Research Article December 04, 2024
How South Africans Perceive the Quality and Sufficiency of Municipal Service Delivery, and Possible Surfs Towards 2026 Municipal Elections
Kgoshi Kgashane Lucas Pilusa*
The Academic Journal of Politics and Public Administration (ACJPP) stands as an esteemed international, peer-reviewed open-access journal dedicated to the dissemination of extensive knowledge to its readership. With a resolute commitment to advancing scholarly discourse, ACJPP actively solicits manuscripts that contribute significantly to the academic understanding of pivotal theoretical concerns, empirical nuances, and methodological approaches within the broad scope of political science and public administration. Encompassing a comprehensive array of subfields, ACJPP serves as a platform for exploring a diverse spectrum of topics. Notable areas of coverage include but are not limited to Public Policy, Governance dynamics, International Relations, Comparative Politics, Political Methodology, Political Theory, Sovereignty matters, Gender Studies implications within political contexts, and the intersections of Psychology and Sociology with the political landscape. Additionally, the journal extends its purview to encompass the realms of Business and Finance, acknowledging their intertwined relationship with politics and public administration. ACJPPs inclusivity shines through in its acceptance of various types of scholarly contributions. The journal warmly welcomes and actively publishes an array of article formats including Original Research Articles that contribute novel insights, Comprehensive Reviews that synthesize existing knowledge, Case Reports that provide contextualized instances, Mini Reviews that offer concise overviews, Short Communications that encapsulate focused information, Opinions that foster insightful discussions, and even Book Reviews that critically assess relevant literature. In essence, ACJPP serves as a dynamic platform where researchers, practitioners, and scholars converge to share their expertise, further enriching the collective understanding of political science and public administration. By extending its reach to a global readership and embracing a diversity of topics and article formats, the journal strengthens the connections between theory and practice while facilitating a vibrant exchange of ideas.
Kgoshi Kgashane Lucas Pilusa*
Anulekha Bhagawati*
Nikolaos Milonas T* and Evangelia Photina K
Betelhem G Abraham, Wang Wei, Meseret A Chanie*, Amsalu K Addis, Cai Baozhong and Shi Fang
Akim Rahman M* Shaikh Afnan Birahim
Artem Artyukhov*