Winning Efficiency
Almada F1, Fernando C2, Lopes H2 and Vicente A3*
1Retired University Professor, Portugal
2Physical Education and Sport Department, University of Madeira, Portugal
3Sport Sciences Department, University of Beira Interior, Portugal
Submission: May 21, 2018; Published: May 25, 2018
*Corresponding author: Vicente A, Sport Sciences Department, University of Beira Interior, Portugal, Tel: 275329153 Email:
How to cite this article: Almada F,Fernando C,Lopes H,Vicente A.Operationalization of the ‘Human Body Domain’: A Structural and Functional Conception. J Phy Fit Treatment & Sports .2018; 4(2): 555633.DOI:10.19080/JPFMTS.2018.04.555633
The efficiency with which any work / production can be made depends on the available tools (material or conceptual). This does not mean that ‘the master’ (in the sense of a specialist, an expert, in a current framework of reference - and not of ‘craftsman’ with quality in an empirical framework) can blame the instruments for the lack of quality of his work / production. But without quality instruments the cost (in time, effort, energy, etc.) of the achievement is undoubtedly higher.
The structure of supporting knowledge in areas such as sport, fitness, exercise and health, ‘martial arts’, ‘corrective gymnastics’, yoga, and many other activities of man aiming to improve the physical, mental or spiritual aspects (with greater incidence in some or others) through the ‘mastery of the body’, are fundamental tools / instruments for the development of the individual and societies in today’s world.
However, by their very nature and origins, the foundation on which they are based is always fluid and even exoteric (we may say). It is often based on traditions and interpretations which are sometimes even enigmatic and hidden. Seeking (as defence?) even justifications in a mysticism scarcely open to the ‘common of mortals’ for being hermetic and obscure. But looking closely we will see that education, arts, human sciences in general, interventions on man as medicine, psychology, etc., as science itself in its triple relationship between the phenomenon / the signal / and the observer, have similar problems, possibly less confessed ones.
Problems that lie not only in man being simultaneously observer and object of study, but also in the lack of understanding of the nature of life, the secrets of life. Life, a phenomenon in which all pretend to act, either to prolong or to improve quality, defining purposes and / or ways of intervening. Nevertheless, we cannot expect all these problems to be solved in order to be able to interfere in the process, to be able to understand, to try to increase its efficiency.
A need that, once again, cannot be an excuse for a less careful and / or a less responsible performance. On the contrary, rigor and reflection must be more inflexible in the safeguards taken, the attention to the available knowledge and to the doubts that must always exist, on the safeguards to be used, on the caution related to the possible side effects. The responsibility of those conducting such activities naturally increases with the lack of security (in the risks that are incurred, or in the least guarantee of results to be obtained). The question then becomes: what to do and how to do? In a very simplistic manner because the available space is very scarce, we will say:
a) If aviation is one of the safest means of transportation nowadays, it is undoubtedly because there is no accident or incident that is not investigated, and its causes are sought to be corrected;
b) All action capable of acting on man and provoking effects (the ones with no effect are indifferent, and therefore dispensable), with profound results as it is easy to verify in the type of phenomena that we are dealing with should be approached with special care;
c) Any product or process that has an effect is because it contains what we can call an ‘active principle’, something that acts producing a result (positive or negative); if it has effects it has a ‘dosage’, an optimal dosage - too much is too harmful, and less it is not enough, and may not even reach the critical mass needed to act, again it is useless or it can even be harmful (cancelling defences, for example); it will have a maximum period in which it can be given and more efficient ways to do so; there will always be side effects which need to be taken care of;
d) But consequences do not happen ‘by magic’; there is always a process that is acted and that must be understood as much as possible. How does man transform itself? Why does it change? Two accessible questions that have answers that although very simple can change everything deeply, because they lead to look for the basic reasons and to try to improve and to reflect (in alternative to being mere applicators of made and finished recipes that serve for everything and therefore anyone is able to ‘serve’ them).
To understand, follow the next arguments:
a) Like any living being, man when experiences a stimulus (an aggression) react, seeking to adapt, to reduce or modify (sometimes even increase) the results of the stimulus;
b) This adaptation (which always leaves positive or negative ‘marks’) may be temporary or prolonged in time (and may even become definitive). If this adaptation is maintained it is because the man has been transformed;
c) Man, as an organic being, does not function by independent components. There is a global balance, homeostasis, which leads to general strategies of action and determines an identity, persona;
The function of the person directing the activity thus becomes clear:
A. Select the stimulus to achieve the desired (and, of course, possible) effects;
B. Verify if man reacts as expected. If yes, must continue; if not, four errors can have been committed:
i. Or the stimulus is not appropriate,
ii. Or the dosage is not right,
iii. Or the time in which it is applied is not correct,
iv. Or there are other phenomena occurring and compromising the effect that should be happening;
If a desired transformation happens, it must be checked for continuity. Also check to see if there were no harmful side effects.
A. It is important to realize that there can be simultaneous action between two or more variables without interdependence (correlation) between their functions. There are procedures, statistical for example, that allow to untangle the existing connections of accidents;
B. The height of insecurity is to assume such security that it is neither probed nor questioned about what it does.
C. We should seek to improve the processes (tools) we use regarding three consequences:
i. Increase the quality of the product (the activity and its domain);
ii. Increase safety and efficiency of services;
iii. Increase the quality and, consequently, the recognition and prestige of the professionals responsible for its orientation and management.
With some simple care, and a better knowledge structure, it is possible to gain more efficiency and profoundly improve the quality of the produced work.