A Long-Term Evaluation of Bone Levels Using Digital Scanning Radiographic Image Analysis on The CSC Telescopic Abutments in Severe Advanced Periodontitis Affected Secondary Occlusal Traumatism
Guey-Lin Hou*
1Former Professor, Graduate Institute of Dental Sciences, Department of Periodontics, and Periodontal Prosthetic Center, School of Dental Medicine, Kaohsiung Medical University, Kaohsiung City, Taiwan
2Former Professor and Chairman, Dental Department, Periodontal Prosthetic Center, Chang-Gung Memorial Hospital, Kaohsiung City, Taiwan
Submission: August 19, 2021; Published: September 02, 2021
*Corresponding author: Guey-Lin Hou, Former Professor, Graduate Institute of Dental Sciences, Department of Periodontics, and Periodontal Prosthetic Center, School of Dental Medicine, Kaohsiung Medical University, Kaohsiung City, Taiwan
How to cite this article: Guey-Lin Hou. A Long-Term Evaluation of Bone Levels Using Digital Scanning Radiographic Image Analysis on The CSC Telescopic Abutments in Severe Advanced Periodontitis Affected Secondary Occlusal Traumatism: A Systematic Review. Adv Dent & Oral Health. 2021; 14(5): 555897. DOI: 10.19080/ADOH.2021.14.555897
The present study was to investigate the effectiveness of the CSC telescopic abutments using Sandwich’s technique to treat individuals affected with severe advanced periodontitis (SAP) with secondary occlusal traumatism (SOT). A total of 66 abutments with both 26 molar abutments and 40 non-molar abutments, were treated at Dental Clinic of Kaohsiung Medical University Hospital. The mean age of individuals is ranged from 38 to 78 years old with a mean 54.77 (±19.19) years. The initial and cumulative radiographic periodontal bone levels of teeth affected SAP with SOT were calculated using an electronic digimatic caliper (EDC) and the digital scanning radiographic image analysis (DSRIA). The results showed that significantly improved RPBL after treatment. Both annual (ARPBL) were associated with IRPBL, but there was no relationship between cumulative (CRABL) and annual (ARABL) changes and the treatment periods. We can conclude that a difference of bone gain between both ERABL(%), IRABL(%) and ERABL(mm), IRABL(mm) was 9.46±12.01% as compared to 1.13± 1.59 mm. In addition, statistical analysis revealed a remark- able significant.
Keywords: Bone; CSC Telescopic Abutment; SAP; SOT; DSRIA
Abbreviations:: SAP: Severe advanced periodontitis; SOT: Secondary occlusal traumatism; EDC: Electronic digimatic caliper; DSRIA: Digital scanning radio- graphic image analysis; FI: Furcation involvements
Former literatures documented that periodontal therapy in the treatment of single-rooted teeth is simple and appeared to be better effective results. Majority studies documented that molar with furcation involvements (FI) seem to be more difficult as compared to that of molars without FI because of complicated furcation morphology and furcation entrance dimension. The clinical improvement of periodontal therapy is primary in the elimination of plaques and bacterial plaque toxins within the contaminated root surfaces providing a biologically acceptable environment where healing of the diseased periodontal tissues can take place [1]. Former studies documented that long-term and short-term results of periodontal therapy can provide beneficial effects in arresting the progressive destruction of
periodontal diseases. In addition, it was also demonstrated that most remarkable improvement was reached at six months [2,3]. Little or limited literatures is available concerning the combined techniques of occlusal, periodontal, and prosthetic therapies was available using digital scanning radiographic image analysis (DSRIA) [4]. A recent study indicated that the effectiveness of the combined techniques of occlusal, periodontal, and prosthetic therapies entitled as “Sandwich’s technique” to treat severe advanced periodontitis (SAP) with secondary occlusal traumatism (SOT) [5]. The present was to evaluate the initial, annual, and final radiographic periodontal bone levels (*IRPBL, # FRPBL) of teeth affected SAP with SOT using an electronic digimatic caliper (EDC) and the digital scanning radiographic image analysis (DSRIA) [4].
Materials and Methods
Study samples selected from a total of 66 abutments with both 26 molars (Figure 1a,1b) and 40 non-molar abutments (Figure 2a,2b), were treated at Dental Clinic of Kaohsiung Medical University Hospital. The mean age of individuals is ranged from 38 to 78 years old with a mean 54.77(±19.19) years. The initial* and final# radiographic periodontal bone levels (*IRPBL, # FRPBL) of teeth affected SAP with SOT were calculated using an electronic digimatic caliper (EDC) and the digital scanning radiographic image analysis (DSRIA) (Figure 3). All the measurements were processed and analyzed by the computer system equipped with the MIS [6,7]. The flow chart of the CSCTD fabrication and treatment procedures demonstration were illustrated in Figure 4.