Gang Rape and Murder – A Case Report
Sabyasachi Nath* and HK Pratihari
State Forensic Science Laboratory, Tripura, India
Submission: July 06, 2018;Published: July 16, 2018
*Corresponding author: Sabyasachi Nath, State Forensic Science Laboratory, Tripura-799015, India; Email: J Forensic
How to cite this article: Sabyasachi Nath, Pratihari. Gang Rape and Murder – A Case Report. J Forensic Sci & Criminal Inves 2018; 10(1): 555776. DOI:10.19080/JFSCI.2018.10.555776.
All over the world in all life situation, women are more vulnerable than men in public and private life. In the life cycle of women, they are subjected to different violence like rape, homicide, infanticide, pornography, forced prostitution etc. As per available literature, exact figure on rape followed with murder is not available since such cases are very limited. In one case, a young girl left the house receiving a call on her cell phone. Since she did not return home till late evening, the parents made search but could not trace out. Subsequently, a missing report was lodged in the local police station. In the morning hour on the following day, the dead body of the missing girl was found lying in an isolated field. The investigative and forensic team visited the undisturbed crime spot. Scrutiny of forensic evidence, crime scene dynamics, victimology and autopsy study could establish the case to be gang rape and murder. The post analysis of criminal profile and other details have been discussed in this paper.
keywords: Gang Rape; Strangulation; Murder; Crime Scene Dynamics; Victimology; Autopsy Study
All over the world the women are more vulnerable than men in day to day activities, social/family life and at work place. In the life cycle, women are subjected to different violence capsulized in Figure 1 [1-3]. Statistics reveal violence against women and disrespect are considerably in increasing order due to various social, economic and other factors like lack of education, poverty, male dominance, workplace harassment, extra marital affair, etc. [4]. As per National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB), MHA, Govt. of India, 34,651 rape cases were reported in 2015. Further crime against women in the country has increased during last five years from 9.4% in the year 2011 to 10.7% during the year 2015 [5]. But there is no exact figure available on rape followed with murder in record since such heinous crimes are very less and rarely reported. It is noticed in such crime cases, very often the emotional distress of the rapist (an individual/or gang) found aggressive and violent resulting in murder of the victim after committing rape. Such criminal profile is noticed to erase the evidence (identity) so that the rapist is not apprehended by the police.

In order to investigate rape-murder cases, the investigative and forensic team need to analyze the crime scene and collect other evidence on the following issues for effective prosecution [6,7].
a. Evaluation of undisturbed crime scene
b. Record accurate description of body condition (victim)
c. Photograph/sketch of crime scene and victim
d. Collection of cell phone for analysis of call record
e. Collection of biological evidence and other incriminating clue to link involvement
f. Autopsy of the victim
g. Possible potential suspect associated with crime
h. Collection of suspects’ body fluid to link forensic evidence
i. Examination of finger print on body skin in case of manual strangulation/and strangulating materials
j. Search for finger/foot/shoe print at the crime spot
k. Soil/pollen on the wearing apparel for examination/ comparison
l. Family background of the victim
m. Post analysis of criminal profile and crime scene, etc.
Case Report
In this case, the girl age about 18-year was staying with parents. One day, the girl received a call in her cell phone and left the house. Since the girl (daughter) did not return till late evening, the parents went to search for her, but could not trace out. Subsequently, a missing report was made in the local police station. In the morning hour on the following day the police station received a telephonic call about a dead body (girl) lying in the field near the village. The investigating officer visited the spot and could establish the identity of the girl to be same reported missing earlier.
Sketch map of the scene of crime and the body of deceased are shown in (Figures 2-4).

Results of Forensic evidence
Seminal stain/spermatozoa of human origin could be detected in the vaginal swab and wearing apparel of the deceased girl. Further, mixed allelic profiles generated from the vaginal swab and wearing apparel of the deceased girl match with those generated from the body fluid of three accused persons (blood samples collected by medical officer of government hospital) linking their involvement in this case. Sweat swab analysis could not yield successful result. The digital analysis of the call records in the cell phone of the deceased girl recovered during process of investigation could also help the police to trek the culprits.
Autopsy Findings
Body of the deceased was stout; face tilted to the right side and blood-stained froth was coming out of both the nostrils. Dried blood stain was found on her panty. Rigor mortis developed; the neck was extensively contused and three crescent shaped finger nail abrasion marks each measuring 1-1.5cm approx., were present over the right side of the neck. There was a small abrasion of 1.5-2cm approx. in size over the right side of the right ankle joint and another abrasion of same size over the left side of the back just above the waist; both the abrasions were fresh and ante-mortem in nature. Diffused bruises were present obliquely over the right side of the neck. Ligature mark was absent. The hymen was found torn.
No abnormality was detected in scalp, skull, vertebrae, Brain, spinal cord and peritoneum. Pleurae, larynx, trachea, both the lungs, pericardium, heart, vessels, mouth, pharynx, esophagus, liver, spleen and both the kidneys were found congested. In the stomach, semi-digested food particles were found; no specific smell was observed. Mucosa of the stomach, small intestine and large intestine were found congested. Urinary bladder was found empty. Uterine cavity was found empty. Underlying neck muscles contused. Thyroid and cricoid cartilages were congested. There was inward compression fracture of hyoid bone.
Result of autopsy study
Cause of death was asphyxia as a result of manual strangulation which is homicidal in nature.
In most of the gang rape-murder cases, violence and aggression are found leading to death of the victim. In this case, the victim girl left home getting a call in her cell phone with a simple belief to meet the boy friend, but unexpectedly faced with gang rape followed with murder. Such type of heinous crime is very rare. Further, the criminal profile reveals the rapists were not premeditated to kill the girl, but to erase evidence committed the murder by strangulation so that they are not apprehended by the police during investigation. There was no witness to this crime except physical and digital evidence. Critical analysis of crime scene, forensic findings, cell phone records and autopsy report gave a break through to this case and nailed the culprits in this gang rape-murder case.
The authors are thankful to A.K. Shukla, IPS, Director General of Police, Govt. of Tripura for encouragement to carry out the study and to M.S. Rao, Ex-Chief Forensic Scientist, MHA, Government of India for valuable suggestion.
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