Tablet Y289 the Babylonian Physics Tablet
Paul TE Cusack*
1641 Sandy Point Rd, Saint John, Nb, E2k 5e8, Canada
Submission: January 11, 2018; Published: May 25, 2018
*Corresponding author: Paul TE Cusack, 1641 Sandy Point Rd, Saint John, Nb, E2k 5e8, Canada, Email:
How to cite this article: Paul TE Cusack. Tablet Y289 the Babylonian Physics Tablet. 2018; 4(2): 555635. DOI: 10.19080/GJAA.2018.04.555635
Keywords: Babylonian; Circumference; Ancient; Infinite; Universe; Speed; Area; Decimals; Permeability; Termination; Universal Density; Eigenvector; Tablet; Physics
My interest in Mathematical Physics began with the problem of the termination of two infinite numbers, π and e. The solution is where the circumference of a circle equals the Area subtended by the circle. The both rely on π. Since the universe is a physical reality, π cannot logically be infinite. It terminates, as the Babylonians knew, at 6 and 1/6. This is shown below [1]. The conclusion is that the Babylonians knew more Physics than we knew today, henceforth. This Tablet’s interpreted shows how much Mathematical Physics the Ancients knew. It is amazing that they knew so much. I don’t think we had any idea (Figure 1). The Area of a circle is the derivate of the circumference of it. The rate of change of Area is equal to the circumference at R-=2. If we set circumference = 2.9989, the speed of light according to the Babylonians,
Circ=2πR=2πR=2.9989 R=1.4995 *π=4.71=2+e=dM/dt+e= =1/2123 Or Feb 12 at 3 AM.
Since the universe is a physical reality, and it is dependent upon π, π must terminate at where the circumference equals the area of a circle. The Area and the circumference are both dependent upon π. 6 decimals are where π terminates. Engineers never need more than 6 significant digits [2].
I can read this tablet from Samaria YBC 289. It is a Babylonian Tablet that records all the Physics they knew.
30=03=c=speed of light
01 15 = 115=1.15=sqrt 3*2/3=1.15=1/sin 60 degrees, 1/F
51/4.482=1138 1/1138
Permeability 885/51=1.73=√3=Eigenvector=t
25 &35 are read backwards giving 5352. sin^-1(0.5252)=32.35 degrees . This is 1/√Pi
32 in the cubed root tables of Samaria = 3.1744~π
freq^0.333= 31.8)^0.333=3,16~π and sin^-1(0.5325)=32.27 degrees=0.5616rads
c=2.9893 speed of light.
1 & 24 are read 421-2.718=1/254=1/Period T
421-271=0.666=G and therefore the Mass Gap
4.486/ 0.42/√2=0.868=sin 60 degrees
s=|E||t| sin 60 degrees 𝛳=60 degrees
4.486/0.4233/sqrt 3=16=R
E,t,s,c G, M, T, freq, cuz, 𝛑, e, M, F,t, R, theta, Eigenvector, Eigenvalue=c
This is what the Babylonians knew in 2000 BcE, or before [3]. They knew all this Physics, which henceforth was not known till this day. So how did the Babylonians know all this? They knew a lot more than just the sqrt 2 as suggested by Figure 2
Note the following:
π= 3.14159=God
3*1/3* 1*4*1/4*1*5*1*9/5 Pi to six decimals 3.14159.
π/3=60 degrees = Sexigesimal System
Pi evil, evil evil god
2*7/2*7*1/7*1*1/1*8*1/8 *8/2* 2 *8
=Mass M=4.486
Ln (2.388)/Ln e=3.173/1=∛32~π
e/π=0.8653= sin 60 degrees
3*1*4**1 *5*9=54
54/9=6 decimals.
5 =, Holy Spirit, 4 = me, 9 = Holy Spirit
(5*4)/9=20/9=0.222 =1/45
I think this is a method to terminate an infinite number. It is where the circumference = Area of a circle.
Circ=2PiR=3 (Termination of π)
R (in reverse) =5774=1/√3=5774 =tan 60 degrees
3761 BCE -1 (No year zero) + 5774 =2012
Christian Calendar is off by 4 years. (Christ born in 4 BcE , December 25)
2012+4= 2016 AD.
Sin 0.2213=0.1278=ρ=Universal Density
Hanging Gardens of Babylon (Nineveh)
On another matter, the Ancient Hanging gardens of Babylon, were likely built in Nineveh, because Jonah was to preach there. Jesus said that “There is something more than Jonah here.” The Gardens would have been 81 feet high, since 1/81=0.12345679 related to the Mass of the universe. Or 24 m =7.87 feet 1/787 =0.127 =ρ. There would have been 7 levels 0-7. The other physical constants listed above would have been built into the structure symbolically. Here are possible calculations Babylonian Engineers would have made (Figure 3 & 4).