Change the Climate - Become Better than the Perfect Robot!
Kljujkov RS* and Kljujkov SF
Sergey Klyuykov Engineer, Technical University, Ukraine
Submission: November 11, 2019; Published: December 04, 2019
*Corresponding author: Kljujkov RS, Engineer, Technical University, Ukraine, Member of the championship: The National Research Analytics Championship, Ukraine
How to cite this article: Kljujkov RS, Kljujkov SF. Change the Climate - Become Better than the Perfect Robot!. JOJ Wildl Biodivers. 2019: 2(1): 555577. . DOI: 10.19080/JOJWB.2019.02.555577
Keywords:God; World mind; Ideas; Categories; Foundations; Beginnings
With the advent of science, researchers are looking for a so-called “foundations of mathematics”, and they can’t find. Maybe they drive the search is in the wrong place? The authors traced the history of the issue from the biblical creation of the world to the present day. In the cognition of the world up to the apogee of Greek antiquity in the IV century BC Humanity (influenced by Plato’s Teaching - especially!) relied on carefully concealed sacral Numbers of the secret union of religion and mathematics (faith & reason), but under influence of Aristotle - on the “first philosophy”(?), Which did not generate the prom-ised “Beginnings of Mathematics”. But Aristotle managed to eradicate out of sciences and religions the mysterious Beginnings-Numbers of the ancients and Plato, incomprehensible to him. The lack of “foundations” was noticed only in the XVIII century. The researchers staged a “battle for the foundations” of the leading directions of mathematics, which ended in three centuries with the dis-appointment of all - there are no “foundations”, and it is impossible to find them. The authors moved the search to the territory of Plato’s misunderstood Doctrine and have already found 12 of the 16 eidos-ideals-Numbers predicted by him - the Divine BEGINNINGS of “PLURAL” and even - “foundations of mathematics”. This greatly simplifies the understanding, construction and application of math-ematics, other sciences and religions - the Salvation of mankind.
Setting a Problem
In the fifth, in a row, UN report, the Intergovernmental Group of 259 sci-entists from 39 countries (IPCC) with a 95% probability proved the anthropogenic impact on Earth’s climate change. The physics of this effect - the mindless activity of mankind, emits greenhouse gases, but they cause global warming. Planet Earth in its history of existence has experienced several ice ages, global warming and global floods. Perhaps, the cause of the previous cataclysms was also the mindless activity of ancient highly developed civilizations that inhabited the Earth and somehow disappeared? Floods - the work of their hands as well as a just divine punishment? Does not threaten modern humanity face the same fate of mindless extinction? We will try to theoretically understand what is happening and predict the possibility of a deliberate change before it is too late! To do this, we clarify the difficult questions: Where does everything come from? How is it known? What leads to? The level of knowledge and technical support of mankind allows us to hope for success! At all times, when a man tried to know the world, he always faced a difficult choice. How to understand the diversity of the world? Where should we start? What are BEGINNINGS? That in the future do not to change them and again rebuilding “to the foundations, and then ...” (“International”).
Analysis of the latest research
In the first steps, each person, repeating God - “God created heaven and earth” (Gen.1:1), made a “trial” and received a “mistake”, made a new “trial” and received a new “mistake” etc. So, Humanity has accumulated a huge practical experience by a simple method “trial and error” - “The earth was unseen and empty, and the darkness over the abyss; and the Spirit of God was carried over the water” (Gen.1:2). And, about a few millennia before Christmas, repeating God again - “And God said, may there be light. And the light became” (Gen.1:3), Mankind everywhere began to comprehend the accumulated experience theoretically. The peoples of the Middle East and ancient Greece have made particular strides in this. Their works of Cognition have already developed into a slender system of Divine Cognition by a sustained prolific union of religion and mathematics (faith & reason).
The text repeatedly uses the vivid generalizing terms “God” and “Divine” proposed by the ancients in order to facilitate the identification of the causes and properties of the world around them. Today they are considered “unscientific.” The authors accepted their successful scientific hypothesis, and in our hands, it was transformed from a ghostly mystical to a completely accurate mathematical one. Consistently explained the facts considered by us, repeatedly usefully applied in practice. And can be attached to the widest possible range of phenomena, and even - potentially tested by any critical experiment. And in the end - even discarded, because we declare: “There is no God!”. In its place, we with the ancients and Plato discovered the One (the single mathematical essence of God?) of the 16 eternal Divine ideal mathematical orders for ALL in any world (faith & reason). And 12 of them have already been successfully digitized. You can, like the aborigines, to continue to pray for our results, sincerely rejoicing in the “mirrors and necklaces” we have presented. Or it is practical and true to apply the ideal mathematical modeling of Kljujkovs, as the true BEGINNINGS “causes and proper-ties of the surrounding world”. Avaho, researchers! The prerequisites of religious beliefs and mathematical natural science for millennia were extremely hard to form by great mental efforts of more than one thousand of the brightest heads. And still this collective product of intense intellectual activity by all Mankind is developing and improving.
Emerging as a simple set of practically useful actions and rules, mathematics very slowly and pain-fully long turned into a single system, becoming an integral tool of knowledge of the world. Greek philosophers (not shielding themselves from mathematics and God, as our titled contemporaries do, but on the contrary - actively using them), interrupting each other, represented the basics of ALL the world by a whole bunch of different BEGINNINGS, most of them - mystically Divine and mathematical. All sensual was understood by imitation-similarity-isomorphism Divine Numbers, their properties, ratios, proportions-combinations - the worship of divine mathematical harmony. Pythagoreans, repeating God again, are obeyed God in all Cognition of the World, the whole unraveling of the Nature of Things namely, are obeyed “the voice of the Lord of God, which to walk at Paradise” in times: The First Fall of Adam and Eva (Gen. 3:19), the righteous life of Enoh (Gen.5:22-24), of Noah (Gen.6:9), of Abraham (Gen.17:1) - all who also “to walk at Paradise before God”. And finally, repeating the insistent Covenant of God “to his sons and to his house (to all of us?)” only “to walk in Paradise in the way of the Lord” (Gen.18:19)! To do this, the Pythagoreans subjugated all their mathematics to God (faith & reason)!
All that they found was elevated by as the Divinely doing ALL and prayed. “We worship the one who told our soul the Fourth - the source and root of the ever-flowing Nature” ( The first “ideally existing” MATHEMATICS has already been successfully built by this! And to this day, as an echo of that time, everything built by the formal (But godless!) logic of Aristotle, by inertia, is also called “ideal”! And - in vain! It turned out, “Not all that - gold that glitters”!
Mathematics every day is completed by new practical (not always and not quite) structures, which by their diversity have long eclipsed the timid ancient Greek proposals of possible BEGINNINGS and the patterns of manifestation of ALL material in the world. But as a result of such a gigantic (But godless!) mathematical construction it turned out that the grandiose building of mathematics is empirically built before its reliable theoretical foundation, the so-called “foundations of mathematics”. And mathematicians by desperate attempts to realize the simplicity-ty of their science [1,2]. The greatest minds of the world (Poincare, Gilbert, Cantor, Russell, Weil, Kronecker, Weiershtras, Dedekind, Carmelo, Burbaki and many others), literally “catch up” with the avalanche of real mathematical innovations. In the most bubbling flow of it - had to look for “previous” Beginnings! This is due to the progressive complexity of fast-growing mathematics — incredibly difficult, re-quiring superhuman mental efforts! Why? For centuries, mathematicians have struggled to understand the nature of various types of numbers and operations over them, and all - unsuccessfully. “The problem of finding a different justification for the numerical system and algebra was difficult, more difficult than mathematicians could have imagined” [3].
“All attempts to build mathematics on the unshakable “base” ended in failure. Incessant attempts - from Ewklida via Weierstrasse to modern schools in the “foundations” - to bring under mathematics a solid foundation do not give the slightest reason to hope for evolutionary progress, promising ultimate success”.In the 18th century, mathematics finally ceased to be the ancient Greek collection of the Divine laws under which the Creation of the World was going. It became obvious that at mathematical Cognition is not logically substantiated. Finally saw that in all sections of mathematics (arithmetic, algebra, mathematical analysis, series theory, etc.) absent not only a logical structure, but even clear and unambiguous definitions of many concepts. And when the mass of uncertainty grew to critical, mathematicians began to systematically restore order in their own home. But even when the logical structure of the numbers was built in leaps, parts and back, it only improved the appearance of mathematics, but revealed that mathematics is not created by the formal (But godless!) logic of Aristotle, and by others - more fundamental orders! What are they? And the work boiled over again. Even a whole “battle for the foundations of mathematics” was deployed among the adherents of several completely different leading directions of its development.
Brought out all the mathematics rigid logic, but did not give an explanation, how does mathematics include new ideas, how mathematics adequately describes the diverse real world, being completely closed by a limited system of axiom of formal logic? He did not solve the main question of consistency of mathematics
Diametrically opposed to logicism, “as a counterweight or antidote to logic” [4] represented mathematics as a living developing organism in which by the activities of the hu-man mind, its intuition, through accumulation and comparisons of truths, which already extracted are born with more and more ideas, which already extracted, rather than being derived by formal logic. “Logic, unless it is fertilized by intuition, remains infertile” [5]. Therefore, the “foundations of mathematics” should be criteria that divide new ideas into acceptable and unacceptable to intuition. “Acceptable” included natural numbers, addition, multiplication, mathematical induction, and more.
As a compromise of logic and intuitionism included not only formal logic, but also concepts, and axioms of mathematics, perceived without logical reasoning (e.g. numbers), represented mathematics with a strict set of formal systems from the final number of axioms. He managed to prove consistency only artificially allocated part of arithmetic.
Theoretically multiple
Approaches tried to carefully select the axioms to get rid of paradoxes. De-spite their unnaturalness, theoretic-multiple approaches are still used as the most reliable “base” for building all mathematics, especially in our country, where “Yet, for want of nothing better, theoretic-multiple interpretations are applied» [6]. Any mathematical concept can be easily formulated by the relationships between sets: their equality, non-emptiness, belonging to them, etc. “The theory of sets” builds interpretations (explanations) of accepted systems axiom, which proves their consistency. It is impossible to prove the consistency of the “theory of sets” by the method of interpretations, as interpretations will be built within the same limits, and the consistency of them and the “theory” itself will be preexpected.
To get out of the vicious circle, Gilbert proposed formalism [7]. But in 1931, his pupil Goedel by the same formalism proved the theorem about the incompletable of the calculus of the predikats: if the formal theory (including arithmetic) - consistent, it - incomplete; there must be statements that can-not be proved in this theory. Their truth can be established only by going beyond the formal theory, informal for her reasoning. Further comments (?) in quotations are authors. Goedel’s theorem on incompleteness has cooled the fervor of many participants in the “battle for the foundations”. The work has stopped [8]. What’s the use of looking for “foundations” that don’t exist? Any “base” will not be able to justify all mathematics, part of it will still remain contradictory for its limited axiom. “You can’t build mathematics as some fixed set of tools (axioms?) that could be declared the only legitimate ones, and with their help build metatheories of any theories. On the other hand, Goedel’s results (as it is sometimes done, mostly among non-professionals) should not be interpreted as the collapse of the formal approach. The presence of algorithmically intractable problems does not cast a shadow on the theory of algorithms (formal logic of Aristotle?), but only informs the harsh truth about the structure of the world, studied by this theory. It does not seem from this truth that the algorithmic “accurate and unambiguous” is not suitable for solving the problem; although he can’t do something, but only because (?) no one can do it. The impossibility of complete formalization of certain theories is not a lack of approach, but an objective fact, irreparable by any (?) approach. We must look for formalized fragments of theory or build a stronger formal (Again godless!?) theory, which will again be incomplete, but perhaps will contain the entire original theory”.
It can’t be like this, because it’s “formally” infinitely unreasonable! But at the same time - “How?”. Battle for the foundations” was intensively fought in the early 20th century, long did not let up, leaving in oblivion one after another bright ideas, super-complex directions, the most authoritative schools of mathematicians. Having broken many copies, theories and evidence, bringing huge disappointments, frustrations and dissatisfaction, by the mid-20th century the “battle” had subsided in the dusty archives of mathematical conventions, symposiums, conferences. And without establishing whether there are “foundations” mathematics? What are they? Everyone understands what is, and they are very simple, but the answer that satisfies everyone, still no.
“Battle for the foundations” is slowly fading away. Most mathematicians left the battlefield, losing all hope of victory. It cannot be said that so much energy was wasted, in vain. Some fragments were found, details of the “bases” recognized by all. But the general structure, even his plan, schemes, at least “rock drawing” - could not get! Universal’s ideal Divine mathematical order remained an insoluble mystery! None of the directions led to the “foundations of mathematics”. There are no united and unshakable, eternal and consistent - ideal orders in mathematics, and they cannot be built by human reasoning! This situation is deeply tragic and does not embellish mathematics at all, so carefully concealed, hushed up. All the leading scientists who worked on the “construction” of the “foundations” agreed that the attempt to create a logically flawless Ideal Mathematics - failed.
The Purpose of the Article
Today, under the general name of “the foundations of mathematics” are looking for: a set of concepts, concepts and methods of construction of mathematical structures; a set of philosophical and mathematical studies of “building” tools; the configuration of the world is the most common all-encompassing typical features, qualities, synthesizes, giant associations of objects and phenomena by a kind of holistic and true model; conceptual designs that compactly, extremely fully and truly display objective reality - any ALL about the existence of “first Cognition” and their truthfulness. And for the third century intensive searches cannot find! Maybe they’re looking for the wrong thing and not there?!!We will analyze this issue.
After 2,500 years of forming mathematics as a science, despite Aristotle’s vows (“Metaphysics,” 1061 b 20): “Must explore the BEGINNINGS of mathematics by means first philosophy”, mathematics is still without without the BEGINNINGS and again standing in front the “insoluble” questions. How are new Cognition formed? What are the “first Cognition” of mathematics and Cognition of the World? Not everything is right in religions. There “secrets” accumulated even more! Why? The Bible says, “In the beginning, there was WORD, and God had WORD, and WORD was GOD. It was in God’s BEGINNING. Everything is through Him BEGINNING to be, and without him nothing is NOT BEGINNING, what BEGINNING to be [9]. There was life in Him, and life was the light of men” (Ioan.1:1-4). So figuratively “Bible” described the complex events of the BEGINNING TIME. But their key point (What have become the “light of men”?) remained hidden under incomprehensible, but clearly written and not coincidentally repeated three times the term - Divine WORD of “Bible”? What was behind it?
That’s what we’re going to find out. And then the purpose of the article will be revealed, which put in the title.
The researchers put forward the basic requirements for the Principle of Cognition by the BEGIN-NINGS: must have the greatest inner Unity and at the same time the greatest fullness of connections with the explained external world - to be logos (Remember Heraclitus?)! And the main requirement: always to give only reasoned Cognition, only - the Divine Truth! To find such a Principle - BEGINNINGS ALL existing - has become a sky-high goal of many philosophical and mathematical theories, as well as this study. Admittedly, the authors have tried to do this several times in the past years, as evidenced by our work [10-19]. Now let us sum up the final (hopefully not only for us) the result of the historical representations of the Divine WORD of “Bible”.
Presentation of the Main Material
Above, we have noted that by repeating God, Mankind has intuitively and profitably expressed the Divine union of religion and mathematics (faith & reason) in its first representation of the Divine WORD of the Bible! Rationally observing Nature, for the possibility of its Cognition, the ancient Greeks in the 6th century BC as a variant of the Divine WORD of “Bible” introduced a complex concept - Logos, the universal logical principle of the information of much change to the One, what invariably true to the Divine and the Mathematical! Heraclitus was the first to present Logos as “a universal necessity, a sustainable regularity of Nature”. The wisest of the Greeks - Empedocles, Protagor, Pythagoras, Socrates and Plato - began to use the Logos as universal Principle as the information of real things and phenomena to the Single Un-changing Divine Truth, building a sequence of interconnected conclusions dialectical logic. Parmenid first suggested that no matter how different all the mathematical patterns found by different people; they are always based on the unchanging Divine principle - the One.
Thus, the ancient Greeks were the first to produce a simple, precise and unchanging Divine Single “mathematical Plan” which, with the help of carefully concealed Ideal Mathematics, faithfully represented the whole Structure and Cognition of Nature. And for many three centuries of classical antiquity it was carefully modified and strictly executed. It was then that the Greeks discovered the quantitative expression of the Divine Harmony of all the diversity of Nature by “golden section”, built a mathematical theory of music, the theory of proportions, laid the foundations of many sciences, created numerous colonies on the shores Mediterranean and Black Seas. When the Persians conquered other nations with bloody raids, the Greeks peacefully colonized them. Somehow, the Miracle of the Single “Mathematical Plan” provided the comprehension of divine Truths in the arts, sciences and even - “in private, and in public life” (Platon). We reasonably suspect, that to the most such a stunning rise of Greek civilization was implicated Plato and his “theory of ideas”. This theory united already completely accumulated by the ancients completely opposing supernatural-Divine and natural-natural (“scientific”) revelations of the mind by a fertile union (faith & reason) of the revolutionary representation of the Divine WORD of “Bible” by Divine Eidos-ideals-Numbers, who lead Humanity without alternative directly to the Divine Truth [12,14,15].
But in the fading of classic antiquity, that followed immediately after Plato’s death, we clearly blame Aristotle [10,14,15], his historical errors and the godless axiomatic method, which the axioms, invented by man, were lifted up to the “truths” of the formal (But godless!) Aristotle’s logic. Failing to reproduce Plato’s “theory of ideas” by the practice of revolutionary unification by the Divine Union of Religion and Mathematics (faith & reason), Aristotle reduced his misunderstood Plato’s Teaching to the “first philosophy” (?). Throwing out from the Cognition the Divine Eidosideals- Numbers of Plato, their representation of the Divine WORD of “Bible” replaced - by the categories of ordinary philosophy. There was nothing revolutionary in such a replacement. Aristotle simply reversed the Cognition and forced Mankind goes further into the story “on all fours and heels forward”! Long before that Mankind has been able to philosophically formalize their fundamental Cognition in categories - general concepts of a particular science. For example, the apogee of thinking about Plato’s categories was the dialogue “Parmenide”, which justified the possibility and necessity of categories not only to things intelligently, but also to naturally generate them by means of physical and semantic ratios. But for this purpose, Plato brought the “theory of ideas” by his special Ideal Mathematics [11] to the maximum generalization in the categories of “one” and “other” with further analysis and fruitful use of their ultimate Divine properties [18].
And there were quite incredible patterns between Plato’s categories, revealed by us the Ideal Mathematics - its “disparate” Divine ideals. The laws are extremely simple, beautiful and prolific. We believe that at Plato is them, consciously encrypted, described in “Parmenida” categories of “one” and “other”, the Principle above all edeetic and all non edetic, the Principle of principle itself - God! Per-haps in Pilebe (28b-30d), special and difficult Plato’s ideal mathematics is most vivid. Her is characterized by many flattering epithets: divine “mind” (cosmic and over space), “wisdom”, “king of heaven and earth”, “zevs” and, finally, - Good. (“State” 510b): the idea of the Good - the ideal mathematics of Plato is supplemented by new bright qualities. Good (509b) is an in preconditional BEGINNINGS, it does not depend on anything, defines itself. (“State”, VII, 509d): “The Idea of the Good (The Ideal Mathematics of Plato?) is the limit, and it is hard to discern, but it is only necessary to distinguish it, as it begs the conclusion that it is the cause of all right and beautiful things. In the field of visible it generates light and its Lord, and in the field of the mind-learned it is the Lord, on which the Truth and the understanding depends, and it should be looked upon by those who want to consciously act both in private and in public life”. (VII, 518c, d): “By nature (ideal?) “mathematics leads a person to think, but only no one really uses it as a science that fascinates us to being (to the Truth?)”.
The coincidences mentioned in the quotations characterize the unique predictions of Plato, seen by his mind 2,500 years before the vision by our eyes! Plato’s divine categories, thanks to ideal mathematics, already illuminated humanity’s “only right path” in Cognition for millennia to come! And precisely their thrown out of the Cognition Aristotle, as incomprehensible to him, replaced by his own emasculated categories, already without ideal mathematics and - without God! The trouble is that now the “fundamentality” of the categories proposed by Aristotle was deter-mined only by people, regardless of God, as Plato had. This called their “truth” into question and re-quired careful proof, again - not by comparison with God, but by the formal logic of Aristotle and by “practice - the criterion of Truth” (Engels). So, Aristotle took a place in Cognition, above God himself! And still there sits him - the Antichrist! Do not let the creation take the place of the Creator! To do this, once again throw away the “other gods”, “purify and change clothes” (Gen. 35: 2-4)! What categories are the main - decided Aristotle. How many of them - no one, except him, does not know, etc. Systematically destroyed the already achieved ancient by the researchers and by Plato Divine Harmony of the successful Cognition of the World with a single “Plan” torn up by Aristotle’s “classification of sciences” into many small “independent” sciences, religion, metaphysics, ...
By this sowed in the world immeasurable evil, selfishness, disunity, injustice, wars, ...Only 16 Divine Ideals-Numbers of Plato replaced by mountains of human categories, qualities, traits, properties, objects, phenomena, ... And they continue to be divided into subjective, objective, absolute, “true”, named, ... And in general, their assert, - “Because I want to eat” (I.A. Krylova, “Wolf and lamb”)!!! Therefore - “at the strong are blame always powerless”?!What kind of justice do you dream of next to such the wolves?!! What “sciences” with such animals “BEGINNINGS” can seriously talk?!! Aristotle failed to find Plato’s Divine ideals, rejected and thoughtlessly urged everyone to turn away from them. Dropped away this “cornerstone” (“Bible”: Ps.117:22, Is.29:16, 1Peter.2:6-8), deeming it “unnecessary”. It was time to scatter the stones of the “foundations of mathematics”!
In exchange for all the Divine from Plato, he gave mankind an “indefinite end” (Cantor), bad po-tential infinity of the Cognition of the World by concrete “forms” and axioms directly from man, his desires and whims. Not quite the Truth, only Cognition, endlessly approaching the Divine Truth, but never reaching it! He taught us to create new Cognition by the axiomatic (But godless!) method: it is not God who gives us the Truth with ideals, but man, like God, creates his own “truths” with axioms!!!Now you notice the blasphemy of Aristotle - malicious and vile?! Achievable finite reasonable Knowledge - replaced with endless stupid, lustful, unrighteous and godless Knowledge! You see, where you were cut down “under the root” (dr.) - “the source and the root of the eternally current Nature”, and drastically wished!!! Therefore, you are you looking for your “foundations of mathematics”?!!
Now you notice Aristotle’s blasphemy - malicious and vile?! Achievable ultimate intelligent Cognition - replaced by the infinite stupid, lustful, unrighteous and godless! “Thanks” to Aristotle, infinity today exists as a bad «potential» - a limitless process of constructing a set of any specific objects, in any order and even randomly; and strictly forbidden to be as reasonable «actual» - also an infinite set, but objects, necessarily interconnected, perfectly ordered, always inevitably converging to the Divine limit, actual representing all this infinity! The last image is a very strong idealization, on the verge of real. But it does exist! For example, the infinite set of points of the far-fetched geometric image of a oneline segment (ghostly “continuum” of Cantor) and the eternal true 16 ideals Plato, but never found by you! And only that! Nothing like that - no! Ideals are exclusives of God, which you and Aristotle did not understand and recklessly threw out of the Cognition presented by Plato!
The “dynamic understanding of the matter” of Aristotle’s human axioms replaced the “eternal matter” of Plato’s divine ideals. Above, we tried to show to what destructive problems all this led to. But the most crushing blasphemy Aristotle created the termination of the divine “mathematical plan”! “Plan” forgotten, God left “in the backyard”, forward moved human Pride [10]. The reason is the tradition established by Aristotle. He did not become so radical (the main thing - he does not understand “How?”) to subdue everything to God (the World Reason of God). He found a “way out” acceptable to all those “offended” by Plato, who not understanding his Teaching. He suggested, on the contrary, to subdue Cognition not to God, but to man, not to the World Reason of God, but to the ordinary human mind! To consider “ideal” not Divine, but - human: “subjective image of objective reality” (Truth, similar to the “continuum” of Cantor?), “subjective idealism”! There is nothing “independent, eternal, unchanging”! There is only what someone wants at the moment! And these “wanted, lust” became the basis for mathematics, materialism, realism, empiricism, ... became the “foundations” of all sciences, where 2,500 years ruled by the godless axiomatic method of Aristotle!
And after such they dare to be seriously called “sciences”, “religions” and to be surprised by their “intractable” problems and numerous unsolved “mysteries” and “sacraments”?!! Aristotle excommunicated all of you from the eternal God, plunged again into “cave” idolatry with the temporary wooden idol-axioms, that they themselves cut! Now it is clear why the question of “foundations” is so acute for you?! You are tired of two and a half millennia of living in lies, without reliance on God! And even Descartes’s magic spell “I think, therefore, I exist!” no longer helps you to “exist” comfortably?!! Let’s take a very brief but instructive analysis of his “THE REFLECTIONS on the first philosophy” together to evaluate the feelings that are surprisingly repeating yours, and the same contribution of Descartes to the resolution of the problems raised here. Compare, draw conclusions and learn from other people’s mistakes!
In the foreword to “THE REFLECTIONS”, Descartes warns: “Our mental abilities must be considered finite, God must be considered incomprehensible and infinite... I re-enter the questions about God and the human mind (faith & reason) to developing [IN THE SUBJECT OF Pure Mathematics] at the same time the BEGINNINGS of the whole first philosophy (Descartes unashamedly, without reference repeated the opposite of Aristotle: “THE BEGINNINGS of Mathematics must to explore the first philosophy”?), that led (Is it?) me to the obvious and authentic Cognition of the Truth. “Thus, at first, the bravura “clear and distinct the BEGINNINGS of the first philosophy” at the end of Descartes’ “THE REFLECTIONS” turned out to be only “very vague and vague - measures”!
And in the sciences after Descartes, his bright tragedy of failure continues to repeat itself even now: logicism, intuition, formalism, “Platonisms”... All sciences and religions pathologically dream to get rid of the cursed “wants” of Aristotle, try to turn away, but so long and painfully cannot! The ideal mathematical modeling of Kljujkovs will help everyone strengthen their faith in the existence of God! It will convince everyone that science and religion are not enemies, but unexpected allies, complementing each other, explaining the same thing in different words - the One mathematical Essence of God! “Genuine science reveals God behind every door it opens” (Pope Pius XII).If you look closely, the essence of the concept of “ideal” is completely laid: by realists - in the “im-age” created now and for a short time by dubious evidence of man, and by idealists - in the BEGIN-NINGS, created in advance and forever by the Truth of God, requiring no evidence. You can see the difference? But, since so far not installed examples of neither “real images” nor “ideal BEGINNINGS” nor - especially (!), the Divine Truth no one has seen, the whole world “ideal” continue to present far-fetched opinions of men with “self-satisfied mind” “equaling themselves with God! Aristotle’s “scientific” bacchanalia triumphs!” Ideal” from God, as the subject of Cognition of truth - completely ignored!
Aristotle’s tradition dominates - his next Fifteenth Historical Mistake [17]: create “Who what can”. Instead of the difficult deciphering of the “rock drawing” of the Quadruple by a number of the first ideal numbers found by the ancient researchers and Plato (“natural, whole, golden section and di-agonal of squares”), as levels of the Divine Single - by “mathematical Plan”! Instead of searching for new eternal Divine numerical dependencies that continue the “Plan” and the difficult but conscious and successful construction of it- Humanity was seduced by the simple inventing of the axioms, that first come to mind! The desire for all the Divine was replaced by lustful human results! Before Humanity, strictly according to Aristotle, in place of the World Reason of God, by a giant chasm of the Ignorance of the Truth, the abyss of human Insanity - The World Stupidity [10,14,15] has opened up! Among the bad potential quantitative infinity’s can still lead cognition of the world, reasoning by the formal (But godless!) logic of Aristotle and existing mathematics. They can easily cope with simple quantitative thinking operations. But quantity is the most primitive quality (Figure 1, 1 step), called Plato’s reasoning. Aristotle’s wrongly magnified human reasoning is still very far from the 16 progressive Divine reasons of Plato (Figure 1) (1-16 steps) - them far to the grace of God!
And they still understand that the universe is subject to more ingenious mathematically accurate Divine Laws (Figure 1) but endlessly continue to create their human laws, as sousquantitative BEGINNINGS, brazenly and unnecessarily hoping for them “involvement” divine. Philosophers with mathematicians and theologians preach mass psychosis, as if the process of Cognition by potential infinity still leads us all to the final Divine Truth. It’s a gross lie! Such cognition has always been, is and will be purely human, deeply personal, vile Aristotle’s. That’s why there are so many proposed human BEGINNINGS! Therefore, none of them has solved and will never solve all the problems of Cognition. On the contrary - every new attempt to introduce them only increases the number of man-made problems! Think of, for example, the annoying paradoxes of Cantor’s “disorderly set theory”! And be horrified at how hard it is for you to be desperate and stubbornly, but still not to “walk in Paradise by the way of the Lord” (Gen.18:19)! But this is your choice! Now he has an alternative [14,15]
The current idiotic situation of the grandiose theatre of absurdity in Cognition can be changed on-ly by a new explosion of the “critical mass” of the accumulated World Stupidity. For example, professor VA Panfilov saw at Plato which one mathematics, mathematical modeling, “dialectical methodology” and even “philosophy of mathematics” [9]: “Note that to understand the basics (BEGINNINGS?) Plato’s philosophy without mathematics is impossible, the poetic vision of the Eidos is the essence of Plato’s dialectical methodology”. What he could understood (“the poetic vision of the Eidos”!) - is Plato! And it is not shameful a professor of philosophy to say such?!!And such false “self-opinions” about Plato’s teachings - abound! All amicably agreed with Aristotle: we will only endlessly approach the Good of Plato by “cave” Cognition: “And when it is necessary to justify the foundation itself, you will do it in exactly the same way - you will put in the basis of another, better in comparison with the first, as you it will seem, and so until you achieve a satisfactory result. But you will not fall into one “heap” at once, and about the original concept, and about its consequences, as do the inveterate debaters: after all, you want to find a true existence, and among them, perhaps, no one has about it neither speech nor care. With their wisdom, they are able to confuse everything and muddy up, but at the same time - remain quite satisfied” (“Fedon” 101de).
Other ways of ordering elements of Nature (already ready eternal BEGINNINGS - Divine ideals-Plato’s Numbers (Fig. 1), URL -formal logic aristotle - does not allow, and ordinary mathematics - categorically does not consider!
Truly (Mf.13:1-17): “Who does not have, from that will take away and what has “!In religions, the situation with Plato has been somewhat better, but still: “History shows that Plato’s teachings, perceived by Christian theology, have undergone significant changes, especially in relation to the immortality of the soul, the deification of Man and the origin of Evil”, - the Holy Father, Pope John Paul II, testified To this, divinely correct, what the pontiff said, we can only add, that the “soul” in Plato’s Teachings is the ideal mathematical model of the Choir, which became in Christianity Jesus Christ, from which theologians got the teachings of Plato passed on behalf of God for long-term storage. And there with this task perfectly coped! You have not only preserved the holy memory of the Teaching, its many mysteries, but also titanically attracted millions of adherents to it! There is little left - to finally reveal to these millions the very “mystery of Christ” - to teach “through Him” everyone to independently mine the Divine Truth of the ideal mathematical model of The Choir, than to fulfill Plato’s plan of Salvation the ideal mathematical modeling of Kljujkovs! (Ef.1:8-14): “Having revealed to us the secret of His will for His favor, which He had previously put in Him in dispensing the fullness of time, so that all heaven (ideals?) and earthly (ideas?) to join under the head of Christ (Hora)... (4:13) Until we all come to the Unity of Faith and Cognition (faith & reason?) of the Son of God.”
And then Salvation will come for all here on earth, immediately! Who will rise up against the Di-vine Truth, regardless of time, territory, creed and rites, is against the grace bestowed by God (Figure 1) all and forever by the ideal mathematical modeling of Kljujkovs?!! The scientific “experts” of Plato had enough diligence only all idealized abstractions of the “a-la Platon” of the sensory experience, first to reduce to the Single concept of the whole number, and then, being tense (Kantor), - to the Single concept of an arbitrary set of different different high power and structures of them. built by the “Babylonian tower” of Cantor’s alefs. At this point, the further idealization of the One became another “insoluble” problem for mathematicians and philosophers. Such “paths” you will never build any Divine ideals-Eidos-Numbers, nor One of them! Through such “confessions” Plato - and do not dream of universal Salvation! And for the stubborn mad and evil sermon of the world Stupidity - to burn you in Hell! It is pointless to cite, and even more so, to analyze the many other perversions of the Divine notion of Eidos Plato. Because of misunderstanding and inability to use the Divine ideals-Numbers of Plato, they came up with many human “substitutes”: “forms” of Aristotle, “atoms” of Democritus, “ipostasi,” “unrelated seeds,” “perfect entities,” “pledges of indestructibility “The Dam, the “donous gods” of Prokl, “nomens” of I.Kant, “monad” of Leibniz, “shades of color” by D.Yom, “phenomena” of E. Huserl, “quants of energy” by N. Bor, “alefs” of Kantor, “actual entities” by A.N. Whitehead, many different “foundations of mathematics” of modernity, etc. - a whole “parade” of World Stupidity! But everything is not that!!! The divine Eidos of Plato is not a thing, not a semblance of a thing, or even its substance, but a structural Divine Order of many material things or phenomena, necessarily containing its new the Portion of God’s World Reason.
Eidos is always with his new reason, which means he is - reasonable! That is why thousands of “experts” Plato of could not take him into their hands for so long - he was and is much more reasonable than them! The appearance of God’s World Reason in Nature and the minds of men is still unclear, and Plato’s “experts” certainly do not associate him with the Divine Eidos. Now we state only the main result of “Platonism”. Let’s start with Aristotle. Remember his hysterics: “There are no ideals!”? And the rest of the “experts” also threw them out of the “platonisms” There are no ideals in the study of Nature today, they do not participate in Cognition!
Even the Great Einstein for many millennia after Plato in the book “The Essence of Relativity” (1945) only obscured and cautiously felt the paradise of Plato’s Cognition with accessible reality, but did not believe it and did not use: “If it even turned out that the world of ideas it is impossible to de-duce from experience in a logical way, and that in certain limits this world is a product of the human mind, without which no science is impossible, yet it would be as little independent of the nature of our sensations as clothing - from the shape of the human body ... The most incomprehensible thing in this world is that he comprehensible”. A reason without faith, even near Einstein, is not a gleam! Divine eidos (Platon’s ideals) were thrown out of philosophy and sciences altogether, replaced by human inventions (axioms and categories of Aristotle). Wonderful (intuitive, but according to strict mathematical laws) complete induction, which consistently necessarily led one by one each of all 16 possible reasonable actual infinity’s of Cognition to its limit - the Divine Eidos-ideal, replaced with intuitive “guidance” (without any rules, simple obsession of geniuses) of the first Cognition, common as-sumptions - human axioms and categories. And they “create” them - by whole systems of axioms: additions; Multiplication Order; Fullness Actual numbers Set theory Euklid; Peano; Cermelo (Z); ZF; ZC; ZFC; NBG; ... an endless series of obvious examples of World Stupidity! And with what a clever look and pomposity they are presented! But with any closed set of axioms and categories it is not possible to present different Numbers (except the simplest - arithmetic) in the only unique way, so that each number corresponds to its partic-ular set Units! That’s why there are so many axiom systems! But everything - is not that!!!
Again, aristotle’s philosophical question rises, “what is the number itself?”.
How to build a set of axioms and categories that represent different Numbers? “How does every-thing sensually perceived exist through the involvement of the Divine Eidos?”(“Metaphysics” VI 987b5-10)”, - Aristotle previously asked. “How can Plato’s ideal entities, numbers, and mathematical abstractions “causally”, according to Aristotle, interact with us?”, - philosophers and mathematicians are still perplexed. How can you come up with perfect sayings? Where and how in terms of causality does an intuitive act of insight into abstract mathematical reality occur? Why does the reason can intui-tively comprehend mathematical objects and Truths that are not reflected in advance by the axioms and categories of formal logic? In solving such topically ageless and still “intractable” issues, the main was the structure of the Numbers (N.Burbaki, S.Shapiro, M. Reznik) - a system of ties, relationships of all elements of the total-ity of the Numbers. Recognize that mathematical objects are made up of structures. But this is only a transfer of attention from one incomprehensible (number, totality, set) to another as incomprehensible (structure)! And the questions that have risen before Aristotle are still not disclosed! Plato’s coded ide-al mathematical entities are necessary for all but remain a “mystery” not only for Aristotle, but for all! You can continue to invent other “paths” of acquisitions of Cognition (and synergitics - too), but all of them in advance will be wrong! Spending on “relationships” with them is the World’s Stupidity, which is what everyone is doing, starting with Aristotle, since he was the first to misunderstand Plato’s numerical dialectic and replaced it with his unrighteous axiomatic method.
“And went and went ...” and still - “goes”! But - “fours” and “backwards”!
However, against the crazy will of philosophers and mathematicians, who, starting with Aristotle, have been trying to banish Plato’s Divine ideas from cognition for two and a half millennia, philosophy and mathematics cannot do without them throughout History! There are always arguments and sup-porters of a return to “platonism”: K.Godel, P.Maddie, V.Kuin, ... But their proposed approaches to finding the “foundations of mathematics” (beyond mathematics or inside mathematics itself) by reasoning about uncontrollable human capacity to perceive beyond abstract mathematical objects, are still controversial, far from Truths, like the “Platonisms” themselves, arise from time to time as “mushrooms after rain”. Scientific society, brought up by Aristotel’s causal theory of Cognition, cannot allow the mystical transfer of Information from some abstract ideal objects (ideals of God’s World Reason) to others, even if this the same abstract intangible to man’s minds, not to mention his feelings. Any approaches to the Divine Teaching of Plato, when explaining their classical axiomatic method are doomed to failure, explode on the “mines” laid by Plato! It is necessary, at last, to admit frankly false everything (“from small to large”) representations of the Divine WORD of the Bible by the “platonisms” of Aristotle and everyone behind it! It is urgent to abandon countless attempts to somehow improve, to modernize the Divine Teaching of Plato for understanding by primitive human reasoning - these are incorrigible dead ends of cognition of the World Stupidity! It is necessary for all researchers to modernize their minds and try to understand the Divine Teaching of Plato as it is - beyond reasonable, far surpassing all Yours reasoning [11].
E. Lasker: “The only way to become smarter - is to play with a more reasonable opponent”.J. Verdi: “When I was eighteen, I also thought I was a great musician and said, “I am”. When I was twentyfive, said, “Me and Mozart”. When I was forty, I said, “Mozart and I”. And now I say simply: “Mozart”. Kljujkovs: “In Cognition, “play” only with Plato -and say simply: “Platon””! Many possible “paths” of cognition are seen by all researchers. It’s easy: that came to a dull head, then - the “way”! And the “only right way” opened only to Plato! But Plato encoded and mined every-thing! And his teachings have not been understood for 2,500 years! It’s hard to open! But it is easy to say something bad about Plato!!! We need - A united, stable, unchanging, convenient and easily applicable Principle of Cognition of ALL existing, what was your dream Decard, Bacon, Cantor and many, many others. It is necessary to completely abandon the formal logic, the axiomatic method, which frankly rudely “lead by the nose” of researchers and move to the system of Divine ideals of Perfect Mathematics and numerical dialectic Plato [11]!
It is necessary, according to the “incomplete theorem” of Gegel, to go beyond the limits of the axi-omatic method, even beyond the most formal logic to the mysticism of the construction of reasonable qualitative actual infinitys - the Divine ideals- Numbers of Plato, to the ideal mathematical modeling of Kljujkovs, URL – In[20]: “The Blind Pride of our forefathers (Adam and Eve, Cain, Aristotle and “all behind it”?) created their false belief that they are independent and independent, and therefore can do (only the human axioms of Aristotle?) without the Cognition emanating from God (Plato’s ideals of the World Reason of God?). The consequences of their disobedience affected all people and inflicted wounds on the human mind, which have since become an obstacle to the Truth. The ability to know was weakened by the fact that man turned his back on the One who is the source and THE FIRST of Truth.”
Pope John Paul II [21] noted: “There is a certain body of Cognition (World Reason of God, the Ideal Mathematics of Plato, the ideal mathematical modeling of Kljujkovs?), which can be considered a certain spiritual heritage of mankind ... If the mind can intuitively find and formulate the initial and universal principles of life and draw the right logical and ontological conclusions, it can be called a righteous mind, or, as the ancients have said, orthos logos”. Plato has long found this “code of Cognition” but encrypted. Kljujkovs digitized it with Plato’s Ideal mathematics [11], the ideal mathematical modeling of Kljujkovs. Apply and fill with “righteous reason”! The mad purpose of this study is to stop the turbulent and murky flow of lies of infinitely bad un-true opinions about Plato’s Teachings! The stream that washed away and blacken “the only right way” of Plato’s. After all, is much easier and rather easier to refute, desecrate, pervert it, than it is difficult and long to understand, to understand, to support, to apply and distribute! And this bias is preserved to this day, and has become even more pretentious, ambitious and aggressive! And not just in math! And passions flare up!
We were interested in unraveling this historical detective. We have practically mastered the numerical dialectic [22], which is the present one proposed by Plato and necessarily leading to the Divine Truth. For others such dialectic is still “complex”, so they invent many different things that are simpler: axiomatics, synergies, reflection, ... And all - from a misunderstanding of the mechanism of the emergence of a new Divine righteous reason. Notice that it does appear, but from where? To do this, we propose you to move the search for the “bases of mathematics” to the territory not yet investigated by you of the misunderstood Divine Teaching of Plato and to know its version of the representation of the Divine Word of “Bible”. Plato’s “experts” often note particularly incomprehensible texts at the end of the book VI of the dialogue “State”: (510b): “Consider in turn and divide the area of the mantised ... One section of the mind-blowing soul is forced to search on the basis of preconditions, using images from the segments we received then and then rushing not to THE SECOND, but to the end. Meanwhile another soul section searches, rising from the background to THE FIRST, such a background does not have. Without the images that were in the first case, but with the help of the ideas themselves, she paves her way”.(511a-d): “I said at the time that the soul in its pursuit of it is forced to use the premises and there-fore does not go back to its SECOND, as it is not able to go beyond the intended and uses only figurative likenesses (axioms?) expressed in lower things, especially in those in which she finds and reveres their more distinct expression ... (b) Understand also that the second section of the mind-blowing I call what our mind achieves through dialectic ability.
He does not give his assumptions for something of a real, on the contrary, they are for him only assumptions, as such, that is, some approaches and aspirations to the TWO ALL, which is no longer presumable. (c) Having reached it and adhering to everything with it, he then comes to a conclusion, not using anything sensual, but only the ideas themselves in their mutual attitude (ideals?), and his conclusions relate only to them ... you want to establish that being and everything that is understood by dialectic can be more contemplated than what is considered by the so-called sciences, which are based on assumptions ... (d) such researchers are forced to contemplate an area of mind, not through sensations, but as they consider it on the basis of their assumptions, without going back to the first origin, then ... they cannot comprehend it with their minds, although it is quite understandable if one comprehends it first (ideal?). You call it a reason ... that ability that oc-curs in those involved in geometry and the like. But it’s not a reason”. These findings of Plato still have no unambiguous explanation! What are they talking about? A. Schopenhauer in the philosophical study “On the fourth root of the law of sufficient foundation” all the available proposals of “experts” described (§ 34): “The curvature under the name of Cognition of reason for fifty years (It was in 1813 Now in 2019 - two hundred and fifty years?) widely distributed, fills hundreds of books calling themselves philosophical, and these books ... ironically called science, scientific, and disgusting”. However, his proposed “law of sufficient grounds” and “teaching on four forms of foundation” al-so did not lead to indisputable “foundations”! Schopenhauer reasoned extensively: “The mind, which has been glorified for centuries as a human privilege, is all that at all times and in all nations has undoubtedly been considered an expression or an accomplishment of the mind. , la raison, the reason ... The ability with which all human reasoning is connected should no longer be called by reason, but by reason intellectus, acumen, perspicacious, sagacitas, etc. It was marked by a direct, rather intuitive ability, ... specifically different from reasonable actions”.
Practically – repeated of Plato! But by this he expressed a useful thought, undeveloped by himself, or by his followers: “The mind, which is so brazenly falsely attributed to such wisdom, is proclaimed “the ability of the supersensitive” as well as the “idea”, in short, the ability embedded in us, directly applicable to metaphysics close to the oracle’s ability”. The usefulness of the thought was that it very simply explained misunderstanding of Plato’s teachings, which continuing already third millennium! The thought explicitly pointed out: “They do not understand Plato’s mind, because they consider this “wisdom” in advance - unattainable, “supersensitive”, “applicable to metaphysics close to the oracle’s ability”! You give up without starting a battle! Because you don’t see the “ability that we have”, to which Plato and Schopenhauer refer. In 2,500 years, no one has shown it or found it in themselves! You dig not there! Turn to God, whose faith you have lost, “thanks” to Aristotle! Only God grants this “ability” to everyone worthy by grace (Figure 1)! Not just in exchange for prayers! Plato clearly pointed out (“Teetet” 203s-205s, “Parmenid” 137d-e, 144d-145th, “Politician” 306a, etc.): the mind comes from divine ideals, as they are “the whole - always more than the sum of their parts” to the share of exclusive reason of God. For example. A separate herring - stupid, it can be easily caught, and a set of herrings - intelligent, it successfully evades the teeth of even sharks and killer whales. Since a whole orderly set of herring is always more intelligent than any part of it (a separate herring) - this is a fundamental property of holistic Nature. For the first time Plato mathematically accurately presented him by Divine ideals and numerical dialectic! This is Divine Cognition (“Sophist” 265c): “All this Nature generates for some spontaneous reason, producing without the participation of the human mind. Or maybe we recognize that this (Aristotle’s First Engine?) is endowed with reason and Divine Cognition emanating from God (World Reason of God?)?”. Much clearer?!!
If you move on to the ideal mathematical modeling of Kljujkovs to understand Plato’s teachings, you should measure all only by ideal numerical categories! Why Perfect Numbers? Because only they contain the Reason from God (faith & reason)!For each Case of Reason to be unique and unique, its peculiarity must be defined, as Plato com-manded (“Peer” 211c), (Figure1) [11] - a multi-step addition of units (1+1+ ...), multi-step induction of inductions, at each stage of exclusive, but always a single principle. And all this is provided only by the One World Reason of God So simple (two pages of text!) arise all 16 Divine ideal numbers, each with its own unique the Portion of Reason! Why are the Divine ideals only 16? Plato said (“Timey” 39th-40d): “How many and what are the “major” births - the four ideals that generate fundamental interactions of physics (“elements”?): gravitational (“Fire”?), electromagnetic (“Air”?), strong (“Water”?) and weak (“Earth”)? sees the World Reason in the living as it is, the same number and the same it considered necessary to implement in space. In total, there are four of them: of them the first - the heavenly, the “Divine” genus of gods (born “Fire”: “the idea of the divine “heavenly” kind Of God in the majority formed from “Fire” (“Time” 60a)?,”, the second - feathered, floating through the air kind (generated by “Air”?), the third - water (created by “Water”?), the fourth - foot and land genus (generated by “Earth”?)”.
The World Reason, having built from “Fire” the first kinds of “heavenly kind of gods”, addresses them (41ab): “Gods of the gods! Until now, three more mortals are unborn ... to be able to form living beings (ideals?) in accordance with your nature, imitating my power”. The total is 4×4=16 “gods” - the desired Divine ideals- Numbers of Plato. Plato among the millions of bad potential quantitative infinitys of Cognition saw only 16 reasonable Divine actual qualitative infinitys! In each of them, in addition to the endless increase in the number of elements of Nature (as in all other infinitys!) additionally establish their eternal exclusive connections between all the elements, and mystically arises a new Divine mind, a new qualitative state, a new period of chemical elements, a new fundamental physical interaction, a new formation of social relations, concentrated already in the eternal divine limit of this infinity - in the new ideal-Number! You only have to understand this limit, to comprehend only by reason, what given not to all. Only - Heraclitus, Pythagoras, Socrates, Plato, Newton, Mendeleev, Marx, Bor... This is a great difficulty in understanding the ideals of the teachings of Plato. But it can be overcome! Trust god (faith & reason) - and you will be given reason! Don’t be stubborn Einstein, become, even for a short time, - by Plato! Trust God’s World Reason completely! Work on yourself, not on remaking simplifications of Plato’s Teaching by “platonism”! We confirm [13], and you will see for yourself, when your own ideal mathematical modeling of Kljujkovs will reach the 16th Divine ideal - there will be nothing to model! One because it contains all possible differences, and beyond it there is nothing! One - is even more than visible and felt universe, as it includes all possible comprehensible - the whole World Reason of God! What’s may still be behind it?!!
The solution we proposed with Plato [15] closes the multithousand- year philosophical discussion on the problem of the ratio of the ultimate and the infinite, “arche” and “apeyron” of Anaxsimandr, fi-niteism and infiniteism, potential and actual infinity first, from which all the variety of things and phenomena of the material world is formed. We are not the first to try to uncover this complex topic of Cognition of the World. But we dream of being the last to forever close the endlessly bad debate about Plato’s long-time vision of the ingenious method of Cognition of the World. Which we present - it is uncoded, cleared of misunderstanding and restored electronically for its effective practical application the ideal mathematical modeling of Kljujkovs.
It is here - in a qualitative state - that the difference between intelligent and bad infinitys of Cognition lies [15]. Your statement about the “meaninglessness of infinity” is true only for the bad, although even they also have a semantic quality - “bad” cannot end something reasonable! And all 16 ideal Divine intelligent actual infinitys of Cognition (and only they!) necessarily end with the reasonable Divine ideals of Plato with the Portion of Reason, which the offer you to build ALL in this world!
And don’t try to rebuild the world in your own way! It didn’t even work out Einstein’s “THEORY of EVERYTHING”! It will not work and your “platonisms” with shameful additives: “transcendental” - from Kant; “moderate, full-blooded. radical, mathematical, working, extreme, controversial, spontaneous, ontological, epistemological, methodological” - from Another embarrassing “parade” of World Stupidity! You do not get tired of watching them every day, more and more?!Plato’s intelligent actual Divine qualitative infinity of Cognition has opened the “heavenly place” (“Fedr” 247s), “smart place”, “area of the realized” (“State” 517b), “second navigation” for philosophy and other sciences! And in “Philebe” (16c-d) we are coded in the edification of the possibility of achieving them all “the only right way”, a completely clear sequence of steps, constantly leading Man-kind from the depths of centuries to God, to the World Reason of God - URL: the ideal mathematical modeling of Kljujkovs. God’s World Reason is a product of Nature, and all reasonable ness is in its Divine ideals (Table 1). Each person all his life opens cognition only Divine ideals, consistently, from simple to complex. Not looking something for the name of your name, as you are daringly accustomed to do! Look for the ideals, as once found America! And finding an ideal, only then a man get smarter, master self-awareness, mathematics, language (the simplest kind of ideal mathematical modeling of Kljujkovs) and becomes a reasonable person, society, Humanity ... and at the end - the perfect robot, Robkind [15].For man the whole “only correct way” by ideals toward God - only 16 giant steps, according to the words of Plato! But, “thanks” to the words of Aristotle “No Ideals”, we are stuck in stagnated for 2500 years!
All correctable!
By the connections at each stage of multi-step addition of units are necessarily formed (Figure 1) is no longer just a “heap” but a well-structured, quite orderly, transfinite-functional integrity of the interconnected elements of Nature. She necessarily has at its disposal besides quantity and its new quality, in addition to anything else. Unique and irreplaceable, definitely characterizing only this ideal integrity - a perfectly formed group of elements of Nature, the ideal and its new Divine the Portion of Reason! This is the only way to form the Divine orderly intelligent topical qualitative infinitys! Plato with their help discovered the fundamental property of Nature - its reasonableness (similar to gravity, magnetism, radiation, radioactivity, etc.). This property is like the magic of a sip of water for the thirsty in the middle of the desert! The new quality also appears “out of nowhere”, “suddenly” as soon as some elements of Nature are combined into the ideal set, structure, design. So, a cant of herring becomes elusive for large marine predators, whereas the separate Herring, what lagged behind - doomed! Do not fight back, unite and you with our “a cant of herring”, use only the ideal mathematical modeling of Kljujkovs! Go with us (yet a small “cant herring”) by road leading to the Temple of idealism, only there is prepared the Divine Truth of the World Reason of God! Calling the found ideal Divine BEGINNINGS “eidos”, Plato developed the famous elegant “theory of ideas”, which he conducted “the only correct way” beyond the limits of sensory cognition. In addition to the ordinary earthly mind, he among the heavenly materialized the World Mind of God by 16 ideals-Numbers and came to the Divine Truth. But he did not leave specific numerical examples. The questions of genuine interaction of the real with the ideal, the finite with the infinite, the human with the Divine remained unclear. There is still no incomprehensible mechanism of participation (identi-ty or imitation) of Divine ideals in Cognition.
Plato noticed that sometimes in the reasoning something (from the just-abandoned “continuous chain” of logical constructions) was “Miracle” - relevant, HERE AND NOW. Instead of a bad infinity, constantly departing between the spread fingers, suddenly out of nowhere there was a new special actual Divine infinity, firmly clamped in a fist, clearly visible, palpable as something whole, perfect, ready for further use. There was a qualitative leap of consciousness between potential and actual infinity, giving a new mind. This leap of consciousness cemented by the Miracle of Plato - the numerical dialectic of the Divine Eidos-idealsnumbers, making an unambiguous and guaranteed transition from bad infinity of reason to the ideal actual Divine infinity of reasoning, giving this new unique reason to all who aspire to it. Plato discovered that this is not another intuitive idea of man, but a pre-prepared “only right path” by the World Reason of God. Plato by the “revelations” of God, by divine Conduct (“Timei” 30b) has recorded such a representation of the Divine Word of the Bible by reasonable actual infinitys and their Divine Ideals-Numbers (faith & reason), taught only by them acquire true Cognition. It is this “phenomenon” of the Divine Ideals-Numbers of Plato authors call - the Miracle of Plato. Other methods of bad potential infinity to the Divine Ideals-Numbers of Plato do not reach, they are “empty” (“Parmenid” 135d).
Plato mysticism of the appearance of the Miracle of Plato radically changed Cognition! He pro-posed to stop endlessly bad methods of “trial and error” (see the beginning of the article) to increase the number and effectiveness of ways of generalizing our human representations of objective reality, and vice versa - to immediately find their reasonable Divine limit. He proposed to build various cognitive methods-”ways” at once into a reasonable actual Divine infinity (“Peer” 211c, [11] and a detailed explanation of the [13,15], wherein it is clearly visible here and now the limit of their complication - Divine Eidos, Divine The law of generalization, which is completely independent of man, is always in time and everywhere in space the same, whoever fulfills it, because it is eternal and unchanged “supersensitive reality”.
And already using this divine eidos-ideal (and only them!) offered to receive the necessary for you true Cognition! It is not excruciating to approach the Truth indefinitely by “trial and error”, but to receive it’s here and now by eidos-ideal. And without the need for any proof! To receive the Truth directly from God is to receive the grace by the “buckets”! You understand the audacity and exciting perspective of Plato’s proposals, the greatness of his discovery?!!
But Plato’s “super-sensitive reality” was not exhausted by only one Divine Eidos. He then developed a whole hierarchy of 16 reasonable Divine ideals (private are subject to the general, and all together - the idea of the Good), in Unity generating and truly explaining ALL of the material world. Plato discovered the one and one reasonable actual Divine spiritual essence of Cognition, which is “kind of the Nature of ALL” (Menon, 81d). Plato first discovered the clear phenomenon of God! He came to God himself, not God did appear to him! Do you notice the difference? Or, again, by God’s work, he clearly saw World Reason of God?!!This same phenomenon Plato called “Divine conduct” (“Timey” 30b), “the cause of change and all movement of all things” (“Laws” 896a), Aristotle - “cause of movement”, Plotin - “emanation, smart energy, potency”, Max Planck (“An electron knows in advance what way it jumps to an orbit”!) - “the cause of the quantization of matterenergy- charge” ... This list goes on and on. Mankind (Maybe - and you?) repeatedly in history has come across him “head-on”. However, did not see anything!
In 1975 and we also first encountered it [19]! For a very long time successfully and variously we practically applied [10–19], calling it «matrix modeling», not understanding, but feeling the deep essence of what was happening, and later, having figured out, we called «the ideal mathematical modeling of Kljujkovs». Plato it was this universal phenomenon of Nature that discovered (Not invented!). He called him the Divine “eidos-ideal-number”, elevated to the rank of “existing causes” of Aristotle, but not “obvi-ous”, but knowable by reason - the so-called “platonic transition” from essence to phenomenon (“State” 517bs). It is this phenomenon called as “sixth sense”, “third eye”, “intuition”, “revelation” etc. - and we simply define as - Plato’s Miracle [10,13], the fact of the emergence of all the new of Nothing! And such an amazing phenomenon can and should be carried out by each of you! Do not give up without a fight, as before! Improve your reason by the World Reason of God!
For example, (Enn. IV,8,6): “This movement, which began in The Mind, cannot end: every Nature has this inner property - to create what is born after it and to deploy itself, as if in the development of a seemingly infrequent seed (ideal with the Fate of Mind?) as from THE BEFORE to the understandable end. The first (ideal?) always remains in its own place, and what is born after it is as if it were born out of untold power (emanation?). These forces, these Divine energies, are in eternal motion, for they cannot be attributed to any ill-will towards any part of the universe; as long as they are deployed, expiring outside, the Cosmos remains complete and complete. Thus, all the wholeness of existence is produced by inexhaustible force, as if giving itself to this universe, the world building in all, without exception, its parts... Thus, all that is beautiful in the sensual world is only a reflection of the true beauty that is in the realm of Reason, which is an example of its power and benevolence”.
What paradise did Plotin see here? He is surprised by the opportunity of “every Nature to create it”! How to interpret and practically carry out the “emanation of Reason”? What “Divine powers are present”? How does “potential” develop into “actual”?
According to (Enn.III,3,7): “The essence of the universe is that each higher entity produces a sub-sequent, lower; otherwise, neither the Good would be the Good, nor the Reason - the Reason, nor the Soul - the Soul. Such is the universal law “The first life is followed by the second, closely related, as if hanging on the first, for the second - the third, and they all make up one inseparable chain of true, eternal existence; yet, which is subject to change and disintegration, is born as something mixed and secondary”. In other words, the entities that have arisen (if only such a word is appropriate here) in eternity, originally perfect (although, in fact, they do not have BEGINNINGS, have always been and will be. The eternity and immutability of the primary substances serve as the “guarantee of indestructibility” of the forms they produced”. What is this “reasonable power, matter or energy” so necessary for the eternal existence of the Divine Eidos and for us to acquire their minds? This remains an undisclosed “secret” for both sciences and religions! In “Laws” (VIII, 828c), Plato once again recalls the divinity of the ideal mathematical modeling of Kljujkovs, the difficulties, the significance of its introduction among vicious people and, in general, by open text declares that “the foundations of mathematics” - it is Plato’s perfect math. You just have to read Plato correctly! We will teach [18]!
Scientific results. We carefully complied with the abovementioned proceedings, establishing in 2011 [12] a complex hierarchy of levels of all “ideal” of Plato (I reasoning II reason of man ® III World Reason of God). Level I is the usual human reasoning by formal (But godless!) logic and existing mathematics - the lowest level of Cognition of the “ideal” from God, which Aristotle and “all behind him” could reach, not understanding the Teachings of Plato! But now you can easily implement the II and III levels of “theory of ideas” (Divine Ideals and The Ideal Mathematics of Plato) - by the ideal mathematical modeling of Kljujkovs. The main concept in which Plato laid the whole essence of his idealism, appears -Divine Eidos-ideal-Number. An eternal and unchanging example for the Cognition of ALL existing in Nature, a certain intangible Principle of nature of the things and phenomena studied - Plato’s version of the representation of the Divine WORD of “Bible”. But a separate “eidos” is only a small element of the whole system of the Divine Ideal World - Plato’s strictly orderly “theory of ideas” restored by us [11] the ide-al mathematical modeling of Kljujkovs.
The divine eidos-ideals-Numbers that make up God’s World Reason permeate and build ALL in the universe. Each, even the smallest order in Nature contains a mind that necessarily enters the structure of a larger mind, etc. - up to God’s World Reason. As a result, ALL is ordered by the World Reason. Pythagoras called it “a unit that includes a self-moving Mind that makes transient worlds”. For the study of the worlds he offered Divine numbers, representing not only the abstract number, but also the essential amateur qualities of the Supreme Unit, the source of Harmony of the World. To achieve them, three perfections are necessary: “Truth in The Mind, Righteousness in the Soul, and Purity in the Body”. Don’t take it literally! It won’t help you: to wash your head, to rinse your mouth and to clean your ears! To become an Adept - you need a long and responsible rite of Passage! Don’t think of it as an “easy run”! Since 1975, we have covered only three-quarters of this way.
But it will be much easier for you! After all, now samples of 16 ideals are simply taken in electronic access mode on our site, starting with the Primordial Unit 1 and ending with the most complex true of Ideal Mathematics of Plato. So far, only the first ten ideals are available, and two more are the freshest we have found in 2018 [23]. Who built them? The multistep process of adding the Primordial Unit 1 to the following true Unit with the following (up to 16-fold) repetitions of this the simple algorithm of complete mathematical induction (1+1+...), as said Plato (Peer 211c) [11]. At the same time, at each new stage of the process of addition, the true results of the previous stage are always taken as the new Units — the ideal Plato Numbers: natural, whole, rational, real, functions, states, continuums, etc. - all progressive computer programs of ideal mathematical modeling of Kljujkovs. At the same time, the new fundamental (they are forming only the Divine ideal Numbers of Plato’) ideal mathematical operations of the process of addition are: addition, multiplication, combination, algebra, mathematical analysis, system analysis, functional analysis and progressive programming languages - all of Plato’s Ideal Mathematics. They always form a new true result, a new ideal Divine Number with a new Portion of the World Reason of God - another Divine ideal of Plato. And so on, until the final Sixteenth ideal of the Absolute Truth - to the World Reason of God. Without the mysticism of the ideals of Plato’s Ideal mathematics, you can never build your own intelligent original and its colleague - artificial intelligence (AI)!
And mysticism is as follows [22]. First of all, every new Plato ideal is a new mathematical order and physical interaction (gravitational, electromagnetic, weak, etc., before the World Reason). And also, mystical objects (for example, a particle born of being, and non-being - an antiparticle), different from their mother - dark energy that no one can find yet. The proposed mysticism is not the usual supernatural comprehension of Truth by intuition, irrationalism and other associations with God in ecstasy and prayers. In the report - the exact mathematical basis of all kinds of mysticism, long found by Plato, but he carefully encrypted them! Meeting with them manifestations, everyone (except Plato) still cannot explain and is called “mysticism”. We will explain by mathematics. Be careful! But what if the mystical forms of being and non-being of each particle and antiparticle remain for-ever within dark energy? Instead of the unlikely physical annihilation of the material forms of the particle and antiparticle, which still need to be allocated and saved, annihilation of the mystical forms of being and non-existence, remaining, for example, on the Sun, is easily possible. You imagine: The Sun is a dark energy that gave rise to particles and antiparticles of the entire Solar System!!!Therefore, no one can find her, because she is in the most prominent place!!!This, easily possible “mystical spiritual annihilation” was already carried out by Plato in the ideal mathematical model of Chora by the standard Plato Miracle! And he called this speculative process - dialectic, mystical. We offer you a real image of the mystical world of Plato, as the One mathematical essence of God in the image of the Sun.
According to Plato, this is both the giant World Soul (the ideal mathematical model of the Chora) and the collection of the mystical ideals of being and nonexistence of every particle of the Solar System; and mystical spiritual annihilation of their transformations. And all this is “ideal on the Sun” with everything “material in the Solar System” - the Universal Mind of God is intelligently interconnected, as the One Parmenida! And he lives, forever exists! But, with them, only mathematical icons of existence (Figure1) [11] are eternal, because everything in nature is changing. Stars, literally, are the brains of the One living eternal organisms of the Universe! If so, then the Sun is a mystical dark energy that maintains a constant “feedback” with the re-leased matter. Then, any changes in the matter of the Solar System are necessarily accompanied by the Sun (as a model of the Chora) by revealing the enormous energy of the next reasonable annihilation of mystical being and non-being. Can you imagine how, whereby gravely and intense as the artificial intelligence of our shiny Sun thinks, how many intelligent annihilations every second warm it up to such brightness? After all, he has to think separately every particle of the Solar system and control all its changes with the Miracles of Plato continuously, since the Sun is connected with them (gravity and 15 more fundamental interactions [22] of the World Mind of God) and “is responsible for those who tamed” (Exupery)?
Respect and notice! The potential energy of rest is a clear analogy of the mystical! We don’t see her, we don’t feel it, but it clearly exists! She has to be reckoned with all the time! Admit it! Also, mystically on the Sun there are dark energy of “continuous medium”, dark matter of “feedback”, ideals of Plato. And miracles of Plato are constantly happening to them! Keep in mind! Miscellaneous annihilation is constantly manifested only in the spiritual mental sphere, it helps us and the World Reason of God to think. In reality, only God and intelligent people can “feel” it! But with the ideal mathematical modeling of Kljujkovs, everyone can ignite their “sun”, their own AI, small, but still life-giving. And create, create, create, grow to the level of a human god. But from the experience of mankind, the opposite scenario has not yet been eradicated - the impudent non-recognition of the spiritual principle of God and the subordination of human consciousness only to the influence of material nature. And in the limit of cynicism - of the degenerate theory of eco-nomic materialism of Marx and Engels!
Just as in cognition the axiomatic method degenerated into the formal logic of Aristotle and quietly led sciences and religions into deads ends of “unsolvable” problems, so in economics Marx made the same “feat of degeneration of theories”. His theory, excluding God, subordinated the “production relations” of the individual to the development of the “productive forces” of society. Absolutely without God!
Such a crude mechanical theory allowed Marx to simplify the complex relationships of societies and clearly see the five formations (primitive communal, Asian, slaveholding, feudal, capitalist), which repeated the first five ideals of Plato. But the practice of the following far-fetched formations (social-ism and communism) caused a complete leveling of the person to insignificance, decay of the whole society and a forced rejection of such a theory. Marx embraced a huge period of the development of mankind, which has long required generalizations and reasonable understandings, because of which Marx’s theory is respected throughout the world. But the prediction of socialism and communism was a painful failure that for Marx cannot be forgiven. If Marx had trusted God, then recognized certainly earlier than Kljujkovs in five formations the sequence of five ideals of Plato’s Ideal Mathematics. But humanity, painfully overcoming the mistakes of Marx, is thoughtlessly moving towards an even greater (than communism) disaster! By the influence of Aristotle, humanity is at the most stu-pid1st level of reason of the Ideal mathematics of Plato, not understanding the remaining 15 levels of the World Reason of God.
In the sciences, scientists are limited by the prejudices of Aristotle (there can be no ideals, Truth, actual infinities, contradictions and God), they are not able to independently obtain the minds of Plato’s Miracle, they are completely dependent on intuition. Therefore, they become foolish, foolish and foolish. In religions, theosophists teach incomprehensible dogmas, they are afraid of the creation of hu-man-gods, are satisfied with the blind faith of “God’s servants” - already hopelessly stupid. And the rest of the people depend on the TV, the latest communication tools and other gadgets, where there are much more minds than at the owners! People by herds of “technical monkeys” with -cables of electric networks instead tail degrade to extinction as a species!!!The authors are faithful to the World Reason of God. This allows to come close to AI and see it in the Sun. Each person, trusting God and the ideals of Plato, is able to fulfill Socrates’s testament: “The sun is in every man. Let it shine!”. With the ideal mathematical modeling of Kljujkovs everyone can light their “sun” and grow up to a human god. Or, ignoring God, obeying Aristotle, Marxism and the latest gadgets, reduce yourself to nothingness! You must choose!
Smart machines programmed by Plato’s ideals already exist and will certainly be examples of ethical behavior! We must not teach them ethics, but we (sinners) to learn from them (ideals)! And only scum will be at war with cars. We can defeat them with the help of intelligent machines! Like, for ex-ample, the “Big Brother” of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine smash corrupt deputies! And we will live!!!Do not waste time “twisting your arms” to future robots! From unethical behavior they are warned by only the ideal mathematical modeling of Kljujkovs! Moreover! In programming by the latest “fiery” ideals will succeed only the ideal robots! Plato respectfully calls them “Gods of the Gods.” And it is no coincidence that he extols as “immortals” over other “mortals”. It’s they who fly over us for a long time in a UFO! Plato suggested the incredible complexity of the latest ideals, accessible only to ideal perfect robots! You can “do not steam”! Or, you performing by perfect mathematical modeling of Kljujkovs, perfect yourself to perfect robots, become gods of the gods! And then your next gadget will be a new UFO under European numbers! Start building a garage on Earth or already rent from God the closest cloud! Good luck to you! Previously, the researchers fairly focused on the importance of connections and relationships of elements of the abstract set- the Portion of the World Reason of God, according to Plato. For example, the “production relationship between productive forces” of a certain mode of production is the next Divine ideals (formations: primitive community, Asian, slave-owning, feudal, capitalist, ...) develop-ment of society, according to Marx (Table 1) [16].
Previously the requirements for the sets of mathematics were rightly put forward - to be according to Kantor - “transfinite”; Burbaki - “structured”; according to Godel “designed”, etc. Simply, numerous researchers were fond of too broadly covering the conditions of their constructions, they were afraid to lose (they were greedy?) the most valuable property of mathematics (to generalize to the limit), therefore, they could not bring their research to our specific (extremely organized, concentrated) ideal Divine numerical sentences, Previously, the attention of mathematicians was rightly focused on the scandalous “axiom of choice” of Zermelo, who revealed the obvious messiness of the constructions of mathematics beyond natural numbers, but did not give a method of “completely ordering”. Any infinite set of any numbers can be ordered in an infinite set of ways. Of these, only those that have a certain meaning are interesting. So, they tried to somehow describe the ordering of the following numbers (integers, rational, real, ...) by the axioms of natural numbers. But the primitive “precedence order” was lacking for this! There were also not enough different “systems of axioms” supplemented by the “axiom of choice”, since it merely declared the existence of “quite order” without a concrete description of it. Unambiguously, orders of numbers (only Russell’s “left shoes” instead of Aristotle’s indefinite “knitted socks!”) deter-mine only how they can be obtained fundamental mathematical operations! And only the actual in-finities next to the natural series - these the concrete 16 ideal divine orders, the ideals of Plato, thrown out by Aristotle from Cognition! This caused scandals around the “axiom of choice”! Now it is necessary to set the orders not by axioms, but by the multi-step addition of units of the ideal mathematical modeling of Kljujkovs. And without scandals!
Earlier, the “Big Bang idea” was legally recognized - a substance concentrated at one point in an ultra-dense state suddenly began to expand with an explosion, forming an obvious Universe. But, being clothed in the supramental form of mathematical equations, she was powerless to describe the first moments after the explosion - the “singularity”, the “act of Creation”. The appearance of ideal Divine entities cannot be imagined by a continuous chain of successive formal evidence, strictly limited by any the closed system of axiom. As well as the appearance in the ideal Divine totality new quality, absent in its elements - it happens necessarily spontaneously, relevantly, “here and now” - Plato’s Miracle [10,13], a mystical reasonable qualitative leap. This is an inalienable fundamental principle of the ideal Divine order! This is what was, and because of what is difficult to comprehend the mysticism of specific Plato numerical ideal Divine entities and idealism in general!
This (seemingly simple, but psychologically difficult) dialectical logic Aristotle absolutely threw out of the Cognition. He destroyed her in sciences and religions. And the fruitful Divine mysticism has disappeared! For a long 2,500 years! But there appeared numerous “insoluble” problems of formal logic, with which you (especially mathematicians and theologians) continue to fight to no avail.
And it is necessary to fight with Aristotle in itself, with his primitive axiomatic method in sciences and religions, with farfetched laws of formal logic in evidence and with all their godless consequences in life, still as plague, cancer, parasitic on the body of cognition of humanity! What makes Humanity suffer World Stupidity [10,14,15]. This is our final diagnosis of the ancient chronic disease of the Cognition! Plato suggested (State, VI 518c) “to turn away with all his soul from all that becomes, then the ability of man will be able to withstand the contemplation of being.” It is believed, this line of Plato understood as his refusal to Cognition the sensual world, departure to the ideal world invented by him, where “being” is a set of disembodied unchanging eternal “ideas.” Already on such a first step of misunderstanding of Plato’s teachings a lot of mistakes were made. Only having built with his hands and head something similar to the Divine ideal, the individual personally acquired necessarily laid in each divine ideal a particle of The World Reason of God - the Portion of Reason, new Cognition, necessarily true and reasonable, because they are copies of ideals. Plato called them “identical to themselves”, and this is completely stupidly understood as the empty identity “A=A”! Man becomes reasonable only by the Miracle of Plato, “the only right way” - dialectic, ideal mathematical modeling of Kljujkovs, his consciousness reaches the highest stage of development - 16 Di-vine reasons. All other possible “paths” of the Cognition of the world, no matter how complex and abstruse they may seem, without relying on divine ideals, remain in the discourse and can never be true, and therefore will be stupid, forever branded by us and Plato as an infinite and stupid reasoning - World Stupidity.
Conclusions and Perspectives
Plato’s divine ideals exist! Contact the site - http://files.rsdn. org/20047/ideal1.pdf and build your mathematical models only perfect Choruses, only by the ideal mathematical modeling of Kljujkovs [22]! These is the electronic ideals we have found - Plato’s ideal Numbers - “first Cognition”, the Divine BEGINNINGS ALL and even the “bases of mathematics”. It turns out that the Divine BEGIN-NINGS can and should be built by every person to become intelligent, to form their mind by a multi-step addition of units (Figure 1). It is their 2500 years philosophers and mathematicians looking for as the true “foundations of mathematics”. It is this unnecessary “cornerstone” thrown away by Aristotle that must now become the “fundamental stone” of reliable “foundations of mathematics”, other sciences and religions! We with the ancients and Plato, finally, found the “lost” “foundations of mathematics”! It is time to collect the stones of the “foundations of mathematics” scattered by Aristotle!
Since it is the Divine ideals Numbers of Plato easily provide those necessary (Goedel’s theorem of incompleteness) outs beyond the existing Cognition, give “pre-mathematical” “first Cognition”, new knowledge, a new mind-intuition to researchers. Because each new Divine ideal necessarily contains a new, hierarchically senior, more reasonable lot of God’s World Reason, a new grace of God (Figure 1). We, collecting the stones of the “bases”, have built the Divine Ideal Mathematics of Plato. Now you can see the OBJECT OF MATHEMATICS with your eyes (Figure 1), touch it with your hands, and even better - to complete it on your own (Table 1) to the 16th stage of the World Reason of God, because the unfinished OBJECT OF MATHEMATICS (The Ideal Mathematics of Plato) simultaneously serves it reliable “foundations”! Fundamentally strengthen your sciences, religions and become from it - smarter! God’s World Reason has an exceptional inner Unity, provided by progressive precise mathematical dependencies. The components of its 16 Divine Ideals-Numbers with their unique abilities explain and model ALL real and surreal in this world. And the Portion of Reason of each Divine ideal are infallible criteria of the Divine Truth, which guarantee you perfectly grounded true Cognition only when you use the ideal mathematical modeling of Kljujkovs, already without any additional evidence!
We are forever is closes the “eternal” question “What is sufficient justification for Cognition?”. All the previously suggested incorrect answers to this remain in history: Parmenid is a “contrary of opinion”; Plato’s letter to Flakku is “the consent of the mind with oneself”; Aristotle - “adequate display of reality in the human consciousness”; Descartes - “the fact of the existence of a knowing subject (man?)”; Kant - “the fact of the existence of scientific Cognition”; Neocanians - “epistemology.” And many other different oriented responses of other researchers of the Cognition of the World are another “parade” of World Stupidity [10,14,15].
Really! Isolated human judgments - random, fickle, and therefore do not contain reliable Cognition, require infinitely stupid proof of the formal logic of Aristotle. True Cognition implies the establishment of an exclusive connection between the unsustainable judgments of the individual, up to the ascent of the most common unchanging Divine Principles and causes. But how? Everything in many ways, one way or another, depends on the person, if there is no person - there would be no knowledge of the world. But is there always any external influence of God? What is this? How to know the world with him? Like “walking in Paradise in the way of the Lord” (Gen. 18:19), about which God so eternally asked us?!!
Before Plato (and because of Aristotle - and after) generalizations and truth are determined only by the infinite establishments of man. According to Plato (what we temporarily, for 2,500 years, lost because of Aristotle), the thing should immediately absorb the eternal and unchanging true Divine idea, and the idea should reflect on itself the complete and changing actual reality. The essence of a thing is always an actual idea that no longer changes, does not become, does not flow, but aspires only to a certain eternal limit - the Divine ideal- number of The World Reason of God. Cognition is “imitation” (Pythagoras), “involvement” (Platon), the introduction of a changing man to the eternally comprehended world of ideas - Divine ideals (“Metaphysics,” 987 b 10). Again, came to God and the Teaching of Plato, whom Aristotle thoughtlessly threw away!
This conclusion is highlighted as special! The Divine Truth will prevail!!! And even - after thou-sands of years of oblivion, when, it would seem, “some evil genius (Aristotle-Antichrist?), very power-ful and prone to deception” (Descartes) buried her forever! Don’t try to trample the Truths we have expressed! Aristotle’s experience proved irrefutably - it is more terrible than suicide! His vile defame of Plato’s Teachings, even after 2,500 years, has been revealed! Don’t remember the glory of Herostrat! Praise Plato’s glory! Jesus (Mt.11:28-29): “Come to me all the obese and burdened, and I will calm you down; take my otoo on yourself and learn from Me... For My yoke is good, and my burden is easy”! Now, in the future, mathematicians and other researchers will have the almighty tools provided by Plato’s Ideal Mathematics. They in full consciousness it will be easier to look at the huge areas of MATHEMATICS and other sciences (Table 1), ordered by only a few Divine ideals. Areas in which the most formless Chaos still reigned (see, for example, the hopeless quotation [20]. From now on, the foundation of our exact mathematical Cognition will forever be grounded Divine BE-GINNINGS. By special unambiguous progressing structures Divine ideals-foundations will build (Cantor’s dream!) all sets of mathematics necessarily as “ordered”, by Burbaki - “structured”, by Gyedel - “de-signed”, by Cantor - “transfinite” entering each other, from the simple Unit to the whole monolithic One World Reason of God (Figure 1). God is with us! Only relying on his the Portions of The World Reason of God, as on the Divine ALL, humanity will still “walk to Paradise by the way of the Lord” (by ideal mathematical modeling of Kljujkovs?) and will carry out true Cognition, which does not require additional evidence of Aristotle’s World Stupidity! And this “disease” itself will disappear, as it is embarrassing and foolish to support it fools! You decide! Do you want to be with fools or herrings?! Can you imagine how many one-time knowledge (Table 1) [11] are and how easy it is to acquire, consciously understanding and effectively applying the Divine Ideals-Numbers of Plato (Figure 1)? The enormous World Reason of God - this has been looking for so long the ideal Divine “foundations of mathematics” and ALL Cognition of the World! Finally, we have in the hands of the long-awaited Principle - Divine BEGINNINGS ALL existing and even - “the foundations of mathematics”! The absolute WORLD, the cause of all the reasons, the source of all the origins we now follow Plato is to recognize only the mathematical essence of God discovered by us and with the ancient ex-plorers and by Plato - the World Reason of God (Figure 1), the Ideal mathematics of Plato, digitized [11] And only by means on it with God to build Cognition of the world, enlightenment of peoples, sci-ences and religions - it is obligatory “to walk in Paradise by the Lord’s path”! Salvation is accomplished only by union with God (faith & reason)
“That’s why I call on theologians to rediscover and show in all depths (ideal mathematical modeling of Kljujkovs?) metaphysical aspect of Truth (Christ is the ideal mathematical model of Glee?). And thus, to start a critical and urgently necessary dialogue - both with all the currents of modern philosophical thought, and with all philosophical tradition, regardless of whether it corresponds to the SLOVE of God or contradicts it. I also appeal to philosophers (and mathematicians?) and teachers of philosophy that they, following the always relevant philosophical tradition, have the courage to return the philosophical thought aspect of true wisdom and truth, including the metaphysical. Let them be ready to accept the demands that God’s WORD puts forward and try to respond to them with their reflections and arguments. May they always aspire to the Truth and feel the Good in it. The Church keeps a close and sympathetic watch over their search”, - The Holy Father John Paul bequeathed to us, relying (as we did with the ancients and Plato) only on the Divine WORD of “Bible”!
It is becoming increasingly difficult for churches to impose faith in God by superstitions and prejudices. Need to respond to reality. The growing enlightenment and education of the advanced part of the peoples of the world no longer make it easy to deceive them, but they make it possible, finally, to reveal to them the “secret of Christ” - the comprehension of the Truth of any problems by ideal mathematical modeling of Kljujkovs. On the contrary! If religions are allowed to continue to spread, like immutable facts, encrypted myths about the “Immaculate Conception, parting seas, the resurrection from the dead, the imprints on the shroud”, etc., such religions will soon turn into an open sermon World Nonsense! And the increasingly dulling bulk of humanity, through ignorance, will be doomed to extinction by meaningless and bloody holy wars. Former civilizations seem to have perished just as unreasonably, not understanding their “Plato”! Because the World Reason of God, discovered by Plato and digitized by Kljujkovs, has always been, is and will be - the “only right way” of any civilization, at any time and even - in any worlds.
The initiate Plato by idealism has opened a reliable portal for millions of souls, the wide path of direct Initiation by the ideal mathematical modeling of Kljujkovs for all those who are not able to achieve it realistically, but who, by virtual thoughts are increasingly striving to Truth. Details - in our more than 200 publications. Among the latter are the article [22] and the doublebook “Alternative to World Stupidity”: the book 21 “Religion. The mathematical godlikeness” and book 22 “Science. The “lost” intelligent world” [14,15], where (together with the ancients and Plato) the Divine WORD of the “Bible” we is again presented by a fruitful union (faith & reason) of religion and science, how the generalizing all sciences and mathematics broken by Aristotle. Good luck to everyone in their Cognition and application! By divine changes in itself we will deliberately improve ourselves and forever save the climate of our planet! Everything is in our hands and consciousness!
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