Exploratory Factor Model of Engagement in the COVID-19 Era
Arturo Sanchez Sanchez1*, Lidia Amalia Zayas Esquer2, Cruz Garcia Lirios3 and Tirso Javier Hernandez Gracia4
1Autonomous University of Tlaxcala, Mexico
2University of Sonora, Mexico
3School of Public Administration, Mexico
4Autonomous University of the State of Hidalgo, Mexico
Submission: May 22, 2023; Published: May 26, 2023
*Corresponding author: Arturo Sanchez Sanchez, Autonomous University of Tlaxcala, Mexico
How to cite this article: Arturo Sanchez S, Lidia Amalia Zayas E, Cruz Garcia L, Tirso Javier Hernandez G. Arturo Sanchez Sanchez1*, Lidia Amalia Zayas Esquer2, Cruz Garcia Lirios3 and Tirso Javier Hernandez Gracia4. J Gynecol Women’s Health 2023: 25(2): 556157. DOI: 10.19080/JGWH.2023.25.556157
Given that Social Work is immersed in public policies and social programs that are aimed at vulnerable, marginalized or excluded groups, it is necessary to analyze its commitment considering its relationship with the management for the treatment of diseases and rehabilitation in institutions of the health sector . In this sense, the objective of this study was to establish the reliability and validity of an instrument that measures work commitment (22 items out of a total of 35) in the health sector. For this, a non-probabilistic sample of 125 social work professionals with experience in the implementation of social programs and monitoring of institutional strategies for health promotion was used. Normality (kurtosis = 7.272), reliability (alpha = .673) and validity (KMO = .875; X2 = 12.156; 11gl; p = .000) of the scale that measures work commitment were established . A reflective structural model was established in which commitment to the institution is positively related to work commitment (β = .91). The fit and residual indices corroborated the multidimensionality hypothesis of work commitment (GFI = .975; NFI = .975, CFI = .985, RMSEA = .009). Considering the findings raised, the scope and limits of the study were discussed.
Keywords: Non- Obstetrics; Vaginal; Lacerations; Consensual; Coitus; Shock
In Mexico, social policies and programs involve care for vulnerable, marginalized or excluded groups through the professional practice of Social Work. In the area of health, management and promotion are intervention areas of Social Work [1]. In other words, to the extent that the State promotes human development in the areas of health, education and employment, it affects institutional strategies for disease prevention and treatment. However, the political-institutional machinery of the health sector requires talents committed to low-income social groups, since networks for local development will be formed among them [2]. Therefore, it is relevant to study the indicators of work commitment in professionals linked to social assistance programs [3]. A diagnosis of the areas of opportunity and the virtues of the health management and promotion system will allow discussing the emergence of new social assistance paradigms focused on the promoters of human development.
Although public institutions are limited to a National Development Plan, the professional exercise of Social Work is often conditioned by local or institutional situations or by the work environment, the salary or the stress that personalized attention implies [4]. In this sense, it is necessary to establish the dimensions of the organizational commitment of Social Work professionals, since a high degree of commitment suggests an efficient level of care that could translate into a favorable evaluation of social policies and institutional programs.
In the case of the health sector, labor commitment, as it is associated with health management and promotion, is configured by indicators that are in charge of exalting institutional structures and policies to predict personal actions [5]. In this sense, work commitment has been a transmitter of relationships and conflicts within an institution that inhibit or improve job satisfaction [6]. As professional commitment transfers organizational values of collaborative interaction, it affects the expectations of the members of an organization [7]. Such a process supposes the coexistence of labor commitment indicators that by their nature are complementary and opposed [8]. That is, the organizational commitment contains two socialization processes, the primary allusive to principles that place the individual in a context and the secondary relative to principles that identify him in a structure of power relations, both can be complementary and opposed. In the field of Social Work, institutions serve as secondary socialization structures to influence the perceptions, beliefs, attitudes, decisions, and actions of their employees [9]. In principle, the institutions are a scenario of political rationality in which the State wields social assistance programs that Social Work professionals must follow and, in any case, perfect said system to achieve a favorable evaluation of public policies and programs. social [10]. Such a process of political rationality can be complementary or antagonistic to the principles that guide personal, interpersonal, family or collaborative commitment in the employees of a public institution [11]. In this sense, the commitment derived from primary socialization may come to oppose the organizational commitment derived from second-order socialization.
1García Lirios, Cruz, Javier Carreón Guillén, Jorge Hernández Valdés, and María de Lourdes Morales Flores.
The psychology of organizations has maintained that production processes are inherent to the cognitive processes of those who work in an organization [12]. In reference to organizational development, organizational psychology studies have shown that commitment is a factor in the systematization of production [13]. In this sense, the commitment is assumed as a set of actions, roles, motives and expectations that generate a collaborative dynamic among the members of a work group or productive organization [14]. The organizational commitment model proposes seven causes related to empowerment, motivation, identity, trust, ambiguity and conflict, which affect commitment through satisfaction.
An increase in empowerment and motivation would lead to an increase in satisfaction and commitment [15]. However, the reduction of ambiguity and conflict, when negatively related to satisfaction, lead to an increase in commitment. Organizational commitment is determined by empowerment, motivation, identity, trust, ambiguity and conflict for satisfaction, then commitment can be defined as the result of the interrelation between organizational factors of a human nature in reference to the relationship between leaders. and [16] employees In this sense, commitment is based on personal desires and organizational visions [17]. It is an indicator of equity and justice in which leaders relate to employees based on a balance between freedoms, capabilities and responsibilities. Within the framework of Higher Education Institutions (HEIs), commitment is considered an intrinsic value of the person [18]. In contrast, organization theories postulate that commitment is a complex process of interrelationships between psychological and organizational factors that aim to systematize strategies to achieve goals [19]. The state of the art considers commitment as an intermediate factor between the climate and job satisfaction. As organizations systematize production, they substantially increase subjective well-being.
2014. «Contrast of a Model of Labor Commitment in Public Health Centers». University Act 24 (1):48-59. https://doi.org/10.15174/au.2014.495
2Garcia Lirios, Cruz, Enrique Martinez Muñoz, and Arturo Sanchez Sanchez. 2019. “Exploratory Factorial Structure of the Institutional Dimensions of Labor Commitment in a Higher Education Institution (IES) in Central Mexico”. Social Perspectives 20 (2). https://perspectivassociales.uanl.mx/ index.php/pers/article/view/75 .
3Bustos-Aguayo, José Marcos, Margarita Juárez-Nájera, and Cruz García Lirios. 2022. «Review of Entrepreneurship in the COVID-19 Era». Ingenio magazine 19 (1): 60-66. https://doi.org/10.22463/2011642X.3173 .
4Sánchez-Sánchez, Arturo, Oscar Valés-Ambrosio, Cruz García-Lirios, and Michiko Amemiya-Ramirez. 2019. «Reliability And Validity Of An Instrument That Measures Knowledge Management: Array». BLANKS. Education Magazine (Inquiries Series) 1 (30): 9-22. https://doi.org/10.37177/ UNICEN/EB30-261 .
5Hernandez Valdes Jorge, Sanchez Sanchez Arturo, Garcia Lirios Cruz. 2019. «Organizational Task Networks in a Public University of the State of Mexico». Borderless Academic Research Journal: Division of Economic and Social Sciences , No. 29 (July):25. https://doi.org/10.46589/rdiasf.v0i29.244 .
6Garcia-Lirios, Cruz. 2021. «Construct Validity of a Scale to Measure the Job Satisfaction of Professors of a Public University in Mexico During COVID-19». Science Technology Society Trilogy 13 (25):e 1826. https://doi.org/10.22430/21457778.1826 .
7Garcia Lirios, Cruz. 2021. «Occupational Risk Perceptions in the Post Covid-19 Era». KNOW AND SHARE PSYCHOLOGY 2 (1). https://doi. org/10.25115/kasp.v2i1.3869 .
8Carreón-Guillén, Javier, José Marcos Bustos-Aguayo, Francisco Rubén Sandoval-Vázquez, Margarita Juárez-Nájera, and Cruz García-Lirios. 2022. «Governance in the COVID -19 Era: Expectations for Water Services». FIGEMPA: Investigation and Development 14 (2):68-80. https://doi. org/10.29166/revfig.v14i2.3525 .
9Sanchez Sanchez Arturo, and Bertha Leticia Rivera Varela. 2020. «Governance in a Coffee Industry». Borderless Academic Research Journal: Division of Economic and Social Sciences , No. 30 (April):28. https://doi.org/10.46589/rdiasf.v0i30.302 .
10Garcia Lirios, Cruz. 2021. «Perception of Public Insecurity in the Post COVID-19 Era: Perception of Public Insecurity in the Post Covid-19 Era». Social Projection Magazine 4 (1), 45-53. https://journalusco.edu.co/index.php/rps/article/view/3027 .
11García Lirios, Cruz, Gilberto Bermúdez-Ruíz, and Margarita Juárez-Nájera. 2022. «Entrepreneurship Dimensions of the Reactivation of the Tourism-Based Economy in Central Mexico». Ara: Tourism Research Journal 11 (1). Barcelona, Spain: 100-114. https://revistes.ub.edu/index.php/ ara/article/view/34526 .
12Sánchez Sánchez, Arturo, Javier Carreón Guillén, Héctor Daniel Molina Ruíz, and Cruz García Lirios. 2018. “Recruitment of a Labor Training Model”. Interconnecting Knowledge , no. 5 (August): 37-73. https://doi.org/10.25009/is.v0i5.2559 .
13Garcia Lirios, Cruz. 2021. «Human, Social and Intellectual Capital in the COVID-19 Era: Agenda Setting, Framing, Plausibility and Verifiability in Repositories»s. Connection , no. 16 (December), 133-50. https://doi.org/10.18800/connection.202102.006 .
14Garcia Lirios, Cruz. 2022. «Family Identity in the Covid-19 Era». Social Perspectives 23 (1):41-50. https://perspectivassociales.uanl.mx/index. php/pers/article/view/152 .
15Aldana-Balderas, Wilfrido, Francisco Espinoza-Morales, Jorge Hernández-Valdés, and Cruz García-Lirios. 2018. «Specification of a Model for the Study of Collaborative Networks in a Knowledge-Producing University». Civilize: Social and Human Sciences 18 (35):91-102. https://doi. org/10.22518/usergioa/jour/ccsh/2018.2/a07 .
Based on such assumptions, organizational psychologists have assumed that commitment is a product rather than an ongoing process of identity [20]. Those who make a commitment to their companies are seen as a product of organizational dynamics rather than as individuals with collaborative personalities and values [21]. In this sense, the recruitment and selection of prospects is not carried out based on their individual characteristics, but rather on their abilities and coping strategies in the face of the emergence of conflicts, risk and uncertainty.
Organizational commitment opens the discussion about the relationship between organization and individual [22]. The influence of the first on the second seems to be corroborated by organizational psychology studies, but commitment, as a systematization of functions and results, goes beyond the individual and the organization [23]. Labor commitment refers to a set of moral and evaluative principles characteristic of leaders who, in their eagerness to achieve goals, firmly believe in the ideals of productivity, order and systematization of organizational functions. In short, commitment is a set of beliefs, attitudes and actions that reduce uncertainty and increase the propensity for the future [24]. The increase in risk expectations would decrease work motivation and disrupt the human relations system, affecting the performance of each member. Psychological studies of work commitment have established causal relationships between this variable and leadership styles [25]. As the type of leadership intensifies, the increase in work commitment is explained. That is, the different types of leadership affect the increase or decrease of perceptions, attitudes, decisions and actions of employees [26]. In this sense, the performance history affects the commitment to increase productivity in the future [27]. In other words, behind work commitment, command structures, task relationships, conflicts and stress or satisfaction seem to explain the increase or decrease in the commitment assumed by employees during their work stay, although for sex and attention to the client explain the degree of work commitment.
Such findings assume a continuity between primary and secondary socialization, whether in a collectivist or individualistic sense, favorable or unfavorable , the principles that guide the individual in a family group would be the same ones that guide them in a labor or productive group [28]. In light of these results, work commitment would be the last link, at least in the workplace, in a chain of perceptions, beliefs, attitudes, decisions and actions directed from the primary group in which the individual learned the basic symbols and , in whose development, he never had the opportunity to question those principles that now seem to guide his commitment, productivity and job satisfaction [29]. In summary, the state of the art seems to show solid evidence regarding the complementarity between primary socialization and secondary socialization.
16Garcia Lirios, Cruz. 2021. «Biosecurity and Cybersecurity Perceived Before COVID-19 in Mexico». Security and Defense Studies 16 (31):137-60. https://doi.org/10.25062/1900-8325.293 .
17Garcia Lirios, Cruz. 2019. “Specification of a Model for the Study of Reproductive Choice.” Health Horizon 18 (3). https://doi.org/10.19136/hs.a18n3.2957 .
18Hernández Valdés, Jorge, Margarita Juárez Nájera, José Marcos Bustos Aguayo, Gilberto Bermúdez Ruíz, María Luisa Quintero Soto, Francisco Javier Rosas Ferrusca, Rosa María Rincón Ornelas, and Cruz García Lirios. 2021. «Categories Proposal for Retrospective Documentary Research on Treatment Adherence». Med Magazine 28 (2), 11-24. https://doi.org/10.18359/rmed.3835 .
19Garcia Lirios, Cruz, Juan Garza Sanchez, Tirso Hernandez Gracia, Javier Carreon Guillen, and Francisco Espinoza Morales. 2021. Contrasting a Model of the Determinants of the Tourist Stay in the Covid-19 Era: Implications for Biosafety. Tourism and Heritage, no. 16 (March), 11-20. https://doi.org/10.24265/turpatrim.2021.n16.01 .
20Garcia Lirios, Cruz. 2021. «Vocational Training in the Post COVID-19 Era». Education and Health Scientific Bulletin Institute of Health Sciences Autonomous University of the State of Hidalgo 9 (18), 42-47. https://doi.org/10.29057/icsa.v9i18.6282 .
21Sandoval-Vázquez, Francisco R., José Marcos Bustos Aguayo, and Cruz García-Lirios. 2021. «Local Development in the Post Covid-19 Era». Huasteca Science Scientific Bulletin of the High School of Huejutla 9 (18), 17-22. https://doi.org/10.29057/esh.v9i18.6283 .
22Garcia Lirios, Cruz, Javier Carreon Guillen, Jose Marcos Bustos Aguayo, and Jorge Hernandez Valdes. 2020. “Perception of Coffee Entrepreneurship in the Huasteca Region, Central Mexico”. magazine Activos 18 (1):235-66. https://doi.org/10.15332/25005278/6164 .
23García Lirios, Cruz, Cellia Yaneth Quiróz Campas, Francisco Espinoza Morales, Javier Carreón Guillén, Arturo Sánchez Sánchez and Francisco Javier Rosas Ferrusca. 2022. «Context of the Habitus of Transfer to Tourist Destinations in Students from Central Mexico During the Era of COVID-19». Ayana. Tourism Research Journal 2 (2):024. https://doi.org/10.24215/27186717e024 .
24Garcia Lirios, Cruz. 2021. «Vocational Training Network: Knowledge Management, Innovation and Entrepreneurship: Vocational Training Network: Knowledge Management, Innovation and Entrepreneurship ». PAPERS 13 (26). https://doi.org/10.54104/papeles.v13n26.1002 .
25Garcia Lirios, Cruz. 2020. «Dimensional Meta-Analysis of Trust: Implications for Social Communication of Covid-19». APPOINTMENTS 6 (1). https://doi.org/10.15332/24224529.6233 .
26Coronado Rincón, Oscar, María del Rosario Molina González, Eyder Bolívar Mojica, Javier Carreón Guillén, Cruz García Lirios, and Francisco Javier Rosas Ferrusca. 2022. «Governance Strategy to Agree on the Expectations of Students of a Public University to Return to Classes Interrupted by the Pandemic». Magazine of the Faculty of Law and Political Sciences 52 (136): 319-38. https://doi.org/10.18566/rfdcp.v52n136. a13 .
Therefore, it is necessary to clarify the dimensions of organizational commitment from the complexity that the practice of Social Work implies [30]. This study seeks to establish the dimensions of work commitment considering levels of institutional complexity that framed the nonconformity with indicators of a commitment derived from primary socialization.
What are the dimensions of labor commitment in Social Work professionals who work in public institutions, but who have had a critical training regarding the exercise of their profession and have been socialized under collectivist principles where the interests of the majority prevail over personal or institutional objectives? To answer the question, the Theory of Labor Commitment was reviewed, which together with organizational psychology studies show that: Labor commitment, as a framework of perceptions, beliefs, attitudes, intentions and actions, is configured by various dimensions from individual, group and social. in it the institutional values come together [31]. Labor commitment, despite its configuration, is one-dimensional by adjusting personal expectations and group values to the organizational structure and policy.
A cross-sectional study (only one diagnosis is made in each time and space) and a correlational study (only associative relationships are established between ordinal variables) were carried out.
Non-probabilistic selection of 125 professionals (75 women and 50 men with an average age of 33 years and 7 graduates) from Social Work in health centers in the state of Morelos (Mexico) with an average monthly income of USD 870 (SD = 12, 5 USD) and seven years of work experience (SD = 2.3). Considering that the organizational commitment is influenced by social policy and the assistance program, it was considered convenient as an inclusion criterion to know the National and Institutional Development Plan, as well as the areas of professional practice.
Questions related to sex, age, income, origin, experience, and marital and family status were included. The Work Commitment Scale was used , which includes items around the perception of [32] support (4 items), recognition (12 items), learning (11 items) and job evaluation (8 items). Each item includes five response options ranging from “never” to “always”.
The respondents expressed their degree of commitment to specific situations of their job functions and their organizational environment [33]. Through a telephone contact with the selected sample in which an interview was requested and whose purposes would be merely academic and institutional to follow up on graduates, whether they were graduates or not [34]. Once the appointment was established, they were given a questionnaire that included sociodemographic, economic, and psycho-organizational questions [35]. In cases where there was a tendency to give the same response option or, failing that, no response, they were asked to write down on the back the reasons why they answered with the same response option or, where appropriate, the In the absence of data, [36] they were captured in the Statistical Program for Social Sciences (SPSS) and the analysis of structural equations were estimated with the help of the Analysis of Structural Moments (AMOS) program and the Relations program. Structural Linear (LISREL)..
27Garcia Lirios, Cruz. 2021. “Modelling the perception of security in the COVID-19 era”. Asian Social Science Proceedings 8(2), 160-63. https://doi.org/10.31580/apss.v8i2.1856
28Santiago-Torner, Carlos, and Sandra Rismillia Rojas-Espinosa. 2021. «COVID-19 Pandemic and Labor Commitment: Relationship Within an Organization of the Colombian Electricity Sector». Research, Development and Innovation Journal 11 (3):437-50. https://doi.org/10.19053/20278306.v11.n3.2021.13342 .
29Quiroz Campas, Celia Yaneth, Javier Carreón Guillén, José Marcos Bustos-Aguayo, Arturo Sánchez Sánchez, Francisco Espinoza Morales, and Cruz García Lirios. 2022. “Ecocentric Governance: Sustainability between the Availability of Resources and the Needs”. Jurnal Bina Praja: Internal Affairs Governance Journal 14(1): 147-58. https://doi.org/10.21787/jbp.14.2022.147-158 .
30Espinoza Morales Francisco, Hernández Valdés Jorge, Carreón Guillén Javier, García Lirios Cruz, Juárez Nájera Margarita, and Bustos Aguayo José Marcos. 2022. «4.0 Tutoring Model and Development of Research Protocol». DEDICA Revista De Educação E Humanidades ( dreh) , no. 20 (July), 73-95. https://doi.org/10.30827/dreh.vi20.22612
31Garcia-Lirios, Cruz. 2021. «Construct Validity of a Scale to Measure the Job Satisfaction of Professors of a Public University in Mexico During COVID-19». Science Technology Society trilogy 13 (25):e 1826. https://doi.org/10.22430/21457778.1826
32Garcia Lirios, Cruz. 2019. «Organizational Intelligences And Wisdoms: Knowledge Networks Around Learning Complexity: Organizational Intelligences And Wisdoms: Knowledge Networks Around Learning Complexity». Psychogent 22 (41):1-28. https://doi.org/10.17081/psico.22.41.3304 .
33Garcia Lirios, Cruz. 2019. «Organizational Intelligences And Wisdoms: Knowledge Networks Around Learning Complexity: Organizational Intelligences And Wisdoms: Knowledge Networks Around Learning Complexity». Psychogent 22 (41):1-28. https://doi.org/10.17081/psico.22.41.3304 .
34Garcia Lirios, Cruz. 2019. “Model of Expectations Regarding Public Safety in Microentrepreneurs in Central Mexico”. DIXI 20 (28):1-13. https://doi.org/10.16925/2357-5891.2018.02.04 .
35Lilies, Dr. Cruz Garcia. 2020. “Reliability and Validity of an Instrument that Measures Corporate Social Responsibility”. Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities 4 (02): 1781-89. https://sshj.in/index.php/sshj/article/view/528 .
The establishment of the structural model of reflexive relationships between work commitment and its indicators was carried out considering the normality, reliability and validity of the scale that measured the psychological construct [37]. Table 2 shows the results of the normality, reliability and validity analyses. The kurtosis parameter was used to establish the normality of the distribution of responses at the questioned level of commitment. The results show that the kurtosis parameter had a value less than eight, which is the minimum suggested to assume distribution normality. In the case of reliability, Cronbach’s alpha value allowed establishing the relationship between each question and the scale. The value greater than. 60 was considered as evidence of internal consistency. Finally, the exploratory factorial analysis of principal components and varimax rotation in which factorial weights greater than. 300 allowed the emergence of commitment to be deduced from eight indicators: Multivariate = 7.272; Boot = .000; Alpha = .673; KMO = .875; X2 = 12,156; 11gl; p = .000 Once the normality, reliability and validity were established, the covariances between the indicators were established to model the existing relationships with the organizational factor.
The analysis of covariances shows negative and positive, significant and spurious associations between the indicators of work commitment (see Table 3). In the case of the commitment that the surveyed sample has with the institution where they work, it is related to the commitment to growth as a couple (Φ = .901). That is, as the institutional objectives are met, they seem to affect the objectives shared as a couple. In this sense, interpersonal dynamics could be interrelated with other collaborative dynamics that in the workplace are inherent to the task climate or the relationship climate. On the other hand, commitment to oneself, which reflects a propensity to individualism in reference to institutional commitment, which implies a propensity to collectivism, are opposite indicators since while the values of a variable increase, a decrease in the values of the variable is observed. another variable (Φ = -.635). That is, personal purposes do not seem to converge with the interests of the institution where Social Work professionals perform their duties. Superordinate indicator, which denotes a commitment beyond the simple functions of observation, interview, systematization and intervention that the profession requires; the criticism of these functions is linked to interpersonal objectives (Φ = .650). In this sense, the task climate and the relationship climate are closer to the critical commitment of the profession than to the conflict, since the questioning of care functions is necessary in the development of Social Work. Perhaps it is for this reason that criticism of the profession maintained a negative relationship with commitment to care (Φ = -.434).
On the other hand, care commitment had its greatest link with family commitment (Φ=.628). Both indicators maintained positive relationships from which it can be deduced that the sample surveyed shows a close relationship between the practice of the profession as a care commitment and the type of group to which one belongs or wants to belong. This is a third socialization of the Social Work professional in which public policies and assistance programs seem to complement the secondary socialization of families and groups that surrounded Social Work professionals in their development.
On the contrary, well-being commitment is negatively related to interpersonal commitment (Φ = -.160). Although the relationship is spurious, other variables exert an influence on both commitments, such an association is relevant since the commitment to the institution that projects and directs the social programs vanishes due to the interrelationship of the Social Work professional with other colleagues, vulnerable groups, of reference or belonging The commitment with the closest interpersonal circle opposes the institutional policy.
36Bund, Arger Verstapp, Gilberto Bermúdez Ruíz, Olga Anaid Diaz Jacinto, Alfredo Barrera Escobar, Celia Yaneth Quiroz Campas, Rosa María Rincón Ornelas, Francisco Espinoza Morales, Cruz García Lirios, and Gregorio Elizarraraz Guarneros. 2022. “Modeling of structural equations of gastronomic tourism in the face of COVID-19”. International Journal of Marketing Research and Human Resources 3(3): 108-23. https://doi. org/10.47747/ijmhrr.v3i3.776 .
37Garcia Lirios, Cruz, Francisco Espinoza-Morales, and Jorge Hernandez-Valdes. 2021. “Review of Collaborative Networks in the Covid-19 Era”. Marketing and Information Systems Magazine 4 (2), 78-88. https://doi.org/10.31580/jmis.v4i2.2113 .
38Garcia Lirios, Cruz. 2019. “Exploratory Dimensions of the Attitude towards Occupational Health”. Business Dimension 17 (3). https://doi. org/10.15665/dem.v17i3.1924 .
39García Lirios, Cruz, Javier Carreón-Guillén, Arturo Sánchez-Sánchez and Bernardino Martínez-Muñoz. 2022. «Spatiality, Habitus and Capacities Modeling in the Covid-19 Era». Borderless Academic Research Journal: Division of Economic and Social Sciences , No. 38 (June):23. https://doi.org/10.46589/rdiasf.vi38.466 .
In the case of the relationship between collaborative commitment and family commitment (Φ = .725), it is possible to observe that the primary socialization group acts as a complement to the secondary socialization group. In systemic terms, the mesosystem in which family and work are indicators par excellence can be explained from commitment as a multidimensional factor. However, collaborative commitment is negatively related to interpersonal commitment (Φ = -.200).
On the other hand, commitment to oneself is positively associated with commitment to the profession: social work (Φ = .704). Personal and work identities, being linked, explain the constant exercise of the profession even in spite of its vicissitudes. In a context in which Social Work functions are reduced to technical and risk procedures inherent to socioeconomic studies, Social Work professionals show a close association between their work functions and personal life goals, but such aspects are overshadowed by relationships with peers. professionals since commitment to the profession is opposed to interpersonal commitment (Φ = -.776).
It is worth noting the association between institutional and supraordinal commitment (Φ = .710), which means that the norms of health centers and the recognition of managers towards the professional practice of social workers are associated in such a way that the granting of resources, socioeconomic studies or home visits seem to be linked to the organizational structure in terms of the distribution of resources or microcredits.
In the case of personal commitment and that derived from family recognition (Φ = .652), the relationship suggests a dialogue between the information that family members have about Social Work and their professional practice. This finding is relevant considering that it confirms the hypothesis that commitment is the result of organizational factors in reference to personal desires. Once the covariances between the indicators were established, a reflexive model was estimated. Graph 1 shows a greater correlation between labor-organizational commitment and the institutional indicator (β = .91). In this sense, the psychological construction of labor-organizational commitment is explained by the commitment to institutional policy. Social Work professionals appear to be influenced by organizational principles rather than personal, interpersonal, collaborative, functional, professional, caring, family, or critical goals inherent in Social Work. Conversely, the critical commitment of the profession is negatively related to the factor (β = -.42). This result complements the assumption around which Social Work professionals adjust their objectives to the internal policies of the institution for which they work, although they coexist with other principles that guide organizational commitment.
Finally, the adjustment indices and residuals were estimated to test the hypothesis about the configuration of an organizational commitment that would have as indicators aspects inherent to the individual, family, colleagues, functions, policies and structure in which each social worker is inserted. The results show that the null hypothesis can be accepted since the fit indices are close to unity and the residual close to zero.
The present study has established eight dimensions of organizational commitment to show the differences between the commitment derived from a primary socialization that was observed in the personal, interpersonal, family and collaborative objectives versus the commitment derived from a secondary socialization that was observed in the personal objectives. , interpersonal, family and collaborative. care principles, institutional functional and supraordinal [38]. The convergence between these principles of contextual location and identity in relation to power relations allows us to deduce that work commitment is a network of perceptions, beliefs, attitudes, decisions and actions tending to the interrelation between the eight dimensions mentioned. However, the predominance of institutional commitment seems to show that Social Work professionals adjust their objectives to the structure and politics of the organization for which they work [39]. These findings are relevant considering the Labor Commitment Theory since they complement one of its principles related to customer service. To the extent that organizations follow a service quality assessment and satisfaction policy, they encourage an increase in the responsibilities, expectations and commitments of their employees. In this way, the present study has found that the adjustment to the norms and policies of an organization prevails over personal, interpersonal, collaborative and family objectives. That is, if in the institutions where Social Work professionals work, service quality policies were followed and productivity was established based on consecutive evaluations, the sample surveyed would adjust their main commitments to the objectives of said institution.
However, the command structure, according to studies show that the leadership style explains a greater percentage of the variance of work commitment in reference to job satisfaction. life, performance or productivity [40]. In this sense, the present investigation maintains that commitment to the institution, coexisting with personal commitment, explains the influence of leadership style. In the context of the study, the surveyed sample expressed a consistent commitment to work to match their expectations with the mission and vision of the institution where they work. Therefore, it is logical to think that the leadership style complements the primary socialization.
40Sánchez-Sánchez, Arturo, Francisco Espinoza-Morales, Celia Yaneth Quiroz-Campas, Francisco Rubén Sandoval-Vázquez, Javier Carreón-Guillén, José Marcos Bustos-Aguayo, Cruz García-Lirios, and Victor Hugo Meriño-Córdoba. 2022. «Meta-analysis of Occupational Risk Perceptions in the COVID-19 Era». Changes And Permanences 13 (1):312-26. https://revistas.uis.edu.co/index.php/revistacyp/article/view/13328 .
41Garcia Lirios, Cruz. 2022. «Academic Tourism Before COVID-19». Interconnecting Knowledge , no. 14 (August):73-80. https://doi. org/10.25009/is.v0i14.2743 .
42Garcia-Lirios, Cruz. 2021. «Construct Validity of a Scale to Measure the Job Satisfaction of Professors of a Public University in Mexico During COVID-19». Science Technology Society trilogy 13 (25):e 1826. https://doi.org/10.22430/21457778.1826 .
Despite the contributions raised, it is recommended to expand the study to leadership styles to develop a theory that explains the influence of the institutional power structure on the work commitment of Social Work professionals [41]. If it is considered that the leadership in the institutions is occupied by other health professionals such as administrators, accountants or doctors, then it would be pertinent to explain what are the areas of opportunity for Social Work professionals when it comes to assuming a greater commitment and responsibility: planning of an institution.
However, regarding the construction of an explanatory model of job satisfaction as an indicator of efficiency in the professional practice of Social Work, it is necessary to consider the incidence of social programs and sectoral strategies from the dynamics of evaluation of social policies. and institutional that supposes the achievement of objectives by a human capital willing to reproduce the development plans of social needs as well as manage the opportunities and capacities to distribute responsibilities such as health in vulnerable, marginalized or excluded sectors. The success of development policies is centered on the level of commitment of those who execute institutional plans and strategies, manage resources and promote a culture of self-care, without which any development plan would be fallible.
The objective and contribution of this work to the state of the art was to compare the theoretical structure reported in the literature with respect to the observations made in this study. The results show that the factors are related to each other with a scope for work commitment. The literature suggests that this variable is multidimensional and the results support it. The structural composition of labor commitment suggests eight predominant dimensions. These same components were established in the present study, although their relationships are close to zero. The areas and lines of research around the eight components and their structural relationships will make it possible to see the impact of the pandemic on work commitment. If the studies suggest that there is a configuration of eight components that reflect engagement, and the study results point to that structure in a formative way, then the discussion should focus on the configuration of the agenda before and after the pandemic and how it modified the diary. informed participation structure..
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