JOJ Sciences is an interdisciplinary journal which focuses on all types of sciences and provides a great opportunity to researchers to spread their innovative research all over the world. This Journal includes primary care physicians; medical, surgical, and radiation oncologists; nurses; other health care and public health professionals, immunology, molecular biology, contemporary life science research, genetics, microbiology, neurobiology, plant biology, structural biology and virology, genomic studies on human traits and on other model organisms, including mouse, fly, nematode and yeast, architecture and evolution of gene networks, experimental perturbation, biological, biomedical, agricultural and environmental sciences, commercial, political, ethical, legal, and societal aspects, Oncology, Clinical Orthopedics, musculoskeletal system, mammalian physiology, sports trauma, epidemiology, diagnosis, treatment and prevention, and all types of arthroscopy, Treatment of gait and postural abnormalities, agriculture, Horticulture. Our journal welcomes all types of papers like Research, Review, Mini-Review, Opinion, Short Communication, Case Report, Proceedings, Editorials, Letter to Editors, Perspective etc.