Personal Transformations
Siddhi V*
NGO The Mandala Transformation Foundation, USA
Submission: September 10, 2017; Published: September 26, 2017
*Corresponding author: Siddhi V, Founder and Director, NGO The Mandala Transformation Foundation, USA, Tel: 1 888 895 7025
How to cite this article: Siddhi V. Personal Transformations. J Complement Med Alt Healthcare. 2017; 3(4): 555620. DOI: 10.19080/JCMAH.2017.03.555620
“A holographic projection of your consciousness directly influence hologram and thus have complete control over the physical health of your body. Human thought determines reality. One of the key principles of quantum physics is that our thoughts determine reality. In 1900’s they found that the determining factor of the behavior of energy (particles) at the quantum level is the awareness of the observer. For example electrons under the same conditions would sometimes act like particles then at other times they would switch to acting like waves (formless energy), because it was completely dependent on what the observer expected was going to happen. Whatever the observed believed would occur is what the quantum field did. The quantum world is waiting for us to make a decision so that it knows how to behave. We are truly in every sense of the word masters of creation because we decide what manifests out of the field of all possibility and into form. The human energy field is interacting and influencing the quantum field all around us at all times and the energy of our beliefs and intentions are infused into our energy field because they are defined by the energy of our thoughts and emotions. Reality is flashing in and out of existence. Every time our reality oscillates between form and the pure energy state of the field our awareness which is constant and doesn’t flash in and out of existence informs the field what to reappear as when it makes It’s transition back to form at the quantum level. Therefore, each time we oscillate into formless we have complete and total control and responsibility over what we choose with our attention to manifest out of the field in the next moment and our power and ability to do so relies entirely what we believe, and on how we are feeling”. Daily life is full of opposites, judgments, competitions, good & bad entities etc. In such situations it is character that helps a leader to stay the course. Self-knowledge is the stepping stone for self-improvement and it should be consequently handled. If we understand that knowing our own strengths and weaknesses is essential for self development, then there is quite a bit that we can do ourselves. Inability to look at ourselves with detachment puts us “on a self-deceiving, self-justifying path” often involving rational lies to self and others. In the bargain, people injure themselves deeply and struggle through life, blaming others. To balance out these differences takes time not force, it takes deeper understanding, sincerity to ourselves on the first place and meditations. It takes a positive and peaceful attitude. The best method of knowing ourselves is to look at us in deep silence and ask questions about ourselves. Our sub-consciousness will give us the right answers. If we examine our motives behind our thoughts, words and actions, then we start understanding ourselves.
For example:
a) Are my thoughts, words and actions always pure? Was there an occasion recently when it was not so?
b) Can I be considered to be a person of integrity-acting according to what is expected of me in my position?
c) Am I loyal?
d) Do I have faith?
e) Do I have patience and persistence to apply myself to a task till it is successfully completed?
f) Do I know my strengths and weakness?
If we follow up with these steps our life becomes better and we gradually proceed on the spiritual path. Eventually we realize that there is no one to judge and we can get into constant transformations with balancing yang and yang energies, positive and negative thoughts, words, actions etc. When people get stuck into anger, judgments, jealousy they are not able to transform energies. Transforming means getting rid of our bad habits, situations, illnesses, relationships.
Changing Habits
The experience of transformation of human nature suggests that balanced investment of time and will-power in a few activities keeps a person motivated to persist in transforming himself. The essential investments are:
a) Investment in the health of the body. Yogic exercises are excellent system to improve the health of the body and the mind. However swimming, hiking, fitness and so on are also good. Eating food that is pure and prepared with love is also essential. It is now very well established that by reducing our intake of cooked food to about 70% of what is considered normal, contribute to a good health, clarity of mind and longevity.
b) Investment in the health of the mind. Extraordinary powers are in the mind of man. Thoughts, emotions, memory, imagination and discrimination are all functions of the mind. Transformation of man, great emphasis is laid on the purity, health and control of mind.
c) Investment in spiritual health emphasis on spiritual growth in the process of transformation of man is a major part of man’ heritage. It’s importance for leadership effectiveness. Only meditation is bringing more than 100 benefits.
Healing Your Field, Healing Your Body
To heal, all what we need to do is purify our energy that the energetic projection of our body is unobstructed. Then our atoms and molecules can align perfectly to this structure because there is energetic interference to disrupt the image of our bodies as projected by our consciousness. We do this by getting in the gap between our thoughts, where our beliefs no longer affect our reality, when we are not thinking; we are also free of beliefs and expectations. By doing this we are aligning ourselves with universal principles, and matching our energy with the energies coming directly from the infinite energy of creation. This is so called “empty space” that radiates inner peace. It is not the space full of joy, happiness and excitements. Combining three components lead us into formless state (empty space) therefore it’s healing. For example: we can improve vision in very natural way. All what we have to do is: breathing deeply, using the neck and blink. Again we combine three components, enter into “empty space” and heal our eyes. Another approach is with mandalas. Mandala, which means “sacred circle” in Sanskrit, symbolizes the uniting darkness and light in inner harmony, synchronizing both halves of the brain, affecting higher degrees of concentration and fostering increased creativity as well as deeper understanding of ourselves and others. By active meditation with mandalas we begin to experience ourselves as a single focal point in a great stream of unified energy. Through this awareness, we become attuned to the natural rhythms of our universe and we are able to transform anything that does not resonate with us on a deeper level. The body is merely a projection of what we believe ourselves to be. Chronic pain, disease, illness or the old injuries that we might have in our bodies are not actually in our bodies they are in our minds. They are a function of our perceptions. Our atoms are always changing, and our molecules are too but as new atoms come and as new molecules are formed and as we flash in and out of existence our energetic field is telling them where to go what to do and how to align with one another. The yogis say that we were not born merely to be subject of pain, suffering, disease, stress and death. The spiritual investigation of life purposes requires keen intellect and strong will products of a healthy body and mind. We are human beings that need to be nourished on all levels that we can efficiently cope with a daily life. The system of yoga involves proper exercise, proper breathing, proper relaxation, proper diet and positive thinking and meditation. Ancient people have known for centuries that water, earth, fire and air purifies our energy. Also balanced diet is essential for a balanced body mind and the spirit. A man who practices fasting at regular intervals have rejuvenates the body and makes the mind concentrated.