Abstract: Despite the good-natured intent of the volunteers that embark on humanitarian mission trips, the intent of the missions trips have at times been criticized for being training grounds for young physicians and surgeons. This commentary describes the role of the resident surgeon on mission trips from the perspective of a current otolaryngology resident surgeon. With clearly defined roles and responsibilities, surgical care can be delivered safely with resident participation on mission trips.
Medical and surgical humanitarian mission trips are a way
physicians, medical students, nurses and support staff can join
together as a team, and donate their time and skills to serve those
with limited access to health care. Despite the good-natured
intent of the volunteers that embark on humanitarian mission
trips, the intent of the missions trips have at times been criticized
for being training grounds for young physicians and surgeons
[1,2]. This, in turn has been documented to be a potential source
of apprehension among local physicians. For instance, one review
of short term mission trips papers published over a 25-year
period revealed that local doctors felt resentment that a trainee
surgeon might not be as adequately supervised as in their home
country [3]. There was also a feeling that inadequate supervision
may lead to complications.
While formal international rotations within United
States surgical residency programs are established at certain
institutions, [4] residents may also find opportunities and travel
with third party humanitarian groups. Resident regulations set
forth by the Accreditation.
Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME) and
American Osteopathic Association (AOA) for training programs
in the United States might not necessarily apply to humanitarian
service abroad. As a result, the role of the resident physician
team member on humanitarian mission trips is not well defined
in protocols. The training and supervision relationship between
residents and attending surgeons must continue during overseas
work. In a discussion about global surgery as a component of surgical education training, the authors insist that a qualified
surgeon always be available to “supervise any treatment
attempted to prevent any inappropriate harm to patients” [4].
This sentiment has been echoed in guideline reports produced
by Board of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons and the
Plastic Surgery Foundation [5]. By sharing personal experience,
this commentary aims to clarify the role of the resident mission
team member, from the perspective of a current otolaryngology
resident surgeon who recently completed his first mission trip.
During formal otolaryngology residency training, the author
participated in a weeklong humanitarian mission trip to Antigua,
Guatemala. The author travelled with a third party humanitarian
mission group in order to contribute as a volunteer resident
surgeon. The trip was dedicated to microtia repair, and cleft
lip and palate repair. Beginning with early morning rounds, the
resident was responsible for assisting the attending surgeons
during rounds. Materials were gathered for rounds, including
dressing materials, extra drains, tape, and scissors, and were
brought to the bedside. Patients were evaluated in unison with
attending physicians, drains and dressings were changed, and
the daily plan for each patient was determined at morning
rounds. After the patients had been rounded on, preoperative
evaluations were conducted (in which the patients were seen
and evaluated), the surgical site was marked, and any remaining
pre-operative questions were answered.
The involvement of the resident during each case closely
resembles the operating room experience in the United States. How to cite this article: Kieliszak CR. Reconstructive Facial Plastic Surgery on Humanitarian Mission Trips: Role of the Resident Surgeon Team
Member. Glob J Otolaryngol. 2015;1(1): 555552. 002
The resident mostly participated as an assistant to the primary
surgeon. Since there were several rooms operating at once, the
resident often shuffled between rooms when needed for certain
tasks such as harvesting skin grafts.
There was adequate supervision from attending surgeons at
all times during the case. Post-operatively, the resident rounded
on all patients on the wards before leaving for the evening.
A potential method of lessening the resentment and
apprehension of having trainees on mission trips might be
to establish guidelines for international humanitarian trips,
outlining the role of the resident team member. For instance,
guidelines for the delivery of plastic surgery care were created and
approved by both the American Society of Plastic Surgeons and
the Society of Pediatric Anesthesia [5,6]. These reports include
general comments about resident participation. More specific
roles and responsibilities of the residents through the phases of
care on facial plastic surgery mission trips are presented here
(Table 1). This basic information could be custom-tailored to the individual mission trip in order to describe the resident’s team
member’s exact role and could be provided to the facility in the
host country to provide full disclosure and transparency.
The future for resident involvement in mission trips looks
bright. Dr. Mary Ann Hopkins, in her presidential address for
Association for Surgical Education, described the importance
of resident participation in global health initiatives, stating that
the experience “not only imparts the importance of global health
but will also show them (the residents) the value of education
and training local doctors” [7]. Residents have been shown to
perceive benefits in “cultural competency, communication skills,
adaptability and desire for service” [8]. In fact, recent studies have
shown that resident participation in mission trips is more likely
to lead to participation in trips after residency [9]. Organizations
such as “Operation Giving Back”, sponsored by the American
College of Surgeons, have provided a portal for which physicians
and surgeons, including residents and medical students can find
opportunities to perform humanitarian work.
Humanitarian mission trips can be life changing, not only for the children and their families in the countries that are served, but for the team members on the mission. A mission trip experience can help reaffirm one’s passion for medicine, and serve as a reminder that providing support to those with limited access is a critical component to being a doctor. With clearly defined roles and responsibilities, the resident may function as an integral team member and should be considered as an asset, and not a liability.
Thank you to the American Osteopathic Foundation who
provided funding to support expenses on the mission trip.
Thank you to the New York Institute of Technology -
College of Osteopathic Medicine (NYIT-COM) and the
Center for Global Health who provided funding to support
expenses on the mission trip.
Thank you to the Help Us Give Smiles (HUGS) foundation
for including the author as a surgical team member on the
mission trip to Antigua, Guatemala, in 2014.
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Table 1: Resident Objectives, Responsibilities and Participation Roles through Phases of Care.