Little Tales of Addiction & Recovery
Prakash Chandra Jain*
de addiction clinic, India
Submission: August 11, 2017; Published: August 18, 2017
*Corresponding author: Prakash Chandra Jain, de addiction clinic, 3 Arvind Nagar, Sunderwas, Udaipur, Rajasthan, India, Tel: 919413062690
How to cite this article: Prakash C J. Little Tales of Addiction & Recovery. Glob J Add & Rehab Med. 2017; 3(2): 555606. DOI:10.19080/GJARM.2017.03.555606
Short Communication
Swimming while drunk & Death
Last year I went to Goa a state in the India a beautiful tourist place to visit in India .People from all over the world surely visit this place when they happen to be India. I went with on of my relative the two families .there are many beautiful sea beaches all different type & lot many people take bath & enjoy the sea games. But many people drink and go inside the sea to take a swim ,though all the time the authorities announce on the beach that do not enter the sea when drunken least the sea waves may take you in and you may die. But many people do not listen this announcement which is constantly done by a sand jeep fitted with a microphone. On one of the beach we saw people surrounding a dead male of middle age with weeping relatives including the young wife & children. On inquiry we found that this fellow was fully drunk when entering the sea, for which everybody including his wife forbid him but he did not listen. He was taken away in the sea by strong wave of water & could not stand & come back, leading to this death. Children lost their father & wife lost the husband & relative lost their dear one only because of being drunk.
b.Drunk, Electric wires, Death
In one of the small city of Rajasthan a state in India, one fellow a chronic alcoholic had a fight with her wife as usual as it happened every day. One day in the evening he was too much drunk & could not stand properly & beat his wife for chosen food which she did not prepare but wife than prepared food of his choice, which he took. But he was feeling very hot in the room, so insisting sleeping on the roof so that he can sleep comfortably. He went on the roof & slept & wife & children slept in the room.
In the night when he got up nobody knows when he & fell on the electric wire lines passing near his roof & died. In the morning the wife searched her husband when he did not came down for tea. She could not find him. Meanwhile he heard people crying from the road that some charred body is lying on the wires .wife came down & recognized her husband who slept on the roof & must have fallen on the wires & died. This alcohol lead to this death & ruined this whole family.
c.Coaching, Smack, Recovery
one of my patient who was doing his chartered account coaching from a prestigious coaching from Mumbai (city in Maharashtra ) in India came with his mother a very intelligent chap, about 19 yrs of age, thin built, lost about four kilogram weight during his last one year. During his coaching he used to smoke a few cigarettes with his friends .One of his friends who was a smack addict, one day he took his cigarette & exchanged with a cigarette of smack which he smoked & felt high with sense of pleasure gradually he became an smack addict. His performance in the coaching class went down & down. He asked for more& more money from his house .When this news came to his father he became very angry with his son & stopped talking to his wife alleging that he has spoiled the son. He was refereed to me by a Jain Saint as he knew that I am doing the de addiction. I counseled him regularly for six months with anti narcotics drugs which he continued very sincerely. He appeared in his C.A. Exams with confidence .One day his mother informed me that his son has cleared the chartered Accountant exam. He recovered fully in a year a person which would have ruined his life by this opoioid addition recovered fully