at American Urological association in 2010. He have done many workshops and live surgery all over the world and he is world pronounced novel robotic surgeon and Innovator. He enjoys teaching and training surgeons and other healthcare providers in Robotic and minimal Invasive surgery. He is a Consultant to many medical Devises companies in US and world wide such as Ethicon J&J, Surgiquest Inc. and Titan medical.

Curd Bollen

University of the Pacific
USA View Profile

Research Interest:
Halitosis; Laser therapy in Periodontology; Ceramic implants; Short Implants

Curd Bollen was born in 1969 in Belgium. He studied dentistry at the universities of Hasselt and Leuven (1987-1992). Afterwards he started his training in periodontology and implantology, as assistant at the same Catholic University in Leuven (head: Prof. dr. D. van Steenberghe). In that same period, he began his PhD-research, which he finalized in 1996 with his promotion. The title of his PhD-thesis was: “Full-mouth disinfection and hard surface smoothening reduce the subgingivalmicrobial load”. In 1997 he received his MSc-diploma in periodontology and implantology at the same university. In 2016 he obtained his MClinDent in Aesthetic and Restorative Dentistry at the University of the Pacific, Stockton, US. He has published more than 25 international scientific articles in peer reviewed dental journals. He also published 20 national articles. He is co-author of several books in the field of periodontology and halitosis. He is an Editor in Chief of the Journal of Dental Health, Oral Disorders &Therapyandeditor of 4 other online dental journals. In 1998, he started a private clinic limited to periodontology, halitosis and implantology; first in Belgium, afterwards in the Netherlands. He remained part-time lecturer at different universities (Liege, Nijmegen, Bonn and Dusseldorf). In Düsseldorf he was clinical assistant professor till 2012. Since 2016, he is consultant for the Czech implant company Lasak.

Giovanni Domenico Tebala

Nobles Hospital
Isle of Man View Profile

Research Interest:
Enhanced recovery in surgery; Colorectal surgery; Surgical anatomy of the abdomen; Prognostic factors in abdominal surgery; Gastro-Oesophageal Reflux Disease; Evidence based medicine; Surgical liver ischaemia; Pathophysiology of the gallbladder; Pathophysiology of liver surgery; Pain control in surgery; Emergency colorectal surgery

Giovanni Domenico Tebala was born on November 2nd , 1967 in Reggio Calabria (Italy), where he had all his basic education from 1972 to 1985 (primary school, intermediate school, high school). In 1985 he moved to Rome to attend the School of Medicine and Surgery of the Catholic University. He graduated in 1992 (110/110 cum laude), with a dissertation on “Tissue adhesives and techniques of anastomosis in intestinal surgery Experimental evaluations”. After serving in the Italian Army as Head of the Medical Service at the 8th Support Division, in 1994he managed to obtain a post at the specialization school in General Surgery at the Catholic University of Rome. He had his training in General Surgery from 1994 to 1999 and got his Specialization Degree (Certificate of Completion of Training) in 1999 (50/50 cum laude), with a dissertation on “Intestinal ostomies, current techniques and future perspectives”. He got advanced training in laparoscopic and open colorectal and proctologic surgery, upper GI surgery, hepatobiliopancreatic surgery, trauma surgery and digestive endoscopy. After completing his formal training, he attended the School of Mini-Invasive Surgery of the Italian Association of Hospital Surgeons and worked in Italy up to 2013 as a Consultant Surgeon. Afterwards he decided to move to the UK and got a post of Consultant Gastrointestinal and General Surgeon with Special Interest in Laparoscopic Surgery at the Noble’s Hospital of the Isle of Man, where he became Head of the Colorectal Team in 2013 and Clinical Director of the Surgical Division in 2015. He is Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons of England and Fellow of the European Association of Endoscopic Surgeons, Italian Society of Surgery, Italian Association of Hospital Surgeons, Italian society of Endoscopic Surgery.

Hany M Elbarbary

Ain Shams University
Cairo View Profile

Research Interest:
Coloproctology; Laparoendoscopy & Breast & Trauma surgery

Hany M. Elbarbary graduated from Ain Shams Faculty of Medicine class 1994 and was appointed as a Resident in training in General Surgery department at Ain Shams University hospitals where he had his basic surgical training. He introduced the first laparoscopic Hernia procedures in Demerdash teaching hospitals through his MS thesis, and obtained his first postgraduate degree in Surgery (MS) with Excellent grade and was the First of his patch in 1998. He had an early interrest in Laparoscopic surgery since then. After the residency he worked three years in Egyptian Curative Organization ( MOH affiliated hospital) as a registrar in a referral hospital where he was exposed to extensive trauma surgery as well as surgical oncology, vascular and pediatric surgery. He pursued a working experience abroad and obtained his Fellowship of the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland on 2002, followed by his PhD in 2004, and he had the previlege of working as surgical registrar at St Marks Hospital London with Prof. John Northover, head of colorectal cancer unit in 2005 where he was his first assisstant at St Marks and The London clinic. He worked in Saudi Arabia as a consultant surgeon in MOH for one year, then he was appointed as a Lecturer of Surgery in Ain Shams Univ. in 2007 then Associate Professor of Surgery from 2012 till present. He teach both undergraduate and postgraduate students from Egypt and different countries in his institution. He was granted a Scholarship from The University of Catania, Italy, in 2011, and there he continued his research and training in advanced Laparoscopy at one of their best centers of excellence in Minimally invasive and Robotic Surgery at New Saint Augustine Hospital in Modena department of General and Minimally invasive surgery and Robotics under supervision of Prof G Melotti. He presented and published several research articles in national, regional and International Surgical meetings. In 2013 he became Fellow of the American College of Surgeons.

Alaa Ahmed

Jazan University
Saudi Arabia View Profile

Research Interest:
Pathophysiological mechanisms of immune diseases, including molecular, cellular and inflammatory responses of chronic diseases. Areas currently under investigation include autoimmunity, autoantibodies, cancer biology, inflammation, and viral immunity

Alaa Ahmed currently heads the research unit at the faculty of Public Health & Tropical Medicine, and Direct the Medical Research Center Laboratories at Jazan University. He also is the CEO.CSO of immuno Diagnistc Laboratories in Tempe, AZ. He is active member of the Arizona Bio industry group and serves as scientific board member for several life science and diagnostic companies.in Europe and the US. He developed, validated, and introduced more than 900 new diagnostic tests into the diagnostic industry. He holds a Master degree in Clinical chemistry (Surrey, UK, 1985) and a PhD degree in Immunopathology (Glasgow University, 1989 where he discovered and characterized Vitronectin. He has supervised, collaborated and founded numerous studies, with more than 93 publications in peer reviewed journals and book chapters. He is also an active member of several national and international disease study groups. Through his carrier, he supervised and trained numerous international students and colleagues. He serves also on the editorial boards of several prestigious journals.

Juan Francisco Martinez Canca

John Radcliffe Hospital
UK View Profile

Research Interest:
Neuro-Oncology and Minimally Invasive Spinal Surgery

Juan F. MARTÍNEZ-CANCA qualified as a Doctor in Medicine and Surgery at the University of Málaga (Spain) in 1994 and trained as Brain and Spinal Surgeon in London (UK) since 1996 where he gained a National Training Number (NTN) at the South Thames Deanery. He continued to work for the National Health Service (NHS) in The United Kingdom until 2010. He currently works in Spain and has established private practice at several locations in the Middle East, although continues to collaborate with the NHS as a regular locum Neurosurgeon at the John Radcliffe Hospital in Oxford since 2013. In addition to general adult and paediatric neurosurgical practice (neuro-traumatology, neuro intensive care medicine, spinal neurosurgery, neurovascular pathology and peripheral nerve pathology), his clinical and surgical experience is constantly updated through numerous international courses and workshops in operative neurosurgery. His special interest focus is brain and spinal tumours as well as management of brain and spinal injury. His skills in Spinal Surgery have produced a wide number of successful procedures using dynamic and minimally invasive techniques. During the last five years he has consolidated a Pain Management Clinic (Spain), combining Holistic approach and Electromagnetic technology applied to human physiology with amazing results in the treatment of non-surgical Sciatic pain, Trigeminal Neuralgia, and Musculo-Skeletal pain. His most recent interest is the treatment of tumours with Electromodulated Oncological Hyperthermia. Chief Consultant Neurosurgeon at NeuroKonsilia® and NeuroKnosilia Medical Research Institute®, he is currently developing along with a team of pioneer scientists an innovative research line on Autologous Stem Cell Therapy (ASCT) applied to Neurosciences. He is also Senior Advisor in Neuro-Oncological Hyperthermia and Plasma Generator therapy (PAPIMI). Foundational partner at Neurobridge Consulting®, in parallel with his professional activities, he is Consultant in Holistic Medicine and co-founder of the International Holistic Therapy Centre (formerly known as The Centre for Brain Respiration®) based in London and Marbella, entirely funded and supported by charity. This initiative is part of the extended network at The Breathing Group Corporation©®.

Farshid Sefat

University of Bradford
UK View Profile

Research Interest:
Farshid Sefat is a lecturer in Medical Engineering at the University of Bradford and Head of Biomedical Engineering Department at King Faisal University (Saudi Arabia). He is also a Visiting Professor at Stevens Institute of Technology (New Jersey, USA). He completed his post doctorate research assistant at University of Sheffield (UK). He received his Ph.D. (2011) and BEng (2005) degrees from University of Bradford (UK) both in Biomedical Engineering. He also obtained his MSc (2006) in Biomedical Engineering (Cell and Tissue Engineering) from Keele University (UK). His research is based on developing biomaterials to control cellular behaviour with particular emphasis in developing engineered materials for tissue engineering; Electrospun nanofibers for dental applications; Functional scaffolds for periodontal regeneration

Farshid Sefat is a lecturer in Medical Engineering at the University of Bradford and Head of Biomedical Engineering Department at King Faisal University (Saudi Arabia). He is also a Visiting Professor at Stevens Institute of Technology (New Jersey, USA). He completed his post doctorate research assistant at University of Sheffield (UK). He received his Ph.D. (2011) and BEng (2005) degrees from University of Bradford (UK) both in Biomedical Engineering. He also obtained his MSc (2006) in Biomedical Engineering (Cell and Tissue Engineering) from Keele University (UK). His research is based on developing biomaterials to control cellular behaviour with particular emphasis in developing engineered materials for tissue engineering.

Manish Tripathi

Emirates European Hospital
UAE View Profile

Research Interest:
Diabetic kidney disease, Hypertensive Nephropathy, Medical management of renal stones,Childhood and Adult Nephrotic and Nephritic syndrome, Management of Lupus Nephritis, Management of Acute Kidney Injury, Conservative management of Chronic Kidney Diseases, Intensive care nephrology, Management of pre-andpost-Renal Transplant patients, Haemodialysis, Kidney biopsy


Fawzi Abuhijla

University of Toronto
Canada View Profile

Research Interest:
Gastrointestinal, lung and gynecological malignancies

Fawzi Abuhijla is a radiation oncology fellow at Princess Margaret Hospital (Toronto-Canada), completed my residency training at King Hussein Cancer Center (Amman-Jordan) with additional training at Moffit Cancer Center (Tampa-USA) and gained a master degree in functional imaging, conventional and ion radiotherapy from University of applied Sciences (Wiener Neustadt-Austria) his research interest in gastrointestinal, lung and gynecological malignancies.

Ahmed Hammad Elsharkawi

Sunnybrook Hospital
Canada View Profile

Research Interest:
Hepato-Biliary-Pancreatic and Transplant Surgery

Ahmed Hammad Elsharkawi was graduated from Mansoura University Medical School Cum De Laude, and finished general surgery residency at the same institute, pursued five years HBP surgery and Liver transplant fellowship, Kyoto University Hospital, Kyoto, Japan, where concurrently he obtained his Ph.D. Degree in translational and clinical research from, the graduate school of medicine, Kyoto University, Japan. He also was appointed as an attending surgeon and lecturer of general surgery, Mansoura university hospital, Egypt.

Veerendra Koppolu

USA View Profile

Research Interest:
Pre-clinical and clinical development of monoclonal antibodies and novel small molecules as breakthrough therapies for cancer and infectious diseases. Characterization and Potency evaluation of drugs and vaccines

Veerendra Koppolu is a senior scientist in the Department of Biologics Development at AstraZeneca in Gaithersburg, Maryland, USA. He is also honorary faculty member at non-profit organization Novel Global Community Education Foundation (NGCEF) focused in guiding doctoral students. His primary research interests include pre-clinical and clinical development of immunotherapeutic drugs including monoclonal antibodies, bispecifics, and antibody drug conjugates. At AstraZeneca, he helped in development of drug Durvalumab, an FDA approved drug that prevents tumor immune suppression and benefit patients suffering from urinary bladder cancer. He also worked in development of immunotherapeutic vaccines for triple negative breast cancer. He has published over 46 papers including research article, review articles, abstracts, book chapters, and books. He is serving as reviewer/editor of 25 peer-reviewed international journals covering oncology and related areas.

Mohamed Mansour Elzohairy

Zagazig University
Egypt View Profile

Research Interest:
Trauma; Hip; knee primary and revision arthroplasty; Biomaterial; Stem cell; Pediatric orthopaedic surgery and shoulder and knee arthroscopic sports injuries management

Mohamed Elzohairy is a consultant and lecturer in orthopaedic surgery since 2005 and assistant professor of orthopaedic surgery since 2016. He graduated from Zagazig University Faculty of medicine, Egypt in 1992 with a very good Honored grade. In 1998 he received his master degree in orthopaedic surgery with a very good degree and in 2005 he received his MD degree of orthopaedic from Zagazig University Faculty of medicine about adult’s joints reconstruction after special training and clinical fellowship at Toronto east general hospital, Toronto University in Canada. He was assigned as an assistant professor of Orthopaedic surgery in faculty of medicine, Zagazig University, since 2016 with vast experience in Arthroplasty, arthroscopic Knee sports injuries reconstruction besides his 23 years experience in management of all trauma cases as well as Joint replacement surgeries for the Knee and Hip including both primary as well as complex revision cases. He worked as an Orthopaedic consultant surgeon for the Saudia arabia Hospitals -KSA for 3 years providing tertiary care quality service in Joints arthroscopic and replacement surgeries as well as emergency managment for all injuries including polytrauma patients. He is member in the College of Physician and surgeons of Ontario, CANADA, since 2001 with vast experience in reconstruction of Bone and Joints defects. He participated formally and till now in teaching Medical students both undergraduate and postgraduate at Zagazig faculty of medicine in Egypt. He has published many scientific papers, in different national and international journals, international books and presented many articles and lectures in both national and international courses and Conferences. He is a member of several professional societies and committees including: Egypt medical syndicate as an Orthopaedic surgery consultant as well as being a member of Egyptian Orthopaedic association. He is assigned as an orthopaedic consultant by the Saudi council for the health specialists; KSA as well as by Egypt health authority and ministry of health; ARE.

Oleg Dukhno

Ben Gurion University of the Negev
Israel View Profile

Research Interest:


Mohammad Azfar

Madinat Zayed Hospital
UAE View Profile

Research Interest:
General and GI Surgery; Laparoscopic Surgery; Trauma and Surgical Intensive Care; Surgical Nutrition and Endoscopy

Mohammad Azfar trained in general and GI surgery. Currently practicing Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy, Lap Hernia, Lap Appendix, Lap DU perforation closure and similar procedures, also treatment of ano-rectal disorders, hemorrhoids, fissures, fistula-in-ano, colon and rectal disorders like diverticulitis, cancers, pilonidal sinus, acute pancreatitis and its complications including pseudocyst and necrosis, hydatid cyst of liver and abscesses, peptic ulcer and its complications, inguinal, incisional, and para umbilical hernias, breast, thyroid disorder. Till very recently involved in care of trauma, specially high velocity Motor Vehicle Accident and Surgical Critical Care. his practice also includes performing Upper (EGD) and Lower GI Endoscopy (Colonoscopy), PEG Placement and Reinsertion in addition to EVL and capsule endoscopy. He was actively involved in a bariatric surgery program where he also practiced Intragastric Endoscopic Balloon Insertion and Dilatation of Strictures Post LRAYGB, however, currently its not his primary interest. He also have interests in minimally invasive surgery in anorectal disorders for instance VAAFT, EPSiT, harmonic hemorrhoidectoomy and the application of Laser in the treatment of fistula, hemorrhoids, varicose veins, and pelvic floor disorders. Trauma and surgical intensive care and surgical nurtion continue to be my special interest. He is the author of 27 publications on various topics in national and international journals on general and GI surgery. He is the international editor of Surgical Recall Series (Editions III through VII) by Lipincott Williams and Wilkinson based in Baltimore, USA. He is also on the editorial board of several surgical publications.

Shahab Siddiqi

Anglia Ruskin University
UK View Profile

Research Interest:
Robotic Surgery; Pelvic Floor Surgery; Pruritus Ani; Surgical Site Infections

Siddiqi is a consultant surgeon at Broomfield Hospital in Essex, where he isthe lead surgeon for pelvic floor surgery in the Department of General Surgery.He also has a private practice at Springfield Hospital. Since his appointment in 2011, he has led the development of an advanced robotic surgery facility at Broomfield Hospital. He is is one of the most experienced surgeons in the field of robotic-assisted surgery in the UK. He is now using his extensive experience in robotic surgery for pelvic floor conditions to develop surgical treatments for other colorectal diseases, including rectal cancer. He has also introduced new and innovative treatments for faecal incontinence and constipation. His clinical and research interests are both surgical and medical, and include the mangement of pelvic floor disorders, pelvic pain, irritable bowel syndrome, functional bowel disorders, and pruritus ani. He completed his undergraduatetraining at St George’s Hospital Medical School, graduating in 1993.He received an MDdegree from the University of London in 2008for his research at the Royal London Hospital onmethods to improve detection of the spread of colorectal cancer to the lymph glands using genetic techniques. He embarked on his specialist training in general and colorectal surgery at the North Thames Deanery andundertook further advanced training in the form of a pelvic floor fellowship at Castle Hill Hospital, a leading pelvic floor centre in Hull. Subsequently he took up a laparoscopic surgery fellowship at Waikato Hospital in Hamilton, New Zealand, where he worked in an innovative unit specialising in keyhole surgery and developed an interest in the pelvic floor and minimal access surgery. He is an honorary senior lecturer at Anglia Ruskin University and he is currently involved in a number of surgical research projects in the fields of colorectal cancer and surgical site infection. He is also a tutor for the Care of the Critically Ill Surgical Patient and Basic Surgical Skills coursesaimed at surgeons in training and for the Training and Assessment in the Clinical Enviroment coursefor other consultant surgeons. He has published a number of papers on various aspects of general and colorectal disease, and presented widely at meetings in the UK and abroad. He is a member of the Royal College of Surgeons of England, theEssex Pelvic Floor Group, the Society of Robotic Surgeons, the European Society of Neurogastroenterology and Motility and the International Continence Society. He is also on the editorial board of the Journal of Robotic Surgery. He is on the Executive Committee of the National Pelvic Floor Society and sits on the External Affairs Committee of the Association of Coloproctologists Great Britain and Ireland.

William James Cobb

Oxford University Hospital
UK View Profile

Research Interest:
Alternative medicine; Acupuncture

William has an extensive and mixed clinical and scientific background in neurological rehabilitation and acute and emergency Medicine / Nursing and Forensics. William began his early healthcare and scientific career in the British Military, training as a Combat Medic (CM), where he trained along the emergency and trauma medical model of healthcare, developing broad clinical skills and experiencing diverse clinical settings within emergency and trauma. Post military, William continued his educational pursuits and completed a Diploma in Applied Forensics, achieving a triple distinction from Oxford City College. During this time, William found an interest within forensic anatomy and pathology within Oxford University Hospital. William received an Academic Excellence and Community Scholarship to complete an accelerated B.S.N-Hons at Oxford Brookes University (School of Human Health Sciences). William was most fortunate to have the experience of working in many diverse clinical settings across the UK with his chosen area of expertise being within acute and emergency and trauma rehabilitation at the prestigious Oxford University Hospital. William worked as a licensed locum clinician (RN) in various hospitals across the UK mainly in the area of acute and emergency and trauma rehabilitation. William continued postgraduate studies and went to Keele University School of Health / Medicine and Rehabilitation where he completed a PGC in Applied Clinical Anatomy as well as completing Masters training as a Kinetic Control Movement Therapist, for which he received registration with the (KCMT) as a movement dysfunction practitioner. During Williams’s time at Keele University, he worked voluntarily as an anatomy demonstrator and prosector at the University of Oxford where he completed a postgraduate module in anatomical teaching of the thoracic region through the Anatomical Society (AS) and the American Association of Anatomists (AAA). William has lectured in both emergency and trauma healthcare and in gross and clinical anatomy in the UK and abroad. And thus far has published nine of his research papers as well as a book. Outside of mainstream medical sciences, William Is extremely interested in Integrative Medicine where he completed a Doctorate in Integrative Health Sciences looking at the role endogenous opioid peptides play in acupuncture’s analgesic actions and the ancient Chinese historical interpretations of neurophysiological concepts. William has compiled some of his teaching material over the years and built a free access anatomical library of 3D printable models for medical and allied healthcare students. William currently resides in the USA and outside of education enjoys diving and Boxing for which he has competed for: Oxfordshire County, Windrush Valley and Michigan State (USA).

Syed Muhammad Ali

Hamad Medical Corporation
Qatar View Profile

Research Interest:
Colorectal Surgery; Recent advances in rectal cancer management and fistula in ano surgery, dealing with the inguinal hernia surgery

Syed Muhammad Ali is a Consultant General Surgeon in Hamad Medical Corporation, and Assistant Professor in Clinical Surgery in Weill Cornell Medical School in Qatar. He graduated from Sindh Medical College, Karachi, Pakistan with honors and finished his residency in General Surgery from Jinnah Postgraduate Medical Center, Karachi. He earned his fellowship in General Surgery from College of Physicians and Surgeons, Pakistan and worked as Assistant Professor in Surgery in Baqai Medical University, Pakistan. He is a member of Royal College of Surgeons, England and holds the fellowship in General Surgery from Royal College of Surgeons, Edinburgh. He got his fellowship in Colorectal Surgery from European Board of Medical Specialties. He is also a fellow of American College of Surgeons. He has interest in rectal cancers and fistula in ano along with hernia surgery. He is an excellent academician and received many awards for his best teaching. He has many publications under his name and reviewer of many journals.

Ahmed Mohamed Mohamed Medra

Alexandria University
Egypt View Profile

Research Interest:
Craniofacial Surgery, especially; cranial stenosis both syndromic and non-syndromic, craniofacial clefts, craniofacial trauma and trauma; TMJ disorders , trauma, tumors and ankylosis; Cleft lip and palate and their secondary jaw problems and deformities; Distraction Osteogenesis of the craniofacial and mandibular regions; Tumors of the orofacial, head and neck regions

Ahmed Medra is a professor of craniomaxillofacial, oral and plastic surgery, Faculty of dentistry, Alexandria University, Egypt. He is doubly qualified both medical (1977) and dental (1985). He is the president of the Egyptian Society of Craniomaxillofacial Surgeons, and the Egyptian Association of Cleft Lip, Palate and Craniofacial Anomalies. He is Editorial member, associated editorial member and Peer Reviewer of many International journals in the fields of Dentistry, oral Health, and Craniomaxillofacial Surgery. He is a member of many Local, National and International Societies and associations, like: European Association of Craniomaxillofacial Surgeons, International College for Maxillo-facial-surgery (ICMFS), Faculty Member of AOCMF Association; member No.76099, Egyptian Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery. Member of International Confederation for Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery (IPRAS), the Pan-Arab Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons. the Egyptian Association of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons, the Egyptian Cancer Society, the Egyptian Society of Surgical Oncology, Chairman of the Alexandria Club of Maxillofacial, Oral and Plastic Surgery, Member of the Egyptian Dental Association (EDA), the Egyptian Society of Head and Neck Surgeons, the Egyptian Skull Base Society. Alexandria Oral Implantology Association (AOIA). the Egyptian Pediatric Surgical Association (EPSA), the Egyptian Pediatric Surgical Association (EPSA), the International Cleft Lip and Palate Foundation (ICPF), Egyptian Orthodontic Society, Egyptian Association of Maxillofacial, Head and Neck Surgeons. He has many local, national, and International publications in the field of cranio, maxillofacial, oral and plastic surgery.

Francisco Javier Vera Perez

Hospital General Provincial Universitario
Cuba View Profile

Research Interest:
Spine, Brain trauma, Tumors of the brain

Francisco Javier Vera Pérez was born on January 9, 1979 in Yaguajay Sancti Spiritus, Cuba. He cursed his first studies in local elementary school “CamiloCienfuegos”, and continuing at the juniorhigh school “Camilo Cienfuegos”, enrolling and obtaining bachelors degree in arts and sciences in 1995 at the “Martires de Yaguajay” high school. After that he compliment his military service by a year and in September of 1996 he started at the Medical Sciences School of Sancti Spiritus where after six years he obtained a degree as medical doctor in August 2002. He began his social service in rural areas as general physician in 2002 and fished it in 2003. At this year he started his family medicine residence, concluding and getting the degree as specialist in Familiar Medical Practice in December of 2005. In January 2006 contest and got by opposition the residence in neurosurgery which was conducted in the University Hospital “General Calixto Garcia” at Havana City, where he hold the as neurosurgery resident´s chief, he finished his specialty in November 2010 getting a degree as neurosurgeon. In 2011 he started as junior neurosurgeon in the department of neurosurgery of the University General Hospital of Sancti Spiritus City, where he played different roles since then until nowadays, like as the co-chairman of Neurosurgery Department, main professor of the course of Neurosurgery and currently, since August 2013 Neurosurgery Department chairman´s. In 2011 he obtained, by opposition and defense, a Master degree in medical emergencies.

G K Mahadev

Mid Cheshire NHS Trust
UK View Profile

Research Interest:
Oncoplastic & Reconstructive surgery; Breast Surgery


George Kolostoumpis

University of Cyprus
Greece View Profile

Research Interest:
Endoscopic Surgery; Clinical Decision Support Systems; Hospital Information Systems; E-Health, m-Health; Electronic Health Record (EHRs); Medical Imaging and Communication Platforms (PACS, DICOM); Biostatistics; Big Data Analytics in Bioinformatics and healthcare

George Kolostoumpis serves the health sector in the use of technology facilitating evidence - based initiatives in medicine that promise to substantially improve health care quality. His core scientific research interest is to assist physicians with systems and tools to improve healthcare. His research interests included clinical decision support systems, e-health, m-health, Robotic Surgery, big data analytics in bioinformatics and healthcare systematic reviews in health technology assessments, research quality improvement, service quality, and social implications of health technologies. He is the Scientific Expert for Research & Innovation Projects of EU programs under FP7, Horizon 2020, and numerous additional EU organizations. His mission is to encourage the highest quality research in Europe through competitive funding and to support investigator-driven frontier research across all fields of research, on the basis of scientific excellence.

Shanmugasundaram Rajkumar

Craigavon Area Hospital
UK View Profile

Research Interest:
Quality improvement in elective orthopaedic surgery and improving orthopaedic teaching and training

Rajkumar is a Consultant Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgeon at Craigavon Area Hospital, Northern Ireland and has been a consultant since 2010. His main interests are upper /lower limb trauma, complex peri-articular fracture fixation, peri-prosthetic fracture fixation/replacement surgery, hip and knee arthroplasty (primary/revision), knee arthroscopic surgery and foot surgery. He graduated from the University of Madras, India in 1992 and underwent post-graduate training in orthopaedics in both Madras and the UK leading to FRCS-Trauma& Orthopaedics degree. He completed his fellowship in lower limbarthroplasty surgery (primary/revision) and ACLR/knee arthroscopic surgery in Reading, UK. Subsequently, he started working as consultant in trauma and orthopaedics in various hospitals in England including Wrightington Hospital before joining the orthopaedic team at Craigavon Area hospital, NI. He has published both trauma and orthopaedic related papers in peer review journals and are a reviewer for a number of medical journals including JBJS (BJJ). He is a Consulting Editor for two peer reviewed international journals. He has presented nationally and internationally and has been invited to lecture and examine for undergraduate and postgraduate medical students. He is a faculty member for Royal College of Physicians & Surgeons, Glasgow for training and development and FRCS-Tr and Orth teaching courses and a member of various medical and orthopaedic associations in UK. He has recently been appointed as Regional Surgical Advisor for Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons, Glasgow.

Mohammad Faisal Al-Hurani

King Abdullah University Hospital
Jordan View Profile

Research Interest:


Kowser Miah

University of Pittsburgh
USA View Profile

Research Interest:
Hepatic diseases and their effect on the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of drug molecules. Additionally, her work also focused to develop ways and/or drugs to treat hepatic diseases and reducing liver damages during preservation of the liver for transplantation in human to reduce graft rejection or dysfunctions after transplnation.

Kowser Miah received his PhD degree from Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center, Amarillo, Texas, USA. Currently, he is working as a postdoctoral fellow in University of Pittsburgh, PA, USA. Before joining in his PhD, he completed his Bachelor of Pharmacy (B. Pharm) and Masters of Pharmacy (M. Pharm) from University of Dhaka, Bangladesh. He served as a lecturer and senior lecturer in State University of Bangladesh, department of pharmacy, from year 2009 to 2011.

Georgios Androutsopoulos

University of Patras
Greece View Profile

Research Interest:
Obstetrics & gynecology; Gynecological oncology

Georgios Androutsopoulos completed his degree in Medicine, National and Kapodestrian University of Athens, Medical School, Athens, Greece (1995). He is resident in Obstetrics & Gynecology, Department of Obstetrics - Gynecology, School of Medicine, University of Patras, Rion, Greece (2002-2006). He is also doctorate of Medicine “Pregnancy complications in Greek women with inherited thrombophilia”, University of Patras, Medical School, Rion, Greece (2007). Obstetrician - Gynecologist, Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology, General, Maternity & Pediatric Hospital of Athens “Mitera”, Athens, Greece (from 8-2006 to 1-2009). Consultant, Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology, General Hospital of Amfissa, Amfissa, Greece (from 1-2009 to 1-2012). He also worked as lecturer & Consultant, Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology, School of Medicine, University of Patras, Rion, Greece (from 1-2012 until 10-2014). He is also an Assistant Professor & Consultant, Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology, School of Medicine, University of Patras, Rion, Greece (from 10-2014 until today).

Walid Y Farah

King Fahd Military Medical Complex
USA View Profile

Research Interest:
Steatohepatitis; Acid peptic disorders; Case reporting


Shehab Abd El Kader

Cairo University
Egypt View Profile

Research Interest:
Physical Therapy for Cardiothoracic Surgery; Cardiopulmonary Disorders; Cardiovascular Disorders; Respiratory Disorders; Geriatrics; Wound Care and Women Health; Metabolic Disorders

Shehab Mahmoud Abd El-kader, PT, MPT, PhD in physical therapy for cardiopulmonary, metabolic, women health, and geriatrics, Faculty of Physical Therapy, Cairo University, Egypt, since 2000 . Recent research interests include the areas of Cardiothoracic Surgery, Respiratory Disorders, Metabolic Disorders , women health, caring for older people, cardiopulmonary disorders, geriatrics, hepatology and wound care. He is interested in teaching Physical therapy for patients with respiratory disorders, geriatrics, hepatology and metabolic disorders. In addition, he has published several original researches in refereed pioneer journals, published ten online textbooks with LAMBERT Academic Publishing in Germany that are available in Amazon and participated in many international conferences all over the world. He is a designer and reviewer for several teaching curriculum for bachelor and master degrees in physical therapy for many universities in the middle east. Also he is a reviewer for many medical and scientific journals in addition to be a supervisor and referee for several post-graduate scientific thesis, he is an editorial board member for many international Journals. Finally, he has a long history in teaching for students in the bachelor, master and doctorate degrees in physical therapy.

Refat Sadeq

Port said University
Egypt View Profile

Research Interest:
Virology; Molecular biology

Refat Sadeq, from Egypt who has been on microbiology over 37 years. He has started and graduated in Zagazig Faculty of Medicine for M.Sc. and Ph.D., then started to research articles reaching more than 80 articles, many of which have been published in international scientific journals, and he has reviewed over 100 edits on different journal sites. He is a Featured Author, for books in Medical Microbiology and Immunology for both medical students and nurses. He also assisted in building many units in his department but the favourite one was that of Virology and Molecular biology. He loves how to help junior doctors in his department to solve their scientific problems. His advice to new contributors is to take your time to get to know all the tools and to invest your energy and be sure that success will happened.

Mohammad Alfawareh

Ibn Al Hythem Hospital
Jordan View Profile

Research Interest:
Musculoskeletal & spine tumors; Pediatric and adults deformity; Complex Spine Surgery; Occipto-cervical junction; Deformity and scoliosis


Subash Chandra Dadhich

Andhra University
India View Profile

Research Interest:
Acute Pancreatitis; Hepato Biliary Surgery; Colorectal Surgery; Laparoscopic Surgery

Subhash Chandra Dadhich completed his MBBS in 1982 at Andhra medical college, Visakhapatnam. In 1984 he completed his internship at King george hospital, Visakhapatnam. He completed his post graduation in general surgery at Bombay hospital institute of medical sciences, Mumbai. He worked in specialty department in cardiothoracic surgery as registrar. He joined the Ministry of health, Sultanate of Oman 1992. He worked as a General Surgeon up to 1995. He was a Consultant Surgeon at Seven Hills Hospital, Visakhapatnam, from 1995 to date. Consultant Surgeon at Care Hospitals, Visakhapatnam from 2001 to date. He is also Founder Managing Director & Chief Surgeon at Arogya Hospital, Visakhapatnam. His research & papers presented: SECOND INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SURGERY IN THE TROPICS FEB 1987, MUMBAI: Chemotherapy in Breast cancer, ASSOCIATION OF SURGEONS OF INDIA ANNUAL CONFERENCE 2010: ABDOMINAL COMPARMENT SYNDROME, EUROPEAN SOCIETY FOR SURGICAL RESEARCH, 2013 TURKEY: ABDOMINAL COMPARTMENT SYNDROME, EUROPEAN SOCIETY FOR SURGICAL RESEARCH, 2015 LIVERPOOL UK: ISCHEMIA REPERFUSION INJURY

Mohammed Nizar Battikhi

Battikhi Central Laboratories
Jordan View Profile

Research Interest:
Epidemiology and public health study of infectious microorganism; Medical diagnosis of human Bacterial infections and antibiotics resistant; Numerical and chemical Taxonomy; Industrial biological Petroleum sludge treatment; Oncology, focus on prostatic-specific antigen (PSA) as tumor marker for prostate cancer, prostatitis, chronic, and benign prostatic hyperplasia (BHP)

Mohammed Nizar Battikhi has done his Doctor of Microbiology/Microbial Taxonomy (1981), M.Phil degree (1979) in Microbial genetic from Leicester UK and his BSc degree in Biological Sciences from University of Jordan. Over the past thirty years, he worked in teaching and diagnostic laboratories and industry. Currently, he is the consultant for Battikhi Central Laboratories, Jordan. He was assigned Chair of Medical Laboratory Science and Dietetics departments at Hashemite University and Professor of microbiology, Al-Israa Private University, Jordan. He worked as consultant Microbiologist in dairy industry and a Microbiologist at Ministry of Health Central Laboratories. He has pioneered studies in disease infection, public health, epidemiology, oncology and environmental biological sludge treatment. He has many technical skills in medical laboratory testing, food and water analysis and quality control and extensive teaching, research and business skills; focused on the creation and development of communication skills driven new business opportunities, developing programs, new fields of study, builds relationships based on trust and performance; a team player at ease with colleagues; with international work experience.

Abdulrahman Bello

Usmanu Danfodiyo University
Africa View Profile

Research Interest:


Mohammad Hanif Beg

JN Medical College, A M U
India View Profile

Research Interest:
Cardiothoracic surgery

M.H. Beg graduated from K G Medical College, Lucknow in 1976 & thereafter he got selected at PGIMER Chandigarh, from where he obtained his MS. (Gen. Surgery) and MCh (CTVS). He also passed the National Board examinations leading to the award of MNAMS (DNB) in Gen. Surgery & cardiothoracic surgery in the year 1980 &1982 respectively. He joined the Dept. of Surgery in Jan. 1983 & immensely contributed to the development of General & cardiothoracic surgery. He has been an academic enthusiast in surgery for nearly four decades. As a Chairman D/O Surgery, Director Centre of Cardiology & Cardiovascular research, Dean F/o Medicine, & as Principal, JN Medical college A M U Aligarh, he has implemented very successful Clinical Governance programs & brought into focus the processes & outcome measures leading to better patient care & training of Medical students. He also held several Academic /administrative positions in the university & outside the University. He is Life Member of many Medical scientific Associations at National / International level. At the moment he is Chairman D/O Cardiothoracic Surgery & member of AMU Court & Academic Council. As an avid speaker, he has represented J N Medical College A M U Aligarh in 99 National & International fora & Conferences. He has published 146 research papers in various National & International journals. He has supervised the theses of 39 PG students & supervising three PG students of Surgery presently. He has been Subject Expert in large No. of Selection Committees & Examiners at all levels of examination in surgical Disciplines. On, dated 25thFeb 2016. He has been appointed as one of the Editors of very prestigious journal, Madridge Journal of cardiology (USA). He is the recipient of many awards & fellowships at International & national arenas like FICA, FICS & FIACS. He has a large number of successfully performed cardiothoracic & vascular operations to his credit. He actively participated in organizing CME’s, symposia, workshops & conferences in Faculty of Medicine, Aligarh Muslim University Aligarh.

Suleyman Evren Oztas

Istanbul University
Turkey View Profile

Research Interest:
Orthodontics; Clinical research in orthodontics; Orthognatic surgery; Temporary anchorage devices; Self ligating brackets

Evren Öztaş is an Associate Professor that completed his dental education at the Istanbul University, Faculty of Dentistry and his Ph.D at Orthodontic Department of Istanbul University where he became an Associate Professor in 2012. He has over 100 publications and presentations. He attended many theoretical and practical courses in different countries. He won the Best Poster Researcher Award of Istanbul University Faculty of Dentistry in 1996 and the International Orhan A. Okyay Research Prize in 2000. His researches won the First Winner award in 2014 at the 21st Scientific Meeting and 2nd Winner award in 2015 at the 22st Scientific Meeting of the Istanbul University Faculty of Dentistry International Student Research Group Congresses. He also held the 2nd winner places at the Lecture Contests in 2014 and 2015 at the 61st Annual World Dental Congress of IADS and YDW and 61st International Association of Dental Students (IADS) Mid-Year World Dental Congress.

He Liu

Gannon University
USA View Profile

Research Interest:
Molecular basis of animal physiology and behavior

He Liu, Ph.D., is faculty member at Gannon University. He teaches introductory Molecular and Cellular Biology, Animal Physiologyand lab, and Research Methods in Biology courses in the Biology Department. His research is on the molecular basis of animal physiology and behavior.

Onur C Kutlu

University of Miami
USA View Profile

Research Interest:


Raghavendra C V

BGS Global Hospital
India View Profile

Research Interest:
Hepatobiliary surgery; Laparoscopy; Experimental techniques and therapies in Surgery; Surgical Hepatology; Organ donation; Multiorgan transplantation(Liver, Kidney,small bowel and Pancreas)

Dr Raghavendra CV graduated from M.S Ramaiah Medical College, Bangalore. He obtained his Master’s in General Surgery from J.S.S Medical College, Mysore. He was a rank student and was awarded a gold medal from Karnataka Chapter of Association of Surgeons of India. Subsequently, he obtained his Super-specialization in Surgical Gastroenterology from Calcutta Medical Research Institute, Kolkata. He completed his Fellowship in Hepatopancreatobiliary and Multi-organ transplantation from Indraprastha Apollo Hospital, New Delhi. He is now is currently working as a Consultant Hepatopancreatobiliary and Multiorgan transplant Surgeon at BGS Gleneagles Global Hospital,Bangalore since July 2013.

Vijay More

Merck and Co. Inc
USA View Profile

Research Interest:


Kujtim Ukeperaj

European Pediatric Surgeons Association
Europe View Profile

Research Interest:
Pediatric Surgery; Pediatric Urology

Kujtim Ukeperaj is a member of European Pediatric Surgeon’s Association. He was the Faculty of biology during 1992-1996 in Prishtina-Kosovo and Faculty of Medicine during 1994-2002 in Prishtina-Kosovo. He was a resident during 2003-2009 in Pediatric Surgery in UCC-Clinic of Pediatric surgery. He has undergone training in 2006 for 2 months in Cerrahpasa Medical Faculty Istanbul in the Department of Pediatric Surgery & Urology. He was trained in Cerrahpasa Medical Faculty Istanbul in the Department of Pediatric Surgery & Urology in 2007, in Department of Pediatric & adulthood surgery-Medical University of Grazz in Austria and Dept of Pediatric surgery & Urology-University Hospital Mother Tereza-Tirana in Albania in 2008. He has undergone fellowship in the Dept of Pediatric Urology in Cerrahpasa Medical Faculty Istanbul in 2009. and 2016.From 2009, he is working as a Pediatric surgeon in UCC-Kosova, Clinic of Pediatric surgery.

Anand Lakhkar

New York Medical College
USA View Profile

Research Interest:
Pulmonary hypertension; Oxidative stress; Cardiovascular pharmacology; Anti-epileptic drugs; Asthma; COPD; Nitric oxide signaling; Heart failure

Anand Lakhkar have completed his medical training from India and specialized in family medicine. He completed his Ph.D. training in Pharmacology from New York Medical College, Valhalla, New York. His main research area of interest is in developing new therapies for treatment of Class III pulmonary hypertension. He is interested in developing drug therapies, which target inflammation, oxidative stress and vasoconstriction seen in the pulmonary vasculature in patients with Class III pulmonary hypertension. The research work he did for his Ph.D. thesis dissected out some of the signaling mechanisms by which Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) reduced contraction, oxidative stress and inflammation in the pulmonary arteries. These findings can serve as a platform to develop more selective drugs with minimal side effects for the treatment of class III pulmonary hypertension.

Michelle Conover

Southern California Neuropsychology Group
USA View Profile

Research Interest:
TBI, PTSD, Autism, Asperger’s, ADD/ADHD, learning difficulties, stroke, personality disorders, addiction and other complicating diseases such as Alzheimer’s

Michelle Conover is a licensed psychologist and Q.M.E., trained at Pacifica, Fielding and UCLA. She specializes in clinical and forensic neuropsychology with particular training and experience with traumatic head injury and neurodegenerative diseases. She has worked with children, adults and geriatric populations as well as specific populations such as professional athletes and criminal offenders. She has treated individuals with TBI, PTSD, Autism, Asperger’s, ADD/ADHD, learning difficulties, stroke, personality disorder, addiction and other complicating diseases such as Alzheimer’s. She is the clinical director and owner of Southern California Neuropsychology Group in Woodland Hills, CA where she provides neuropsychological assessment, cognitive rehabilitation, and neuro-psychotherapy.

Cheng Zhou

TongJi Medical University
China View Profile

Research Interest:
Traditional Chinese Medicine; Surgery

Cheng Zhou is a surgeon from China. He was graduated from TongJi medical university of Wuhan in China, in his 12-years physician career, he visited in the 3rd Military Medical University of Chong Qing in China, Medical Universities of Hannover, Freiburg and Lübeck in Germany for the purpose of advance leaning. Surgery or we say Western Medicine, which is a kind of experiential science established on the pattern of logistic thoughts and totally different from the philosophy based Traditional Chinese Medicine, really fascinates him. In his opinion, medical thesis exactly reflects how doctors explore the relationships between disease and its associated events. With the accumulation of medical information, doctors are able to discover the true direction of human life. It is his fortune, to own a chance of communication with and learning after the doctors from all of the world, and share the happiness and moving moment for each new medical discovery.

Sunil Aggarwal

Avalon University School of Medicine
Curacao View Profile

Research Interest:
Oncology surgery; Tumor surgical research; Imaging research; Biomarker development

Sunil Aggarwal has fourteen years of medical review/advisor, medical monitor, protocol and strategy development. Radiologist with lead role in Alzheimers, oncology and musculoskeletal, and a physician with medical affairs expertise on biomarker and diagnostic and therapeutic project development, in clinical practice, ambulatory care, clinical research and drug/medical device development. Board Certified Radiologist, an MD with MBA and Master Black belt in Lean Six Sigma, he is presently working as a Professor in Avalon University School of University. Proficient with the entire spectrum of biomarker development and medical affairs/ medical monitoring with drug safety reports for Phase I to Phase III clinical trials. Experienced in interface with KOLs and other scientific and research personnel as per the requirements.

Murat Kendirci

Hitit University Medical School
Turkey View Profile

Research Interest:
Colorectalsurgery; Burns; Chronic wound management; Rectalprolapsus

Murat Kendirci was graduated at Ege University Medical School in 1999, then received PhD in Ankara Numune Education and Research Hospital Department of General Surgery. Studied in Burn institute for 2 years. He is still teaching and working at Hitit University Medical School Department of General Surgery since 2016 as Assc. Prof.,and studying on colorectal surgery and chronic wounds especially diabetic foot.

German Jose Chaud

Medical Surgeon
Argentina View Profile

Research Interest:


Mostafa Fayad

Al Azhar University
Egypt View Profile

Research Interest:
Complete denture occlusion and TMDs

Mostafa Fayad graduated with honors from College of Dentistry, Al-Azhar University in May 2002. After working a short time in Al-Azhar University Hospitals, he was selected for a residency in the Prosthodontic Department at Al-Azhar University. He completed his residency in May 2007. This residency provided him with advanced training skills in Removable Prosthodontics. He received his MDS Degree in June 2008. For the next three years, Fayad served as an Assistant Lecturer of Removable Prosthodontics at Al-Azhar University. In June 2011, Fayad received his DDS Degree. He joined Al-Azhar University as a Lecturer of Removable Prosthodontics in December 2011. He also served as a Lecturer of Removable Prosthodontics in British University in Egypt (BUE) in September 2013. He maintains his enthusiasm for education. He completed many courses in healthcare quality, hospital management, teaching skills and scientific research skills. He received Health Care Quality Diploma from Ain Shams University in November 2013. Currently, he serves as Assistant Professor of Removable Prosthodontics at Al-Jouf University in Saudi Arabia. He has excellent patient care skills and teaching skills through working in different universities for many years. He presented many lectures in the fields of Removable Prosthodontics; His lectures cover many topics including implant dentistry, Dental Occlusion, TMDs, Complete Denture, Partial Denture and Maxillofacial Prosthetics. He published in many acclaimed dental journals.

Ahmed Hafez Khafagy

Ain Shams University
Egypt View Profile

Research Interest:
Obstructive sleep apnea; Head and Neck surgery

Ahmed Khafagy is Professor of Otolaryngology (Head & Neck surgery), at Ain Shams university, Cairo, Egypt. He worked in University of Bristol, University of Leicester and University of Wales, UK. His main area of interest is Obstructive sleep apnea and Head and Neck surgery.

Adel El Hosieny

Northern Lincolnshire and Goole NHS Foundation Trust
UK View Profile

Research Interest:
Percutaneous coronary intervention; Clinical research in heart diseases especially coronary artery disease


Danijel Raspopovic

University of Belgrade Medical School
Europe View Profile

Research Interest:
Upper and lower extremity fractures; Postraumatic bone and joint reconstruction; Hand surgery; Hip & knee arthroplasty surgery

Danijel Raspopovic was born on April 12th, 1973 in Belgrade, Serbia, where he had finished both elementary and high school. He was graduated at University of Belgrade Medical School in October, 2000. He had finished residency in orthopedic surgery and traumatology in 2006. From the begining of his career in 2002 up to 2011 he has been working in Clinical Center of Serbia, Clinic for Orthopedic surgery and Tramatology (www.kcs.ac.rs), covering upper and lower general trauma, postraumatic bone & joint reconstruction and hand surgery. In August 2011 he has been transferred to Hospital for Orthopedic surgery Banjica (www.iohbb.edu.rs) where he was dominantly performing adult hip & knee arthroplasty surgery. Since 2009 he was attending PhD studies at University of Belgrade Medical School, Department of Anatomy, program is named Skeletal Biology. It is suppose to be finished in 2017. He was master of traditional karate fudokan style.

Mahmoud Al Suleiman

University of Aleppo
Syria View Profile

Research Interest:
Evaluate the variety of orthodontic interventions depending on skeletal anchorage by using mini-screws in different maxillary areas (between teeth in the alveolar bone, Infrazygomatic buttress, palatal bone); Clinical or laboratory evaluation bonded variety orthodontic brackets by direct or indirect methods and by using different bonding materials; Study the enamel decalcification (white spots lesions) around orthodontic brackets and its management and prevention; Evaluation of mechanical properties of metallic and fiber reinforced orthodontic wires; Evaluation of Craniofacial complex with different types of malocclusion, and study changes after orthodontic intervention; Airway Measurements in subjects with normal occlusion and malocclusion; TMDs, prevalence, diagnosis, facial related sings and methods of management

Mahmoud Al-Suleiman received his PhD in Orthodontics from The Council of All-Union Scientific-and Industrial Association "Stomatology" - Advanced Faculty of Stomatology (Moscow, Russia), 1991. He is a Professor in Orthodontics at the Department of Orthodontics, University of Aleppo Dental School and he was Head of the Orthodontic Department at University of Aleppo, 1993-2005, 2011-2012. He is licensed as a Consultant orthodontist by Saudi commission of specialties and Evaluated as Specialist (A) orthodontics by MOH & DHA UEA. He edited 3 books in the field of orthodontics (Theoretical Principles of Orthodontics). University of Aleppo Press, 1995 (in 400 pages), Occlusion, University of Aleppo Press, 1999 (Drin 230 pages) and Orthoodntic management of the Dentition with the Preadjested Appliances. Additionally He has wide variety of publications in many journals like The World Journal of Orthoodntics, The Journal of Orthodontic science and many others currently he is working as an orthodontist consultant in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. He was Vice Dean for the Scientific Affairs at the Dental School, University of Aleppo, 1997-1999, and Vice President of the Syrian Dental Association 2001 to 2006 and Member of the Curriculum Development Committee and Dental Education Workshop for the Dental College in Syria (1993) and Lebanon (1995). He was Visitor researcher to Biomaterials and Biomechanics group, school of Dentistry, Manchester University, 2008. Scientific Elective Member of council of Arab Orthodontics society (2011- 2013) and a Member of Syrian scientific Board Orthodontics ( 2011-present).

John N Giannios

International Academy of Precision Medicine and Oncology
Greece View Profile

Research Interest:
Oncology and Precision Medicine

John N Giannios earned four postgraduate degrees in Translational Medicine with Distinction from the Medical School of the University of Edinburgh and London.He is the project leader of Translational Cancer Medicine in Medical University Hospitals discovering as a cancer researcher novel genomic/epigenomic personalised medicine therapeutic approaches,molecular diagnostics based on pharmacogenomics and molecular oncology research involving nanomedicine ,nanosurgery and oncogenomics/epigenomics. He is discovering with Next Generation Sequencing in American Medical Universities novel cancer related genes as targets for novel diagnostics and biological treatments under a personalized cancer medicine approach based on pharmacogenomics,pharmacoepigenomics and oncotheranostics. Furthermore,he is a genomic counselor for preventive oncology involving hereditary cancers,screening,diagnosis and oncotheranostics for personalized anticancer treatment based on the tumour’s genomic and epigenomic profile. He is the president and chief-editor of the Hellenic and International Society of Molecular and Genomic Medicine and Research organizing three national oncology congresses up to now with international participation. He is the Head of Assembly in Translational Research of the American Society of BIOMEDICINE and member of the executive editorial board of journals such as EC Cancer journals etc. He is the President of the International Academy of Precision Medicine and Oncology and the President of the International College of Clinomics based P4 Medicine. Furthermore, he is the president of the International Association of the Personalised Perioperative Medicine and Laser, Robotic and GENOMIC NANOSURGERY. Specifically, he has invented many new anticancer treatments based on molecular oncology and nanosurgery after adjuvant treatment facilitated by nanomedicine focusing on nano-oncology and fem to second laser leading to the eradication of cancer stem cells with nanophotothermolysis.Also he has invented many stem cell therapies for regenerative medicine which he has presented in American Congresses and in Canada. He has organised as president of the scientific and organising committee many molecular oncology congresses. He is in the editorial board of many international medical journals such as e-cancer etc. He has approximately 3,000 CME credits from the Medical School of Univ of Harvard,and other top American Medical Universities such as John Hopkins,Univ of Alabama etc.He has certificates of achievement for completing 144 credits in Category 1 of the Physicians Recognition Award of the American Medical association and certificates of medical courses covering all medical subspecialties of 50 credit hours each after passing tests given by the American College of Physicians-American Society of Internal Medicine.Also he has passed examinations for earning certificates with medical credits from the American College of Surgeons where he has three years of attendance in thoracic surgery where he perfected researchwise photodynamic therapeutic approaches (PDT) facilitated by nanodelivery systems with molecular targeting using antibodies against advanced lung cancers (NSCLC,SCLC,etc). For this work he has been awarded from the Balkan School of Oncology and he has presented them in plenary sessions of international Medical Laser Congresses. Also he has attended breast surgeries for many years perfecting research approaches of molecular surgery. He has been accredited by American Medical Universities to lecture American Medical Doctors for meeting the continuing medical education [CME] requirements required by American Medical Boards for Recertification.He has been selected for inclusion in the Who is Who in Medicine , and he has been elected by the International Biographical Centre in Cambridge as a top scientist in the arena of scientific research globally. He is an opinion leader for the last two decades in genomic and epigenomic cancer medicine where he has written four books and more than 5,000 lectures,posters and publications in International Oncology Congresses and Journals with more than 500 awards in novel treatments based on personalized cancer medicine and translational medicine including oncology, cardiology, regenerative medicine,endocrinology, gynaecology,neurology and other medical subspecialties where omic technology and nanomedicine might be applied mainly for tailoring individualized treatments to cancer patients with incurable solid tumors such as glioblastoma multiforme and metastatic tumors applying molecular targeting approaches for circumvention of chemo/radio/immune-resistant mechanisms using antisense treatments for downregulating antiapoptotic oncogenes and gene therapy or epigenetic therapy for re-expression of silenced apoptotic tumor suppressor genes.Induction of D2 irreversible stage of apoptosis is monitored by electron microscopy where he has a great expertise from the University of London. He has contributed as genomic counselor to the national genomic guidelines for breast cancer screening,diagnosis and treatment.He has teaching experience in many governmental (public) and private oncology hospitals where he has been directing cancer research with genomic approaches focusing on personalized cancer medicine.Finally,he is the founding and active member/fellow of many medical societies such as the International Society of Gastrointestinal Oncology (ISGIO), European Society of Gynaecological Oncology (ESGO),American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO), American Association of Cancer Research (AACR),International Academy of Legal Medicine (IALM), European Society of Human Genetics (ESHG), National Society of Genetic Counselors (NSGC) etc. He is qualified to teach and practice translationally all personalized medicine therapeutic approaches where as a Translational Medicine practicioner he can take these novel treatments from bench to clinic. He has discovered the genomic therapeutic vaccine against cervical Ca caused by HPV and presented in ASCO(USA).He has invented a new therapeutic method of anticancer vaccines such as genomic therapeutic vaccines and autologous anticancer vaccines on a personalized medicine.He has discovered many novel anticancer treatments establishing the personalized cancer medicine approach based on omics which is against the big Pharma’s blind blockbuster policy of one size fits all. He is the inventor of immunotargeted NANOSURGERY for eradicating cancer metastasis as it was presented in ISGIO and the 29th Panhellenic Congress of Surgery pioneering the best and most efficient future surgical oncology. Now he is in the process of eradicating glioblastoma multiforme cells (the most lethal tumour called the terminator) and gliomatosis cerebri(termed as a Ghost in the brain) with molecular robotic nanosurgery facilitated by RFDH,cancer personalized vaccines and stem cells encoded with antisense molecules which have been presented in American Oncology congresses like SNO. He is board certified in Alternative and Integrative Medicine in USA and UK. He is also editor in American Medical journals. He is one of the founding academic members who have established PRECISION CANCER MEDICINE based on OMICS which has been facilitated with Nanomedicine starting presentations since approximately 20 years ago of these novel innovative therapeutic approaches in the American Society of Clinical Oncology and the American Association of Cancer Research as member and fellow of more than 100 medical societies and associations such as ISGIO,ESMO,ESGO,EACR,etc where in some I have been acting as a founding member and from which I have earned many awards for my novel therapeutic strategies. Finally, I am the acting Editor of the Int Journal of Cancer Therapy & Oncology (CTOIJ) USA, Εditor of the Journal of Cardiology & Cardiovascular Therapy (JOCCT) USA, and Editorial Board Member of CLINICAL CASE REPORTS and REVIEWS JOURNAL (London, UK). As the President of the non-profit International Association of Personalised PERIOPERATIVE MEDICINE and Laser, Robotic and Genomic NANOSURGERY, I am practicing Nanosurgery for eradication of cancer stem cells which I have presented in the Annual Meeting of 2013 in the plenary session of the International Society of Gastrointestinal Oncology in USA and GENOME SURGERY against metastatic tumours.

John Patrick F Bebawy

Northwestern Memorial Hospital
USA View Profile

Research Interest:
Neuroanesthesia; Cerebral Blood Flow; Cerebral Physiology; Cerebral Pharmacology; Adenosine Circulatory Arrest; Post-Craniotomy Hypertension; Awake Craniotomy

John F. Bebawy is an Assistant Professor of Anesthesiology & Neurological Surgery at Northwestern University. His clinical and research interests and expertise relate to Neuroanesthesia, with a focus on interventions that affect cerebral blood flow and cerebrovascular hemodynamics. Bebawy completed his Anesthesiology residency and Neurosurgical Anesthesiology fellowship training at Northwestern in 2008, where he is currently faculty, Associate Director of the Neurosurgical Anesthesiology Fellowship Program, and Director of Neurosurgical Anesthesia Education. He is a member of many national and international societies for the advancement of Neurosurgical Anesthesiology, has published widely on various topics in the field, and has spoken at many meetings throughout the world on areas within his expertise. Bebawy is devoted and committed to the betterment of patient safety through individualized and compassionate clinical care, as well as through his contribution to the scientific community.

Babita Jyoti

Ackerman Cancer Center
USA View Profile

Research Interest:
Radiation Oncologist; Speech Pathology and Audiology


Zaza Demetrashvili

Tbilisi State Medical University
Georgia View Profile

Research Interest:
Abdominal hernia; Gastrointestinal surgery; Abdominal emergencies; Abdominal trauma

Zaza Demetrashvili was born in 1963, in Tbilisi. He studied from 1982 till 1988 in Tbilisi State Medical University, after graduation he got his MD status. He underwent Post Doctoral Fellowship (General Surgery) in 1991-1994 years in Tbilisi State Medical University and got his PhD status. Currently he serves as an Associate Professor of Surgery, of Tbilisi State Medical University and Senior General Surgeon of Kipshidze Central University Hospital (Tbilisi, Georgia). He has published more than 80 scientific articles in international peer reviewed journals. He also is serving as an editorial board member and a reviewer of various international medical journals. He is member of several international surgical associates. His biography has been published in the following publications: 1. Who’s Who in the World 2015 (32st Edition). Marquis Who’s who Publications. N.J. USA ; 2. Who’s Who in the World 2016 (33st Edition). Marquis Who’s who Publications. N.J. USA ; 3. Who’s Who in Science and Engineering 2016-2017 (12th Edition). Marquis Who’s who Publications. N.J. USA ; 4. 2000 Outstanding Intellectuals of the 21st Century (8th Edition). International Biographical Centre, Cambridge, England.

Ayman Hegab

Al-Azhar University
Egypt View Profile

Research Interest:

Ayman Hegab is a Clinical Associate Professor of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery, Faculty of Dental Medicine. Al-Azhar University. Cairo. Egypt. Member of Egyptian Dental Association.Member of Egyptian Society of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeon. Doctor’s Degree (PhD) of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery focuses on the Alveolar Cleft, Faculty of Dental Medicine. Al-Azhar University. Cairo. February May 2007. Master’s Degree (MSc) of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery focuses on the TMJ Surgeries, Faculty of Dental Medicine. Al-Azhar University. Cairo. December 2003. Bachelor Degree (BDS) of Dental Medicine & Oral Surgery, Faculty of Dental Medicine, Al-Azhar University, Cairo. May 1997. He has the privilege to design and introduce Tooth-Borne, Custom-Made Distraction Device for closure of the alveolar cleft which is approved by American Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial surgery (Hegab Alveolar DistractionDevice). Also, He has the privilege design and introduce split acrylic splint for treatment of pediatric mandibular fracture which approved by the British journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery (Hegab Pediatric Mandibular FractureDevice).He has over 20 Publication in peer reviewed journals. He is one of AEEDC Young Researcher Award Participants for 2012 & 2013. He was Speaker in many of the international conferences in USA, Qatar and UAE.

Mohamed Abdelwahab Sayedahmed

Benha University
Egypt View Profile

Research Interest:


Antonio Simone Lagana

University of Messina
Italy View Profile

Research Interest:
Endometriosis; Reproductive Immunology; Chronic Pelvic Pain; Mullerian-Derived Organs; Gynecological Endocrinology; Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS); Laparoscopy; Hysteroscopy

Antonio Simone Laganà was born in Reggio Calabria (Italy) on 8th May 1986. He is of Member of the Italian Association of Endometriosis, Society for Reproductive Investigation (SRI), European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology (ESHRE), International Society of Gynecological Endocrinology (ISGE), Society of Endometriosis and Uterine Disorders (SEUD), International Society of Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology (ISUOG). He got a Master of “gynecological minimally invasive and robotic surgery” (University of Pisa), developed an intensive surgical training in the Univerzitetni Klinični Center, Ljubljana (Ljubljana, Slovenia) and obstetric/gynecological ultrasound training in the Altamedica Main Center (Rome, Italy). His research interests are: Endometriosis, Reproductive Immunology, T cell subsets, Chronic Pelvic Pain, Genetic of Mullerian-Derived Structures, Gynecological Endocrinology, Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, Laparoscopy, Hysteroscopy. He is author of many papers published in national and international peer-reviewed journals, and his presence is often requested as Invited Speaker in international congresses.

Salvatore Giovanni Vitale

Santo Bambino Hospital
Italy View Profile

Research Interest:
Endometriosis; Chronic pelvicpain; Gynecological endocrinology; Urogynecology; Laparoscopy and Hysteroscopy

Salvatore Vitale wasborn in Catania (Italy) on August 30th, 1984. Duringhisuniversity career he trained in histology and embryology, microbiology, clinicalpharmacology, general surgery and finally, in obstetrics and gynecology. He graduated in Medicine and Surgery in July 2009 from the University of Catania with 110/110 cum laude, presenting an experimentaldegreethesisentitled "Quality of life and sexual changes after double transobturator tension-free approach to treat severe cystocele", laterpublished in the European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology. In February 2010 he received a professional qualification to practice medicine with full marks and, in June 2015, he specialised in gynecology and obstetrics with honours. He began his clinical activity in June 2010 at the "Policlinico - Vittorio Emanuele" University Hospital in Catania, where he worked in the delivery room, obstetric and gynecological emergency unit, obstetrical and gynecological outpatient diagnostic service, as well as gynecological operating theater activities (mainly for benign diseases). During his specialization, he initially focused on gynecological surgery, attending a one-year training period at the Division of Gynecology and Obstetrics at the “Ospedali Riuniti / Papa Giovanni XXIII” Hospital in Bergamo (directed by Prof. Luigi Frigerio) and another period, which lasted six months, at the Unit of Gynecology and Obstetrics at the "Santa Maria delle Grazie" Hospital in Pozzuoli (directed by Dr. Nicola Gasbarro). He then moved to prenatal diagnosis, including mainly invasive diagnostic procedures (amniocentesis and chorionic villus sampling), diagnostic ultrasound images (ultrasound levels I and II), prenatal screening of fetal aneuploidy (SCA-Test &Multiprenatal test), and pregnancies at risk, undergoing a training period at the Altamedica Main Center of Rome, directed by Prof. Claudio Giorlandino. He is the author of over 90 scientific publications in national and international journals. He is a reviewer for many international journals and also member of the Editorial Board of several scientific journals. His research interests are: endometriosis, chronicpelvicpain, gynecologicalendocrinology, urogynecology, laparoscopy and hysteroscopy. He is the head Gynecologist at the Azienda Sanitaria Provinciale of Messina from July 2015 to June 2016, and is currently in charge at the Azienda Sanitaria Provinciale of Enna (Hospital "Umberto I"). He is currently working towards a PhD in "Medical and SurgicalBiotechnologies" at the University of Messina (Department of Human Pathology in Adulthood and Childhood "G. Barresi"), with a research project entitled: "Myo-inositol supplementation to prevent gestational diabetes in overweight non-obese women: bioelectrical impedance analysis, obstetric outcomes, hormonal and metabolic aspects". In July 2010 he founded an association, named Axada Catania, of which he is currently chairman. Axada Catania, with over 700 members (including doctors, dentists and other health professionals), has recentlybecome a major organization in Sicily, as well as a playing a leading role in the organization of seminars, conferences, training courses and other medical educational activities directed at both specialists and doctors, as well as young students who are preparing to join this profession. He has already been Regional Vice President of S.P.I.G.C. (Polispecialistic Italian Society of Young Surgeons), an organization where he currently holds the title of Regional Secretary. He was Vice President and Treasurer of the Leo Club Catania North and Counsellor in the Rotaract Club Catania North. He was elected as Councillor of the Order of Physicians and Dentists of the Province of Catania in September 2015 with 2107 votes, and is responsible for the organisations website, as well as being a Member of the Albo Physicians Surgeons Commission. He is also a member of the bulletin board of Technical Consultants at the Court of Catania.

Adama LY

University Paris XI
France View Profile

Research Interest:
Surgery of cancer ; Cancer prevention and epidemiology ; Cellular and immunotherapy of cancer; Social politics; Health politics; Non communicable Deases; Health and developing countries

Adama Ly is the President - Founder of AFROCANCER, an international network against cancer in Africa. He is also the Founder in 2009 and editor in chief of the revue “Journal Africain du Cancer/ African Journal of Cancer” published by Springer France. He was born in Senegal, Adama Ly is Doctor in Immunology and Oncology at University Paris XI and was member of the Doctoral school of Gustave Roussy cancer Institute (Villejuif, France). Dr. Ly received a degree in Biomedical Engineering and Innovations Management (Pierre and Marie Curie University, Paris, France). He graduated in Master of Social Health (MSH) from Ecoles des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales (School of High studies in social Sciences) (Paris). He was visiting fellow at Sydney Kimmel Cancer Center (SKCC, San Diego, California, USA) and at Martin Luther Wittenberg University (Halle, Germany). He as senor manager in medical and fundamental researches, he focuses his work in growth factors and antitumoral immunity and cellular therapies of tumours at INSERM (National Institute for Health and Medical Research) and University Paris XI. And as a promoter of the fight against cancer in Africa, we was the co-editor of the book “About cancer in Africa, from Epidemiology to biomedical applications and perspectives” a multidisciplinary book with 136 authors from 32 countries worldwide, published by the French National cancer Institute. Preface of Pr. Jean Dausset, medicine Nobel Prize owner. He as Lead coordinator in Health and development, Dr. Ly is conducting a project aiming to build a Center for Cancer Prevention and research in Senegal to help reducing the impact of cancer in African populations and to boost knowledge and exchanges between develop and developing countries. He has received international awards (Laureate of the 2011 Editorial Award attributed by the Syndicate of Health profession’s publishers and medias (Paris 20 October 2011), was elected « Men of Year 2007 » with 14 other laureates by African medias and congratulations and Honours of International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), Vienna, Austria ( 20 September 2007). He is Member of many professional societies and scientific boards, he has published several articles and books in cancer research and development.

Yigang Luo

University of Saskatchewan
Canada View Profile

Research Interest:
Hepatobiliary Pancreatic Surgical Oncology; Surgical Instrument Innovation; Xenotransplantation and ex vivo Organ Perfusion

Yigang Luo was trained in general surgery specially in hepatobiliary pancreatic surgery and organ transplantation in West China Hospital, West China University of Medical Sciences, Chengdu, China from 1983 -1989. He obtained further fellowship training in Cambridge, UK, Oklahoma, USA and London, Canada, in 1990’s. He worked at Windsor, ON, Canada from 2002 -2012 as hepatobiliary pancreatic surgeon and adjunct professor of Western University. In 2012, he became a clinical professor and in 2013, an adjunct professor in surgery, at University of Saskatchewan, Saskatchewan, Canada. He had 78 publications. In 1991-1992, he participated xenotransplantation research with ex vivo porcine heart perfusion model, confirming the crucial role of com-plement in hyperacute rejection. In 1993 -1996, he studied liver xenotransplantation and authored a chapter regarding xenotransplantation liver pathology in Dr. Cooper’s book, Xenotransplantation. In 1998 - 2001, he did xenotransplantation research with ex vivo porcine liver and kidney perfusion, and also pig-to-monkey kidney xenotransplantation, with transgenic pig, achieving the longest life-supporting survival in the world at that time, showing hyperacute rejection is preventable with transgenic pig organ. In 2012, he published his personal surgical experience in Whipple procedure, at International Hepato-Pancreato-Biliary Association Conference, in Paris, France. In 2013, he initiated laparoscopic liver and pancreatic surgery in Province of Saskatchewan, Canada. In 2014, he drafted Saskatchewan hepatobiliary pancreatic cancer treatment guideline.

Jia Xin Wang

National University Cancer Institute
Singapore View Profile

Research Interest:
Developing Singapore as a Medical Hub to improve access to cancer treatment in regional LMIC; Confluence of medical diplomacy and medical tourism; Post-graduate education; Quality assurance in Radiation Therapy; Use of light emitting diode therapy to limit radiation toxicity (dermatitis and mucositis)

Jia-Xin, Tracy, to colleagues, is practicing as a Registrar in Radiation Oncology at the National Cancer Institute, Singapore and is working towards exiting the training program to practice independently in March 2018. Since graduation from the Medical School of the National University of Singapore in 2006, Tracy has had the pleasure and privilege of acquiring experience starting in Gastroenterology, Obstetrics and Gynecology, and Medical Oncology before entering the Radiation Oncology training program under the auspices of the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Radiologists. She has participated in the practice of Radiation Oncology in Singapore - at both the main public Radiation Oncology centers, the National Cancer Center and the National Cancer Institute, Singapore, as well as in Sydney, Australia at the Royal North Shore Hospital. She has also learned about the practice of Radiation Oncology in the South/Southeast Asian region through participating in IAEA events such as the recent IMRT lung and esophagus contouring course, and the 60th General Conference and Scientific Forum in September 2016. Prior to entering Medical School, Tracys extracurricular interests of writing and music started in grade school with the American Embassy School in New Delhi, India and the United World College of Southeast Asia. While personally of modest achievements, she is persuaded of the ability of mere collaboration to achieve the awesome but hitherto elusive goal of universal healthcare, thus bestowing the first wealth of health to the present generation and bequeathing it to those subsequent. As a new member to the Editorial Board of OAJS, Tracy aims to be part of the concerted effort - multi-disciplinary, cross cultural, and international- of improving healthcare towards being beyond a right, a reality.

Ashish A Ganatra

VS Hospital
India View Profile

Research Interest:
Advanced management of Benign Ano-rectal Diseases like Piles, Prolapse, Fistula


Sumit Sharma

Mayo Institute of Medical Sciences
India View Profile

Research Interest:
Otology, Rhinology; Laryngology; Sleep Apnoea; Allergic Disorders; Pediatric Otolaryngology

Sumit Sharma is a medical postgraduate in Otolaryngology from King George medical college, Lucknow from where he passed in 1997, after which he started my Clinic in Lucknow and started practicing Otolaryngology. He has an extensive experience of more than 20 years in managing all types of patients on Otolaryngology. In the year 2014 he started working as Assistant professor in the Department of Otolaryngology at Mayo Institute of Medical Sciences, Lucknow. He had done a number of drug trials also, in Otology a number of research projects are going on under his supervision at his college.

Biplab Mishra

All India Institute of Medical Sciences
India View Profile

Research Interest:
Thoracoabdomial Trauma; Thoracic Surgery

Biplab Mishra completed his MBBS, MS and Senior Residency in AIIMS ( 1991- 2003). He joined as Assistant Professor, Surgery in AIIMS in October 2005. He actively involved in clinical and research work as well as undergraduate and postgraduate teaching.

R K Mishra

World Laparoscopy Hospital
India View Profile

Research Interest:
Laparoscopic surgery

R K Mishra is one of the most experienced professor of laparoscopic and robotic surgery who has trained more than 7000 surgeon and gynecologist from more than 108 countries in last 15 years. He has vast experience of teaching laparoscopic and da Vinci robotic surgery. He is Professor of Minimal Access Surgery in TGO University and his endeavor of starting unique university program was started in Ninewells Hospital and Medical School, U. K. with Professor Sir Alfred Cuschieri. Dr. Mishra has taken his Diploma in Laparoscopic Surgery from university of strasbourg, France and Master degree in Minimal Access Surgery (M.MAS) from University of Dundee, United Kingdom. During his work in United Kingdom Dr. Mishra has discovered the optimum shadow casting illumination technique to improve the task performance of laparoscopic surgery and his research is now used by eleven laparoscopic instrument companies to make ideal shadow casting telescope. This original research of shadow in laparoscopy was published in Archive of Surgery.

Jaime Ruiz Tovar Polo

University Hospital Ramony Cajal Madrid
Spain View Profile

Research Interest:
Sleeve gastrectomy; Metabolic effect of bariatric surgery; Electrical neuro stimulation as alternative bariatric procedures; Prophylactic measures against surgical site infection

Jaime Ruiz-Tovar, is General and Digestive Surgeon at University Hospital Rey Juan Carlos (Madrid-Spain), where he is specialized in bariatric surgery. He is Professor of Surgery at Universidad Rey Juan Carlos and also he is secretary of the Surgical Infections Section of the Spanish Surgical Society. He also worked as head of the Bariatric Surgery section of the ERAS-Spain group (Enhanced Recovery After Surgery). He actually leads several investigational projects focused on bariatric surgery and surgical infections.

Georgios Tsoulfas

Aristoteleion University of Thessaloniki
Greece View Profile

Research Interest:
Surgical oncology; Organ transplantation; Hepatobiliary surgery; Hepatocellular carcinoma; Liver metastases from colorectal cancer; Ischemiar reperfusion injury; Surgical education

Georgios Tsoulfas received his medical degree from Brown University School of Medicine and completed his general surgery residency at the University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics, as well as a transplant research fellowship at the Starzl Transplant Institute at the University of Pittsburgh. He then completed a two-year transplantation surgery fellowship at the Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School and then joined the Division of Solid Organ Transplantation and Hepatobiliary Surgery at the University of Rochester Medical Center as an Assistant Professor of Surgery. He has currently moved back to Greece, where he is an Assistant Professor of Surgery at the Aristoteleion University of Thessaloniki. He has published over 70 papers in peer-reviewed Journals and in PubMed, as well as 17 book chapters. He is a reviewer for 15 International Journal and on the Editorial Board of several others. His main areas of interest include primary and metastatic hepatic malignancies and their multimodal management.

Rami Imad El Assal

Stanford University School of Medicine
USA View Profile

Research Interest:
Applications of nano- & microtechnology and biomaterials in medicine, dentistry, and biology; Tissue engineering and regenerative medicine; Cancer research; Cell, Tissue, and organ biopreservation

Rami El Assal is a Life Science Research Associate (Academic Staff) at the Canary Center for Cancer Early Detection, Stanford University School of Medicine, Stanford, CA. In June 2016, he completed his Postdoctoral Research Fellowship at Stanford University School of Medicine. Before moving to Stanford, he was a Postdoctoral Research Fellow in Medicine at the Harvard-MIT Health Science and Technology, Harvard Medical School, and Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Boston, MA. He received his Doctor of Dental Surgery (D.D.S.) degree from Ajman University of Science and Technology, Ajman, UAE in 2007. His research interests revolved around the applications of nanotechnology and bio-inspired materials in medicine, including regenerative, transfusion, and transplantation medicine. He has published his research work in high impact peer-reviewed journals, including Advanced Materials (Impact Factor: 17.49) andMaterials Today (IF:14.1). His work has been highlighted in several news such as Reuters News, Yahoo-finance, BioSpace, EIN News, AZoNano, and Stem Cell Therapy. His research achievements have been recognized by the Center of Nanoscale Systems (CNS) at Harvard University. Recently, he was elected as a Fellow of the Academy of Dentistry International (USA), International Academy of Dental-Facial Esthetics (USA), and International Academy of Oral Oncology (UK).

Hemant Kumar Bid

Cancer Therapeutics
USA View Profile

Research Interest:
Stretching from drug target validation; Assay development; Lead optimization; Antibody generation utilizing multiple discovery technology platforms and drug screening; In Vivo pharmacology and expertise to create PDx (patient-derived xenograft); Preclinical models; Cancer genetics; Cancer angiogenesis / metastasis; Pharmacogenomics and therapeutic drug development

Hemant Kumar Bid completed his Ph.D. in Medical Biochemistry with 12 years of experience in the field on Oncology Drug Development. He has a passion for Oncology research and drug development. Overall, he found enthusiasm and joy in every aspect of science, the transition of new drugs from bench to bedside work, new project development, writing as well presenting research. Extensive experience in biologics drug discovery and early development programs including research activities stretching from drug target validation, assay development, lead optimization, antibody generation utilizing multiple discovery technology platforms and drug screening, in vivo pharmacology and expertise to create PDx (patient-derived xenograft), preclinical models. He is vast experienced in cancer genetics, cancer angiogenesis / metastasis, Pharmacogenomics and therapeutic drug development. He is actively engaged in research as well as the scientific community as an editorial board member for various scientific journals and community fundraising for cancer research. Endorsed for leadership and collaborative abilities. Mentored student, trained staff and have given lectures to diverse audiences.

Esmaeel Ghasroddashti

University of Calgary
Canada View Profile

Research Interest:
Tumor Motion; Linac and CT QA; IMRT; Radiation Protection/Radiation Safety; Radiobiology; SBRT; Bystander effect; Metal Artifact Reduction in CT imaging; 2D diode array MapCheck; Optically Stimulated Luminescent (OSL) dosimetry; IGRT (CBCT in particular)

Esmaeel Ghasroddashti is a Canadian certified (CCPM) clinical radiation oncology physicist. He has completed his undergraduate degree in Physics and his Master’s degree in medical physics (MRI and MR spectroscopy) in Oklahoma, and received his PhD in medical physics (Radiation Therapy) from Carleton University in Ottawa Canada (2007). He subsequently completed his residency in Radiation Oncology Physics in London, Ontario (CAMPEM Accredited Program). He is currently a clinical radiation oncology physicist at the Jack Ady Cancer Centre in Lethbridge Alberta. In addition to that, he is also holding two academic appointments at the level of assistant professor with the University of Calgary, one with the department of Oncology and the other with the department of Physics and Astronomy. In addition to his clinical duties and teaching courses in radiation therapy physics to graduate students and residents, he is also heavily involved in cancer research. His research activities include Tumor Motion, Linear accelerators and Computed tomography systems QA, Radiation Protection/Radiation Safety, and Radiobiology.

Dhara Patel

New York Medical College
USA View Profile

Research Interest:
Medical Physiology; Biochemistry; Molecular Biology; Cell Signaling mechanisms

Dhara Patel have completed her Ph.D. in Physiology as well as I have bachelors and masters degrees in Biochemistry. As part of my PhD dissertation, she had generated mice models of pulmonary hypertension to investigate role of extracellular peroxide in the vasculature of this model. She also investigated novel signaling mechanisms involved in regulation of Protein Kinase G in vasculature of this mouse model of pulmonary hypertension as well as in PKG-KI (Protein Kinase G-Knock In) mouse model. Currently as a research fellow, She have been working on a project that is mainly focused on the disruption of heme biosynthesis in pulmonary hypertension and how ferrochelatase inhibition affects this pathway.

Thiagarajan Thandavan

TIDES Institute of Health and Medical Sciences
India View Profile

Research Interest:
Clinical hemodialysis; Renal science; Advance cardiac life support; Clinical quality management; Peritoneal dialysis; Nutrition; Psychology counseling

Thiagarajan Thandavan started his clinical career in the year 1998 gained fifteen years of experience in Dialysis, which includes 10 years of experience in Teaching. He started his profession as a junior renal dialysis technologist, then gradually promoted and held post at various levels which includes clinical instructor, tutor, lecturer, asst. professor and associate professor in the field of Renal Sciences and Dialysis. He had a decade year experience in clinical auditing from Sri Ramachandra medical college, SRM medical college and other government institution. He completed his UG and PG from Sri Ramachandra University in Renal Science and Dialysis Technology, then post graduated in Psychotherapy and Counseling, MBA(Hospital Management), M.Sc.(Total Quality Management) and Doctor of Philosophy in Renal Sciences and Dialysis. IRCA registered Lead auditor for ISO 9001:2008 & BS OHSAS 18001, ISO 13485:2012(Medical Devices) and NABH assessor. Founder of M.Sc(Renal science and Dialysis Technology), registered under UKNARIC(British Equivalent), Tamil Nadu University and senate board of Indian Medical universities. Honorary Member of MOH in National Task force Curriculum designer, Honorary member of board of studies at various universities of Sri Ramachandra University, SRM Medical College, Kasturba Medical College(Manipal University), and BN Patel Paramedical College. Examiner for SRM medical college, Sri Ramachandra University and International examiner for BONENT(USA) and Middle East examiner. Clinical Examiner for American Heart Association for Advance and Basic Cardiac life support courses. He is a trainer for Clinical hemodialysis, renal science, Advance cardiac life support, clinical quality management, peritoneal dialysis, nutrition, and psychology counseling. Guest speaker with 13 presentations for international conference and 25 presentations for national conferences. Book publications with ISBN registered as a contributing author for session in hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis. Published 14 articles at national level journals and 6 international articles. Fifteen oral presentation for free paper session at National and International conferences with 25 abstracts for national papers. Trained more than 3000 nurses and technicians from India, Srilanka, Nepal, and Bangladesh for HD and PD. He is a registered member of Indian Association of Biomedical scientist, Quality council of India, Peritoneal Dialysis Society of India(PDSI), Indian Red Cross society of India, Nutrition Society of India. Associated member of ISN, Assistant Editor of Indian Journal peritoneal Dialysis and SAARC Journal of Nephrology, Urology and Transplantation(International Journal). He has received three National and one international awards are 1. Prof. D.G. Oreopoulos award for the best outstanding presentation among nephrologists at 9th PDSI 2007, New Delhi. 2. South Asian Outstanding Performance Award in Training and Development of Dialysis personnel in all modalities of Dialysis Therapy - felicitated by Prof. Ramesh Khanna, University of Missouri. 3. Health Excellence Award for the Outstanding performance in health and Holistic treatment from Institute of Education, research and Development, Kolkata. 4. Medallion & Certificate of Excellence for outstanding contribution in Teaching & Research from National Foundation For Entrepreneurship Development.

Xin Wang

ACURE Biotechnology
USA View Profile

Research Interest:
Translational Preventive; Clinical Research; To Develop and Discover New Therapeutic Approaches for Vascular Diseases; Cancer; Stem Cell Therapy (including regeneration medicine) and Anti-Tumor Micro-environment Strategy

Wang gained her MD at the age of 21 years from Hebei Medicine University in China. She specialized as neurologist to study cerebrovascular diseases and aging. The project, stroke rehabilitation, awarded the First Prize of excellent paper in the Third Annal National Neurologic Rehabilitation meeting. After ten years clinical medicine practicing, including clinical research, she pursued PhD on Medical Science from Institute on Aging and Adaptation, Graduate School of Medicine, Shinshu University in Japan. During PhD course, she discovered an acute leukemia associated brain-specific gene and was the first one who studied its function at molecular & cellular biology level. The first postdoctoral training in NIH/NCI-Frederick in US, gave her an opportunity to complete a publication studying mouse model related to cardiovascular dysfunction that had been pointed as must reads by Faculty1000. In Dental School & Medical School of University of Maryland, Baltimore, she studied Head & Neck cancer and Prostate cancer with Human specimen, Cancer cell lines and Animal models. Her summary of a project about tumor microenvironment as primary author gained Minority Scholar Award in AACR meeting. She is the CEO and CSO in newly founded biotechnology company, ACURE TECHNOLOGY, Inc. that she is the founder, to develop and discover therapeutic products based on her extensive medical research experiences. She published more than 20 peer-reviewed papers in scientific journals.

Shomeshwar Singh

BLK Super Speciality Hospital
India View Profile

Research Interest:
Cochlear Implant surgery and outcomes; Electrophysiology in cochlear implants; Deafness in India - Demographics

Shomeshwar Singh practices Otolaryngology with a focus in Otology, Audiology and Cochlear Implants in New Delhi, India. He qualified from JIPMER, Pondicherry, India (MBBS, MS ENT) and then trained in Otolaryngology in India and UK. He was awarded the DLO (RCS) and FRCS (Otolaryngology) by the Royal College of Surgeons of England and Ireland and MD (Doctor of Medicine) by UCL, University of London. He now holds the position of Director- Cochlear Implant Program and Senior Consultant ENT at BLK Super Specialty Hospital and The ENT Clinic in New Delhi. He also holds the position of Adjunct Professor at Amity University, New Delhi. His main areas of interest are Deafness, Electrophysiology, Surgery and Outcomes of Cochlear Implantation in children. He has authored two thesis and several original research papers in the field of deafness and implantation otology.

Ganesh Shenoy K

A V Hospital
India View Profile

Research Interest:
Bariatric and Metabolic Surgery; Laparoscopic Surgery for GI Cancers; Laparoscopic Foregut Surgery; Laparoscopic Hernia Surgery

Ganesh Shenoy.K did his undergraduate training in Mysore Medical College, the first Medical College in Karnataka and Post graduate training in General Surgery at Goa Medical College, one of the first Medical colleges in Asia. After post-graduation, continued as senior resident in General Surgery at Goa Medical College. He completed his Fellowship in Minimal Invasive Surgery (FMIS) from the prestigious Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences (RGUHS) and Fellowship in Indian Association of Gastrointestinal Endosurgeons (FIAGES) at Coimbatore. In addition to being a former Executive Committee member of the Surgical Society of Bangalore, he is currently a member Asia Pacific Hernia Society (APHS), Hernia Society of India(HIS) and Indian Association of Gastrointestinal Endosurgeons (IAGES). He has presented papers and videos in many State, National and International Conferences and was a part of Live Operative workshop in many National and State level meetings. He is a invited faculty in State and National level Laparoscopic conferences and courses. He has demonstrated Live Laparoscopic Surgeries in Operative workshops in State and National Conferences. He was the Joint Organising Secretary for OSSICON 2013, the Annual Conference of “Obesity Surgery Society of India” (OSSI).He was also the Joint Organising Secretary for Dr.R.H.N.Shenoi Memorial Surgical Workshop and CME –Aug 14th-16th 2015, Bangalore. He has won the best video presentation award for Laparoscopic Resection of Giant Liver Hemangioma at 20th Bienneal National Conference of the IAGES at Ahmedabad on 16-19th February 2012. He is a faculty of Bangalore Endoscopic Surgery Training (BEST) Institute & Research center which has trained more than 1500 surgeons in the field of Laparoscopic surgery. He is the coordinator for Laparoscopic training for General surgeons at BEST Institute and Research center. He has also got publications in peer reviewed journals. His special interests are in the field of Laparoscopic Hernia Surgery, Laparoscopic Upper G.I Surgery, Laparoscopy in Gastrointestinal Malignancies and Bariatric Surgery.

Yogesh Kumar Sarin

University of Delhi
India View Profile

Research Interest:
Pediatric Surgery; Pediatric Urology; Pediatric Surgery Onclogy; Neonatal Surgery

Yogesh Kumar Sarin did his graduation and post-graduation in Surgery in Christian Medical College, Ludhiana. He was trained in Paediatric Surgery in Jaipur. He later acquired MBA in health care administration from the prestigious faculty of Management Studies, University of Delhi. He is presently working as Director Professor and head of Department of Paediatric Surgery in Maulana Azad Medical College. He has served as Medical Superintendent, Lok Nayak Hospital and Director, Centralised Procurement Agency of Department of Health & Family Welfare of Government of Delhi. His special areas of interests are Paediatric Urology, Paediatric Surgical Oncology, and Neonatal Surgery. Besides being an accomplished academician and astute administrator, he is a skilled paediatric surgeon with many firsts to his credit. At the age of 33 years, he had successfully separated ischiopagus tetrapus conjoined twins. Among the many Fellowships and Awards that has been conferred upon him, the notable include Delhi State Award (2012-13), WHO Fellowship (2001-02) and Commonwealth Fellowship (2003) that helped him to get trained in traumatology in Westmead Hospital, Sydney and in Paediatric Laparoscopic Surgery in St. Johns Hospital, Leeds and Westminister Hospital, London. He did a short fellowship on pediatric surgical oncology in St. Jude’s Research Cancer Institute, Memphis (USA) in 2008. He has been visiting Professor to many universities/ teaching hospitals in India and abroad including Nelson R Mandela School of Medicine, KwaZulu-Natal University, and Red Cross War Memorial Children’s Hospital, Cape town, South Africa in 2009 and Boston Children’s Hospital, Boston, USA in 2010. He has been awarded Delhi State award for Doctors for the year 2012-13. He is credited to 215 publications in indexed national and international scientific journals with cumulative citation index of more than 600. He has contributed 20 chapters in books and is presently editing a multi-author book on Paediatric Surgery. He is also associated with publication of many scientific journals. Besides being reviewer for many medical journals, he is presently editor-in-chief of international PubMed-indexed ‘Journal of Neonatal Surgery’ and editorial board member of many others. He has been a faculty in many scientific conferences and continuing medical education programs in India and abroad and presented more than 250 free papers/ CME lectures. He has been awarded many medals, and honors including IAPS-Ethicon Teacher travelling Fellowship in 2000, IPSO best poster award in Auckland, New Zealand in 2011 and IJP travelling professor fellowship in 2012. He has organized many local and National Conferences/ CME programs. He has been very active in proceedings of Medical Council of India (MCI), National Board of Examinations, ICMR and CSIR. He has been a member of the 3-member Board of Specialty in Pediatric Surgery by MCI to suggest changes in curriculum in 2010, and was member of postgraduate (super-specialty) committee of MCI in 2013. He has also served member of important advisory committees of CSIR and ICMR in 2013. He has been an active member of more than 30 national and international scientific bodies and associations. He has played a very long inning on IAPS in different capacities since 1997. He was Secretary-cum treasurer of IAPS In 2005-07. He was singularly responsible for the creation of Delhi Chapter of IAPS in 1999. He served as executive member and later Secretary cum treasurer of Delhi Chapter of IAPS. He has served as the Secretary cum treasurer of Paediatric Urology Chapter of IAPS. He had been Chairperson of Basic Research Section of IAPS. He had been also executive member of Pediatric Endoscopic society of India (PESI-IAPS). He is presently Treasurer and Joint Secretary, Indian Child Abuse, Neglect, and Child Labor Group of IAP (ICANCL). Last but not the least, he has been associated with charitable voluntary work and NGOs and advocacy groups such as Indian Alliance for Child Rights, Udaan, Bandhu India. He has organised many free operative camps in far flung areas such as Port Blair, Ujjain.

Sohael Mohammed Khan

Indian Spinal Injury Centre
India View Profile

Research Interest:
Spine Surgery & Orthopaedics

Sohael Mohammed Khan is an Indian and International Fellowship-trained consultant orthopaedic surgeon specializing in spinal surgery. He completed his medical training at the Jawaharlal Nehru Medical College. Subsequently, he undertook dedicated Post Doctoral Certificate Course in Spine & Diploma in Spine Rehabilitation Training. He was awarded AO Spine Fellowship for 6 months at the Indian Spinal Injury Centre, Department of Spine Surgery, New Delhi the largest and one of the most prestigious spine units in India. He also did fellowships in Endoscopic Spine Surgery and Minimal Invasive Spine Surgery from Nanoori Hospital, South Korea and Dr. H L Hiranandani Hospital Mumbai respectively. Scoliosis Research Society awarded him as Global Outreach Programme Educational Scholarship Award in 2016 at Prague. He has also been awarded Indian Orthopaedic – WOC Inland Fellowship by Indian Orthopaedic Association. He has various National and International Publication on his name. He is a consultant spinal surgeon at AVBRH. He specializes in surgery for all disorders of the spine from the cervical to lumbosacral regions, particularly in traumatic, degenerative conditions.

Jun Jie Chen

E-Da cancer hospital
Taiwan View Profile

Research Interest:
Signal transduction; Cell death regulation; Cancer therapeutics; Drug resistance mechanisms; Cancer biomarkers

Jun-Jie Chen is an Assistant Investigator at the Tumor research laboratory, department of medical research, E-da hospital in Kaohsiung, Taiwan. He also served adjunct professor in I-Shou University, school of medicine. He has over 10 year’s research experience in the cancer research. He also leads a research team in the conduct of mission related research program, including the discovery of biomarkers for evaluation of oncology drug products by using pharmacogenomics. His scientific expertise lies in the areas of signal transduction, cell death regulation, cancer therapeutics, drug resistance mechanisms, and cancer biomarkers as evidenced by peer-reviewed articles. Prior to joining E-da hospital, he was a research fellow at division of Therapeutic Proteins, Office of Biotechnology Products, Center for Drug Evaluation and Research (CDER), Food and Drug Administration (FDA). He earned his Ph.D. in pharmacology from National Taiwan University in 2007. He has received many awards in scientific society including the outstanding award of Wang Ming-Ning foundation in 2006.

Nissaf Daouahi

University of Monastir
Africa View Profile

Research Interest:

Nissaf Daoauhi is an assistant professor in the Department of fixed prosthosontics. She was graduated from Faculty of Dentistry -Tunisia in 2010. She also got the degree of Implantology (Nobel Biocare Implants). She has published more than 15 papers in reputed journals and has been serving as an editorial board member of journals.

Abhimanyu Kumar Jha

IMS Engineering College
India View Profile

Research Interest:

Abhimanyu Kumar Jha is presently working as Head of Department in Department of Biotechnology, IMS Engineering College, Ghaziabad, U.P., INDIA. He did his PhD from Department of Biotechnology, Panjab University, Chandigarh (INDIA). The topic of my work was ‘A study on Promoter hypermethylation of tumor suppressor genes in cervical cancer and screening of natural compounds for reversal of promoter hypermethylation’. He published nearly 17 papers in international journals and 4 papers in national journals of repute having good impact factors. He presently, working on the epidemiology and epigenetics of Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma (OSCC).Co-chaired a session on ‘Genomics And Proteomics Based Biomarkers For Diagnosis of Diseases’ in the UGC SAP (DRS-I), DST (SERB) & ICAR Sponsored National Seminar on ‘Biotechnology in Health Care: Challenges and Opportunities’, held at Jamia Hamdard(Deemed University) on March 18th-19th, 2017. He got the travel award of US $ 1200 for presenting my abstract at ICCB, 2008 held at Seoul, South Korea. He also won the second prize in poster and oral presentation at CHASCON(Chandigarh Science Congress) 2008, India.Won the second prize in poster and oral presentation in AGOICON 2009 held at Ludhiana, India. Won the second best poster award in Biotechnica 2010- Chandigarh, India.

Vishal Rao

HealthCare Global (HCG) Cancer Center
India View Profile

Research Interest:
Head & Neck Cancer; Genomics; Cancer prevention; Tobacco control; Stem cells; Cancer glycolysis

Vishal Rao is presently the incharge of Head neck services in department of surgical oncology at HCG bangalore. He completed his training in Head neck oncology surgery at the Tata Memorial Hospital in Mumbai and a brief stint at the Pittsburgh school of medicine as visiting scholar. He has more than 20 national and International publications to his credit, and is a reviewer for 8 international journals. He also works with World Health Organisation and its partners in collaboration with state and union government to implement the WHO FCTC- Framework convention for Tobacco Control through National Tobacco control program. He is a member of High powered committee on tobacco control and cancer prevention Govt of Karnataka. He is also the Incharge coordinator union for international cancer control at HCG.

Nithin Sunku

Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences
India View Profile

Research Interest:
Trauma; Arthroplasty; Arthroscopy and Orthopaedic oncology

Nithin Sunku is a well known Orthopaedic surgeon. He has worked adoring different roles in government and corporate hospitals as In- charge of Emergency medicine department, Vice chairman of Waste management committee. He is presently a consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon and has also performed many replacement surgeries, his Special interest in Hip and Knee Arthroplasty along with treating bone tumors. He also worked as consultant surgeon to the Military and paramilitary training academy. He is a Life Member in Indian Orthopaedic Association (IOA), Karnataka Orthopaedic Association (KOA) and International Society for Knowledge for Surgeons on Arthroscopy and Arthroplasty (ISKSAA) Associate Member of SICOT (BELGIUM). He has many publications and is a board member of International journals published from USA, UK, Spain, France and India also a reviewer in many renowned journals.

Aamir Javed

Morpheus Life Science Pvt Ltd
India View Profile

Research Interest:
Human Embryology; Andrology; Biotechnology; Molecular Biology


Nitiraj M Gandhi

HIMSS APAC India Chapter
India View Profile

Research Interest:
Clinical informatics, Patient Safety, Quality and Analytics


Anshuman Kaushal

Artemis Healthcare
India View Profile

Research Interest:
Laparoscopic GI Surgery- Weight Loss Procedures (Sleeve Gastrectomy, MGB, Gastric Bypass); Complex Hernia Surgeries & Component seperation; Hepatobiliary Surgeries; Upper GI Surgeries; Reflux disorders (Fundoplication, HellersMyotomy); Oncological Surgeries; Colorectal Surgery andUndergraduate & Post graduateTeaching

Anshuman Kaushal is an accomplished Board Certified Advanced Minimal Access, GI and Bariatric Surgeon at Artemis Hospitals, Gurgaon, and a state of the art tertiary teaching hospital in North India. With a passion towards teaching, his key areas of interests are Laparoscopic GI, Bariatric surgeries and research work in the field of surgery. He is also the academic coordinator, Dept of Surgery which is successfully running 3 years Surgery Residency Program accredited by Diplomat of National Board. He received his postgraduate degree in General Surgery from G R Medical College, Gwalior. He is the first to have received fellowship training by National Board of Examination in Minimal Access and Bariatric Surgery from Maulana Azad Medical College, a premier teaching institute in New Delhi, India. He was among the first to receive the prestigious Fellowship of International College of Laparoscopic Surgeons (FCLS) from Society of Endo Laparoscopic Surgeons of India in 2012. He was also awarded various other fellowships by FMAS and FIAGES and is. He is also a National Faculty in Laparoscopic training in India. He is also the national editorial board member of medical journals like New Indian Journal of Surgery, Gastroenterology International and has numerous publications as well presentations to his credit.

Mohammad Ruhullah

National Medical College
Nepal View Profile

Research Interest:


Vikash Yogendra Ojha

Jehangir hospital
India View Profile

Research Interest:


Mohd Shahbaaz Khan

King Salman Heart Centre
Saudi Arabia View Profile

Research Interest:
Neurosurgery unit; CTVS unit; Burn & plastic surgery unit; Pediatric Surgery; Trauma centre unit; Urosurgery; Gastrosurgery; ICU and emergency unit; Laparoscopic surgery also performed all basic operations like Cholecystectomy; Hernioplasty; Appendicectomy; Mastectomy; Prostectomy

Mohd. Shahbaaz Khan is progressive and dedicated medical professional, operated on more than 200 cases of adults and pediatrics cardiac patients having valvular diseases, CAD, congenital heart diseases, thoracic and vascular cases. Currently he is working as Pediatrics Cardiac Surgeon in a highly reputed international fame cardiac hospital Fortis Escort Heart Institute, New Delhi of 350 beds capacity. He is intended to excel in the field of surgery, and clinical research work, enhance skills, learn and grow to contribute in services. He has contributed well under the guidance of senior surgeons and managed both outdoor and indoor patients, taken care of all ward patients preoperative and post operative, done graft harvesting for coronary artery bypass surgeries, as saphenous vein graft and radial artery graft, sternotomy and assisted in all cardio thoracic surgeries as MIDCAB, HEART PORT, valve repair and replacement, CABG, paricardiectomy , atrial septal defect, ventricular septal defect, TAVI, ECMO supports etc. He is well versed for managing mass casualties. He has acquired necessary training at Neurosurgery unit, CTVS unit, Burn & plastic surgery unit, Pediatric Surgery, trauma centre unit, urosurgery, gastrosurgery, ICU and emergency unit, laparoscopic surgery also performed all basic operations like Cholecystectomy, Hernioplasty, Appendicectomy, Mastectomy, Prostectomy etc. and has done around 200 exploratory laparotomies and performed various emergency operations like Splenectomy, Nephrectomy etc.

Alfred Joseph Augustine

Kasturba Medical College
India View Profile

Research Interest:
Minimally invasive gastrointestinal surgery: Performing basic laparoscopic surgery- cholecystectomy, Appendicectomy, Diagnostic laparoscopy, Adhesiolysis; Advanced laparoscopic surgery- Inguinal hernia TEP, Incisional and ventral hernia repair; Fundoplication; Splenectomy; Colorectal (Right hemicolectomy, sigmoid resection, anterior resection, rectopexy)


Mohd Azam Haseen

J.N.Medical college, AMU
India View Profile

Research Interest:
Diseases of Aorta; Buerger’s disease; Minimally invasive thoracic surgery

Mohd Azam Haseen did his initial education from St. Joseph’s, Kanpur. He joined MBBS at J.N.Medical College, AMU, Aligarh. After completing bachelor’s degree, joined masters in general surgery from J.N. Medical College, AMU, Aligarh. Due to keen interest in Cardiac surgery he joined MCh Cardiothoracic and Vascular Surgery at VMMC & Safdarjung Hospital and after completing his residency joined Max Saket DDF as Attending Consultant Pediatric Cardiac surgery and worked along with Dr K.S. Dagar and assisted him in entire range of Cardiac surgeries like Switch, Rastelli, Fontan and other complex surgeries. Due to interest in academics and desire to serve the lesser privileged people, Joined department of cardiothoracic surgery as Assistant Professor and presently he is working as Associate Professor. He has actively participated in growth of department and started Paediatric Cardiac surgery and Vascular surgery at J.N. Medical college. He has been excellent orator and has won several awards at national conferences. Fields of interest are beating heart coronary artery bypass surgery (OPCAB), peripheral vascular surgery and minimally invasive thoracic surgery. He has published more than 20 papers in reputed journals like Heart lung circulation, Indian journal of thoracic and cardiovascular surgery, Indian Journal of chest diseases and Allied sciences and Indian journal of pharmacology among others. He has deep interest in developing open cardiac surgery in JNMC, AMU and starting Mch CTVS programme in the department.

Rajdeep Chowdhury

Birla Institute of Technology and Science
India View Profile

Research Interest:
Molecular aspects of drug-resistance with special emphasis on role of Autophagy; Developmentally Active Signaling Pathways; Pro-inflammatory cytokines in human hepatocellular carcinoma model

Rajdeep Chowdhury has made significant contributions in the field of cancer biology which is supported by various publications in highly reputed peer reviewed scientific journals. He has more than 20 publications to his name with a h-index of 11 (Google scholar). His major area of interest lies in understanding the molecular alterations associated with anti-cancer drug exposure and evaluating their role in drug-resistance. He earned his Bachelors and Masters degrees from Calcutta University, India. He did his PhD (CSIR-NET) from Indian Institute of Chemical Biology, Molecular & Human Genetics Department, Kolkata, India. He has made significant contributions in the field of Cancer Biology and Toxicology during his PhD with special emphasis on arsenic-induced carcinogenesis and its remediation. He has been awarded DBT Post Doctoral Research Fellowship in 2008. His post doctoral research has been from Department of Bioengineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), USA. There he studied the myriad set of genetic events following nitric oxide exposure to cancer cells- its role in cisplatin resistance and how it co-operates with autophagic signaling in inducing apoptotic cell death. In Oct 2012 he joined Dept of Bio-Sciences, BITS-Pilani as an Assistant Professor. He is currently working on various aspects of cancer drug resistance, extending from role of autophagy, developmentally active signaling pathways and in deciphering the role of non-coding RNAs (e.g., lncRNAs) in drug resistance. Apart from his interest in cell signaling and autophagy regulation in cancer cells, of late, he has been involved in multiple projects analyzing the efficacy of innovative / novel nanoparticulate drugs or drug loaded vehicular system in sensitizing the tumor cells, especially the drug resistant types.

Akshay Anand

King Georges Medical University
India View Profile

Research Interest:
Surgical oncology; Minimal invasive surgery

Akshay Anand completed his Masters of Surgery from King George’s Medical University UP in 2013. He was awarded Gold Medal in Surgery presented by Honorable Chief Minister of UP India in the convocation ceremony. He joined senior residency in Department of Surgery on July 2013. He was appointed as Lecturer in General Surgery, KGMU UP India on 7th March 2016. He underwent clinical observer ship in Department of Surgery, Harper University Hospital, Wayne State University Detroit USA in June-July 2015 under Prof Donald Weaver, Surgical Oncology Division. He became Associate Member of American College of Surgeons in 2015 and Life member of Indian Association of Surgeons.

Bhoomika Goyal Patel

Nirma University
India View Profile

Research Interest:
Metabolic abnormalities in cancer; Cachexia and cardiovascular diseases

Bhoomika M. Patel, Assistant Professor in Department of Pharmacology, has more than ten years of teaching experience. She is also a diploma holder in Pharmaceutical Management (DPMM) and Quality Control and Quality Assurance Management (DPQCQAM). She has a distinction of being the FIRST rank holder (Gold medalist) for SIX consecutive years of B. Pharm. and M. Pharm. at Gujarat University. She got highest marks in Final Year B. Pharm. among all universities of India for which she was awarded Prof. M. L. Khorana Medal of Indian Pharmaceutical Association (IPA). In addition, she was the national winner in the elocution competition at Indian Pharmaceutical Congress (IPC) and Achari Prize awardee for best research paper by young pharmacologist at national conference. She is also the recipient of the N. S. Dhalla young scientist award twice, an award for the best paper published in the year 2008. In all she is a recipient of more than THIRTY awards. She has attended and presented papers at various national and international level conferences including the one at International Academy of Cardiovascular Sciences, 2nd World congress at Japan, Heart Failure Congress 2011 at Gothenberg, Sweden and 6 for which she has received travel grants from the All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE) and Department of Science and Technology (DST) worth approximately Rs. 2,00,000/-. She has also received two minor research projects from Gujarat Council On Science and Technology (GUJCOST) and major research project from Science Engineering and Research Board (SERB), Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) worth more than 50,00,000/-. She has published 33 full length papers in national and international journals with total impact factor more than 55, ‘h’ index 11 and total citations above 650. She is reviewer for many journals with high impact factor of publishers like Elsevier, Springer, Bentham, Sage etc. She has authored books on “Practicals in organic and medicinal chemistry” and “Practicals in Pharmaceutical Analysis - I”. She has also written a book chapter in an international book. She is a life member of several professional bodies including IPA, APTI, IPS, IPGA, IHPA, SOPI, ISTE. She is a recognized PG and Ph.D. guide at Nirma University. Her areas of interest are metabolic abnormalities in cancer, cachexia and cardiovascular diseases.

Akhilanand Chaurasia

King Georges Medical University
India View Profile

Research Interest:
Temporomandibular Joints; Orofacial pain; New technology related to dentistry; Cyst and tumors of Oral Cavity; Dental Immunology; Oral Diseases; Dental Treatments and Strategies; Oral precancer and cancer; Distraction osteogenesis

Akhilanand Chaurasia, Assistant professor and consultant at King George Medical University, Lucknow has dedicated meticulous efforts and supreme services pertaining to oral medicine, oral biology and community health. He has remarkable credit of contributing to academics for publishing 49 research papers, peer reviewer of more than 150 international journals with high impact factors, one of top 10 author in subject of Head and neck Radiology of Europe and member of several international organization related to field of Oral Medicine, Oral biology and community health. He is a fellow of Pierre Fauchard Academy (PFA, USA), fellow of International College of continuing dental education (FICCDE, singapore), fellow of international college of dentists (FICD, USA) fellow of Academy of General Education (FAGE), Fellow of International academy of Medical sciences (FIMSA) and International Travel Fellow from Indian Council of Medical Research (New Delhi). He is member of editorial board of 14 international journals, editor in chief of 2 national journals, Editor of 9 international journals and associate editor of 1 international journal. He was scientific committee chairman and treasurer of 25th national conference of Indian Academy of Oral Medicine and Radiology. He has completed 7 intramural projects. Procuring many academic honors, attending many national and international conferences delivering many talks on All India Radio and Delhi Doordarshan, He has contributed in a commendable way to strengthen the nation’s competence in Oral Medicine, Oral biology and Community health. Currently He is perusing PhD in chronobiology of head and neck cancer.

Panchali Batra

Jamia Millia Islamia
India View Profile

Research Interest:
Functional Appliances; Microimplants; Nano Particles; Treatment of Impacted Canines

Panchali Batra is a graduate of Subharti university dental college, U.P. She joined Maulana Azad Institute of Dental sciences for her internship and completed the same in 2003. After that she joined as a junior resident in Maxillofacial Department in V.M.M.C & Safdarjung hospital. She is trained in Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopaedics form JSS university Mysore, Karnataka in 2008 from she scored the best outgoing PG award. Immediately after her post graduation she joined as a senior resident in Department of Orthodontics in Maulana Azad Institute of Dental sciences. She cleared her Indian board of orthodontics board eligible exam in 2009 and also cleared the M. Orth exam from the prestigious Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh in 2010. She is currently working as Assistant Professor in Department of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopaedics, Faculty of Dentistry, Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi, India since 2011. She worked in major tertiary care Government Institutes of Delhi so is skilled in managing huge OPD’s and has served the institutes as an academician, clinician and researcher. Apart from this she has organized various courses and conferences and has many national and international publications to her credit. Her mission is also to mould students into not only good academicians and clinicians but also world class researchers with high moral and ethical values in all spheres of life.

Ayyappan Jayavel

SRM University
India View Profile

Research Interest:
Tele Rehabilitation; Podiatry; Fitness and obesity control

Ayyappan Jayavel Assistant Professor, SRM University Chennai, My Primary area of expertise is Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy. He had completed his Under graduation and Post-graduation at The Tamilnadu Dr. MGR Medical University, Chennai and my post-graduation dissertation has been awarded as LAKSHMI PARAMASIVAN Best Project award. He has been working as assistant professor in the distinguished SRM University for the past 8 years. In his tenure he involved himself in various research activity notably, Selective Excellence( SRM University funded project for faculty) REU ( SRM University student project funding), Research day celebration ( an intra-university research work presentation and proceedings) and presented 12 research paper in various international and national level conferences during this period. He had been joined as reviewer of international journal of neurological physical therapy from 2015.my primary research thrust areas are Tele Rehabilitation, Podiatry, Fitness and obesity control. So far he have published 5 research articles in international journals with Scopus indexed.

Sheetal Verma

King Georges Medical University
India View Profile

Research Interest:
Hospital Infection Control; Virology; Tuberculosis

Sheetal Verma is presently working as Assistant Professor in the Department of Microbiology at King Georges’ Medical University (KGMU), Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, India. She completed her M.B.B.S. from KGMU in 2006. She was topper of MBBS Final Professional and was awarded with prestigious Hewett Gold Medal and several other Gold medals for obtaining highest marks in MBBS final professional by Governor of U.P. Shri T.V. Rajeshwar. She completed her M.D in Microbiology from KGMU in 2011 and was awarded with the best overall performance and best thesis Gold medal. After MD sheworked as Senior Resident at Sanjay Gandhi Post Graduate Institute of Medical Sciences (S.G.P.G.I.M.S), Lucknow for three years. In 2014 she joined World Health Organization sponsored project entitled “Molecular studies in epidemic transmission of poliovirus in States of U.P. and Bihar” posted at S.G.P.G.I.M.S. In 2015 she became Project-Coordinator in Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC, Atlanta, USA) funded project for “Providing Laboratory support for surveillance of Japanese encephalitis in India” run by Department of Neurovirology, NIMHANS, Bangalore posted at S.G.P.G.I.M.S. She has received several trainings, scholarships and awards in the field of Infectious Diseases. She has several publications in National and International Journals of repute. She worked upon and developed novel method for diagnosis of tuberculosis in the world, work published in Journal of Clinical Microbiology, American Society of Microbiologists. She has presented her work related to infectious diseases in several National and International Conferences. Her main area of interest is Public Health Infections, Hospital Infection Control, Antibiotic Drug Resistance, Mycobacterium tuberculosis, HIV, Dengue, Chikungunya and Japanese Encephalitis. She is a life member of several National and International bodies including International Society for Infectious Diseases. She is also reviewer of several indexed journals. Besides being a good researcher, she is also an excellent administrative potential and has displayed unparalleled accessibility and commitment to her students and workers. She believes in professional growth while being resourceful, innovative and flexible.

Moshe Dudai

Ramat Aviv Medical Center
Israel View Profile

Research Interest:
Laparoscopy Surgical devices and methods; Hernia and Obesity; Hernia, Sportsman Hernia, sport Groin; Pubic Bone Injury

Moshe Dudai is among the world and Israel pioneers of laparoscopy surgery, in particular Laparoscopy/Endoscopy hernia repair, starting at 1989 and continue to date. He was graduated of the Hebrew University and Hadassah Medical School in Jerusalem at 1977. He did his residency in general surgery at the Hadassah University Medical Center in Jerusalem and in 1983 obtained his Israeli Board Certification in General Surgery. At 1991 he was appointed as Chief of the Reichmann Department of Surgery in Bikur Cholim Hospital in Jerusalem. At 1994 he was appointed as Command Consulted of Surgery at the National Naval Medical Center in Bethesda USA and at 1995 he was appointed as Assistant Professor of Surgery in the Uniformed Services University of the Health Science in Bethesda USA. His expertise in laparoscopy surgery leads him to be elected to several positions: The President of the European Society for Video Surgery; the Video Editor of Journal of Surgical Laparoscopy Endoscopy and Percutaneous Techniques; a reviewer of Journal of Surgical Endoscopy and Other Interventional Techniques; a Board Editorial Member of the journal MOJ Surgery and of the journal Advances in Obesity, Weight Management & Control. In addition he was appointed to lead an advanced laparoscopy project in the National Naval Medical Center in Bethesda where he was a special advisor and appointed also as the director of the Laparoscopy and Obesity Units of Misgave Ladach hospital in Jerusalem. At that time he invented and implements a Non-Adjustable Gastric Band for Obesity Surgery. His world Hernia reputation go far back to 1995 when wrote the chapter in the famous Nyhus “HERNIA” textbook " Laparoscopic Repair of Large and Small Hernia, Using Dudai Butterfly With or Without Mesh According to Hernia Type”. In 2011 he wrote the First World Guidelines for the “Diagnosis and treatment of Sportsman Hernia as part of International Endo-Hernia Surgery Guidelines” and the recent update. He is an active member of more than a dozen professional surgical societies in Israel, USA and Europe in the fields of: Minimal Invasive Surgery, Obesity and Hernia. He is also an inventor and entrepreneur of medical surgical laparoscopy instruments.

Ashique Ali Arain

Isra University
Pakistan View Profile

Research Interest:
Basic medical sciences as well as the clinical Sciences particularly cardiovascular system (Hypertension, IHD, Dyslipidemias), endocrinology (Diabetes Mellitus ), Central nervous system(Antidepressants ,Epilepsy, Drug Abuse), Asthma, Emergency Medicine, Obesity, Infectious disease and antibiotics, Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs; Pharmacokinetics and dynamics of new drugs along with discovery of new agents from plant origin

Ashique Ali Arain was born in July 1977 in Badin Distirct of Sindh Province of Pakistan. Graduated from Liaquat University of Medical and Health Sciences Jamshoro,Hyderabad ,Sindh in 2004. He passed his MCPS examination in Family Medicine in 2015 from College of Physicians and Surgeons Of Pakistan. He did his Masters of Philosophy (M. Phil) in Pharmacology in 2017 from Isra University, Hyderabad. Worked in Dr. Panjwani Center Molecular Medicine and Drug Research (PCMD) at International center for chemical and biological Sciences (ICCBS) as Research fellow. Worked at national as well as international as Family Physician managing variety of medical conditions independently for 13 years along with a thought of clinical research. He has published many research articles in national and international journals. His research interest include both the basic medical sciences as well as the clinical Sciences particularly cardiovascular system (Hypertension, IHD, Dyslipidemias), endocrinology (Diabetes Mellitus ), Central nervous system(Antidepressants ,Epilepsy, Drug Abuse), Asthma, Emergency Medicine, Obesity, Infectious disease and antibiotics, Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, Pharmacokinetics and dynamics of new drugs along with discovery of new agents from plant origin. Currently working as Assistant Professor of Pharmacology at Isra University Hyderabad, Sindh ,Pakistan as well as member of the research and ethical committee of the institute. At the same time he is practicing as consultant Family Physician at Hyderabad.

Sadegh Ghorbani

Tarbiat modares university
Iran View Profile

Research Interest:
Fabrication of scaffold for tissue engineering applications; Merging of scaffolds and microfluidic systems for tissue engineering applications; Designing of devices for Nerve, Skin, Bone, Heart or any organ tissue engineering; Diseases Treatment using medical background and tissue engineering (Such as Microfluidic devices, scaffolds or bio-printers)

Sadeg Ghorbani was born in 1991 in Iran. He studied anesthesia at the Tehran University of Medical Sciences (2009-2013). In 2016 he successfully received his MSc degree in anatomical science at the university of Tarbiat modares (Tehran). He is author of ‘’ Anatomy of neurons’’ in the field of anatomy. He has spoken in a variety of conferences and meetings. Hence, He has received some awards and honors in Bachelor and Master of Science period. Currently he researches on merging stem cells and scaffolds for tissue engineering applications and tissue defects.

Akbar Nikkhah

University of Zanjan
Iran View Profile

Research Interest:
Veterinary; Animal agricultural; Economical; Educational; Medical; Biological; Microbiological; Biochemical; Genomic; Proteomic and metabolomic; Pharmaceutical; Biotechnological; Animal agricultural; Nanotechnological; Humanities and arts; Managerial; Medical; Physiological; Nutritional; Nanotechnological; Medicinal; Microbiological; Economical; Veterinary; Chronobiochemical; Psychological; Social; Philosophical; Linguistic; Biochemical and biophysical; Immunological & pathological; Lingual; Public health; Basic sciences

Akbar Nikkhah holds BSc in Animal Sciences (University of Zanjan, Iran, 1999), MSc in Animal Nutrition (Isfahan University of Technology, Iran, 2001), PHD in Dairy Nutritional Physiology (University of Manitoba, Canada, 2007) and Post Doctorate in Nutritional Genomics and Management (University of Illinois, US, 2008). He significantly influences upon and changes lives of countless people, mentees, mentors, groups, industries, universities, schools, and global institutions in accomplishing resourceful economy and quality life. He has received numerous national and international awards & honors and has authored >50 books and book chapters and >600 influential global scientific publications namely referred articles of scientific, industrial and outreach nature. He speaks in a variety of national and international conferences and meetings and serves >500 national and international journals, conferences, and publishers as chief science advisor, programmer, decision-maker, editor and evaluator. He serves the global community as Chief Highly Distinguished Professor and Mentor, Chief Highly Distinguished Science Composer/Speaker, Foremost Principal Highly Distinguished Elite-Generating Scientist, National Elite Foundation, Iran, Highly Distinguished Multilingual Poet and Frontier Highly Distinguished Peace Leader with diversified programs in multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary science and technology research and education.

Shahrzad zhaeentan

Iran University of Medical Sciences
Iran View Profile

Research Interest:
Anatomy education especially clinical and surgical anatomy; Ovarian tissue culture or graft; 3D cell culture; ART (Assistant reproductive technology); Tissue engineering; Merging of scaffolds and microfluidic systems for tissue engineering of reproductive system


Maryam Moossavi

Birjand University of Medical Sciences
Iran View Profile

Research Interest:


Hossein Eyni

Tarbiat Modares University
Iran View Profile

Research Interest:
Anatomy education especially clinical and surgical anatomy; Testis tissue culture or graft; Spermatogonial stem cell transplantation; Fabrication of scaffold for tissue engineering applications; Testis tissue or spermatogonial stem cell culture on tissue engineered scaffolds; Merging of scaffolds and microfluidic systems for tissue engineering of reproductive system; ART (Assistant reproductive technology)

Hossein Eyni has obtained his Bachelor degree (2014) in radiology from Zanjan University of Medical Sciences, Zanjan, Iran. He successfully has accomplished his Master of Science (M. Sc.) degree (2016) in anatomical science from Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran. His interest in education is anatomy education especially clinical and surgical anatomy. He has several books in education of anatomy. He has received some awards and honors in Bachelor and Master of Science period. Also, he has spoken in a variety of conferences and meetings.

Payam Behzadi

Islamic Azad University
Iran View Profile

Research Interest:
Bioinformatics; Molecular Biology; Mycology (General, Medical, Environmental and applied); Microbiology (General, Medical, Environmental and applied)

Payam BEHZADI has graduated in Molecular Biology (Ph.D.) and collaborates with Department of Microbiology, College of Basic Sciences, Shahr-e-Qods Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran-Iran as a Faculty Member, since 2004. He successfully has accomplished his Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) and Master of Science (M.Sc.) degrees in Microbiology. He teaches at University and has authored >15 Academic Books and >40 Original and Review articles.

Md Masudur Rahman

Sylhet Agricultural University
Bangladesh View Profile

Research Interest:
Host-pathogen interactions in farm animals; Immunity to viruses and bacteria of farm animals; Salmonella vaccine

Md. Masudur Rahman is currently a Professor of Pathology at the Faculty of Veterinary and Animal Science, Sylhet Agricultural University, Bangladesh. He received PhD in Veterinary Medicine from the College of Veterinary Medicine, Chonbuk National University, Republic of Korea. His doctoral research was focused on the cloning and expression of chicken cytokines using Salmonella enterica Serovar Typhimurium (χ8501) expression system and evaluating their antiviral and immunomodulatory properties against two important poultry viruses: Avian Influenza Virus (AIV) and Newcastle Disease Virus (NDV). He contributed as a Postdoctoral Researcher in the project: Meta-immunobiological study and therapeutic implication of CD4+CD25+Foxp3+ regulatory T cells expanded by acute infection with zoonotic flaviviruses” at the College of Veterinary Medicine, Chonbuk National University, Republic of Korea. He worked as a Senior Research Scientist in Salmonella research team at the Veterinary Research Institute, Czech Republic for developing Salmonella vaccines. He authored or co-authored more than 40 peer-reviewed publications and written 02 book chapters and 01 book on Salmonella vaccine. He presented his research achievements in many National and International Scientific Conferences. He holds a number of professional and affiliate memberships in home and abroad.

Mohammed Shafiqul Kabir

American Psychiatric Association
Australia View Profile

Research Interest:


Ahmed Hassan Mohamed Elsabbagh

University of Mansoura
Egypt View Profile

Research Interest:
Tissue engineering, Wound healing, Flap physiology and survival, Reconstructive surgery, Pediatric plastic surgery, Burns


Alexey Gusev

Scientific Center of Children Health
Russia View Profile

Research Interest:
Pediatric surgery; Laparoscopy; Thoracoscopy; Neonatal surgery; Robotics

Alexey Gusev proved a highly qualified pediatric surgeon. He took an active part in the scientific and practical conferences, workshops, congresses, including overseas workshops in SCCH and other medical facilities. Consult children in Consulting Center SCCH , perform exit counseling programs, and the ROC Foundation "The Free Case." Engaged in organizing and conducting workshops, organized by surgical department of Medical Sciences and the First MSMU their I.M. Sechenov, coupled with foreign individuals and organizations (AAPS, EUPSA, UEMS, IPEG, EAES, etc.)

Peter Owonaro Agala

Niger Delta University
Nigeria View Profile

Research Interest:


Associate Editors

Antonios Mykoniou

University of Verona,

Mona Mohammed Abd Elfattah Mogahed

Tanta university; Egypt

Gilmar Pereira Silva

University of Brasilia, Brazil

Cristian Dragoş ŞTEFĂNESCU

University of Medicine and Pharmacy Bucharest , Romania

Angel Gabriel Polanco Rodriguez

Universidad Autonoma de Nayarit

Jai P Singh

Westchester Medical Center/New York Medical College

Nidhi Gupta

University in Farmington

Alexander Birbrair

Federal University of Minas Gerais

Mustafa Sahin

Hitit University

Mariela Carolina Santos Carballo

Institute of Research and Medical Education

Vibhu Krishnan Viswanathan

The Ohio State University

Shravan Kumar Chinnikatti

AIIMS New Delhi

Burcu Biterge

Nigde Omer Halisdemir University

Anirudda Deshpande

University of Ottawa

Luciano Barreto Silva

University of Pernambuco

Brano Djenic

University of Texas Health Science Center San Antonio (UTHSCSA)

Kanwaldeep Singh Soodan

Bharati Vidyapeeth University

Yasser Ali Kamal

El Minia University

Mahmoud Reda Konbe

El Zafran Hospita

Arun Kumar Singh

B P Koirala Institute of Health Sciences

Megha Tandon

Vardhmaan Mahavir Medical College and Safdarjung Hospital

Tofiq Hakimuddin Bohra

BSES Hospital

Vaibhav Srivastav

Jawaharlal Nehru Medical College

Shamim Ahmad

Shaheed Hassan Khan Mewati Govt Medical College Nalhar

Amar Deep

King Georges Medical University

Ata Ul Lateef

Punjab Medical College

Milad Mohammadoo Khorasani

Tarbiat modares university


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