Teeth Consultant
Paul Wilkins*
A Member of NHS Research, UK
Submission: September 19, 2017; Published: September 20, 2017
*Corresponding author: Paul Wilkins, A Member of NHS Research and have had lots of my different types of creative writing published in 'United Press Ltd', 'Xlibris Publishers' and quite regularly, an average 2 poems a month, in 'The Blackpool Gazette' local Newspaper, UK, Email: creativewriter@virginmedia.com
While you may have seen the point I've given, clearly, a few times about the Unnatural/Unexplict word 'Doctor' staying more stuck on people's minds making health problems thought of more therefore suffered more, and the need for it to be changed to a much more Natural/Explicit title which staying a lot less stuck on people's minds would make health problems thought of a lot less therefore suffered a lot less; I now have another similar point to make.
Especially for people having lots of trouble with their teeth/ jaw could it prove helpful in getting this off their mind to some extent by changing the Unnatural/Unexplicit word 'Dentist' to a much more Natural/Explicit title such as 'Teeth Consultant' which staying less stuck on people’s minds would result in trouble with their teeth/jaw noticed a lot less.
This is no-where near as important as the word 'Doctor' being changed but maybe something at a later no rush date to be considered.
By Paul Wilkins