Ecological Alert in the Orinoco
Karen Bustamante*
Faculty of Economic and Social Sciences, Carabobo University, Venezuela
Submission:December 03, 2019; Published: December 10, 2019
*Corresponding author:Karen Bustamante, Faculty of Economic and Social Sciences, Carabobo University, Venezuela.
How to cite this article:Karen Bustamante. Ecological Alert in the Orinoco. J Forensic Sci & Criminal Inves. 2019; 13(2): 555859. DOI: 10.19080/JFSCI.2019.13.555859.
The present research analyzes the future consequences of the ecological impact through the development of the Orinoco Mining Arc located in Venezuela - Bolivar State according to the resolution of Decree No. 2.248, proclaimed in Official Gazette No. 40.855. Extract the wealth from mother nature to carry out projects that will promote the country’s productive system through mining; harmful activity in the conservation of the World Natural Heritage, proclaimed by UNESCO in 1994. In parallel, it interferes in a harmful way in the indigenous communities that live in the adjacent areas; Possessing an ancient knowledge of the roots of Venezuelan culture. In this sense, the general objective is focused on highlighting the irreparable damage to the biosphere since the Amazon basin of the Orinoco is one of the main lungs of the planet that forces to leave any socioeconomic action for the respect to the ration al use of the natural resources, fulfilling sustainable development in the use of future generations, thus protecting biodiversity, the relationship between the natives that are part of the customs and traditions of ancestral peoples.
Keywords:Sustainable Development; Culture; Governance
The mining operation decree No. 2.248 project that violates cultural rights would end them with indigenous peoples; it would destroy the most renowned tourist attraction in the country. In addition to former part of the main lung of the planet. Asevere Fontaine [1]. « the Amazon basin is determined by the communities is regarding the native distributions because it coercs to leave any activated of a socioeconomic character» by respecting the rational use of natural resources, the biodiversity that inhabits since ancient times with the large rock formations.
Given the above conditions, it is considered vital to show the ecological impact to request an interpretation of the official gazette [2] pose a deadly towards the ecosystem. Cabe desta car, analyzing irreparable consequences. In this way, in concluding documentary persuasion for government representatives, demonstrate the losses that this project will bring not only to the damage of the biosphere but additionally to the amount of lethal diseases that would trigger these works. The Arch Minero del Orinoco, located in the Bolivar State with an area of 111,843,70 km2 the hostel of biodiversity, the largest reserve of fresh water for the supply of the national territory; the Natural Heritage of Humanity declared by UNESCO in 1994, involves in retrospect evaluating historical events to demonstrate the real actions when establishing in the Constitution of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela the citizen participation described in Art. 62. In this sense, it is the way that mixes individuals to train the country in the search for problem solving. These rules were created with the purpose of externalizing various ways of aspiration and willingness towards the active partition favoring the interaction and government, State and Society. In this way, ingenerating policies that are according to the real satisfaction of the needs of the citizen, incorporate him in the decision-making making him partner in the processes where he is related, implementing at all times measures that respond to the service of the collective (Figure 1).
Consequent, the Venezuelan structure the concisely established the laws the active, positive and prota gonic participation of citizenship. At the same time, it is to recognize that the policy created in the nation, its respective administrators are responsible for creating strategies that revolve around personal satisfaction for obtaining illicit fortune, or constantly obviating their own regulations s by leaving behind the plans made that generate «social welfare» with vision in the elaboration of objectives that promote better quality of life, with sustainable development according to the purpose No. 5.1.2 Fatherland Programmed 2013-2019.
From the above, it is to disagree on a social problem that tacitly involves economic growth in the execution of works that drives the illegal exploitation of mining with foreign hand intervention to extract mineral resources. A conglomerate of activities that disobeys many opponents to protect the value of the land; heritage for future generations, together with the inhabitants of indigenous peoples. Management that continued to persuade the mass with a project that from the environmental perspective breaks with all the parameters because it differs with the objective. It should be noted, the indigenous culture that develops in the surroundings of the Orinoco, a population affected by this decree only by the mission of establishing such a devastating takeover to continue to subtract the nonrenewable resources belonging to the State but is not endorsed by the National Assembly, regardless of the publication in the Gazette because the laws in The Constitution Chapter VIII of the Rights of Indigenous Peoples Art. 119 - 120o amp. It is therefore important to preserve the relationship that exists between the environment of indigenous peoples as a model for the promotion of a sustainable environmental culture in the areas of influence of these populations, since they are carriers of a millennial knowledge about biodiversity with an interrelationship between nature and society. Indeed, it considers it appropriate to study the problems described through the following general objective: Analyze the future consequences on ecological impact with the development of the Orinoco Mining Arch, located in Venezuela- Bolivar State. Government greed drives the greatest natural disaster, violence when conflicts are most aggravated, each step produces with its feelings in the search for reconciliation with the experiences of people in trouble involved to keep the generation of ethnicities alive. The World Heritage Site, the end of tourism, the contamination of freshwater reserves acia the Guri hydroelectric plant. Numerous ramifications, action that violates the law with impetuous facts to overcome the resistance of individuals or things; so the dynamics of power is strengthened to confront the values, principles and perceptions of Venezuelans who are in constant concern since administrative interests produced the decisive stage of the country because the supposed economic growth is a discrepancy between reality, versus what should be to ensure life of the human species that... «allow to strike the balance between the universe and planetary peace», objective IV of the Fatherland’s Programmed.
In this order of ideas Fontaine [3] «In the Amazon basin, it faces a diffuse and multiform opposition from local communities and a particular part of civil society with respect to indigenous organizations.» In the face of this disjunction the methodologies of negotiation and alternative resolution of dispute can be efficient, from an instrumental point of view, however it has a negative effect from the point of view of politics in Venezuelan society by the high deficit of governance; by reinforcing the position of the dominant authorities in the deterioration of the weakest. On the other hand, the techniques in community management to deal with this conflict have the merit of compensating to some extent with the power imbalance between the actors, but in turn, they favor the emergence of maximalist positions that may be so with the lack of approaches but radicalize the struggles at the expense of institutionalizing the arrangements. For the above considerations, it is necessary to hold a symposium to the National Assembly with the support of university students, the social media as indicated by the constitution to carry the message and understand the dire consequences in the deforestation of the region’s biodiversity; a natural catastrophe caused by the man who influences the disappearance of species, many endangered and innumerable consequences with the constant political inconsistency since the establishment of the laws, together with the revision of the objectives of scripts in the Plan of the Fatherland. And so, which radically leads to the loss of the nation, since water is life; this conflict captures the contributions of governance theories in particular regarding the condition so institutionalization and arrangements, which would condition at a normal level of democratic governance
At the end of the subject matter studied it is necessary to understand the cycle of life to safeguard the environment for the development of humanity, which promotes the development of society. The lung of the planet in the hands of the administrators of the State, for this purpose was given the power to participate actively in the decision-making of actions and / or decisions together with the support of environmentalists, university students, geologists, botanists, among others to go to the National Assembly. Also, demonstrate to the government in a thoughtful way that gold does not provide oxygen; in addition, that they would cause a deadly pandemic with the desate of malaria, dengue, chicken gunya, among other diseases to mining personnel. The prevailing incongruity, a dictionally protects cultural values with the defense of indigenous peoples. Habermas [4] claimed to «free thought from its barbaric temptation to technically subdue the world, focusing thought on the possibility of understanding between subjects and not on the dominion of one subject by another.» In other words, to lay the political function of aniquilar as a way of life in the resolution of conflicts with the purpose of preserving the basin to Amanozine to continue enjoying this natural heritage in the next generations.
- Official Gazette of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela. Year CXLIII – Month V. Number 40.855. Caracas, Venezuela.
- (2016) From the Administration, Control and Planning of the National Strategic Development Zone Arco Minero del Orinoco. Decree, pp. 2-248
- Fontaine G (2005) Environmental Microconflicts and Governance Crisis in the Ecuadorian Amazon. I consNro. 21.Fontaine G (Coord) Dossier: Oil and Environment in the Andean Amazon. Quito: FLACSO.
- Habermas (1989) Quoted by: López F (2011) The Losses of the Academy and the Reform of the Barbarians. Valencia - Venezuela: Association of Professors University of Carabobo, Venezuela.