Periodontal Disease
Andrew Hague*
Manufacturers of Medical Equipment, UK
Submission: September 25, 2017; Published: October 27, 2017
*Corresponding author: Andrew Hague, Cellsonic, Manufacturers of Medical Equipment, United Kingdom, Email:
How to cite this article: Andrew H. Periodontal Disease. Nov Tech Arthritis Bone Res. 2017; 2(2) : 555582. DOI: 10.19080/NTAB.2017.02.555582
A few years ago, a patient in pain from a disintegrating jaw bone asked Dr Choukroun in Nice in France for help. He used his Cell Sonic medical machine and was delighted to find after a few treatments that not only had the pain gone but he had also found a cure for osteonecrosis of the mandible. Ten years of a cancer drug had left the patient with a terrifying choice of an amputation or death. Instead she got a new mouth with teeth implanted in bone that she grew herself thanks to cell sonic killing infection and forming osteoblasts. The amazing ability of cell sonic pulses to heal without drugs and side effects opens up simpler opportunities for dentists, they can treat periodontal disease (Figure 1).
It is said that half a population has diseased teeth and gums. More worrying is the problem that affects implanted teeth where infection occupies a gap between the bone, the implant and the gum. I asked the dentist who gave me an implant and he said periodontal disease is a problem dentists hate to admit they cannot cure. A person who brushes regularly and has text book oral hygiene can still have periodontal disease and then he sees a scruffy person who has never used a toothbrush in their life and they have no infection. He could not explain the phenomenon. Nevertheless, there can be no excuse for lack of hygiene in the mouth (Figure 2).
Antibiotics, scraping and poking into the gums helps but is inadequate. Fortunately cell sonic penetrates, kills infection, promotes bone growth, is easy to treat and has no side effects. The evidence is in Choukroun’s paper. The killing of infection is well explained in the healing of non-healing wounds. Do not overdo it. Aim through the cheek to a water filled side of the mouth, with gel on the outside of the cheek giving 50 shocks per tooth at energy level 4. Move the shock head along the line of the gum to send the pulses in at differing angles. We have had reports of this being done on tooth ache and stopping the pain by killing the deep rooted infection that had caused the pain. Avoid the ears and eyes (Figure 3).