Resident Doctor and Human Values: Categories that are Unison
Adelaida Adriana Valenciano Vega1, Yaimet Ramos Isaac2, Yordanis Arias Barthelemi2, Elba Luisa Borrero Rodríguez2 and Arianna Beyries Yenery3
1Teaching Polyclinic Carlos Juan Finlay, Francisco Hodelín Avenue, Postal Code 94500, Songo-La Maya municipality, Santiago de Cuba province, Cuba
2Municipal Directorate of Public Health, José Martí Avenue, Songo-La Maya, municipality, Postal Code 94500, Santiago de Cuba province, Cuba
3Teaching Polyclinic Porfirio Valiente Bravo, Ricardo riso Avenue, Postal Code 94180, Songo-La Maya municipality, Santiago de Cuba province, Cuba
Submission: March 29, 2023; Published: April 12, 2023
*Corresponding author: Adelaida Adriana Valenciano Vega, Specialist in Comprehensive General Medicine, Cuba
How to cite this article: Adelaida A V V, Yaimet Ramos I, Yordanis Arias B, Elba Luisa B R, Arianna B Y. Resident Doctor and Human Values: Categories that are Unison. Ann Rev Resear. 2023; 8(4): 555750. DOI: 10.19080/ARR.2023.08.555750
The need to strengthen human values in the training of resident physicians is an important task today more than ever; and from this, it depends on saving the most precious thing that has existed on our planet: the human being. The current inadequate situation in the world with respect to human values in medical training forces a critical analysis of professional practices in the health sector. In the current study, the objective of problematizing human values in the professional performance of resident physicians worldwide was outlined; supported by the methods: historical-logical and direct observation (as results of the dissimilar international medical collaborations by the authors of this study). It is vital to systematize the current study and work on new postgraduate pedagogical strategies; It is recognized that the human values of medical residents worldwide have decreased, the causes of which are: the resident comes with inadequate human training from home, the misuse of technology by residents, scarce pedagogical resources of teachers and the resident’s lack of interest in their comprehensive training. In order to compensate for this reality, it is urgent to take into account the same technologies as a motivation platform for residents; In addition to implementing workshops where the moderator is a prestigious professor who describes their professional life stories.
Keywords: Resident doctor; Human values; Medical education; Postgraduate
Where are the human values of resident doctors?
It is necessary to “resuscitate” human values [1-6] in the postgraduate education of medicine in the world; improve strategies and dimensions for its leading role in the colossal challenges facing today’s global society. To give continuity to the improvement of this teaching system in Cuba, two priorities of the university work have been identified that form an organic whole: the strengthening of the educational work in the universities and the assurance of the quality of the substantive processes. Having said the above, an observational question emerges (as results of the international teaching and professional experiences of the authors of the current study): What are the causes that influence the deterioration of human values in the postgraduate training of resident physicians in the world?
This dialog would start taking into account the categories education [7,8] and culture [9-11], in addition to the experiences in the different stages of their undergraduate and postgraduate training and including their life experiences. Human values are an important part of the spiritual and ideological life of individuals; they are a production of consciousness in a determined socio-historical context. At present, when addressing the issue of education in human values, the speed of communication must be taken into account, which together with the technological advances of this century and the important agreements on international trade; it puts before the residents different currents of thought, marked by a turn in the relations between states, societies, organizations and the subject himself. The objective of this study is to problematize the human values in the professional performance of resident physicians worldwide. Under the methods: historical-logical and direct observation; verticalized all of the above by the paradigm of hermeneutics [12,13].
The guiding and self-regulating character in human behavior imposed by human values makes them occupy a top and integrating places at a social level; hence its interdependence with ethics [14,15]. Human values are qualities that do not lend themselves to direct description and are only shown in the acts that are given to men. They are signal lights that allow the human being to act in everyday situations under a developer task after the like. The need to strengthen postgraduate education on human values is an important task today more than ever throughout the world and it depends on saving the most precious thing that has ever existed on our planet: the human being. Value is considered the positive significance of the objects, phenomena and situations with which the resident doctor is related in the framework of his work and social life, which is an expression of his needs and interests both at the individual level, where he guides and regulates his conduct professional. They are classified into shared values and desired values.
Shared values
Set of precepts, norms, political-moral and social values, which characterize the organizational culture and which guide the conduct of the individual and which, are consciously or unconsciously shared by everyone in the organization: morality, medical ethics, responsibility, professionalism, internationalism and solidarity.
Desired values
They are conditioned by a process of social relations between the interactions of the subjects and the object of their activity, in the production of their material and spiritual life: discipline, consecration, self-denial, leadership, selflessness, modesty, humanity, honesty, trustworthiness, sense criticism and selfcriticism, initiative and creativity. The current situation forces us to carry out a self-critical analysis of educational practices at the level of the whole society and specifically in the health professional, revealing their various kinds of problems that today have a cumulative nature and are inadequately manifested at different times and contexts, which if the pertinent and timely actions are not taken could become more complex on a qualitative level. An important aspect to highlight is that the values officially ranked by a society are not always the most important and assimilated in the same way by its members. This occurs because the formation of these values is not linear and mechanical but goes through a complex process of personal elaboration by virtue of which it interacts with the historical-social environment in which social constructs are developed.
Today medical education worldwide has the great challenge of guaranteeing integrity in the development of political and ethical work [16] in its students; and the training, development of knowledge, habits, skills and the reinforcement of human values in postgraduate students must be located at the same levels. It is vital then for the achievement of this endeavor to implement the ways that allow preparing a health professional in correspondence with today’s society. In the formation of human values, the teacher without neglecting his professional and technical performance in patient care, ensures that he is more sensitive, more humane, more committed to his society and increasingly available to his patients; being a model for their students in the reinforcement of their knowledge, and at the same time instilling in them true virtues in the work of their professional practices, in order to turn them into excellent health professionals. Today’s world faces very complex problems due to its type and magnitude, such as subsistence, the accelerated deterioration of the environment, migration and wars. They require a highly competent health professional due to their knowledge and endowed with solid humanistic values, who act in responsible ways and are committed to the development of humanity.
What is aspired in residents
i. Industriousness
ii. Thirst for knowledge
iii. Honesty
iv. Modesty
v. Discipline
vi. Optimism
vii. Humanism
viii. Altruism
ix. Solidarity
It is necessary to recognize that the human values of resident physicians have decreased worldwide, unfavorably affecting their professional performance; the cause of them are the resident comes with an inadequate human formation from home, the misuse of technology by the residents, scarce pedagogical resources of the teachers and the lack of interest of the resident for their comprehensive training. In order to compensate for this reality, it is urgent to take into account the same technologies as a motivation platform for residents; In addition to implementing workshops where the moderator is a prestigious professor who describes their professional life stories.
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