Wish we Understanding the Relationship Between the Neuro-Motor System Development, and the Visive Areas Development in Infancy?
Anna Piro1, Teresa Iona2, Simone Curcio2, Teresa La Rosa4, Gabriele Curto2, Giuseppe Nicoletti1 and Domenico Bosco1,3
1Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Istituto di Bioimmagini e Sistemi Biologici Complessi, Catanzaro, Italy
2Dipartimento Scienze Mediche e Chirurgiche, Università Magna Graecia, Catanzaro, Italy
3Azienda Ospedaliera Universitaria “R. Dulbecco”, Catanzaro, Italy
4Ingegneria Informatica e Biomedica, Scuola di Medicina e Chirurgia, Università Magna Graecia, Catanzaro, Italy
Submission:July 29, 2024; Published:August 07, 2024
*Corresponding author: Dr. Anna Piro, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Istituto di Bioimmagini e Sistemi Biologici Complessi, Via Tommaso Campanella, Catanzaro, Italy
How to cite this article: Anna Piro1, Teresa I, Simone C, Teresa La R, Gabriele C, et al. Wish we Understanding the Relationship Between the Neuro- Motor System Development, and the Visive Areas Development in Infancy?. JOJ Ophthalmol. 2024; 11(1): 555811DOI: 10.19080/JOJO.2024.11.555811
Recalling the title of the present work, we can confirm the relationship between the neuro-motor system and the neuro-physiology of the brain visive areas development in Infancy. Obviously, this relationship shows the definitive course in adult age.
Keywords:Infancy Age; Neuro-Motorial Development; Color Vision; Neuro-Physiology Development
Infancy Brain Visive System Development
Color is a pervasive feature of our psychological experience, having a role in many aspects of human mind and behavior such as basic vision, scene perception, object recognition, aesthetics, and communication. Understanding how humans encode, perceive, talk about, and use color has been a major interdisciplinary effort. We can consider the development of various aspects of the psychological experience of color, ranging from low-level color vision to perceptual mechanisms such as color constancy phenomena such as color naming and color preference. We can identify neurodiversity in the development of color perception and cognition and implications for clinical and educational contexts.
Color is a ubiquitous feature of our psychological experience, and provides a key for basic vision. Color holds useful information about the properties of objects and scenes [1]. Color provides a signal about people’s internal states, the blush of someone’s cheeks tells us if they are embarrassed or aroused, whereas the pallor of someone’s skin can indicate poor health [2] with the color of food contributing to how it tastes [3] and the color of a room’s illumination contributing to its perceived temperature [4]. Given the importance of color for so many aspects of human mind and behavior how humans encode, perceive, talk about, respond to, and use color has been a major interdisciplinary research effort.
Understanding how infants and children see color has the potential to provide insight into broader aspects of their minds and behavior, for example, object reasoning [5] and language acquisition [6]. Finally, the development of color perception has relevance to clinical, educational, and industrial contexts. Color perception is atypical in children with neurodevelopmental disorders [7], congenital color vision deficiency (colorblindness in infancy) in children can present barriers in education and children’s color perception has implications for design [8].
Several decades of neurobiological, electrophysiological, and psychophysical research provide evidence that trichromatic color vision is present by around 2-3 months of age, with certain color discriminations such as those that rely on red-green cone opponency earlier [9]. Psychophysical studies, in particular the pioneering work of Davide Teller, have been pivotal in determining that infants have true color vision using chromatic neural pathways. Visual evoked potentials, which measure electrophysiological changes over the occipital cortex in response to visual stimuli, have also identified the development of the chromatic and luminance neural pathways in infancy [10] charts developmental changes in the above technique to achromatic red-green, and blue-yellow gratings, presenting data for individuals ranging from 1 week to 90 years of age, evoked visual potentials appear for red-green gratings around 4 weeks and for blue-yellow around 6-8 weeks. However, infant’ evoked visual potential waveform is different from child to adults. There are rapid and complex changes in the waveform shape and latency of components over the first year of life, and by 12 months infant chromatic evoked visual potential has positive negative complex rather than the negative positive complex of the adult waveform. The shape of the chromatic evoked visual potential waveform continues to change throughout childhood and is not adult like until 12-14 years of age [10] considers that there is likely a cortical reason for these changes, as suggested by source localization of child evoked potentials in another study [11]. Evoked visual potentials to achromatic gratings appear in their mature form at 12-15 weeks of age, pointing to more rapid maturation of luminance than chromatic neural pathways.
There is also a hint that in the retina blue-yellow (S cone) color discrimination may initially develop at a slower rate than redgreen (L or M cone discrimination) which is supported by a study that finds that it is not until 10 years of age that red-green and blue-yellow color discrimination develop at a similar rate [12]. Other studies suggest a later age of maturation than proposed by Knoblauch with the age varying from 18 to 30 years across studies [13]. The decline in color discrimination post maturation has also been investigated. During this ageing phase, thresholds increase at a rate of around 1% per year for red-green and 1.6% for blueyellow discrimination over the rest of the life span [14].
Infancy Brain Motorial System development
In children, the latency parameters which measure the time period between the magnetic stimulus and the onset of the motor evoked potential are the most thoroughly examined parameters of transcranial magnetic stimulation [15]. The motor latencies decrease with age, and this presumably corresponds to the maturation processes, such as myelination and axon growth [16]. In addition to maturational changes, the duration of central motor conduction times also depends on the pre-innervation condition under which they are studied facilitation-target muscle is tonically active; or relaxation-target muscle is relaxed [17]. Facilitated and relaxed central motor conduction time were described to be adult like at different stages during ontogeny, namely around the age of 4 and 10 years, respectively [18]. Hayes [19] proposed that the classification of the motor performance could proceed according to the complexity of their neuronal control mechanism, and it is showed that a wider spread of axonal conduction velocity in the younger children is present.
How may it be explained the rapid decrease of the central motor conduction time during the first decade of life? In this context, several mechanisms are relevant and include the establishment of direct corticomotoneuronal connections [20], the growth processes of Central System axons, and the maturation of the synaptic excitability at the cortical and spinal levels. Growth processes of the Central System axons such as that of myelination and axon diameter contribute to the maturational changes of central motor conduction times. The myelination of Central System axons proceeds in a rostro-caudal gradient and is assumed to be completed for cervically projecting neurons by the age of about 3 years [21]. Several authors have proposed that an early constancy of central motor conduction is achieved by a balanced growth of length and width in conjunction with progressive myelination [22].
The early adult-like facilitated central motor conduction times would, therefore, suggest maturation in the ability to propagate the excitatory impulse along a variety of cortico-subcortical pathways, including the corticospinal route. The relaxed central motor conduction times which become adult-like at a later point in time would then correspond to the maturing excitatory synaptic circuitry at the cortical level. The sequence in the acquisition of the different motor performance tests suggests that the maturation of movement velocity occurs before the acquisition of speed of repetitive movements and of manual fine motor skill.
Generally, the complete speed of movement is present around the age of 10 to 12 years. Through the fast Central System, the motor cortex may access the alpha motor neurons with a similar latency as seen for the adult, but the movements parameters examined here are performed far from the adult range. At the end, we can confirm that the maturation of the nervous system’s function can be assessed by combining data from several neurophysiological methods. This approach could open new ways of examining and giving example of pathological development that correlate to omissions or lack of developmental progress.
Present Research
Our present research can be considered a pilot study. Our sample was constituted by 33 male children (no females to avoid Lyon genetic phenomenon) [23]. Sample was subdivided into three groups according three age years, 16 male children, 3-4 years; 9 male children, 5-6 years; 8 male children, 7-8 years). Each child underwent the Tapping Test to measure his errors number for hands and feet, diagnosing the motorial and coordination activity. Errors reading Ishihara tables modified for Infancy, diagnosed the present of the impair color vision united to the previous scarce motorial and coordinative activity (Table 1). From the above preliminar results we can, at first sight, confirm a positive relationship between the motorial and coordinative nervous system and the visive brain areas maturation. 3-4 age years show a no maturation for both, and 7-8 years show a beginning of the both definitive neuro-physiological status, respectively, showing a relatively high number of errors, and relatively low errors number. 5-6 years can represent a cut-off age range, too.
The present data confirm the Literature at to-day, and specifically Connolly [16] on the link existing within the different brain areas, confirming the Piaget axiom… our body is a constituted by different visual, auditory, tactile, kinestethic differences.
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