A Deep Fuzzy Neural Network System to Group Moroccan Foods: Towards a Personalized Menu for Type 2 Diabetes Patient
El Moutaouakil Karim1*, Roudani Mohammed1, Ahourag Abdellah1, Aayah Hammoumi2, Mouna Cheggour3, Saliha Chellak3 and Hicham Baizri4
1Engineering Science Laboratory (LSI), Polydisplinary Faculty of Taza, USMBA, Morocco
2Laboratory of pharmacology, neurobiology, anthropobiology and environment, Faculty of Sciences Semlalia, Cadi Ayyad University, Marrakesh 40000, Morocco
3Morphoscience laboratory, Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy, Cadi Ayyad University, Marrakech, Morocco
4Biosciences and Health Research Laboratory, Avicenna Military Hospital, Cadi Ayyad University, Marrakech, Morocco
Submission: February 20, 2024; Published: July 23, 2024
*Corresponding author: El Moutaouakil Karim Engineering Science Laboratory (LSI), Polydisplinary Faculty of Taza, USMBA, Morocco
How to cite this article:El Moutaouakil K, Roudani M, Ahourag A, Aayah H, Mouna C, et al. A Deep Fuzzy Neural Network System to Group Moroccan Foods: Towards a Personalized Menu for Type 2 Diabetes Patient. Nutri Food Sci Int J. 2024. 13(2):555860. DOI: 10.19080/NFSIJ.2024.13.555860.
Grouping foods is a very hard task because of the noncorrelation between nutrients. The methods based on a single feature led to restrictive groups. In this work, we introduce a grouping strategy that implements deep neural networks and fuzzy C-means. First, we collected the main information on the most consumed foods in Morocco based on 21 nutrients. Second, we use FCM to group similar nutrients. Third, we use the auto-encoder neural network to produce artificial foods by projection of the foods via the nutrients of the same groups. Fourth, we use FCM to decompose the set of foods into an appropriate number of groups. Two data transformations were performed when realizing our system: nutrients grouping and foods projection. In this context, two performance measures are adopted: Mean Square Error (MSE) and Silhouette (S). In this context, our system produces a homogenous group of foods.
Keywords:Deep Neural Network; Fuzzy C-means; Diabete; Diet
The main importance of food grouping is to build a flexible diet so that patients maintain their diet over a long period of time to avoid the complex stages of certain chronic diseases such as diabetes. Several research teams have proposed a classification of vegetables by color. Vegetables of identical color have the same nutritional properties. For example, the food guides established by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) incorporate the seven fundamental food categories. While the USDA food directories cover all seven basic food categories, the MyPyramid (CNPP 2008) proposes four categories of basic food groups [1-8]. Vegetables provide a high source of vitamins (A, B, C, E), which are vital for health. The body derives numerous vitamins through food. It’s advisable to consume a diverse diet, full of a range of foods, in to ensure sufficient vitamins to sustain good health. There are many studies on vitamins and the risk of bladder.
Authors Suppressed Due to Excessive Length cancer (suggested by the World Cancer Research Fund and the American Institute for Cancer Research), and others on vitamin-based regimens for long-term illness, as likewise numerous studies on the contribution of vitamins to good health (vitamin D and bone health) [9,10]. The botanical categorization of plants is guided by physiology, i.e. the features of plant growth, structure, and organization. The utility of botanical categorization to satisfy the requirements of nutritionists is further complicated by the possibility that foods within the same botanical family might or might not include comparable degrees of nutrients. In addition, certain vegetables may be divided into more than one category when multiple parts of the vegetable are found in vegetable. category created when more than one portion of the plant is considered edible. A further difficulty is to categorize fruits and vegetables, in situations plants are consumed individually. Botanical categorization deals with the entire plant and is not limited to the various parts of the plant that are typically eaten. Finally, we point out that most groups established in literature are based on only one feature. Regrettably, these categories are not homogenous enough, as a single attribute is not sufficient to precisely identify foods [8]. In this work, we introduce a grouping strategy that implements deep neural networks and fuzzy C-means. First, we collected the main information on the most consumed foods in Morocco based on 21 nutrients. Second, we use FCM to group similar nutrients. Third, we use the auto-encoder neural network to produce artificial foods by projection of the foods via the nutrients of the same groups. Fourth, we use FCM to decompose the set of foods into an appropriate number of groups. Two data transformations were performed when realizing our system: nutrients grouping and foods projection. In this context, two performance measures are adopted: Mean Square Error (MSE) and Silhouette (S). In this context, our system produces a homogenous group of foods. The rest of this paper is structured as follows: Section 2 presents the main steps of the proposed method. Section 3 gives the experimental results and discussion. Section 4 concerns some conclusions and future directions.
Proposed System
In this section, we give different steps to realize our system, especially data collection, dimension reduction, artificial nutrients building, and foods grouping. At the end of this section, we give the used performance measures to evaluate the components of our system.
Data Collection: first, we collected the main information on the most consumed foods in Morocco based on 21 nutrients (micro and macro nutriments and glycemic load).
Dimension Reduction
In this step, we use FCM to group similar nutrients. In this case, the number of samples is 21 (number of nutrients) and the number of features is 170 (number of foods) [5]. Unlike the hard methods, this method permits the objects to be in different groups, at the same time, using members. Title Suppressed Due to Excessive Length 3 ship functions [6]. To this end, the Fuzzy C-Means try to solve the following optimization problem:
is the ith sample from informs us how much the sample zi is in the group c and wc is the center of the cth cluster. Fuzzy C-Means process in iterative optimization of the problem (FP).Artificial Nutrients Building
In this step, we use the auto-encoder neural network to produce artificial foods by projection of the foods via the nutrients of the same groups [1-3]. The number of auto-encoders equals the number of groups containing more than one nutrient. The auto-encoder is a deep neural network composed of two principal sections: the encoder (box of neurons) and the decoder (box of neurons). The hidden layer gives the coded information, and the last layer must produce the input tests. The loss function E quantifies the sum of the local loosed information when transforming t to artificial tweet :
If the encoding operation is realized by a mapping P and D then The global error is given by & is the set of the collected tweets.Foods Grouping
In this step, we use FCM to decompose the set of foods into an appropriate number of groups [4,6,7].
Performance Measure
Two data transformations were performed when realizing our system: nutrients grouping and foods projection. In this context, two performance measures are adopted: Mean Square Error (MSE) and Silhouette (S). Mean Square Error (MSE): if and
are the original and the estimated sample, respectively, then the mean square error is defined by:Silhouette: Suppose the data were divided into K groups by any technique, including GMM, fuzzy K-means, K-medoids or K-means.
It should be noted that the larger the silhouette, the more similar the data is to the group to which it was assigned. 4 Authors Suppressed Due to Excessive Length
Experiment Results and Setup
First, we use FCM to group the nutriments into 8 groups (this number is experimentally chosen). (Table 1) gives the obtained groups. We remark that only cluster 3 contains several (13) nutriments, especially vitamins. In addition, the Glycemic load falls within this group. Second, the foods are projected following each nutrient group using the auto- encoder neural network. Hidden Size=1’MaxEpochs’=3000 ’Encoder TransferFunction’=’satlin’;’DecoderTransferFunction’=’purelin’;L2WeightRegularization’=0.01;’SparsityRegularizati’SparsityProportion’=0.10.’Sparsity Proportion’=0.10. The mean square error associated with this projection is 81.29 micrograms (Figure 1 & Figure 2 & Figure 3). Third, we use FCM to group the foods into 8 groups (this number is experimentally chosen). (Table 2) gives the food groups silhouette. We remark that all the groups are strongly correlated except the third one. (Table 2) gives the obtained groups. We remark that groups 3 and 6 contain the largest number of foods, which offer a high diversity to the patient’s foods. To compare the groups obtained with our system to the ones produced with FCM, directly, we use this later to group the foods. (Figure 4) gives the groups of foods silhouette produced with FCM directly applied to the foods (53.9142). We remark that the silhouette of this latter is less than the one of the groups obtained with our system. Because the clustering methods are incapable of grouping the data and understanding the correlations between features.
In this work, we propose a deep neural network and fuzzy C-means to decompose foods into homogeneous groups. Our method processed into four steps (a) col- lection of the main information on the most consumed foods in Morocco based on 21 nutrients, (b) grouping of the nutriments using FCM, (c) projection of the foods using the auto-encoder neural network, (d) grouping of the foods using fuzzy C-means. The performance of our system was evaluated based on MSE and silhouette. The error of the projection is 81.29 mg, and the quality of the groups is 53.9142mg. As a consequence, our system produces homogenous groups of foods. In future work, we will use our system to build personalized diets for health conditions people, especially diabetic people.
This work was supported by the Ministry of National Education, Professional Training,
Higher Education and Scientific Research (MENFPESRS) and the Digital Development Agency (DDA) of Morocco (Nos. Alkhawarizmi/ 2020/23).
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