
I have the expertise, leadership, training, motivation, and experience in medical oncology and hematology in particularly Breast, GI & GU Oncology, Chronic Anemias, Bleeding & Coagulation Disorders, Palliative & Supportive Care, Orthomolecular, Integrative, Nutritional, and Spiritual Medicine Fields.
In view of special interest in spirituality, and theology, I also got trainings, certifications, and expertise in Systematic Theology, Biblical Hebrew, Cristian Thanatology, and Spiritual Medicine. In the field of hospitals, leadership and business, I got special courses and certifications in Joint Commission Accreditation issues, Patient Safety and Medical Error Prevention, and HIPAA Law with experience as Medical Director and Member of Board of Trustees in primary health care centers, hospitals, blood bank, infusion center, and health education institutions.
Honorable Editors
Omar Salameh Hujran
Ajman University
United Arab Emirates View Profile
Government informatics, E-business, Mobile government, Location-based services, Information systems innovation, adoption, and diffusion, Social implications of the emerging technologies, Business models and Cloud computing.
Raul Morales Borges
Ashford Medical Center
USA View Profile
James M Ruiz
Sam Houston State University
USA View Profile
Police Administration and Supervision; Ethics in Policing; Police Interaction with Persons with Mental Illness; Use of Force; Canine Deployment; The Ku Klux Klan
James (Jim) Ruiz is an Associate Professor of Criminal Justice (Ph.D. from the College of Criminal Justice at Sam Houston State University, M.A. in Criminal Justice, University of Louisiana at Monroe, B.A. and A.A. in Criminal Justice, Minot State University). He began his career in the field of criminal justice as a police officer with the New Orleans Police Department in 1967. He has published articles in Police Quarterly, American Journal of Police, Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology, Criminal Justice Ethics, International Journal of Public Administration, International Journal of Police Science and Management, The Critical Criminologist, Police Forum, and Texas Law Enforcement Management and Administrative Statistics Program Bulletin. He has also written a book entitled, The Black Hood of the Ku Klux Klan. He has published and worked extensively in the area of police management of persons with mental illness.
Robert J Chen
Harvard University
USA View Profile
Mustafa Zeedan Youni S
Jackson State University
USA View Profile
Health Sciences; Health Policy; Healthcare Finance; Health Economics; Comparative Healthcare System
Mustafa Z. Younis is an internationally recognized scholar and an Expert of Global Health Financing & Public Health. He was a member of the Executive Committee of the International Society for Research of Healthcare Financial Management. He authored and published over 200 articles, abstracts and presentations in refereed journals and meetings, and has presented at national and international conferences. And he has an administrative experience as Senior Advisor for the President at Zirve University, Turkey and as Chair of the Department of Health Policy and Management at Florida International University (FL, USA) where he led the accreditation efforts for the Healthcare Management Program.
Anthony F Shay
University of Wisconsin Stout
USA View Profile
Vocational Rehabilitation; Positive Psychology; Developmental Psychology; Clinical Psychology, Social Psychology
Anthony Shay is a Capacity Building Specialist, Research and Knowledge Mobilization Specialist, and a Rehabilitation Specialist with the University of Wisconsin, Stout Vocational Rehabilitation Institute. He holds a Doctoral Degree in Education and a Master’s Degree in Counseling and Psychological Services. he is a Licensed Professional Counselor, a Certified Rehabilitation Counselor, and holds certificates in Assistive Technology and Accessible Design and Catholic theology. He chairs the Rehabilitation Engineering and Assistive Technology Society of North America’s (RESNA) Vocational Rehabilitation Professional Specialty Group (VRPSG), represents SVRI on the WisLoan Board, Wisconsin’s assistive technology alternative loan program, and chairs Everybody Works, a regional nonprofit.
Walid Y Farah
Royal Commission Health Services
USA View Profile
Gastroenterology; Hepatology
Dr. Walid is a senior consultant in Internal Medicine , Gastroenterology and Hepatology.Board certified in Internal Medicine.Board certified in Gastroenterology and Hepatology.He is Currently practicing Gastroenterlogy and Hepatology at Royal Commission Health Services Program at Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Marco Brito Arias
National Polytechnic Institute
USA View Profile
Heterocyclic Chemistry; Drug Design
Marco Brito-Arias is an organic chemist currently working at the Biotechnology Unit at the National Polytechnic Institute of Mexico in 1995 and since then he combines teaching courses of Organic Chemistry, Heterocyclic Chemistry and Drug Design to Pharmaceutical Engineers and develop a research program related to the design of novel substances potentially useful in the treatment of diabetes, cancer and parasitic disease. He earned his diploma as Pharmaceutical chemist at the National Polytechnic Institute and continues his doctorate studies in Gent Belgium where he got his phD in Chemistry with magna cum lauda in 1993 in the group of Marc Van Montagu. After his return from Europe he joined The National Autonomous of México (UNAM) at the Chemistry Institute where he developed a research program in heterocyclic chemistry. In 2002 he made a postdoctor Since then he has been appointed full time professor at the National Polytechnic Institute where he combines teaching with research.He is author of 4 books one of them in his second edition written in english and published by Springer International and 28 articles in prestigious journals.He is member of the Mexican Academy of Science, the International Alumni Association, and the National Research System.Marco Brito-Arias is an organic chemist currently working at the Biotechnology Unit at the National Polytechnic Institute of Mexico in 1995 and since then he combines teaching courses of Organic Chemistry, Heterocyclic Chemistry and Drug Design to Pharmaceutical Engineers and develop a research program related to the design of novel substances potentially useful in the treatment of diabetes, cancer and parasitic disease. He earned his diploma as Pharmaceutical chemist at the National Polytechnic Institute and continues his doctorate studies in Gent Belgium where he got his phD in Chemistry with magna cum lauda in 1993 in the group of Marc Van Montagu. After his return from Europe he joined The National Autonomous of México (UNAM) at the Chemistry Institute where he developed a research program in heterocyclic chemistry. In 2002 he made a postdoctor Since then he has been appointed full time professor at the National Polytechnic Institute where he combines teaching with research.He is author of 4 books one of them in his second edition written in english and published by Springer International and 28 articles in prestigious journals.He is member of the Mexican Academy of Science, the International Alumni Association, and the National Research System.
Amballur David John
Johns Hopkins University
USA View Profile
Anesthesiology; Critical Care Medicine
Amballur David John M.D. is Assistant Professor of Anesthesia and Critical Care Medical at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine; and Director of Student Education at Johns Hopkins Bayview Medical Center, Baltimore USA. He received his B.A. from Harvard University, Cambridge MA and his M.D. from New York Medical College, Valhalla, NY. He trained in Internal Medicine Residency at Metro West Medical Center, Framingham MA. Training continued with residency in Anesthesiology and Critical Care Medicine at Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore Maryland with sub specialization fellowship in Cardiac Anesthesiology and Fellowship in Cardiac Anesthesiology at the Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston MA. He was formerly instructor at Harvard Medical School, Boston MA prior to his current appointment at Johns Hopkins. Dr. John is on several Editorial Boards and has published numerous articles and book chapters. His area of expertise include Cardiopulmonary Rescescitation, Airway Management, Neuroanesthesia, Geriatrics, and the Post Anesthetic Care Unit.
Yan Wang
Miami University
USA View Profile
Pediatrics; Gene Therapy or Smaller Molecular Study; Respiratory and Cardiovascular Medicine; Oxidative Stress and Antioxidant Enzyme Defence; Nitric Oxide and Its Enzyme; Cell Injury and Acute Lung Injury; Biochemistry or Gene Engineer Pharmacy
Yan Wang is a Doctor and Scientist in medicine. She received his Bachelor Medicine Degree at XinXiang Medical College, and Ph.D Degree at Respiratory and Emergency Medicine of Pediatrics from Shanghai Fudan University in 1998. She has worked previously at the Miami University in Miami, Pennsylvania University in Philadelphia and Imperial College in London. Currently she have her work positions at attending doctor, professor and director at hospitals and medicine organizations. she hold honored membership in American Physiological Society and American Thoracic Society. She is in the Editorial Boards from several Journal and pressas in Austin Critical Care Journal-Austin Publishing Group in the United States, E-Cronicon Open Access Journal of Cardiology in the United Kingdom. She has taken projects and programs on clinical and basic research for many years. She has Published important articles which have activated the advancement in Medicine, meanwhile, and She has given speeches, teaching and news release in varied situation
Andre LA Dos Santos
Federal University of Riode Janeiro
USA View Profile
Shu Li
The Pennsylvania State University
USA View Profile
Using Genetic Engineering Methods to Create Plant-Based Food Alternatives
Dr.Shu Li is the Chief Scientist Officer of Alpine Roads, Inc. Her research focuses on developing novel applications of genetically modified crop species. She received her Ph.D. in Plant Biology from The Pennsylvania State University studying the molecular mechanism of self-incompatibility in flowering plants. In her spare time, she serves as editorial board member for multiple journals and she is an active member of GWIS (Graduate Women in Science) national chapter.
Kelly L Colwell
Youngstown State University
USA View Profile
CP Huang
University of Delaware
USA View Profile
Balaji Ramanathan
Yale University
England View Profile
Immunophysiology; Antimicrobial and Innate Immunity; Drug Discovery; Cancer; Nanotechnology; Stem Cell Research.
He is a permanent resident in Canada, residing in London, ON. He have 19+ years of teaching and research experience. He has graduated with a Veterinary Medical degree (BVSc) in 1996 from Madras Veterinary College, India. After earning his PhD (2004) from the Kansas State University specializing in immunology,he underwent postdoctoral training at Yale University School of Medicine. Later, took up a tenure-track faculty position involving teaching gross anatomy and neuroscience at the University of Prince Edward Island (Atlantic Veterinary College) in 2006 and also established a research program with a 5-year federal grant (NSERC). He also served as a Program leader (cancer research) in the Atlantic center for comparative biomedical research, Canada (ACCBR).To expand his research career in a more familiar environment, He relocated to Texas A&M University (TAMU) as a faculty. Apart from his research obligation, He was also hired as a gross anatomist to participate in teaching veterinary anatomy. At TAMU, He has established a research lab, supervising undergraduate, graduate students and a research assistant. His area of research expertise falls under infectious diseases, innate immunity, cancer and drug discovery. Because of unavoidable personal reasons, He made the hard decision of ending his employment. After his departure from TAMU, He have been invited few times by Ross University Veterinary School of Medicine, where he coordinated and team taught veterinary anatomy (both large and small animal).
Iyer Krishna Mohan
University of Liverpool
UK View Profile
Non – Orthopaedic; Orthopaedic
Dr K. Mohan Iyer did his MCPS (1971) from the College of Physicians and Surgeons, Mumbai, India; MBBS (1971) from the University of Mumbai; D’Orth. and FCPS Orth. (1975) from the College of Physicians and Surgeons; MS Orth. (1978) from the University of Mumbai; and M. Ch. Orth. (1981) from the University of Liverpool, UK. During this time, he wrote three thesis on fractures of the patella, excision arthroplasty of the elbow, and excision of the trapezium for carpometacarpal arthritis of the thumb.
Jing Jing Wu
University of Calgary
Canada View Profile
Biostatistics and Biometrics; Genetic Studies; Case-Control Study; Survival Analysis; Non/Semi-Parametric Models; Minimum Distance Estimation; Mixture Models; Asymptotic Efficiency and Robustness; Dimension Reduction
Dr. Wu received her B.Sc. in Computational Mathematics and Applied Software from Minzu University of China (1999), M.Sc. in Probability from Beijing Normal University (2002), and Ph.D. in Statistics from University of Alberta (2008). Her PhD thesis was awarded the Pierre-Robillard Award by SSC (Statistical Society of Canada) as the best doctoral thesis in probability or statistics defended at a Canadian University in 2007. She joined University of Calgary in 2007 as an Assistant Professor and was tenured and promoted to Associate Professor in2013. Dr. Wu holds the Discovery Grants from NSERC (Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada) since 2008.
Alberto Zani
Italian National Research Council
Italy View Profile
Cognitive Sciences; Neurosciences; Psychological Sciences
Alberto Zani graduated in 1979 with a Dissertation on “Brain Neurotransmitters and Behaviour”. He then specialized in Cognitive Psychophysiology in The Netherlands, and in Cognitive Neuroscience in the USA. He worked at the Institute of Psychology and the Institute of Neuroscience and Bioimaging. At present, he works at the Institute of Molecular Bioimaging and Physiology of the Italian Research Council, where he carries out research in Cognitive Neuroscience as responsible of the Electro-Functional Brain Imaging unit. He taught Psychophysiology, Anatomical and Physiological Foundations of Mind, Neuroanatomy, Cognitive Psychology, and was enrolled in the national list of Full Professors in Psychobiology and Psychophysiology. He authored four books – e. g. “Theories of the Brain. From Eighteenth Century Up Today” (in Italian) and “The Cognitive Electrophysiology of Mind and Brain” - as well as more than 100 peer-reviewed papers in International Journals. His specific specialization areas are neural mechanisms of Visual attention, Language, and Emotions.
Patrice F Dassonville
Independent researcher
France View Profile
Time and Space
Patrice F. Dassonville was born on May 22 in the year 1940 in Normandy and got Married in the year 1991. He studied at the University of Caen – France : Eligible to DEA (Diploma of Advanced Study) of atomic spectronomy (1965),Eligible to DEA of solid states physics (1965), Diploma of the Institut d’Administration des Entreprises (1965). He was a professor of physics and chemistry at the National High School of Niamey – Niger (1966-1968). He hold’s an experience of ten years in the industrial engineering field (Paris) and twenty years as an expert in restoration of artworks on paper in Paris & New York.
Adama LY
University Paris XI
France View Profile
Growth Factors; Antitumoral Immunity Cellular Therapies of Tumours; Biomedical Sciences; Health in Developing Countries; Social Health and Sciences; Innovations Management; Global Health
Adama Ly is the President - Founder of AFROCANCER, an international network against cancer in Africa. He is also the Founder in 2009 and editor in chief of the revue “Journal Africain du Cancer/ African Journal of Cancer” published by Springer France. He was a Doctor in Immunology and Oncology at University Paris XI and was member of the Doctoral school of Gustave Roussy cancer Institute (Villejuif, France). He received a degree in Biomedical Engineering and Innovations Management (Pierre and Marie Curie University, Paris, France). He graduated in Master of Social Health (MSH) from Ecoles des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales (School of High studies in social Sciences) (Paris). He was visiting fellow at Sydney Kimmel Cancer Center (SKCC, San Diego, California, USA) and at Martin Luther Wittenberg University (Halle, Germany). He act has a senior manager in medical and fundamental researches, he focuses his work in growth factors and antitumoral immunity and cellular therapies of tumours at INSERM (National Institute for Health and Medical Research) and University Paris XI.
Itzik Harosh
France View Profile
Obesity; Diabetes
Dr Itzik Harosh is the founder & CEO of ObeTherapy (January 2000 - present) a biotech dedicated to the discovery of new genes for obesity and diabetes treatment based on the lean phenotype and the development of molecules for the treatment of metabolic syndrome.He established the concept to look for new genes associated to starvation phenotype based on rare genetic diseases for the treatment of obesity and type II diabetes.Prior to the creation of ObeTherapy he was a Group leader in GSK in France where he learnedthe art of drug discovery, targets identification and validation.He did his PhD at The Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel, working on DNA repair enzymes (1982-1987) which was followed by four years of post doctoral experienceat Stanford and at Davis University, California, US. (1987-1991). From there he movedto France where he worked in the CNRS at the laboratory of Miro Radman. From there he moved to the Glaxo Welcome where he learned the art of drug discovery and target identificationan validation. He is the author and co-author of 15 articles and 8 patents all dealing with obesity, diabetes and HTS.
Michel Goldberg
Paris Descartes University
France View Profile
Luisa Maria Arvide Cambra
University of Almeria
Spain View Profile
Medieval Arabic Science, Humanities and Arabic Philology
Professor Dr. Luisa Maria Arvide Cambra, Spanish is now Professor with Chair at the University of Almería (Spain) and she was Assistant Professor and Associate Professor at the University of Granada from 1979 on. Thirtynine years of the teaching and researching experience. She is Director of Research Group HUM113-Estudios Filológicos from Program of Research of Andalusian Government, where she has managed and directed several academic and scientific contracts and research projects, as well as Member of European Scientific Institute (ESI) management team, and membership of Athens Institute for Education & Research (ATINER) in Greece, The Academic Genesis Platform (UAGP) in UK & Turkey and Experts of Academic Excellence Research Centre (EAERC) in Jorda; etc. She is author of a many works on several aspects of the Arabic science and literature in the Middle Ages, as well as Arabic language and linguistics. She has also participated in different prestigious international scientific Conferences. She has visited a many universities and academic institutions of Europe, United States and Arab countries in order to teach and research. Among her works, we have the study and the translation to Spanish of some treatises of Kitab al-tasrif´s Al-Zahrawi, Ibn Qutayba´s texts, Maqamas of Al-Hariri, The Sicilian Questions of Ibn Sab´in, etcetera.
Francisco R Breijo Marquez
Murcia University
Spain View Profile
Orfeas Peridis
Forensic medical expert
Greece View Profile
Medical Center
Dr Orfeas K. Peridis received his medical degree in 1990 and later completed a MSc in Public Health in 1993, a PhD in Forensic Medicine in 1997 (with the topic being: Identification in Forensic Dentistry histological study) and a BSc degree in Sociology in 2000. He has 15 years of experience in clinical medicine as he worked as a general doctor as well. In the past, he has worked as a professor, examiner and marker, teaching anatomy, physiology and pharmacology. He is a member of 17 international and domestic professional bodies, the founder and president of the European Institute of Preventive Medicine and Nutrition, the founder of 2 websites and a company. He is the sole author of 2 books and has contributed to 2 other books. He is currently working as a forensic medical examiner in freelance.
Iwona Rybakowska
Medical University of Gdansk
Poland View Profile
Ian James Martins
Edith Cowan University
Australia View Profile
Anti-Aging, Global Health and Chronic Disease
Dr Martins completed his undergraduate Science degree at the University of Western Australia in 1984, then completing a MSc in Clinical Biochemistry in 1986. In 1987 he commenced a Ph D studying the role of high density lipoprotein (HDL) in diabetes (Hackett Scholarship). In 1993 he was awarded a Saw fellowship from the University of Western Australia to conduct studies relating to the metabolism of chylomicrons and their remnants and the influence of size and composition on their clearance from blood and its importance to atherosclerosis. The publications between 1988-2000 have shown that Dr Martins has made a valuable and solid contribution to the field of atherosclerosis and heart disease. His work has concentrated on understanding the role of dietary cholesterol rich particles and the subsequent clearance and metabolism from the blood plasma and their potential risk for
Ángel G Polanco Rodríguez
Universidad Autónoma de Yucatan
Mexico View Profile
Dr. Angel G Polanco Rodríguez currently is a researcher at Regional Research Center from Autonomous University of Yucatan, Mexico, Department of Social Medicine and Public Health. He is chemical and completed his Masters Degree in Management and Conservation of Natural Resources by Autonomous University of Yucatan, Mexico, and Erasmus Mundus PhD in Marine and Coastal Management, on Water Pollution, at University of Cadiz, Spain. In addition, he have international certification on Geographical Information System (GIS). Form part of several committees of health, environment and climate change. He have international publications in indexed journals on water pollution by organochlorine pesticides, their bioaccumulation in blood in women with cancer, and in breast milk, as well as works of qualitative research on risk perception of population about the public health and environmental impact by pesticides management. He have international research collaborations with diverse universities and Research Centers like Mexico, Spain, Africa, India, USA, Italy, and Cyprus. Currently continues to develop research projects on the impacts of the environment on the public health from a multidisciplinary point of view, water pollution and sanitation. On the other hand, it actively participates in projects developing and the training of pre and postgraduate students.
Refugio Rodríguez-Vázquez
National Polytechnic Institute
Mexico View Profile
Torrance T Stephens
Clark Atlanta University
Georgia View Profile
Statistical Data Analysis; Evaluation; Intervention Design
Dr. Stephens is a graduate of Morehouse College where he studied, psychology, biology and chemistry. He received a master’s degree in Educational Psychology and Measurement from Atlanta University and a Ph.D. in Counseling from Clark Atlanta University. He has lived in Nigeria, Senegal and South Africa. His research targets infectious disease and substance abuse risk among incarcerated populations. He is the author of three books of short fiction, a novel and a book of verse. He served as a Research Assistant Professor at Emory University in the Rollins School of Public Health in Atlanta for more than 13 years. And until recently as Associate Professor and Health Education/Health Promotion Track Coordinator for the MPH program at Morehouse School of Medicine in the Department of Community and Preventive Medicine. He has more than 70 peer review publications on the subject of inmate and correctional health care as it relates to substance abuse and infectious disease risk reduction in the US and Africa. Currently he teaches in the Psychology Department at Clark Atlanta University.
Douglas S Gardenhire
Georgia State University
Georgia View Profile
Respiratory Care Education and Trends; Pulmonary Case Reports; Pharmacology and Aerosol Product Evaluation
Douglas S. Gardenhire completed his doctoral degree at the University of Georgia. He is Chairman of the Department of Respiratory Therapy at Georgia State University in Atlanta, Georgia. He is the author of Rau’s Respiratory Care Pharmacology, lead author for the American Association for Respiratory Care’s Guide to Aerosol Delivery Devices for Respiratory Therapist, chapter author on Airway Pharmacology for Egan’s Fundamentals of Respiratory Care, as well as chapter author on Airway Pharmacology and Delivery of Aerosol Drug Therapy in Respiratory Care Clinical Lab Competency Manual.He has authored many peer-reviewed articles on respiratory care education and aerosol medication.
Lajos Borbas
Budapest University of Technology and Economics
Europe View Profile
Adnan Catovic
University of Zagreb
Croatia View Profile
Fixed Prosthodontics and Implantology; Oral Health of Elderly; Biomechanics of Teeth and Prosthetic Appliances; Ergonomics in Dentistry; Dental Radiology
Adnan Catovic is a specialist and primarius in Prosthodontics. He is full Professor of Fixed Prosthodontics and Geriatric Dentistry at the School of Dentistry, University of Zagreb and Head of Polyclinic Dental Clinic University Hospital Centre in Zagreb, Croatia. He is a regular member of the Croatian Academy of Medical Sciences, graduated from the School of Dental Medicine in Zagreb 1977. He was research assistant at the Department of Fixed Prosthodontics, Faculty of Dentistry in Zagreb, university lecturer and research associate in 1987. He was elected for Associate Professor and senior research associate in 1995. and Full Professor and Scientific Advisor in 1999.From 1999. to 2001. he was Head of the Department of Fixed Prosthodontics, Faculty of Dentistry, University of Zagreb. He was Head of the Department of Fixed Prosthodontics, School of Medicine, Study of Dental Medicine,University of Rijeka from 2001 to 2003. Now he is the Head of the Geriatric Dentistry at the School of Dental Medicine University of Zagreb and Head of the Polyclinic of Dental Clinic University Hospital Center Zagreb. He was a lecturer at numerous scientific and professional conferences and has published over 150 scientific papers .He was a leader and principal investigator of the scientific project "Teeth, materials and prosthetics appliances in adolescent and geriatric population”. He was author of two textbooks of Fixed prosthodontics and Geriatric dentistry and coauthor in two textbooks of Geriatric Medicine and Dental Radiology .He is a regular member of the Croatian Academy of Medical Sciences, Croatian Society for Prosthetic Dentistry, Croatian Medical Association, European Prosthodontic Association (EPA) and the European College of Gerodontology (ECG). He is a member of several Editorial Boards of the International Journals in Dentistry and Medicine.
Zuev Mikhail Georgievich
Institute of Solid State Chemistry
Russia View Profile
Physical chemistry
He was born on 18.10.1945. In 1970 he graduated from the Ural Polytechnic Institute. In 1975 he received a degree of candidate of chemical sciences in the specialty "Chemistry and technology of rare and dispersed substances".In 1996 he received a Doctor of Chemical Sciences degree in the specialty Physical Chemistry. Since 1982 he work at the Institute of Solid State Chemistry of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Since 1999 he have also work as a professor at the Ural Federal University named after the first President of Russia B.N. Yeltsin.
Khurram Mehboob
King Abdul Aziz university
Saudi Arabia View Profile
Nuclear Power Plant Safety and Simulation, Reactor Safety Analysis, Nuclear Power Plant Safety and Simulation,and Modeling and Simulation
Dr. Khurram Mehboob is currently is an Assistant Professor at Department of Nuclear Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, King Abdul Aziz University, Jeddah Saudi Arabia. He is serving in Faculty of Engineering at King Abdul Aziz university (KAU) since October 2014. He also served as Research Professor at Department of Nuclear Engineering at Kyung Hee University (KHU), South Korea for a period of one year. Dr. Khurram has also served as an assistant Professor at Department of Physics, COMSATS Institute of Information Technology (CIIT), Islamabad from 2013 to 2017. His Teaching interest includes Radiation Detection and Measurements, Computational Methods.
Abeer Mohammed Alharbi
King Abdulaziz Medical City
Saudi Arabia View Profile
Mohd Shahbaaz Khan
King Fahad Medical City
Saudi Arabia View Profile
Cardiac Surgery; Cardiacthoracic and Vascular Surgery; Pediatric Surgery
Sampan Tongnunui
Mahidol University
Thailand View Profile
Osman Erkmen
University of Gaziantep
Turkey View Profile
He expanded his research on nonthermal processes and natural antimicrobials in food preservation; production of fermented foods and products; (thiamin, lycopene and citric acid); and microbial inactivation kinetics and modeling; and combined effect of nonthermal processes.
Osman Erkmen is professor of food microbiology in the Department of Food Engineering under the University of Gaziantep (Turkey) since 2004. He received his BS degree in Biology (1985) and MS degree in Food Microbiology (1987) from the METU (Turkey). He did his PhD in General Microbiology in 1994. He started his career as a research assistant at the Department of Food Engineering in 1985 and later became assistant professor in 1994, associate professor of Food Microbiology in 1999 and Professor in 2004. He teaches courses in Food Microbiology, General Microbiology, Food Sanitation, and Food Toxicology. He has published over 100 research articles and book chapters in the fields of Food Microbiology, Food Toxicology, Food Sanitation, and General Microbiology with more than 1500 citations. He is the editor of the book Gıda Mikrobiyolojisi (Food Microbiology) in Turkish language and is author of four books: Food Microbiology Principles into Practice (Volume 1, 2), A Laboratory Manual in General Microbiology and Basic Methods for the Microbiological Analysis of Foods.
Naim Saglam
Firat University
Turkey View Profile
Badii Amamou
Department of Psychiatry
Tunisia View Profile
Psychiatry; Addictology; Clinical Sexology
Badii Amamou was born on November 04th in the year 1982 in Sousse, Tunisia.He studied at the Faculty of medicine of sousse – Tunisia: he got the master degree of geronto-psychiatry in 2012, he got the master degree of clinical sexology and the master degree of addictology in 2013. He got his doctorate of medicine and the master degree of criminal psychiatry in 2014. Since 2014 he is an assistant professor in the faculty of medicine of Monastir where he is teaching psychiatry, psychology, clinical sexology and addictology.
Achiano Kwaku Akoming
University of Stellenbosch
South Africa View Profile
Biological control of pest insects, Insect pest ecology and population dynamics Non-target effect of agro-chemical products, Specialized techniques in the control of flies on livestock farms.
Eber Luis de Lima Stevao
Pontiff Catholic University of Parana
Brazil View Profile
TMJ Diseases; Alloplastic TMJ Reconstruction; Dentofacial Deformities; Orthognathic Surgery; Facial Aesthetics Surgical Procedures; Nerve Repair; Dental Implant Dentistry; Piezosurgery; Substitutes for Bone Tissue; Maxilla and Mandible Osseous Total Reconstruction and is an extensive researcher in the field of Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome.
Dr. Eber Luis Stevao (DDS, M.Ed., PhD, Oral and Maxillofacial surgeon) was born in Southern Brazil in 1968. He graduated from Pontiff Catholic University of Parana, School of Dentistry, Curitiba - Brazil, obtaining a DDS degree. He started his interest and training in Implantology in 1990, travelling to Argentina to gain knowledge about the new tendency in Dentistry all around the world. He completed his post-graduation studies in Teachings and Didactics in 1995 and received the title of "Specialist in Education”. After his Residency training in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery in 1997 he started his Doctorate in OMS and received his Ph.D. degree from Pontiff Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul, School of Dentistry, Porto Alegre - Brazil studying Bone Repair. He was accepted for a 2-full year training in OMS at Baylor University Medical Center, Dallas - TX, EUA under Dr. Larry Wolford´s tutelage. In 2008 he was the first South American to enter the American Society of Temporomandibular Surgeons. In 2005 Dr. Stevao brought to Brazil and legalize the TMJ total joint prosthesis (TMJ Concepts System) being the first surgeon to perform TMJ total joint alloplastic replacement in Brazil. He successfully completed the NBDE in 2015 obtaining the title of Doctor of Dental Surgery in the USA. He has been invited to lecture all over the world about complex Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery. Besides his three books already published he wrote and published himself the first illustrative book about TMJ Surgery launched in 2014, Chicago - EUA and has several publications in international journals. He is the Director of the Institute of TMJ and Orthognathic Surgery at Curitiba, Brazil, effective Consultant and Reviewer of Full Dentistry in Science Journal, Associated Editor of Advances in Dentistry & Oral Health Journal, Member of the Brazilian Society of Dentistry Research, former President and Honorary member of the Brazilian Academy of Piezosurgery.
José Ricardo Kina
University of São Paulo
Brazil View Profile
periodontology, operative dentistry, dental implant, oral rehabilitation, endodontics and laser. therapy.
Associate Professor at UNESP-Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho, Division of Periodontics, Department of Surgery and Integrated Clinic and Professor at UNDB Dom Bosco University Division of Periodontics São Luis MA. Graduated at Araçatuba Dental School-Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho (1981), masters at Periodontology from Universidade de São Paulo (1985) and Ph.d. at Periodontology from Universidade de São Paulo (1991), Postdoctoral research from Tokyo Medical and Dental University (1995) and Associate Professor from Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho (2002). Specialist in Periodontics, Endodontics, Dental Prosthesis and Operative Dentistry. Has experience in Odontology, acting on the following subjects: periodontology, operative dentistry, dental implant, oral rehabilitation, endodontics and laser therapy.
Emad Hamdy Mahmoud Gad
Menoufyia university
Egypt View Profile
General surgery, GIT surgery, Hepatobiliary surgery, Hepatology ,Liver diseases ,Biliary diseases,Pancreatic diseases , Liver transplantation , Gastroenterology ,GIT and HPB oncology
Ahmed RG
Beni Suef University
Egypt View Profile
Pregnancy, Thyroid-Brain Disorders; Endocrine disruptors ; Anti-thyroid drugs; Thyroid Cancer; Gestational Diabetes; Rat, Mice and Chicken
Ahmed Mohamed Saied Hussein
Egypt View Profile
Baher Abdel Khalek Mahmoud Effat
National Research Centre
Egypt View Profile
Food and Dairy Microbiology; Functional Foods; Functional Dairy Products; Probiotics ,Propionic Acid Bacteria; Pathogenic Bacteria in Foods and Dairy Products
Baher Effat is a Research Professor of Food and Dairy Microbiology, National Research Centre, Egypt. Over 36 years of experience in Food and Dairy Bacteriology, he shared and supervised over than 3 Master and Ph.D Thesis in Food and Dairy sciences and more than 59 scientific publications in food and dairy microbiology, functional dairy products ,probiotics and propionic acid bacteria and pathogenic bacteria and in Food and Dairy Products. He has shared in national and international programs and projects. He joined many international conferences and workshop, in addition to scientific activities. In addition he awarded for CAS-TWAS Visiting Scholar Fellowship From 03 Aug., 2006 to 31 October 2006.Training of young researchers and lecturers on many science-related subjects; including courses for: Microbiological Analysis of Food, Control of Bacteria, Contamination during Food Process and Isolation and Identification of Microorganisms.
Ahmed Mohamed Medra
Alexandria University
Egypt View Profile
Craniofacial Surgery; Distraction Osteogenesis; Cranio; TMJ disorders and Ankylosis; Orthognathic Surgery; Head and Neck Tumors; Carcinoma of the Oral Cavity; Skeletal Surgery for Obstructive Sleep Apnea both for adults and children
Professor Ahmed Mohamed Medra is professor in Department of Cranio-Maxillo-facial, Oral and Plastic Surgery, Faculty of Dentistry, at Alexandria University, Egypt. He is doubly qualified. He got the medical Degree (M.B.Ch.B, December 1977) .He holds Master Degree in General & Emergency Surgery, in January 1981, Faculty of Medicine Alexandria University. Then he got the Dental Degree,(BDS, Faculty of Dentistry, Alexandria University,1985. He got Doctorate in Cranio-Maxillofacial, Oral and Plastic Surgery,1987.He is the President of the Egyptian Society of Craniofacialmaxillofacial Surgeons, since 2009 till now and the president of the Egyptian Association of Cleft Lip& Palate and Craniofacal Anomalies ,from 2012 till now.He is reviewer for International Arab Journal of Dentistry (IAJD), Advisory Board Member for Annals of International Medical and Dental Research and Associate editor in Journal of Dental Health, Oral Disorders and Therapy and member of the Editorial Board for Advances in dentistry and Oral Health Journal.(Juniper Publishers.com)and Editorial board Member for EC Dental Science Journal.
Abbas R Zaher
Department of Orthodontics
Egypt View Profile
Refat Sadeq
Port said University
Egypt View Profile
Microbiology; Virology; Molecular biology
Refat Sadeq is from Egypt who has been on microbiology over 37 years. He has started and graduated in Zagazig Faculty of Medicine for M.Sc. and Ph.D. , then he started to research articles reaching more than 80 articles, many of which have been published in international scientific journals, and he has reviewed over 100 edits on different journal sites. He is a Featured Author, for books in Medical Microbiology and Immunology for both medical students and nurses. He also assisted in building many units in his department but the favourite one was that of Virology and Molecular biology. He loves how to help junior doctors in his department to solve their scientific problems. His advice to new contributors is to take your time to get to know all the tools and to invest your energy and be sure that success will happened.
Mansoura Fawaz Salem Ismail
Suez Canal University
Egypt View Profile
Teena Agrawal
Banasthali University
India View Profile
Phytochemsitry of the Algae,Fungi,Pteridohpytes,Gymnopserms, Angiosperms and Ethnobotany of the plants.
Rajesh Chauhan
Lieutenant Colonel
India View Profile
Multi Morbidities; Rejuvenating Elderly
Dr. Rajesh Chauhan is one of the few Honorary National Professors of the IMA CGP, India, with 34 years of clinical experience in India and Botswana. He is an alumni of the AFMC, and had served as an Indian Army’s doctor for 25 years (including a three year stint in Botswana as Senior Medical Officer), before seeking a voluntary retirement in 2008 at the age of 47 years when he was a Lieutenant Colonel. International biographers from USA and UK have figured his name and biography amongst the best of the world for a decade and more amongst some of the very top scientists and health professionals of the world. He is a verified international expert, and has his interest, qualifications and expertise in Family Medicine, Geriatric Medicine, and Industrial Health. He is a post-graduate from the CMC Vellore, India (M Med in Family Medicine), and from Post Graduate Institute of Medicine, Colombo, Sri Lanka in Family Medicine. He was also affiliated with MAMC Delhi for his post graduate diploma course in Geriatrics (PGDGM). He has some more post graduate medical degrees, certificates, and fellowships including the coveted fellowship of the Indian Society of Malaria and other Communicable Diseases (FISCD), and is also one of the experts in Industrial Health (AFIH). Along with all this he has gained practical experience in hospital and health experience and disaster preparedness and management during his 25 years of his active service in Indian & Botswana Armies. Prior to his voluntary retirement he was a Commanding Officer and a SEMO (Senior Executive Medical Officer) for 11 Districts of South Gujarat.
Krishna Jayacharya Malagi
Manipal University
India View Profile
Anshuman Srivastava
Banaras Hindu University
India View Profile
Polymer Matrix Composites, Metal Matrix Composites, Ceramic Matrix Composites, Natural Fibre Reinforced Epoxy Based Composites, Biocomposites and Nanocomposites.
Dr Anshuman Srivastava, obtained his Ph.D in the field of Material Science and Engineering from Indian Institute of Technology (BHU) Varanasi, India. He has worked as a Joint Director (R and D), IIP Mumbai, Government of India. Presently, he is working as Professor in Mechanical Engineering Department, SIET Allahabad, India. He has published many research papers in journals like Composites Science and Technology, Journal of Power Sources, Material Research Bulletin, Journal of composites and many others. He is life member of various professional bodies like Electron Microscopy Society of India, International Association of Engineers (IAENG), IAENG Society of Industrial Engineering, IAENG Society of Mechanical Engineering, Material Research Society of India, Indian Society for Technical Education, Asian Polymer Association, Indian Society for Advancement in Material Processing and Engineering, Senior Member Hong Kong Society of Mechanical Engineers SM No 20170612001, Hong Kong Chemical, Biological & Environmental Engineering Society . Presently he is guiding several under graduate and post graduate research work. His research work is focused on Dielectric and Mechanical Properties of PVDF/CCTO and modified CCTO composites. Effect of varying amount of modified calcium copper titanate (CCTO and La. Nb, Zr and Sn doped CCTO) in PVDF has been investigated on the mechanical and dielectric properties of the composites. Phase analysis has been done using powder X-ray diffraction (XRD). SEM images were recorded to study the surface morphology. Thermal analysis has been done using Thermogravimetricanalysis (TGA). Microstructural, dielectric and mechanical properties have been investigated in detail. Composites exhibit higher values of Young’s modulus than that of PVDF. Dielectric permittivity increases with the increase in ceramic content. Dielectric loss increases slightly with increasing temperature and decreases with increasing frequency. Dielectric relaxations have been studied using modulus spectroscopy. Two dielectric relaxations have been observed, one in the low frequency range and the other in the intermediate frequency range. The low frequency relaxation is attributed to the Maxwell-Wagner-Sillar type while the high frequency relaxation is due to αc relaxation associated with the molecular motion of the polymer chains in the crystalline regions of PVDF.
Surender Kumar Pal
Regional Forensic Science Laboratory
India View Profile
Forensic Anthropology; Sexual Assaults; Diatoms; Murders; Hangings; Strangulations
Prabhuodeyara M Gurubasavaraj
Rani Channamma University
India View Profile
Synthetic Organometallic Chemistry/Inorganic Synthesis; Multidimensional Nmr Spectroscopy for Solution Structure and Dynamics; Catalytic Asymmetric Organic Transformation ; Catalytic Olefin Polymerization and Co-Polymerization; Activation of Small Molecules; Biodegradable Polymer Synthesis and Understanding the Mechanism; Organometallic and Bioinorganic Catalysis; Nanomaterials (biomaterials)
Dr P M Gurubasavaraj was born and brought up in Kottur, Bellary (D). He completed MSc chemistry and MPhil from Gulbarga University, Gulbarga. After qualifying in National Eligibility Test (NET) he moved to Indian Institute of Science (IISc) Bangalore as a Research Assistant. In 2004, He moved to do PhD at Gottingen University under the supervision of Prof Herbert W Roesky, a Pioneer organometallic chemistry Scientist. He completed his PhD in 2007 with high honors. Dr Gurubasavaraj got selected to Prestigious Japan Society for Promotion of Science, (JSPS postdoctoral Fellowship) Japan in his first attempt. He worked at Nara Institute of Science and Technology (NAIST) Nara, Japan. He then moved to University of Rochester, New York to work in Bioinorganic Chemistry under the supervision of Patrick L Holland. He worked in National Institute of Health (NIH) project. He decided to move back to India and currently he is Assistant Professor at Rani Channamma University, Belagavi. He has extensive experience in Synthetic inorganic, NMR spectroscopy and Bioinorganic chemistry and has authored/co-authored 22 international publications and has one US patent, one book chapter to his publication list.He has been awarded the prestigious UGC-Raman Fellowship. He is the first faculty member to be selected from Rani Channamma University. He completed the fellowship successfully.
Milad Mohammadoo Khorasani
Tarbiat ModaresUniversity
Iran View Profile
Mehdi Sheikh Goodarzi
Environmental science and assessment
Iran View Profile
Environmental science
Mehdi Sh Goodarzi is really an environmental ethic promoter. He studied natural resources engineering (BSc), environmental science (MSc; landuse planning) and environmental assessment (PhD; eco-hydrological modeling) all at the university of Tehran, Iran. Mehdi attended in environmental related course and workshops such as “ISO, HSE, climate change and so on”. He also is a member of scientific associations like “Iranian environmental impact assessment” and “Iranian watershed management association”.
Associate Editors
Norma Rangel Vazquez
Researcher at PCC
Kent R Acheson
Kaplan University
Alireza Heidari
California South University
William P Clafshenkel
University of Illinois
Sumith Gunasekera
Ferris State University, USA
Arjun K Gupta
Purdue University
Nikos Katzourakis
University of Reading
Donatella Rita Petretto
University of Cagliari
George Grant
University of Toronto
Irami Araújo Filho
Federal University of Rio Grandedo Norte
Mueen Uddin
Universiti Teknologi
Pei Desheng
Chinese Academy of Sciences
Khalid Hussain Thebo
Chinese Academy of Sciences
Cecilia Young
Independent Researcher
Hong Kong
Ankara University
Michał Oskiera
University of Bremen
Barbara Sensula
University of Silesia in Katowice
Triantafyllos K Makarios
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
Aashish S Morani
Lake Erie College of Osteopathic Medicine
New Zealand
Georgios Androutsopoulos
University of Patras
Abdelmonem Awad Mustafa Hegazy
Zagazig University
Asmaa Said Ali El-Banna
Alexandria University
Waleed Fouad Abobatta
Menoufia University
Elsayed Ahmed Elnashar
Kaferelsheikh University
Moataz Mahmoud Mohamed Bashah
The Supreme Council of Universities
Shehab Mahmoud Abd El Kader
Cairo University
Alfredo Figueiredo
Coimbra University Hospital
Ali M Maziad
Ain Shams University
Kaveh Ostad Ali Askari
Islamic Azad University
Ali Shalizar Jalali
Urmia University
Nadir Dİizge
Mersin University
M Cuneyt Bagdatli
Nevsehir Haci Bektas Veli University
Cengiz Mordeniz
Namik Kemal University
Atefe Ferdowsipour
Islamic Azad University
Bushra Jabeen Mehdi
Sir Syed University of Engineering and Technology
Chukwu Okeah Gift Ogondah
University of Port Harcourt
Clifford Tafangenyasha
Zimbabwe Department of National Parks and Wildlife Management Authority
Wubishet Zewdie Wakene
Yabello Regional Veterinary Laboratory
University of Burdwan
Shailesh Kumar Singh
Lovely Professional University
Nurul Mohammad Zayed
Daffodil International University
Ajay Misra
University of Lucknow
Ali Gamal Ahmed Al kaf
Sanaa University
Aboobacker Jahufer
South Eastern University of Sri Lanka
Sri lanka
Aashish Roy
Addis Ababa Science & Technology University
Navas Nadukkandiyil
Hamad Medical Corporation
Swapan Kumar Paul
Bangladesh Agricultural University