Honorable Editors
Siquan Wang
Columbia University
USA View Profile
Advanced Statistical Methods, Advanced Statistical Computing, Neural Networks and Deep Learning
Ramalingam Shanmugam
Texas State University
USA View Profile
Ram Shanmugam is a Honorary Professor of International Studies, in the School of Health administration, Texas State University, San Marcos. He teaches bio statistics, research methodologies, clinical trials, healthcare decision-making, and healthcare economics. He also provides statistical consulting service to researchers.
Tsitsiashvili Gurami Shalvovich
Institute of Applied Mathematics
Russia View Profile
Tsitsiashvili Gurami Shalvovich always dealt with queuing networks and investigated their stationary distributions and sufficiently strong synergetic effects. Few years ago biochemist Victor Bulgakov and specialist in mining Igor Rasskazov attracted me to consider some problems in data processing: protein networks, acoustic monitoring of rocks massives etc. To analyze these objects some elements of algebra and graph theory were used. Such approach allowed me to construct few sufficiently fast and simple algorithms which were applied to real data arrays.
Altaf H Khan
King Abdullah International Medical research Center
Saudi Arabia View Profile
Mathematical and statistical modeling,Medical imaging, Clinical trials for all phases, Observational studies and statistical consulting
At present I am working as a Senior Biostatistician at King Abdullah International Medical research Center, Riyadh (Saudi Arabia) since 2013. I have masters degrees in Applied Mathematics, Mechanical Engineering and Biostatistics from the University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah (USA), and also worked at the College of Medicine for few years.
John Barroso
University of Pittsburgh
USA View Profile
Quality Control Statistics and Regression Models and Educational Statistics
Statistician, undergraduate from Mackenzie University, Masters from Catholic University of Sao Paulo and University of Pittsburgh, Ph.D. Candidate, University of Pittsburgh 2006. Also attended Sao Judas University (MBA) and USP in Brazil (Literature).
Raydonal Ospina Martínez
Federal University of Pernambuco
Brazil View Profile
Computational statistics, image processing, nonparametric statistics, statistiscal learning, econometrics and statistical modeling in agriculture
Raydonal Ospina has received the Ph.D. degree in statistics from Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil, in 2008. He is currently Associate Professor of the Statistics Department with Universidade Federal de Pernambuco (UFPE), Head of the Graduate Program in Statistics at UFPE and faculty member of the Graduate Program in Economics at UFPE. Dr. Ospina is a member of the Scientific Committee of the Colombian Journal of Statistics.
Sunil Sapra
California State University
USA View Profile
Ezz Hassan Sayed Abdelfattah
King Abdul-Aziz University
Saudi Arabia View Profile
Rank Correlations and Weighted Rankings, Mulivariate Quality Control and Multivariate Outliers, Using Recent methods to estimate Water demand, Biostatistics Analysis
Calyampudi Radhakrishna Rao
University at Buffalo
USA View Profile
“C.R. Rao is among the world wide leaders in statistical science over the last five decades. His research, scholarship, and professional service have had a profound influence in the theory and applications of statistics and are incorporated into standard references for statistical study and practice. C.R. Rao is not only a highly creative theoretician but was attracted and labored with many data sets in health, biology, psychology and social sciences”.-S. Karlin, US National Science Medalist. Rao was born in India on September 10, 1920 and had all his education in India. He has an MA degree in mathematics from Andhra University and an MA degree in statistics from Calcutta University. He obtained first rank in the final examination from primary school to MA degrees.
Jitendra Kumar Sinha
Patna University
India View Profile
Statistical Analysis, Categorical data analysis, Survey methods, National Accounts, Strengthening of Statistical System
J.K. Sinha is Official Statistician by profession with deep interest in National Accounts & Strengthening of Statistical System. He is a postgraduate in Statistics and completed PhD from Patna University, India. He served State Government in various capacities to strengthening statistical system in the State to gather reliable data needed for policy ,planning and evaluation of various programme undertaken by the State Government. he was instrumental for compilation of various parameters of National Accounts. Dr. Sinha is associated with several professional bodies such as International Association of Official Statistics, Indian Science Congress Association, Indian Econometric Association, Indian Association for Reseach in National Income & Wealth, & Indian Statistical Association.
Martin Bohner
Missouri University of Science and Technology
USA View Profile
Martin Bohner is the Curators Distinguished Professor of Mathematics and Statistics at Missouri University of Science and Technology in Rolla, Missouri, USA. He received the BS (1989) and MS (1993) in Econo-mathematics and PhD (1995) from University Ulm, Germany, and MS (1992) in Applied Mathematics from San Diego State University. He was a Postdoc, sponsored by the Alexander von Humboldt-Foundation, at National University of Singapore (1997) and at San Diego State University (1998). Martin Bohner is the President of ISDE, the International Society of Difference Equations.
Muhammad Sarfraz
College of Computing Sciences & Engineering Kuwait University
Kuwait View Profile
Computer Graphics, Scientific Visualization, Geometric Algorithms, Information Systems, Databases, Computational Geometry, Geometric Modelling,
Bruce E Rodda
University of Texas Health Science Center
USA View Profile
Experimental design, strategic aspects of clinical research
Dr. Bruce E. Rodda holds appointments as Adjunct Professor of Biostatistics and Adjunct Professor of Public Health at The University of Texas School of Public Health. He is also the Principal of Strategic Statistical Consulting LLC. During a career spanning more than 30 years in the pharmaceutical industry, Dr. Rodda held executive positions in research and development for several major pharmaceutical companies. In those positions, his responsibilities included directing the strategy, planning, implementation, evaluation, and reporting of all phases of multinational clinical development programs. In addition to clinical development, his organizations were also responsible for research finance, project management, laboratory facilities, small and large animal vivaria, and information systems. His organizations have been instrumental in the approval of more than 30 new medical entities in 11 therapeutic areas, both in the U.S. and abroad. He has personally made presentations to ten national regulatory agencies, including the European Medicines Agency and the FDA and its advisory committees. Dr. Rodda’s research interests and consulting activities focus on the strategic and design considerations of clinical trials. In addition, he provides a broadly experienced statistical resource to clients in designing and evaluating clinical protocols, clinical study reports, statistical analysis plans, regulatory strategies, and regulatory submissions. He is also involved in due diligence review of clinical trial information for in-licensing and M&A decision making.
Meijuan Li
Division of Biostatistics,CDRH/USA Food and Drug Administration
USA View Profile
Bayesian analysis, survival analysis, missing data, and personalized medicine
Dr. Meijuan Li graduated from the Division of Biostatistics, University of Minnesota in Dec., 2008 with a doctorate in Biostatistics. Her PhD thesis focuses on non-parametric Bayesian survival analysis. She joined CDRH/FDA in Jan., and she is currently the branch chief of DSBII/DBS/CDRH. Her branch covers all in vitro diagnostic devices and some in vivo diagnostic and therapeutic devices submitted to CDRH/FDA. Dr. Li has extensive regulatory statistical review experience including many cutting edges genetic/genomic diagnostic devices such as next generation sequencing, copy number variation, microarray, genotyping, digital pathology. Dr. Li has published numerous manuscripts in various areas including Bayesian statistical methods, survival analysis, missing data, and personalized medicine. In addition, Dr. Li severs as a technical contact for several Clinical & Laboratory Standards Institute (CLSI) standards. Dr. Li is also a coauthor of CLIS EP-19 guidance for Clinical Laboratory Measurement Procedures.
Golam Kibria BM
Florida International University
USA View Profile
Biostatistics; Computational Statistics; Environmental Statistics; Distribution Theory; Pre-test and Shrinkage Estimation; Predictive Inference: Ridge Regression; Statistical Inference and Simulation Study.
Abdel-Salam G. Abdel-Salam
Qatar University
Qatar View Profile
Economic Capital Models, Regression Analysis, Mixed Models, Nonparametric and Semiparametric Regression, Exploratory and Robust Data Analysis, Prole Monitoring, Biostatistics, Quality Con- trol, Quality Improvement, Industrial and Medical Applications, Operations Research, Multivariate Analysis, Health-related monitoring and prospective public health surveillance.
Meenakshi Devidas
University of Florida
USA View Profile
Meenakshi Devidas is PI of the U10 grant from the National Cancer Institute (NCI) supporting the Children’s Oncology Group Statistics and Data Center (COG SDC). The COG is a NCI sponsored cooperative group, and is the world’s largest organization devoted exclusively to childhood and adolescent cancer research. The COG unites more than 8,000 experts in childhood cancer at more than 200 leading children’s hospitals, universities, and cancer centers across North America, Australia, New Zealand and Europe, in the fight against childhood cancer. Dr. Devidas is the Lead Statistician for the disease area of Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL) and resource statistician for Bone tumors (Ewing Sarcoma and Osteosarcoma). In this role, she is responsible for reviewing concept proposals, trial design, sample size calculations, and developing / implementing safety and efficacy monitoring rules for new clinical trials in these disease areas. She is co-investigator on several NIH grants looking at prognostic significance of minimal residual disease and the biology of ALL in children. Her methodological research has focused on statistical issues related to the design and conduct of clinical trials, and the modeling of dose-response curves. Designing randomized comparative trials in disease areas with very low annual accruals is problematic. Dr. Devidas developed methodology for sample size estimations in Phase II and pilot trials where data from a completed or ongoing study (historical controls) may be effectively used in the design and analysis of a new comparative study. Current research includes efficient two-stage designs for Phase II trials which need to be monitored for insufficient activity (low response rates) and/or excessive early disease progression rates
Changyong Feng
University of Rochester Medical Center
USA View Profile
Multivariate survival analysis; Longitudinal data; Statistical methods in clinical trials; and Statistical methods in epidemiology.
Changyong Feng obtained his PhD in Statistics from the University of Rochester in 2002. Currently he is an associate professor in biostatistics in the Department of Biostatistics and Computational Biology at the University of Rochester Medical Center. His research interested include multivariate survival analysis, longitudinal data, statistical methods in clinical trials, and statistical methods in epidemiology. By now he has published more than 120 papers in peer-reviewed journals.
Jingjing Wu
University of Calgary
Canada View Profile
Non/semi-parametric models; Minimum distance estimation; Mixture models; Asymptotic efficiency and robustnessp; Dimension reduction; Survival analysis; Case-control study; Genetic studies.
Dr. Wu received her B.Sc. in Computational Mathematics and Applied Software from Minzu University of China (1999), M.Sc. in Probability from Beijing Normal University (2002), and Ph.D. in Statistics from University of Alberta (2008). Her PhD thesis was awarded the Pierre-Robillard Award by SSC (Statistical Society of Canada) as the best doctoral thesis in probability or statistics defended at a Canadian University in 2007. She joined University of Calgary in 2007 as an Assistant Professor and was tenured and promoted to Associate Professor in 2013. Dr. Wu holds Discovery Grants from NSERC (Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada) since 2008.
Ali S Gargoum
UAE University
UAE View Profile
Bayesian statistics; Graphical modeling; Bayesian nets; Dynamic linear models and time series analysis.
Dr. Ali Gargoum is an Associate Professor at the Department of Statistics, United Arab Emirates University and an Advisor at the Office of the Provost on Business and Data Intelligence. Dr. Gargoum holds a PhD in Statistics from the University of Warwick, UK and Masters in Statistics from the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA. Over the past two decades, Dr. Gargoum has taught several courses in Statistics, Business and Economics on both an undergraduate and graduate level. His research covers a broad range of topics including Bayesian statistics, graphical modeling, Bayesian nets, dynamic linear models and time series analysis. Dr. Gargoum’s research covers both theoretical and applied statistics including several publications in the fields of Environmentrics and Biostatistcs. Dr. Gargoum has also acted as a consultant to many industrial and governmental agencies in the UK, the UAE and Libya.
Ibrahim Alfaki
College of Business and Economics at the UAE University
UAE View Profile
Applied statistics,Focus on socio-economics, income distribution and labor statistics; Generalized linear models; Safety research and risk analysis of crashes and crash victims; Statistical assessment of sustainability; human development, global competitiveness and transition to knowledge economy.
Ibrahim Abdalla Alfaki is an Associate Professor in the Department of Statistics in the College of Business and Economics at the United Arab Emirates University (UAEU), graduated from Edinburgh Napier University in Scotland in the UK with a PhD in applied statistics in the area of safety research and modeling of traffic casualties. His research interests span statistical methodology and applications in safety and risk analysis of crashes and mortalities, social and economic statistics, sustainability and human development. Ibrahim is a recipient of several research funds and has served on several conferences, college and university committees. He is currently a member the Technical and Scientific Committee of Roadway Transportation and Traffic Safety Research Center (RTTSCR) in the United Arab Emirates University, a member of the World Association of Sustainable Development (WASD) based in the UK, a member of the Scientific Committee of Abu Dhabi Statistics Centre (SCAD), and a consulting editor of the World Journal of Entrepreneurship, Management and Sustainable Development (WJEMSD) in addition to his role as a reviewer for several journals in his area.
Ibrakhimjon Rakhimov
Zayed University
Dubai View Profile
Statistics and applications of branching stochastic processes and diffusions; Sampling sums of dependent variables; Random sums and sums of dependent indicators.
Ibrakhimjon Rakhimov is a professor in Department of Mathematics and Statistics at Zayed University. He received his PHD from Uzbek Academy of Sciences in 1979 and degree Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences from the USSR Academy of Sciences in 1991. His research interests are related to Sampling Theory and Random Sums, Sums of Dependent Indicators, Immigration Problems in Branching Processes, Functional Limits and Extreme of Branching Processes and Estimation Theory for Branching Processes.Over the last decade he have developed a unified approach to immigration problems in branching stochastic processes. This approach is based on developing a general limit theory for random superpositions of copies of stochastic processes. Since branching processes maintained by immigration comprise particular cases of this general set-up, it provides a unified approach to a variety of problems that had previously been treated in isolation.Moreover, this approach allows to study new models of the immigration process depending of reproduction which was impossible to treat by traditional methods based on analysis of probability generating functions.
Rim Gouia-Zarrad
American University of Sharjah
UAE View Profile
Inverse problems; Integral geometry; Generalized Radon transforms; Mathematical Problems of medical imaging; Ultrasound tomography.
PhD in Applied Mathematics, University of Texas at Arlington, Texas, USA Diplomed’ Ingenieur(Civil), Ecole Centrale Paris, FRANCE. After a brief career in the industry (Bouygues-Construction - France and XTO Energy - ExxonMobil USA) Rim Gouia joined Academia at the University of Texas where she obtained her PhD in Applied Mathematics and started her journey in the field of integral geometry. Dr. Gouia taught mathematics at graduate and under-graduate levels at various institutions. She is an active member in several multidisciplinary research team in the US and the UAE. Her research interests include integral geometry, Radon transforms and mathematical problems of imaging (Medical, Industrial, Geoscience…).
Susanna Levantesi
Sapienza University of Rome
Italy View Profile
Longevity risk: modeling and management - Pricing of mortality-linked securities; - Solvency capital requirements for life insurance and pension funds; - Actuarial models for health insurance (Long Term Care, Critical Illness).
Susanna Levantesi is assistant professor of mathematical methods of economy and actuarial and financial science, Department of statistics, Sapienza University of Rome, Italy. Susanna graduated in actuarial science and statistics and obtained her PhD in actuarial science from Sapienza in 2004. She is qualified actuary, member of the professional association of Italian actuaries, the Italian Institute of Actuaries, the Association for Mathematics Applied to Economics and Social Sciences and member of the Working Group on the mortality of pensioners and annuitants in Italy. Her research interests include longevity risk modeling and management, solvency capital requirements for life insurance and pension funds and actuarial models for health insurance. She is scientific partner of the Association for Actuarial Consultancy and Research.
Palaniappan Marimuthu
National Institute of Mental Health and Neuro Sciences
India View Profile
Simulation and projection for Cancer; Mental Health; HIV/AIDS problems; Clinical Trials; Surveys for morbidity prevalence; Sampling distribution of Range; Statistical methos for scale development and Survival analysis.
Palaniappan Marimuthu working in the field of Biostatistics for 30 years. He Qualification includes Ph.D (Science), Master degree in Statistics and Master degree in Population Studies and Certificate in computer programming. He started career as Biostatistician’ in Christian Medical College, Vellore, South India. Then All India Institute of Hygiene and Public Health (Government of India), Kolkata, India Then National Institute of Health and Family Welfare (Government of India), New Delhi, India. Currently working as Additional Professor in National Institute of Mental Health and Neuro Sciences, Bangalore, India. Contributed in many Surveys and evaluation of programs.55 Paper published. Area of Interests. Simulation and projection for Cancer, Mental Health, HIV/AIDS problems, Clinical Trials, Surveys for morbidity prevalence. Sampling distribution of Range. Statistical methos for scale development and Survival analysis.
Sergey A Ostanin
Altai state University
Russia View Profile
Analysis of biomedical signals and biomedical images; The increase of the ratio signal/noise; Chaos in dynamical systems; Stochastic fractals; Mathematical modeling; Development of electronic and optoelectronic devices; The reception of echo signals on laser (lidar applications); Laser spectroscopy; The kinetics of generation of lasers
Sada Nand Dwivedi
All India Institute of Medical Sciences
India View Profile
S.N. Dwivedi is Professor of Biostatistics, Department of Biostatistics, and Adjunct Faculty, Clinical Epidemiology Unit, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi. Earlier, he was Senior Research Officer, Bhopal Gas Disaster Research Centre (presently, National Institute for Research in Environmental Health), Bhopal. He has been actively contributing in innovative applications of epidemiological/ biostatistical methods. He has been lecturing in India/abroad as Visiting Professor (e.g., Gothenburg School of Public Health, Sweden; College of Medicine, St. Georges’ University, Grenada, West Indies). He gave a research-seminar at Department of Biostatistics, University of Buffalo, USA. S.N. Dwivedi has been guiding Ph.D. students not only in biostatistics but also in other medical disciplines, including masters’ students. In addition to his various methodological research projects of clinical/public health importance, he collaborates with clinicians in large scale community projects, presently Co-investigator (Biostatistics) for the AIIMS Cohort Study, under Indo-Netherlands (AIIMS-Erasmus) Collaboration. He has 170 research publications. He has jointly authored a book, “Medical Statistics: Principles and Methods”. Further, he has been serving as editor/ member of editorial committees/ reviewer of national/international journals including Biometrics/ JRSS (B)/ Statistics in Medicine. He has been a WHO Fellow. He is member/life member of various national/international societies including Royal Statistical Society, International Clinical Epidemiology Network, International Society for Clinical Biostatistics, International Epidemiological Association & International Biometric Society. He is elected Fellow of the Indian Society for Medical Statistics and elected member of the International Statistical Institute. S.N.Dwivedi is founder Vice President of the Society for Evidence Based Health Care, India.
B Binukumar
National Institute of Mental Health and Neuro Sciences
India View Profile
Statistical epidemiology; Categorical data analysis; Survey methods; Applied Multivariate Methods; Missing data analysis and Meta analysis.
B.Binukumar is a biostatistician by profession. He is a postgraduate in Statistics and completed PhD in Biostatistics from Regional Cancer Centre, University of Kerala, Trivandrum, India. During PhD program, he received a CIMO scholarship for Postgraduate training in Epidemiology from School of Public Health, University of Tampere, Finland for a period of one year. He has also completed NIH sponsored Fogarty Postdoctoral fellowship programme at Centre for Chronic Disease Control, New Delhi and Emory University, Atlanta during 2012-2014. He has worked as a faculty in the Department of Statistics, Manipal University, Karnataka and Malabar Cancer Centre, Kerala. Currently he is working as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Biostatistics, NIMHANS, Bangalore, India since September 2014. He serves as a reviewer of the Frontiers in Epidemiology, Pharmacological Reports, Indian Journal of Medical Research, Annals of Tropical Medicine & Public Health journals. Dr. Binukumar is associated with several professional bodies such as International Biometric Society, International Epidemiologic Association, Indian Society for Medical Statistics (ISMS), and Kerala Statistical Association (KSA). Recently he was nominated as Treasurer of Indian Society for Medical Statistics. His main areas of interest are Statistical epidemiology, Categorical data analysis, Survey methods, Applied Multivariate Methods, Missing data analysis and Meta analysis.
Binu VS
Manipal University
India View Profile
Statistical inference; Epidemiology; Spatial epidemiology; Linear models; Multivariate analysis; Survival analysis; Statistical genetics and Spatial epidemiology; Error analysis.
Dr. Binu.V.S is a Master in Statistics from University of Kerala, Trivandrum, India and obtained Ph.D from Manipal University for the thesis titled “A study on covariance matrix and its applications in microarray data analysis”. He has more than 15 years of research and teaching experience in the field of biostatistics and epidemiology. He has more than 50 publications in various national & international journals. He is a member in the editorial board of Journal of Medicine Use in Developing Countries, Statistical advisor for International Journal of Physiotherapy & Rehabilitation, Manipal Journal of Medical Sciences and reviewer for Indian Journal for Medical Research. He is the first rank holder in University of Kerala for undergraduate statistics. He has attended conferences/training programs in Japan, Italy, South Korea, Viet Nam, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka and Malaysia. He has guided many PG dissertations and currently guiding five Ph.D scholars of Manipal University. He is the treasurer of International Biometric Society –Indian Region. His areas of research interest are statistical genetics and microarray data analysis, error analysis, spatial epidemiology, linear models and multivariate methods.
Birhanu Teshom
Hasselt University
Belgium View Profile
a nalysis of l ongitudinal data / r epeated m easures , h andling of missing data, i nfectious d isease m odelling , B ayesian d ata a nalysis , c linical and epidemiological researche
Vishnu Vardhan Rudravaram
Pondicherry University
India View Profile
Biostatistics – classification and optimization techniques; Multivariate Analysis and Regression Diagnostics; Statistical Computing.
R Vishnu Vardhan is currently working as Assistant Professor in the Department of Statistics, Pondicherry Central University, Puducherry. His areas of research are Biostatistics - classification and optimization techniques; Multivariate Analysis and Regression Diagnostics; Statistical Computing. He has published 49 research papers in reputed National and International journals. He has guided two Ph.D. students and around 30 P.G projects. He is a recipient of MsBhargaviRao and Padma Vibhushan Prof. C R Rao Award for best Poster Presentation in an International Conference in the year 2010, Indian Society for Probability and Statistics (ISPS) Young Statistician Award, December 2011 and Young Scientist Award from Indian Science Congress, February 2014. He has authored a book and also edited a book. He has presented 32 research papers in National and International conferences/Seminars, delivered 21 invited talks at various reputed institutes/ universities in India. He has organized three national workshops, one national conference and one international conference. He is a life member of several professional bodies. He serves as referee and also holds the position of editorial member in reputed journals.
Navin Chandra
Pondicherry University
India View Profile
Bayesian and Classical Methods of Estimation; Reliability Theory- Stress-Strength set up; Multiple Stress Problem; Accelerated Life Testing(ALT); Multiple Step Step-Stress ALT; Augmenting Strategy Plan; Survival Analysis- Hazard Risks Modeling; Bayesian Regression Modelling; InverseHazard; Competing Risks Analysis; Computations and Simulation Studies.
Dr. Navin Chandra is an Assistant Professor of Statistics, Department of Statistics, Ramanujan School of Mathematical Sciences at Pondicherry University, Pondicherry, India. Dr. Chandra is recipient of Senior Research Fellowship in a major research program sponsored by Department of Science and Technology, Government of India, New Delhi, India. He has awarded Master of Science in Statistics and Doctor of Philosophy in Statistics discipline from Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, India. His research interests are related to Bayesian and Classical Inferences, Reliability Theory, Survival Analysis, Biostatistics and Sampling Theory. Over the last one decades, He have contributions in theory development for the several Bayesian Reliability models like multiple stresses, multiple step-stress accelerated life testing plans and augmentation strategy plan for life testing and reliability prediction. He is presently working on a major research project entitled “Bayesian Inferences on Augmented Strength Reliability Models” sponsored by University Grants Commission, New Delhi, India. He has published 30 research papers in such areas in the reputed peer reviewed journals. He have published edited volume books on “Applications of Reliability Theory and Survival Analysis” and also “Frontier of Statistics and its Applications”.
Satheesh Kumar C
University of Kerala
India View Profile
Associate Editors
Tamer M. Elbayoumi
Oklahoma State University, USA
Tamer Hamza Mohamed Abouelmagd
Benha University, Egypt
Ayman Alzaatreh
American University of Sharjah, United Arab Emirates
Walid K Sharabati
George Mason University, USA
Raed A Alzghool
Al-Balqa Applied University, Jordan
Lucas Moreira
University of Brasília, Brazil
Abdallah Mohamed AbdElfattah
Cairo University, Egypt
Rabindra Nath Das
The University of Burdwan, India
Lutfiah Ismail Al turk
King Abdulaziz University, Saudi Arabia
Arunava Chakravartty
University of California, USA
Tian Chen
University of Toledo, USA
Yu Du
Johns Hopkins University, USA
QI Nan
University of Glasgow, UK
Abdulrahman Karouma
University of Ottawa, Canada
Jinping Liu
Hunan Normal University, China
Vanda Milheiro Lourenço
NOVA University of Lisbon, Portugal
Haziem Mohammad Hazaimeh
Zayed University, Dubai
Yalu Wen
University of Auckland, New Zealand
Mohamed Chaouch
UAE University, UAE
Haresh Rochani
Georgia Southern University, Georgia
Jingjing Yin
Georgia Southern University, Georgia
Rama Shanker
Eritrea Institute of Technology, Africa
Ayush Dogra
Panjab University, India
Fadhil Abdul Abbas Abidy
AL FuratAL Awast University Technical, Iraq