Osteoma of the External Auditory Duct about a Case
Acosta Ligia, Norambuena Anabalón Nadia S, Bastidas Yanet, Rodríguez Moisés, Salazar Francys and Gómez María P
Otorhinolaryngology Service, Children's Hospital JM de los Ríos, South America
Submission: May 09, 2017; Published: May 24, 2017
*Corresponding author: Acosta Boett Ligia, Jefe de Servicio de Otorrinolaringología. Hospital de Niños "Dr. José Manuel de los Ríos”,Vicepresidenta de la Junta Directiva SVORL, Venezuela, South America, Email: drabhishekkumar4u@gmail.com; Aramadhi@lifebridgehealth.org
How to cite this article: Acosta Ligia, Norambuena Anabalón Nadia S, Bastidas Yanet, Rodríguez Moisés, Salazar Francys and Gómez María P. Glob J Otolaryngol 8(1): GJO.MS.ID.555726. DOI: 10.19080/GJO.2017.08.555726
Short Communication
The osteomasson bone neoformations of benign nature, slow growing and with few clinical manifestations rare in pediatric age. The paranasal, frontal and ethmoidal sinuses are the most frequent location within the O.R.L. In the temporal bone the mastoid is its habitual seat, followed by the scale of the temporal. Diagnosis is based on clinical examination and imaging tests to determine location, limits and relationship with adjacent structures. The treatment is surgical.
We report a case of a 7-year-old male schoolchild with current illness since age 2, when the lesion occupies the right external auditory canal, non-painful, without otorrhea, with progressive enlargement. To the otoscopy: Spherical lesion, of pink color, stony consistency that does not allow visualizing the tympanic membrane. Acumetria: Rinne right negative, left positive; Weber lateralized to the right. Tonal audiometry: Moderate right conductive hearing loss. Middle ear and mastoid tomography: Image of bone density, homogenous, rounded, well delimited in the tympanic bone, endoluminal growth. Right retroauricular approach and lesion exeresis were performed, with osteoma being reported.
Osteomas can present as isolated lesions, pediculated on the tympano-squamosa or tympanomastoid sutures, the histopathological distinction is based on the presence of fibrovascular marrow spaces, their exeresis depends on functional compromise.