The Power of Machine Learning in the Biological Context
Johannes Stübinger*
Department of Statistics and Econometrics, University of Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany
Submission: April 23, 2019; Published: June 06, 2019
*Corresponding author: Johannes Stübinger, Department of Statistics and Econometrics, University of Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany
How to cite this article: Johannes S. The Power of Machine Learning in the Biological Context. Biostat Biom Open Access J. 2019; 9(4): 555770. DOI: 10.19080/BBOAJ.2019.09.555770
In the recent past, both the rapid growth of big data and the exponential increase in computing power have enabled the use of Machine Learning. In biology, too, this type of artificial intelligence finds very great accusation, as it opens new fields of research. Therefore, this paper provides a comprehensive overview of Machine Learning in biology by consolidating and organizing the extensive literature available in this field of research.
Keywords:Machine learning; Biology; Big data; Supervised learning; Unsupervised learning; Reinforcement learning; Artificial intelligence
Machine Learning describes the process of creating artificial intelligence from experience without being explicitly programmed [1]. Therefore, Machine Learning enables IT systems to recognize patterns and structures based on existing data. The acquired know-how of complex relations is generalized and used for new challenges or for the analysis of previously unknown data. Within the recent past, both the rapid growth of large amounts of data and the exponential increase in computing power permit the application of Machine Learning [2]. Therefore, academic interest in studying state-of-the-art algorithms and statistical models has surged over the past years. In general, Machine Learning is divided in three substreams. Supervised Learning aims at a structural mapping of the data by determining a function based on training data marked by labels. In contrast, Unsupervised Learning recognizes patterns in data that is not marked by labels. Reinforcement Learning describes the process of learning an autonomous strategy in order to maximize the expected future reward. The algorithms are deployed successfully in various areas of our lives, e.g., self-driving cars [3], speech and text recognition [4], identification of capital market anomalies [5], and the prediction of soccer match results [6]. This manuscript supplies a comprehensive overview of Machine Learning in biology by consolidating and organizing the extensive literature available in this research field.
Supervised learning
Supervised Learning aims at finding a function that perfectly maps an input object to a desired output object based on exemplary input-output pairs. In the optimal case the algorithm is able to always correctly determine the output of unseen inputs. If the output is a discrete (continuous) feature, we apply a classification (regression).
In the classification field, Neumann et al. [7] establish a phenotypic high-throughput screening platform combining potent gene silencing by ribonucleic acid interference, time-lapse microscopy and computational image processing. In addition, Bleakley et al. [8] use classification algorithms to derive and reconstruct biological networks from heterogeneous data. In the same research area, Sionov et al. [9] employ decision trees to find out which genes in a network affect others.
In the regression field, Frontzek et al. [10] show the power of support vector machines for predicting the nonlinear dynamics of individual biological neurons. The prediction of protein accessible surface areas from their primary structures is conducted by Yuan et al. [11].
Unsupervised learning
In contrast, Unsupervised Learning handles unlabeled data, i.e., we only possess inputs and while cluster analysis groups the available data according to similar inputs, dimensionality reduction reduces the complexity in the data set by identifying and removing variables without information content.
An important component of cluster analysis is the reaction of cells as a result of drug consumption. Loo et al. [12] explain a heterogeneous cell response by a dynamic mixture of subpopulations with different physiological characteristics. Similarly, Singh et al. [13] show that patterns of signal heterogeneity may reveal functional differences between cell populations.
Horn et al. [14] use dimensionality reduction to detect interactions between signaling factors affecting different quantitative phenotypes of Drosophila Melanogaster cells. Consequently, they were able to reconstruct signaling pathways and identify a conserved Ras-MAPK signaling regulator.
Reinforcement learning
Finally, Reinforcement Learning describes a process in which the algorithm autonomously learns a strategy to maximize expected future rewards. Specifically, the agent, i.e., computer program capable of independent and selfdynamic behavior, continuously acquires knowledge by interacting with his environment which contains all information about possible states and rewards. Problems are modeled by statistical approaches (Markov decision processes, Monte Carlo simulations, dynamic programming) and solved with the aid of trial and error.
Reinforcement Learning is successfully utilized within the Brain-Machine Interfaces. DiGiovanna et al. [15] propose an algorithm that learns complete routines from interaction with its environment instead of an explicit training signal. Mahmoudi et al. [16] utilize both a continuous perception-action-reward cycle and the motor commands and information from the brain to decipher the intended actions of the users. Wang et al. [17] develop a reinforcement learning model based on a quantized attention-gated kernel - the high success rates indicate a powerful decoding capability for more demanding BMI tasks.
Analyzing medical images is a very important field of application for reinforcement learning. Sahba et al. [18] present an algorithm that estimates the location and volume of the prostate in transrectal ultrasound images. Nixon et al. [19] consolidate the implementation of medical imaging and computer vision techniques.
The operating mode of nervous systems can be modeled via reinforcement learning. The results of Frank et al. [20] demonstrate a neurocomputational dissociation between striatal and prefrontal dopaminergic mechanisms in reinforcement learning. In addition, genetic analyses show that they contribute to rewarding and avoiding human learning.
This manuscript provides a comprehensive literature review of Machine Learning in the context of biology. The subsections Supervised Learning, Unsupervised Learning and Reinforcement Learning are structured, and the corresponding literature is explained. In the future, Machine Learning will certainly become even more important in biology. Not least because it could lead to other vital solutions, such as the cultivation of high yielding, drought-tolerant plants or the modification of cancer cells
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