Advances in Biophysics
Andrew Hague*
Honorary Fellow of the International Academy of Medical Sciences, United Kingdom
Submission: January 03, 2022; Published: January 20, 2022
*Corresponding author: Andrew Hague, Honorary Fellow of the International Academy of Medical Sciences, United Kingdom
How to cite this article: Andrew H. Advances in Biophysics. J Yoga & Physio. 2022; 9(3): 555765. DOI:10.19080/JYP.2021.09.555765
Keywords: Biophysics; Medicine; Psychiatry; CellSonic; Sapiens shield; Covid-19
There are three branches of medicine: biochemistry, biophysics and psychiatry. Modern medicine is dominated by biochemistry and psychiatry is neglected in favour of brain blocking drugs. The only biophysics treatment accepted by the medical establishment is lithotripsy which became a tool for urologists forty years ago and its many additional applications in chronic ailments have been avoided ever since. That resistance is now changing. My own company, CellSonic Limited, has modified the basic lithotripter to be smaller, weaker, and lower in cost. The machine generates a very intense pressure pulse, an electrical field, and a flash of light all within a billionth of a second. By aiming the pulse into the body, infection is killed, osteoblasts and fibroblasts generated, nerves repaired, and body cell voltages corrected.
To the patient this means that chronic disease can be cured at last. Biochemical drugs have no effect on problems affected by cell voltages. This exciting breakthrough is non-surgical, irreversible electroporation. In other words, cancer is stopped and the voltage across the cell membrane is lifted from 10 mV to 75 mV immediately. No drugs are used and there are no side effects. Cancer is an electrical fault.
Similarly, aiming at the pancreas to rejuvenate the Islets Langerhans allows the patient to produce their own insulin reversing their diabetes. Diabetic ulcers are healed, and gangrene removed without amputation. Severed spinal cord is no longer a permanent disability as the nerves will re-grow. Chronic pain and consequential opioid dependency are ended by healing the cause of the pain, not masking it by obliterating the brain. Reports are coming in of covid-19 being stopped with one treatment to the respiratory passages and lungs. This works on all variants. It is not a vaccine. Any T cells developed leaves the victim some protection. Nothing is put into the body so all the fears of side effects and long-term damage cease to apply. A treatment takes about ten minutes; the same time as it takes to stop cancer. CellSonic has progressed over twenty years from wound healing to nerve repair, pain removal and nerve restoration and is now stopping cancer. This technology is available worldwide and being adopted by holistic and naturopathic doctors who are not answerable to pharmaceutical regulators. Persuading the medical establishment to accept biophysics will be done by people finding the results for themselves. From their own experience, they have become sceptical of drugs and unnecessary surgery, preferring CellSonic’s handheld thunderstorm.
Diagnosing chronic problems, even before a patient is aware of them, takes only a few minutes. Therefore, a diagnose and cure programme can be run for everyone to be checked at six-month intervals to stop illness developing. This is in development with sapiens shield [1]. The cost savings are enormous. On cancer alone, Great Britain would save £15 billion a year. Healing diabetic ulcers instead of changing dressings twice a week year after year and then amputating would save £5 billion a year. Lower back pain and arthritis costs the health service £10 billion a year and is easily cured. All this is for a population of 65 million. Pro-rata, larger countries save more money, increase worker productivity by less absenteeism and have less suffering. As well as money saved, health workers can be re-deployed. To use CellSonic requires less skill than administering dangerous drugs. CellSonic has no side effects as proven by the millions of kidney stone patients treated by urologists with similar technology for forty years. Much surgery could be avoided especially on cancer. The technology is available that will leave surgery only needed for the repair of trauma and accidents. Where health services need to revise their approach is recognising that most chronic ailments originate from emotional stress. After stopping a problem in a diagnose and cure clinic, the person can meet with an empathetic consultant. Understanding the stress and [2-4] escaping from anxiety is essential for health. All stress amongst our gregarious species is caused by faulty relationships. It will go back generations.
Dysfunctional adults grew up in a fractious household that was the result of failures amongst their parents. Modern nucleated society lacks the support of the extended family of primitive communities. Internet contacts by smartphone are no substitute but still we see people glued to messaging on their hand-held screens. Add that to the micro-wave damage from 5G and cancer becomes a plague on a scale never seen before. Humans are loving, family reared creatures. Natural biophysics comes from (Figure 1 & 2) the Schuman resonance and exercise. Block it, add mental stress and chronic illness proliferates. Biochemistry and scalpels are no help. CellSonic has made the breakthrough the world needs.