Honorable Editors

Luis Del Carpio-Orantes,

Universidad Veracruzana, Mexico View Profile

Research Interest:
Arbovirus, Guillain Barré syndrome

Luis Del Carpio Orantes is a Medical Specialist in Internal Medicine and also an Internist in Mexican Social Security Institute. He is assigned to ICU Internist, D’Maria Hospital and he is also an Expert Columnist for the Iberoamerican Society of Scientific Information with the theme of emerging viruses. He has published articles related to intensive care (negative pressure pulmonary edema and disseminated intravascular coagulation in the ICU) and epidemiology, regarding dengue, zika, chikungunya and influenza which can be referred in PubMed and other index. He is an Independent Researcher, projects a research on the treatment of dengue.

Michel S Bourin

Paris University
France View Profile

Research Interest:


Lajos Lakatos

kenezy Gyula Hospital and Clinic
Hungary View Profile

Research Interest:


Gyorgy Balla

University of Debrecen
Hungary View Profile

Research Interest:


Marina V Zueva

Federal State Budgetary Institution
Russia View Profile

Research Interest:
Basic and clinical physiology and electrophysiology of vision, neurophysiology; The age-related and developmental disorders of the visual system; Neurodegenerative diseases of the retina and brain; Neurocognitive technologies in the diagnosis and treatment of neurodegenerative diseases of the retina and brain, neurological and psychiatric disorders; Impacts of different physical factors to human brain, influence of complex-structured optical signals on the structure and dynamics of retinal and brain activity in norm and pathology


Associate Editors

Emine Gercek

Adnan Menderes University Soke School of Health , Turkey

Ana Maria Frances Costa

Stanford University, USA

de Filippis Rocco

University Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Italy

Elamir H Elsherif

National Neuroscience Institute,Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Sorush Nik Namian

Liberty University, USA

Yong-Jun Cha

Daejeon University, South korea

Ruman Rahman

University of Nottingham, England

Hany E Marei

Qatar University, Qatar


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