Endophthalmitis after Lower Lid Blepharoplasty; A Rare Complication
Seyed Ali Tabatabaei, Mohammad Soleimani*, Mohammad Zarei and Sina Dantism
Department of Ocular Trauma and Emergency, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Iran
Submission: July 28, 2017; Published: August 07, 2017
*Corresponding author: Mohammad Soleimani, Ophthalmologist, Assistant Professor in Ocular Trauma and Emergency Department, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Fellowship of Anterior Segment, Research Center, Farabi Eye Hospital, Iran,Tel: 1336616351; Email: soleimani_md@yahoo.com
How to cite this article: Seyed A T, Mohammad S, Mohammad Z, Sina D. Endophthalmitis after Lower Lid Blepharoplasty; A Rare Complication. JOJ Ophthal. 2017; 4(1): 555628. DOI: 10.19080/JOJO.2017.04.555628
Case Presentation
A 22-year- old man referred to the emergency ward because of vision loss in his right eye five days after bilateral lower lid blepharoplasty, his right eye showed ciliary injection, cornea showed mild edema and anterior chamber showed 4+cells and faint hypopyon in slit lamp examination, There was severe chemosis, without any site of laceration. However, fundus examination showed severe fibrinous reaction and vitritis. (Figures 1-5 are related to the post-operative status.)

Based on the diagnosis of undetermined uveitis the patient underwent diagnostic vitrectomy, interestingly there was a site of laceration in the posterior fundus, leading to peritomy and its repair associated with severe vitreous inflammation and retinal necrosis and vasculitis. The patient underwent pars plana vitrectomy associated with intra vitreal antibiotic injection and silicone oil injection; the culture of the vitreous documented staphylococcus aurous in the vitreous sample. This rare complication has been rarely described in the literature [1,2].
Although rare, doing blepharoplasty a common cosmetic in inexperienced hand could lead to a severe devastating intra ocular complication.