A New Method of Clusters Definition Based on a Saccadic Model of Human Vision


Appendix 3. Excerpts of Bfm Code for Analysis of X-Rays: The Kaggle Dataset

Jupiter Notebooks can be found here:

https://www.kaggle.com/romantank/covid-19-detectionfrom- lung-x-rays-aea7df/edit https://www.kaggle.com/romantank/ starter-covid-19-patient-x-ray-image-ab33873a-1/edit

train_df = pd.read_csv(‘../input/coronahack-chest- xraydataset/ Chest_xray_Corona_Metadata.csv’) valid_df = pd.read_csv(‘../ input/coronahack-chest- xraydataset/Chest_xray_Corona_dataset_ Summary.csv’)

Only functions definitions how to run the files (to be compared with the Boundary Function Method as in below).

The Current file:

https://www.kaggle.com/romantank/pretrained-models- and-predictions-df3f83/edit X-Ray images produced by MATLAB code:

fig = plt.figure() print(fig)=>Figure(432x288) matplotlib.image.AxesImage at0x7f36af5b67b8> plt.imshow( normal_images[0], cmap=’gray’) plt.imshow(covid_images[ 0], cmap=’gray’)

Data Macro-Settings:

X-RAY images in directory: “../input/covid-19-x-ray-10000- images/dataset” There are 28 NORMAL and 70 COVID images

Normal dim’s: (1612, 1870) in response to print(normal_images[ 0].shape)

Covid dim’s: (842, 1024, 3)in response to print(covid_images[ 0].shape)

Each image by default has size (8.0”, 6.0”) [reports 432x288 pixels (?)] Shown: NORMAL(0) NORMAL(20)


The code to create images above:

import glob

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import matplotlib.image as mpimg

%matplotlib inline

normal_images = []

for img_path in glob.glob(DATASET_DIR + ‘/normal/*’): normal_ images.append(mpimg.imread(img_path))

print(len(normal_images)) print(normal_images[0]) print(normal_images[0].shape)

fig = plt.figure() print(fig) fig.suptitle(‘normal’)

plt.imshow(normal_images[0], cmap=’gray’)

covid_images = []

for img_path in glob.glob(DATASET_DIR + ‘/covid/*’): covid_ images.append(mpimg.imread(img_path))

print(len(covid_images)) print(covid_images[0].shape)

fig = plt.figure() print(fig)

fig.suptitle(‘covid’) plt.imshow(covid_images[0], cmap=’gray’) normal_images = []

for img_path in glob.glob(DATASET_DIR + ‘/normal/*’): normal_ images.append(mpimg.imread(img_path))

fig = plt.figure() fig.suptitle(‘normal’)

plt.imshow(normal_images[0], cmap=’gray’)

circle1 = plt.Circle((1500, 800), 100, color=’yellow’) fig = plt. gcf()

ax = fig.gca() ax.add_artist(circle1)

covid_images = []

for img_path in glob.glob(DATASET_DIR + ‘/normal/*’): covid_ images.append(mpimg.imread(img_path))

fig = plt.figure() fig.suptitle(‘covid’)

plt.imshow(normal_images[0], cmap=’gray’)

circle2 = plt.Circle((2000, 500), 100, color=’blue’) fig = plt. gcf()

ax = fig.gca() ax.add_artist(circle2)

Circular Spots and Measurement Boundary (For Normal image)

# Apply a circular probe (circle1) to the Normal Image

# with (Center_Normal_X, Center_Normal_Y) and radius Rad_ Normal # A concentric circumference (circle1_1) with a radius

# Rad_Normal + Delta_Normal is applied as a measurement boundary # (Delta_Normal: a gap between probe and boundary)

Center_Normal_X, Center_Normal_Y = 1400, 800

Rad_Normal = 100

Delta_Normal = 40

circle1 = plt.Circle((Center_Normal_X, Center_Normal_Y), Rad_Normal, color=’yellow’)

fig = plt.gcf() ax = fig.gca()


circle1_1 = plt.Circle((Center_Normal_X, Center_Normal_Y), Rad_Normal + Delta_Normal, color=’red’, fill=False)

fig = plt.gcf() ax = fig.gca()


In DistanceMatrix_cpu(boundary_x, boundary_y, internal_ points_x, internal_points_y):

Called from

DM_data_Sample = DistanceMatrix_cpu((Circ_Bound_x), (Circ_ Bound_y),(Circ_Bound_x), (Cir c_Bound_y));


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