Book Review ‘Menjadi Remaja Berbudaya Positif’ (Malay Version)
Uqbah Iqbal
Life Planner, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Submission: November 09, 2018; Published: November 26, 2018
*Corresponding author: Uqbah Iqbal, Life Planner, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
How to cite this article: Uqbah Iqbal. Book Review ‘Menjadi Remaja Berbudaya Positif’ (Malay Version). J Phy Fit Treatment & Sports. 2018; 5(5): 555673. DOI: 10.19080/JPFMTS.2018.05.555673
Written by Robiah K. Hamzah, teenagers are the next generation of heirs. Adolescents have much impact on the development of the culture of the community and the country. The way youth lives today is a picture of a future culture. So, if today’s culture is good and appropriate it can be considered as good and suitable for future culture. But if it does, the impact is huge on the development of national and national culture. Destruction of culture is broken by the nation. Culture is the way of life that becomes the joint of a nation. Culture cannot be formed within a day or overnight but takes a very long time. Hence the formation of a positive culture of the future society should begin from now on. All adults are equally responsible for building, forming and educating each individual teenager into a positive culture. The Malay proverb says, “How is the mold like that”, “The father brats his child”. The two languages show that the proverb says how closely the psychiatric relationship between adults and adolescents and adolescents and spiritual faculties.
The turmoil and crisis experienced by the teenagers in physical and spiritual as in social, religious and lifestyle are strongly pushing towards a negative culture, contrary to eastern culture. To fulfill the aspirations of the nation’s vision and to save the youth from becoming a victim of negative culture, the Positive Cultured Teenage Book is produced with the aim of informing, guiding and nurturing adolescents in order to be fully equipped with the cultural characteristics of the nation. Among the brilliant culture that needs to be provided to teenagers is through language. Speaking as a culture is very important for teens, so they can play a role in every activity and situation they encounter formally or informally or wherever they are. In every social situation, culturally speaking is a way of describing the faith of one’s individual in producing effective, effective, and engaging interactions, reflecting the beliefs, maturity, aptitudes, courtesy and intimacy of an individual. Among the interaction situations that teenagers need to master is a language-speaking culture to greet someone, get acquainted, say goodbye, get information, thank you and thank you, accept and reject invites, make requests, give forgiveness and answer forgiveness, give and repatriate, make complaints, express and reject opinions, get sympathy and speak for attention.
This book discusses how to build a positive culture and in individuals starting from adolescents. Among those touched is to recognize teenage lifestyles, dare to make changes, get encouragement, handle failures, build personality as a leader and culture face guilt, pressure feelings and face boredom. Using cultural features and both chapters, teens will be more confident and energetic to play a role as an intermediary and interracial agent in Malaysia. Hence, the third part of the book provides opportunities for youth to practice the culture of Malaysian society, to bridge the racial relations. In this chapter we discuss two important points that can be nurtured through culture so that inter-racial relations can be strengthened. By understanding and respecting cultural elements, adolescents will be able to respect the lives of other people’s communities, which indirectly align with the role of adolescents as the successor and nourishment of the next generation of culture. Malaysians who support the aspiration to maintain the sense of belonging and the development of a liberal society where its members are free to practice their religion, customs and culture in accordance with the interests of national unity. Therefore, in order to bridge the relationship between neighbors, it is best understood and practiced according to the custom of the people. Adab visits to neighboring houses are different and there are similarities. So as a sign we respect our neighbors regardless of the good people are also known to have little way of visiting neighbors or guests according to race.