Water Circulation and Climate Change
Khalidullin O H*
Ecology Professor, Kazakh National University, Russia
Submission: November 20, 2018; Published: November 29, 2018
*Corresponding author: Khalidullin O H, Ecology Professor, Academician of the Russian Federation LAN, Kazakh National University, Russia.
How to cite this article: Khalidullin O H. Water Circulation and Climate Change. JOJ Wildl Biodivers. 2018: 1(1): 555551.
Humanity annually selects the nature of the earth for their needs. The rapidly developing machinery increases the productivity of all types of production, including the tillage processes: [1]. The area of the arable land alone is about 13 million km2 or (9% of the land): [2]. Increasing hydropower industry: [3] we fill in new large areas with reservoirs for hydroelectric power plants. One of the latest creations of China - a pressure facility - the Three Gorges hydroelectric power station forms a large reservoir with an area of 1,045 km², - [4]. According to the source [5], Over the past 50 years, man has destroyed 70% of the world’s forests. Created equipment with terrifying performance of forest destruction: [6].
According to the UN, in the world only during the construction of cities and roads, more than 3 thousand km2 are irretrievably lost every year [7]. We fill up with waste - “the total area of landfills alone is approximately equal to the area of Mexico - 1.9 million km2” [8]. In total in the world more than 3 billion hectares of land are subject to desertification - [9] - this is 30 million km2 or 20% of the total land area - 149 million km2. The total land area in the world seized from nature, according to various sources of information, ranges from 30 to 76 percent. According to the data for 2015. Not the essence - the exact figure, but it is already commensurate with the area of the entire land. These areas are intensively growing and begin to exceed the natural ranges and can reduce them to zero. Quantity goes into new quality. Whole species of animals disappear, and with them ecosystems and food chains, the quality of fumes changes.
All the waters evaporating from these territories have lost their links in the everlasting cycle of transformations -the water circulation between heaven and earth. The quality of water, the volume and speed of transformations have evolved over millions of years in interaction with living organisms. Its main function is to dissolve the mineral and organic substances of the soil and bring them to the roots of plants and their consumption by animals. An important element in the food chain is biota water processing. Water does not disappear but changes and lingers in these organisms for some time, for example, it is known to all that camels can live without water for up to 8 days, people for up to 3 days, bears sleep all winter, plants and trees stop photosynthesis and stop movement juices. All biota is a kind of battery and moisture converter.
The exhalation, evaporation and all excretions of each of the animals and plants have their own individual parameters in the structure. Such a conclusion can be drawn since medicine can diagnose diseases by exhalation and other human secretions. Evaporations from degraded areas are substantially complemented by evaporations from technological processes of industrial and municipal production. Every animal that emerges from the water after drinking or bathing creates unnatural vapors when it dries. But this is a drop compared to the fumes created by man. Of all things, only man thought up to use water not on purpose on a huge scale. Nature did not expect such volumes of evaporation from washing and drying clothes, dishes, objects, asphalt, bodies, use in production processes - everything that accompanies our comfort. All evaporation of water, which has not gone the way of transformation in living organisms and plants, is alien to nature. The cycle of natural transformations without food chains is a shortened path. This is precisely the mistake of our civilization. Water is turned into a working fluid body - a means of transferring heat, pressure, transporting other substances, washing and cooling agents, and components of chemical and physical processes. The evaporation after the use of this water is direct and after sewage goes into the atmosphere without changing the structure or with a change, but not natural. Such evaporation can be called artificial.
The links of natural transformations disappeared, the time delay disappeared. The volumes of such evaporation correspond to the degraded areas and production processes of all mankind. Nature strictly metered provides the action of water on land after precipitation. One of the most important redistribution is carried out - water turns into a solution, passing in soils and, absorbing mineral and organic substances, delivers them for their intended purpose - to plant sap, blood and flesh of animals. Water never disappears anywhere. From the solution in the bodies of organisms, water turns into purely individual waste, which by evaporation goes to the sky. In the atmosphere, perhaps, these pairs also undergo metamorphosis, intermingled with individual pairs of other animals and plants. A new substance, concentrated in the clouds, plays a specific role in the formation of clouds, winds, and atmospheric pressure.
It is possible that these parameters create a mechanism that forms special conditions under which the clouds are driven into the given places in the given volumes and with a given periodicity. For millions of years, such a mechanism has been improved and stabilized with high accuracy, ensuring the formation of various habitats: steppes, deserts, forests, tropics - the whole palette of geographical zones. As industrialization develops, artificial evaporation increases in volumes and speeds. The quality of evaporation is a little-studied direction of science, but, likely, it also has some effect on the “heavenly kitchen.” Evaporations from drying asphalt, boiling water and from the plant or from the breath of an animal cannot be the same. Perhaps for some reason, unusual clouds have recently begun to appear [10]. Increasing artificial vapors, unprecedented by nature in terms of volumes and speeds, changed the “heavenly kitchen”, broke down the mechanisms of distribution by territory and volume of deposition. In some places, devastating floods, in others - drought and fires. The increase in distortions of the natural functions of water led to a change in the most important organs of the climate system - the accumulation of water in polar and mountain glaciers. These are natural refrigerators and batteries that form the desired temperature and humidity conditions. Perhaps it is this factor that is one of the key factors in global temperature: “... The Arctic zone is the leader in global warming. Here it happens much faster. It is expected that by the end of the 21st century, the air temperature will rise by another 7 °C. We carried out calculations and concluded that with a probability of 73% in August-September 2058, the Arctic will be completely free from the ice sheet for the first time in 100,000 years.” [11]. The official hypothesis, based on carbon dioxide emissions, distracts the world community from the true cause of climate change and leads the world to a global catastrophe. Being engaged in microscopic reductions in CO2 emissions, we have not seen the main reason.
From the beginning of the 20th century, according to UN experts, [12], the increase in CO2 emissions was from 0.5 to 5% per year. As a result, over the past hundred years, 400 billion tons of carbon dioxide has just entered the atmosphere due to the burning of fuel.” Or 4 billion tons per year. According to [13], annually mankind extracts up to 20 thousand cubic kilometers of groundwater for its needs. Plus, according to [14], people irrevocably take away about 2 thousand cubic kilometers of fresh water from rivers and lakes. Annually. Almost all this water is extracted from natural circulation and through the sewage system and evaporation goes into the atmosphere without organic changes. 22,000 cu. kilometers is 22 trillion cubic meters. meters or tons of water. In this volume, 4 billion tons of CO2 is just 0.018% - an imperceptible drop. Could this drop affect something when there are 22 trillion tons of artificial fumes in the sky? To these should be added the natural evaporation, with the preserved half of the land in its natural state. The fight against carbon dioxide is a war “with a few fleas” against the background of the “herd of elephants.” A clearer comparison: we are all in a boat with a hole at the bottom and are trying to bail out water with a teaspoon instead of filling the hole.
The fact of a change in the distribution of precipitation is not questioned - wet places are even more wet - there are floods, dry places are even drier, there is drought and fires. Hence, the extinction of species of biota and the constant increase of natural disasters. Another important consequence of the destroyed distribution of precipitation is the reduction of glaciers - their growth has stopped, the long-term accumulation of snow on glaciers. Without reaching the poles and mountain zones, the waters fall out of rain and snow not in historically given places, but in the oceans and foothill zones. The level of oceans is growing from melting glaciers, but this level is growing more from precipitation that does not reach the glaciers. This assumption is derived analytically, it is necessary to substantiate the data of weather stations located close to the glaciers and on the glaciers themselves.
“... At present, 2013, the main source of fresh water is still rivers, lakes, artesian wells and desalination of sea water. At the same time, if in all river channels there are 1.2 thousand cubic meters. kilometers of water, then its amount in the atmosphere is 14 thousand cubic kilometers. Every year, 577 thousand cubic kilometers of water evaporates from the surface of the land and the ocean, and the same amount then falls as precipitation”- [15]. If we accept that precipitation falls evenly throughout the planet, then 1/3 of the land falls out of 1/3 of the total precipitation - 192 km3. 22 km3 of them - this is about 10% of artificial evaporation alone. The water evaporates along the shortened chain of the water cycle between the atmosphere and the soil. Obviously, these 10 percent and affect natural disasters, the melting of glaciers and lead to a global catastrophe. And these evaporations are increasing with terrifying acceleration. New hydroelectric power stations are being designed and built around the world with the flooding of vast territories. Receiving momentary benefits from the received electricity today, we are preparing the graves for future generations.
Is there any salvation? Do we want to continue humans and in general life on the planet? Everything must be taken back to nature: soil, forests and natural function water. Not in order to preserve the habitats of endangered living creatures, but on the scale of the return of everything that was taken by mankind. There is an urgent need to develop a new concept of saving life on the planet. It should be based on total saving of water in production and everyday life by every enterprise, every state, every person. It is not easy to make rules about forgotten tap and the reduction of water consumption. It is necessary to radically reconsider all actions related to water. Water must make a qualitative transition from the functions of the working fluid body, the intermediate means of technological processes to the primitive natural functions - the satisfaction of thirst, consumption - living organisms. Everything else must be reduced. Only a reduction in spending on unnatural needs can stop the destruction of the planet.
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